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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

A reminder…there’s well over 1000….

151 NV Governor Jim Gibbons - accused of assaulting a woman, settled a civil suit

152 PA GOP Congressman Don Sherwood - not for having an affair, but for assaulting and choking the woman he had an affair with

153 Republican Judge Mark Fuller - domestic violence

154 GOP Rep Trent Franks - harassment of his office staff - to serve as a surrogate for him and his wife, this makes me feel sad, actually

155 GOP Congressional aide Matthew Pennell - child molesting plea deal to 2 or 17 charges

156 GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain - sexual harassment

157 Tennessee GOP state rep Scott DesJarlais - OK, these are consensual affairs, but with PATIENTS!!!!

158 GOP Rep John Schmitz - John Birch Society member had two families (one he did not support) - and obviously there was some sickness going on because one of his daughters is Mary Kay LeTourneau the child-raping teacher.

159 California GOP Rep Ernie Konnyu - sexual harassment

160 Styles Bridges - R-MA - This man was filth. He extorted Dem Sen Hunt of WY that he would reveal his son’s homosexuality unless Hunt resigned so the R’s could get his seat. Hunt refused, but then killed himself. This headline is from a citizen’s jury, not a real one

161 Joe McCarthy, R-WI, started the Lavender Scare, a purge of gays from government. Many other Republicans joined in. Technically not a crime, but surely an immoral act

162 Pastor Roy D. Bolden, Providence RI GOP Chair child molestation and sexual assault

163 Ron P Broussard, Jr of TRUMP UNIVERSITY - sex with 8-year-old

164 Republican state senate candidate Sherman Lee Criner - molesting a 6-year-old girl. Prosecutors used an unusual standard of enough evidence to convict rather than probable cause, possibly because he is a popular lawyer. NOT CLEARED, just not indicted

165 Wenatchee Republican Michael T McCourt molested children for 30 years behind a civic front as a utilities commissioner, political operative and community volunteer, Then asked judge for leniency because of all his community activism

166 Unsuccessful Republican candidate William C Mach - child molestation. Ironically, he ran on a campaign to fight child molestation and was endorsed by related organizations

167 Republican Sheriff Perry Grogan continued to campaign despite indictment for child molestation, probably because of disgraceful coverage like this in the screenshot. He was convicted.

168 Republican campaign consultant and Baptist pastor Kenneth Adkins - child molestation. By the way, he said Pulse victims got what they deserved. So should he.

169 GOP candidate for OH legislature James E. Dutschke = child molestation, also investigated for ricin letters to Obama

170 Brian O'Toole, Republican Sunnyvale mayor convicted of child molestation. See screenshot as the newspaper is on NewsBank, accessible with some library cards, but not for everyone.

171 Last month Indianapolis Republican City Councilman Jeff Miller resigned/plea deal for child molestion

172 While Douglas Marks was a teacher, he was probably able to abuse two generations of children because of his wealthy Republican family. His brother was Speaker of the House.

173 Vermont Republican state senator Norman McAllister who's one of the Legislature's most outspoken conservatives charged with sexual assault, human trafficking, and prohibited acts. Made a plea deal

174 SC Rep Chris Corley - domestic violence

175 Gordon Blake, a CA political activist who twice ran unsuccessfully for the GOP nomination to the state legislature - child molesting, sentenced to 194 years.

BSR (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Er mer gerd….FOX (and I’m certain other righty propaganda outlets) is now complaining about hearing about Hunter Biden all the time! Last month FOX mentioned Hunter Biden 1300 times, more almost twice an hour 24/7….but GAWD DAMNIT WHY WON’T THOSE DAMN LIBTARDS STOP SHOVING HUNTER BIDEN IN YOUR FACE!?

