Netrunner hits 500, wins election, goes to jail. In same day


Somebody requisition me a beat:

Another VS veteran got his silver diamond today, and it shouldn't be news to anyone that it's Netrunner. (Get it? News!? HA!) Anyone who's been here for the past several months has seen this guy go from sleeper to irresistible force. I ain't kidding about that either. Have you checked out the "Top 15 Sifters of the Past Week" in the sidebar over the past few weeks? He OWNS it, brothers and sisters. I remember last week when I was number two on that list, and I had less than HALF the votes that he had at the time. Good golly Miss Molly!

Now naysayers will attempt to dismiss his success by saying that he's riding the pro-Obama wave that prevails here in Sift country. There may be a little truth to that, but then I remember when Ron Paul was the king of VS, and I don't remember any single pro-Paul Sifter dominating the Sift like Netrunner has done today.

So look at it however you want, but even if you hate Obama you have to respect Netrunner for his knowledge of politics and the candidates, and that's because he pays attention to the news, which unsurprisingly is the channel he chose when he got his bronze diamond. And no one could have done a better job of running it than him. He lives and breathes this stuff. While the rest of us are sleeping off are hangovers on Sunday morning he's watching the political talk shows. While we're watching David Letterman he's watching Nightline. And while we're watching RedTube he's watching YouPorn. (BIG difference, or so I'm told.)

Maybe I like this guy so much because I'm a lefty too, but I also genuinely appreciate his concern for the state of my country and the world as a whole. People of his nature make a difference, so men like him are worth they're weight in gold. Or silver diamonds. So give it up for Netrunner: A man who cares.

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