Fixing user join dates

After the Siftocalypse of 3/11 many members had their join dates (aka "Member Since:" date) changed to 2009-3-12, even though they joined well before then. More specifically, anyone who joined between Sept 1, 2007 and Mar 11, 2009 has lost his or her correct join date. I am included in that group. I joined on Sept 29, 2007, yet my profile has me listed as a member since Mar 12, 2009. I would like to correct this, and not just for me, but for everyone whose is wrong.

I'm no geek, so I don't know the easiest way to go about this. However I'd like to make a couple of suggestions on how to possibly fix this problem for all the members who joined between Sept 1, 2007 and Mar 11, 2009:

- Correct the join date by finding the date of his or her first published comment and then using it as his or her join date , OR
- Correct it by using the date he or she posted his or her first video, whichever comes first.

Like I said, I'd only like this fix implemented for members who joined between Sept 1, 2007 and Mar 11, 2009. Is this possible? Or does someone have a better idea?

Now maybe this seems like something so minor that it doesn't merit any attention, and in the big scheme of things I'd be inclined to agree. However, I'm kind of anal about things here. Just ask all the members whose tags I've edited and/or channels I've modified. So for me, when I look at a profile that indicates someone has been a member since 2009-3-12, yet his first video was posted well before that, it bugs me a little. It makes our history look damaged. And it is. That's why I'd like to fix it.

I know that dag, lucky, and campioni all have day jobs, and they're also already thinking about upgrades for VS 4.1, but if you guys have the time, could you please fix this? There could be a little green in it for ya. From rottenseed.

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