He’s constantly going on TV giving speeches…oh wait, that’s Don Jr, ok, he’s always posting coked out videos attacking his fathers enemies….oh wait, that’s Don Jr…we’ll, he’s intricately involved in his father’s administration creating disastrous policies and agreements while being unbelievably high on coke….oh wait, that’s Don Jr.. I wonder, besides right wing propaganda, how many times has Hunter been in the news? Once? Twice in 3 years? 🤦‍♂️

You ijits are just too fucking hilariously clueless. So pissed at yourself for being utter morons completely devoid of rational thought processes or factual information, but unwilling to admit it because that might be rational. 😂😂😂😂😂

Trump is going to be your nominee, that’s a given, he took over the party, but it bears noting he is not attracting new voters, not one. He’s playing HARD to his base, but not one bit to centrists, undecided voters, and especially not to Trump voters that switched to Biden. Can you think of a single person who is pro Trump today that wasn’t pro-Trump on Jan 6? He has the second hurdle of Covid, because MAGgots were infected and died at a 75% higher rate than democrats in the same areas, so hundreds of thousands more Trump voters simply don’t exist now or are disabled…directly because of Trump policies. He’s only lost supporters since his failed coup too, and all those RINOS (by which I mean actual republicans that hate Trump’s narcissistic fascism, hatred, division, and stupidity) aren’t voting for Trump. This all assumes he’s not in prison by election time…it’s clear avoiding prison is the only reason he’s running.

MAGA has turned out to be a comedy troupe, like the keystone cops but without the “trying to do the right thing” part. Keep it up, it’s incredibly gratifying watching the fascist MAGgot party crumble under the oppressive weight of their own hatred and stupidity. The massively unpopular 6 week national abortion ban promise from all your candidates for president guarantee you a loss, but you’re too dumb to see it. Loving those MAGA tears, so yummy!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol! Recently Giuliani tried the Nuremberg defense…”I was just repeating what I was told”. “I was just following orders”.
That’s not an actual defense, btw. He’s toast and will be flat broke and under indictment for the rest of his life. How the mighty have fallen! 😂

PS- the 2000 mules claim has completely fallen apart…turns out they just used cell phone tracking to claim anyone near a drop box was ballot stuffing. When “true the vote” was asked to prove their case in Georgia, they had nothing at all to provide prosecutors that were prepared to prosecute any real “mules”….and again had NOTHING when subpoenaed, NADA, NUNCA, NIL, NIEN, NOTHING. 😂
They gave one name of one man they had on video dropping 4 ballots…who was dropping off ballots from himself, his wife, and his two children that lived at his home…which is perfectly legal. He’s sueing them for slander and libel and should get $10 million.
Another MAGA lie exposed. More MAGA election interference exposed. You still can’t point to two left wing interference cases, but I lost count of the MAGgots that voted twice or more, which Trump actually told them to do (“mail in your ballot then go vote in person”-Trump ). But I know, with no evidence to support you and a mountain against you, you just believe the left are the anti democracy frauds because you just believe it. So asinine. Very Cartman.

PPS- Graham has now admitted that their fugitive Chinese spy/informant that has made unsubstantiated claims about Hunter Biden is probably lying and has produced nothing. Every single MAGgot “whistleblower” has turned out to be pure made up fantasy, disgraced agents turned paid actors, or hostile foreign spies and fugitives that are likely incredulous but pleased that anyone in America believed their ridiculous lies. You did, sucker.

PPPS- Recent numbers show red states have well above national average inflation numbers, meaning near triple the blue state inflation rates in many cases…check Florida, totally Red government, highest inflation in the nation by far. Go MAGA.

newtboy said:

Nice…disbarred and broke Giuliani has been fined $90000 in sanctions for refusing to participate in discovery and may get contempt charges and go to jail in the defamation case filed by Ruby Freeman and Shea Moss, who he slandered and libeled, lying to MAGA that there was some evidence they cheated the 2020 election by creating/counting fake votes (proven false) and eating ginger candy he claimed were thumbnail drives I suppose they were plugging into their mouths, leading to hundreds of death threats and serious damage to their reputations.

The judge has given him an order to produce documents in May but he claimed he couldn’t afford to, then said he found the money but still didn’t produce anything. Since he claims he has no money, and still isn’t participating, the plaintiffs claims will be considered to be established quite soon, maybe today…he’s going to lose by default and they’ll just move on to the damages portion of trial….just like the criminal nutjob Alex Jones that tried to not participate in his own trial for abusing the parents of murdered children and sending his nutjob army to attack the parents…didn’t work out so great for him…neither will attempting to hide his assets.

That’s a good indication Giuliani’s going to lose another case, which will cost him millions he doesn’t have, and he will be in contempt for refusing to participate.

Nice to see more MAGgots going broke and to jail. Trump turned him from America’s Mayor to a complete laughing stock who’s broke, disbarred, disgraced, delusional, and who is likely going to jail. Thanks Trump!

