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Protecting and Serving in Minnesota

enoch says...

and the police were confiscating phones for 6 mos.there are some states where you are required to identify yourself,minn is not one of them.

so what was the problem?
was it lack of compliance which he was not legally required to do?
or was he just being plain uppity?

im sure we shall hear from the cop apologist squad.
but first...
lets see some papers please.


Sarah Palin Channel

ChaosEngine says...

How about we just quietly euthanise everyone who subscribes to that channel?

There, there... it's're just too stupid to live.... don't worry, it'll all be over soon and you'll be with god and sarah in heaven with no nasty gays or non-christians or uppity women....

It's really the humane thing to do.

Truly HOLY SHIT moment

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

Bah, snowmobiles are the jetskis of snow. Both have exactly one legitimate use, towing people on boards into ridiculous situations.

If we let them start doing jumps on their own, they'll get all uppity and expect to be treated like more than the glorified rope pullers they are.

Now get off my lawn....

Woman Drives on Sidewalk to Pass School Bus

BoneRemake says...

Fantastic. I hope she misses a car payment because of the ticket.

Stupid drivers put the public at risk. Driving is not a right it is a privileged.

I am annoyed at inattentive and overall overly aggressive assholes on the highway EVERYDAY !

I follow my boss who drives the "big rig", while I follow in a dodge 5500 loaded to the nuts with three thousand pounds of water towing a seven thousand pound trailer and people are just ignorant,non thinking fucking idiots. People who write their own rules when on the road should not be on the road.

()*&%$_)#*(&#$)(* NOW i AM uppity thinking about those dangerous assholes.

I just cant stand people who do not obey traffic laws. If everyone follows the same rules no one should get hurt, we get accidents because of the other asshats.

This dumb cunt should not be driving or should at least have to go to driving school. First time loser is indeed in my vocabulary. Take the boots to the bitch.

/end rant.

Civil Rights Roundtable ~ Artists Discuss Events of 1963

A10anis says...

>> ^chingalera:

7 civil men...ladies couldn't make it. Two Negroes though, uppity ones!? What do want, it's 63'?

You obviously missed the fact that the moderator says he is joined by 7 men, when there are only six. I was NOT referring to the all male panel. Jeez, it gets SOOO tiring having to explain everything to those who actively look for a controversy.

Civil Rights Roundtable ~ Artists Discuss Events of 1963

Neil deGrasse Tyson -why no metric system on Nova ScienceNow

spoco2 says...

>> ^00Scud00:

I remember discussing why the U.S. still hasn't switched to the metric system in science class one day, our professor figured it came down to cost, if we switched to the metric system then every highway sign, street sign, everything really, would have to be replaced.

I think it's more the insane reason why you haven't yet got rid of pennies, or still use paper money down to dollar denominations.

It's because there's this weird thing in America where the government is apparently not allowed to just mandate something that's for the common good and go through with it.

Government: "You know, pennies are utterly ridiculous, nothing costs a penny, they fill up your wallet, they are just stupid"
Some fool: "But I like mah pennies, they make me feel warm and fuzzy, you can't take them away, that's against my rights"
Government: "Right you are then... pennies stay"

It's the same for metric. Some people get uppity that they are being told what to do (even though they were obviously initially told to use imperial), and so invoke some stupid 'it's our right to not be forced' shit.

The rest of the world got along just fine switching over to metric. And we're better for it.

Every country has it's stupid ways of doing things, this is one the of US's ones.

What Homosexuality Is Not

peggedbea jokingly says...

yeah.. i know how you feel, my best friend is black and all. i'm cool with black people...

but damn am i sick of uppity niggers! alright, alright, i get it already YOU'RE BLACK AND A HUMAN BEING AT THE SAME TIME. FINE. now shut up and go back to the back of the bus. Normal people are trying to exist here! sheessh!

>> ^A10anis:

PLEASE; Look, your homosexual. ok. I get it. But, much as I am in favour of equal rights for gays, i am getting pretty sick of all the videos, blogs, etc. actually promoting it as though it were normal. It is not normal - for obvious reasons- but if you are gay, terrific. Enjoy your life and stop preaching to the converted. Anti-gay people, with few exceptions, will always be so. Those of us who rejoice in the differences in humans will always do so. I just believe that by trying to justify it as the "norm" when it clearly is not, is doing the gay community a disservice. Enjoy your life as a gay person, but PLEASE stop eulogising about it.

Police Video: No Blood, Bruises On George Zimmerman

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Got a whole bunch of people who are defending Zimmerman not because they feel he's innocent, but because he used a gun

There may be those out there who are only interested in defending Zimmerman because he had a gun. Just like there are those out there who are only attacking Zimmerman because Martin was black. It'd be nice if such slimeballs didnt' exist - but whaddya do? All you can do is point it out, condemn the bums, and encourage others to ignore them. Personally, I'm not defending Zimmerman because he used a gun. I'm simply not willing to just assume he's guilty based on hyped up misinformation (see CNN, NBC, CBS, etc...).