Record Breaking Python Caught In Florida

Record Breaking Python Caught In Florida

newtboy says...

Water temperatures in South Florida have hit 97 degrees twice this week, and gulf waters are in the 90’s. Pythons swim, especially in warm waters. Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Georgia better get ready for a python invasion that destroys their coastal fauna.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


I just read her response and “I’m literally LOL’ing” at you surreptitiously quoting Manly Traitor Greene to defend her boyfriend for gleefully doing exactly what she calls “the dysfunction of our nation” and “grooming” on tv a minimum of twice (likely more), and who knows how often in private, because you can’t think for yourself, so you let HER do your “thinking”!
Just too hilarious. I understand why you didn’t want to admit it though.

Once again, because you are obviously confused, Greene saying “I don’t care he performed in drag on tv twice” doesn’t in any way shape or form erase her blatant hypocrisy, it only proves she doesn’t believe the disgusting things she says about drag.

bobknight33 said:

Ok dumb dick

dressed in drag for morning news in Dallas years ago reporting on an upcoming local theatre production.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

That’s what I thought. Nothing substantive to say.

“Drag is disgusting, child abusing grooming unless it’s a Republican in the makeup and pantyhose, then drag is just fun theater for the whole family.”
Or “Drag is disgusting child abusing grooming unless it’s only twice on tv, then it’s just for fun.”

Those positions hardly make you sound serious or adult.
You have offered no actual defense at all.
Just kindergarten “yor a dummy” type responses. 😂

newtboy said:


He’s a drag Queen. She’s a cheating man/woman that violates her oath to god constantly without a thought, but claims to embody white Christian values.

Nothing you’ve said even attempts to claim otherwise.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


He’s a drag Queen. She’s a cheating man/woman that violates her oath to god constantly without a thought, but claims to embody white Christian values.

Nothing you’ve said even attempts to claim otherwise.

“You only have him on video in a dress in public twice, loving every second of it and promoting a drag show” is hardly a defense if wearing drag where children can see it and promoting drag to children is grooming, which is 100% your and their position. 😂

All drag is theater, honey. I’m pretty certain you know that from personal experience…it seems to hit WAY too close to home for you.

You are so easy to trigger…just show you how hypocritical your positions are, you instantly devolve to kindergarten style argument. 😂 keep it coming. You know full well if this was AOC’s boyfriend you would be screaming bloody murder about how it proves she’s unfit and a child molesting groomer. We all know it too, sweetheart.

Those tears, so yummy you guys. You gotta try ‘em. Mmmmmm…yum!

PS- I like how defending Greene’s newest boyfriend is more important to you than addressing Gaetz admitting publicly that his plan is to hold the economy hostage until he gets everything he wants, and the negotiations are a sham, they aren’t negotiating at all. I suppose because the party line on how to address that scandal hasn’t gone public yet, so you don’t know how to answer.

bobknight33 said:

Wow [2] times and at least 1 for a theater plug.

Good lord you are a fool.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The numbers are what they are. Sales down. Prices down. Profits down. Value down. Demand down. Monopoly gone.
Grows at 45%??? Only if you start from the years when it was worth absolutely nothing. Last year they lost over 51% of their value, in the last 18 months they lost even more than 60%, and every metric of future success is looking bad for them today.

A few years ago they had almost 100% of the ev market, with better options just now coming on the market they are already at 50% and are in a market share freefall.

Like I mentioned, Forbes economists all expect further TESLA stock decline, one expects it to reach $25 a share, but you know better. (If profits hold, I say $50 is realistic).

You again pretend you didn’t know that the big 3 spent tens of billions tooling up for ev production lowering their profits while Tesla has drastically slowed expansion (boosting profits) since they can already produce more than twice what they can sell and because their operating capitol has evaporated…and still their profits are shrinking like a shrinkydink in a volcano. 11% buddy. Down to 11% profit margin AND SHRINKING.

Are you saying Tesla stock hasn’t tanked?!? WTF?!? Really, I’ve got to hear this.

Lowered prices why? Because they can’t sell the cars they built. Duh. Also because the large government rebates are ending, making the cars COST more for customers without a price change. You blame covid (which you say isn’t real) but Covid isn’t hurting other manufacturers like Tesla.
I’ve seen plenty of F150 ev’s around…but still no Tesla truck. I see more ev’s on the road from every OTHER manufacturer daily, but the number of Teslas I see has plateaued. I’m in Cali, so I see plenty of ev’s.

Derp. I said clearly I called the TESLA STOCK crash. I told you it was insanely overvalued with a PE near 200. I did not say the stock market would crash, although I did expect a recession late 2020 possibly becoming a depression in 21…Biden’s leadership avoided that. 😂 Your damaged brain can’t stay on topic for two seconds. Jeebus.
The market isn’t tanking, my investments have done well for the last two years…unlike under Trump when I lost money….hand over fist in 2020. But I didn’t put every dime I had in one insanely overpriced inflated bubble stock like you claim you did….of course the economy looks shitty, your stupid investment strategy guaranteed you would lose your shirt.

Truth is, yet again, you can’t follow a short conversation without bending yourself in pretzels and changing subjects. That’s ok, I don’t write these for you. You aren’t capable of comprehension. That’s quite clear.

bobknight33 said:

Clearly you have shit for brains.
Tesla grows at 45%+ YoY
ICE manufacturers have been falling about 7% YoY in growth since late 2017.

You shit for brain takling points:
losing major market share -- ARE you on acid?

FACT they lowered prices 6 times -- thats true. -- Go find why.

FACT that now that they have competition,------ Where in your dreams.Ford GM VW ?? Not even close. by what measure are you using? The bolt is possible but it keeps catching on fire. BYD is the closest.

FACT that I called the crash before it happened -- Lets claim Bull shit. The market is tanking -- Yet to you Biden economy is on fire doing great .. Which is it nutboy?

Truth is, yet again you dont know what you are talking about.

High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS!!! Triggered much!?

No, I think it’s disgusting the way Republicans groom and indoctrinate kids with intolerance and intentional ignorance.

As noted above, you do not know what the word “indoctrination” means.

Republicans want to eradicate any diversity in thought or action that doesn’t fit their tiny narrow mindset. Republicans want a world where children are taught early on that only cisgender white men are capable of leadership or honest success, and all others are peons or untouchables. That’s indoctrination.
Removing or hiding any diversity to force one “proper” whitewashed syllabus on all students is indoctrination.
Teaching religion or religious morals and ethics is indoctrination.

Teaching diversity is the opposite of indoctrination.

If you want your children to have most knowledge kept from them, to be indoctrinated with ignorance and intolerance, go ahead and send them to school in Afghanistan where your ideas are accepted, and stop trying to turn America into another failed theocracy.

If your ethics and morals are threatened by diversity, they are weak or non existent.
If your world viewpoint is threatened by knowledge, it is ignorant and immature.

If you want to make a real dent in child molestation, close religious schools and pull all Republican teachers who are more than twice as likely to be abusers than the general population, and keep getting caught doing it WHILE whining incessantly about “groomers”.

One more, who is Mark Foley, bob. Why do you know that name? It’s because he was caught molesting 16 year old male congressional pages for YEARS, with many many witnesses and proof, proof the Republican led congress hid and destroyed to shield him from prosecution for child porn. He is still a big wig in your party, still courted by your leaders (much like Epstein), still accepting massive donations from this serial child molester, still wining and dining him and begging for his support. Why? Because so many of them are also child molesters, more caught every week.
Republicans LOVE child molesters and vote for them constantly, almost never voting them out “just because they touched some children” or just because they “covered up for others touching and penetrating multiple children in their care for years allowing the abuse to escalate to hundreds of young victims.” (Jordan).

Remember, it’s a fact that every accusation you make is an admission….we all see it. Your whining about “indoctrination” is, like every complaint, simply more of your own self loathing. There are better ways to deal with that you might have been taught if only your school had been allowed to teach you.

bobknight33 said:

Indoctrination of kids .. And you approve?

A Definitely True Message From George Santos

newtboy says...

Revelations about New York Rep. George Santos' pattern of lies and deception are putting increased scrutiny on New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, the fourth-ranking House Republican and a vocal supporter of Santos during his 2022 campaign had knowledge of his lies well before the election but chose to hide the facts from voters and donors as she campaigned with him and fund raised for him…because honesty, ethics, morals, and facts are all anti Republican concepts.