Self Defense claims tripling should be indicative that you got some problems on your hands.

I tend to agree. The SYG laws - like most laws - has fundamental flaws. The "Pro Martin" version of the story is that Zimmerman was following Martin with a deliberate attempt to provoke a confrontation and kill him in "self defense". If that's true, such a use of SYG is sleazy and wrong. But - what if the "Pro Zimmerman" version is true? What if Zimmerman was just following what he thought was a suspicious person, began to head back to his car, got attacked, and shot in self defense? In that case then the SYG sounds OK - or at worst its applicability is fuzzy.

And that really is the problem, isn't it? Laws are usually passed in an attempt to fix a "problem". In some states, there was a "problem" with bad guys who would PROSECUTE people who defended themselves. That's obviously a lousy situation. You don't want criminals using the law to get rich by suing innocent citizens who just wanted to defend themselves from a crime. You also don't want innocent citizens being too scared to defend themselves from criminals for fear they are going to get thier asses sued off. People could die because of that kind of crap.

So to fix that "problem", some states have passed these SYG laws as a means of shielding innocent citizens from prosecution by sleazy criminals who got a boo-boo when the uppity citizen defended themselves. Well - as you observe - now they have a whole NEW problem... Criminals who deliberately provoke a fight and then kill the people who defend themselves! Now you're right back where you started.

This shows how hard it is to write a good law. The conundrum is that you need to write a law that sleazeballs can't mis-use to thier advantage. But it is the bad people that are the most skilled and practiced at finding ways around those protections, while the good people hardly ever think about it. The end result is that the "Bad People" are experts at the law, and the "Good People" know jack-all about the law. So you still have a population of "Bad People" who are figuring out ways to screw over the "Good People" - only now they can do it in the courts if they fail to do it in the streets. Throw in all the Shysters and stand back.

A little techno to brighten your day

bmacs27 says...

Exactly. Electronica is a bit too broad a term for me. I mean "club music" or producer music. I don't mean synth pop or hip hop. I think Techno is understood by most people to mean something broader than Motown four on the floor or whatever. The only people that get uppity when you use that word are pedantic hipsters that know the 6 other words for that specific sub genre anyway. >> ^rottenseed:

I used to use "electronica" as a catchall and I hated when "techno" was used because techno is specific. However, I've come to realize that hip-hop, indie, alternative and pop are all electronica in many cases. Electronica describes the process (instrumentation) in making the music, not how that music is combined.>> ^bmacs27:
>> ^BoneRemake:
Techno ? this is down-tempo style of electronic.

Meh, I use techno as a catchall. If I'm talking about techno-techno I'll usually call it electro, or what have you. Besides, it's arguably ambient.

Jessica "Evil Little Thing" Ahlquist on CNN

Taiye Selasi's Unique Connection with Readers

longde says...

She's being interviewed about her background and her thoughts on several issues. Of course she will focus on herself when answering. How is she different from every Charlie Rose interviewee?

I guess it's her uppity attitude.>> ^marinara:

downvote for self-absorbed babbling

Busta Rhymes Snaps On A British Chick

RhesusMonk says...

I love that they get all uppity about his language. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING BRINGING CHILDREN TO SEE BUSTA RHYMES? They reveal themselves in latching on to it, though; they're smallfolk, only interested in using others for their own agendas.

Michelle Obama Booed At NASCAR and Rush is an Idiot

Ron Paul Interview On DeFace The Nation 11/20/11

dystopianfuturetoday says...


Reagan made drastic budget cuts to education. I'd call that austerity. Do you have some specific bit of policy you believe to be the culprit instead?

Sounds like your teacher friend is confusing his role as a teacher with his role as an employee. If he feels he is being mistreated by his district, he is allowed to stand up for himself. If teachers allow themselves to be bullied into pay cuts or poor working conditions, the profession becomes less competitive and thus less effective. This might explain why Texas is dead last in high school graduates? His students are less likely to graduate, but at least they don't have to worry about him going on strike. Well done! To hell with union states and all their uppity diploma earners!

Further reading:

The problem with education is funding. More funding = better education. Period. The government has been plenty 'creative' by allowing private charter schools into the educational system. In a study done at Stanford, they found that 37% of charter schools underperformed their public counterparts, 46% were comparable and 17% were better. Among the charter schools that did outperform public schools were schools like the Harlem Children's Zone, which get much higher funding. The take away here is that you get what you pay for. If we want better schools, we need to fund them.

Further reading on this topic:

As far as I know, RP doesn't have any kind of realistic jobs plan, other than to further deregulate big business, cut their taxes and then pray for some hot trickle down watersports action. And, as you say, I guess he also has no problem with vast economic disparity. These two points are a great illustration of how out of touch he is with the world around him. He seems like a nice guy, and I like his liberal views on foreign policy, but if he is going to willingly kowtow to wall street, then he is the wrong guy for the job.

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