McCarthy has also now admitted knowing he was a total fraud MONTHS before the election yet he supported him, corroborated his lies, hid his criminal past, and fund raised for him knowing he was a pathological liar, fugitive, charity fraud, and liar (it deserves mention twice).

Every time the surface was scratched, the republicans quickly came out with their rubbing compound of lies and false denial and professionally buffed out the scratch themselves….and you blame Democrats for not digging through their wall of intentional lies and obfuscation fast enough, not disgraced Trump who single handedly erased the last shred of Republican’s desire for honesty, civility, legality, morality, or ethics from your party so thoroughly they already gutted and hobbled the bipartisan House ethics office blatantly to protect themselves.

bobknight33 said:

Where were the Dems opo research?
A mild scratch of the surface and all this would come out.

History of the World Part 2 | Teaser

cloudballoon says...

But, but it's a sequel 40 years in the making. It's Mel Brooks! I set my expectation to be TWICE as good - as impossible a task as that may be. They had enough time to polish the script I hope.

We NEED a Part II, like, in 2001 already, covering the last century.

newtboy said:

The lord Jehova has given unto you these fifteen…Oy...ten. Ten Commandments for all to obey!

Please let this be at least 1/2 as good as the original.
*doublepromote *quality old school irreverent funny.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Odd, the Trump unsupervised PPP “loans” that Cons all took advantage of, then had forgiven (the same rich people who fought against student loan forgiveness)….that has no impact I guess?

Yeah…the timeline says no, not really. The QE and handouts happened in 2020 and early 21 as Tesla was skyrocketing, not what made them crash. You are just blathering.
Remember, you 100% denied the insane unheard of level of QE Trump did had anything to do with inflation, proving you have 0 grasp of economics.
Pumping money into the system is the only guaranteed way to cause inflation, and Trump did it more than any other president in history. He saw it as a way to spend more off the books. In fact, it was an unapproved tax on every American in the form of massive inflation you simply blamed on Biden for years. Kind of hard to swallow your sudden realization that printing money hurts the economy when you absolutely denied it when your guy printed money….over 40% of all money ever printed was printed in 2020. Where was this bob in 2020? It’s true, the money printing by Trump and to a much lesser extent Biden increased inflation significantly…but that doesn’t account for Tesla crashing twice as bad as other car companies.

He’s correct, we will end the fossil fuel industry. Importantly he gave no timeline in your clip. Reality is under Biden oil and gas production is up….but refining capacity down. The only way he could directly effect that is nationalizing oil and gas companies and forcing them to lower their profit margins to pre pandemic levels.
Reality is you were simply lied to, again, we were not a net exporter of energy under Trump. Only during the summer, in winter we imported more than we shipped out in summer. Net importers.

Since you’ve been misled, you should understand Biden only halted NEW leases of federal oil fields until the companies that want them use the leases they already have. Oil companies want to buy the fields but not drill, creating more shortages and higher prices/profits. Biden insists they make use of the land already leased before locking out tens of millions more federal acres from exploitation by their competition or any other use.

We still export oil, and import it. Our refining capabilities went down under Trump when he ok’ed the sale of the biggest refinery in America to the Saudis and they instantly cut production. In 2020, our demand went down, but not below our production.

Oil companies lost a combined $76 billion over 2020, then made over $2 trillion profits 2021 and $4 trillion 2022. Utter bullshit it’s just making their losses back. An outright bold faced lie that relies on ignorance of any facts to be believed.

Trump ok’ed the murder of American citizens by the crown prince, bragged about protecting him from murder charges. Trump gave the Saudis top secret information about dissidents in their country which they paid son in law Kushner $2 billion for then murdered them. These included people working for America.
Trump also sold the Saudis our refining capabilities without which them being pissed would make no difference if we were actually a net exporter (we aren’t, never were) and still owned our infrastructure (we don’t), the evil murderous Saudis would have no leverage at all. Duh.

bobknight33 said:

QE Quantitative Easing
helicopter $ All those Gov Checks that kept people home.

Gas policy. Biden want to kill the oil industry. Transition to cleaner forms of energy is great but you can't just switch off our dependency of oil.

under Trump we were a net exporter of oil. Now we need to import.
oil companies are reporting record breaking profits. But it follows pandemic-fueled losses.
Biden pissed the Saudis over the assassination of the dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi so they say no oil for you, Joe..

When the SPR is depleted or stopped being used what do you think will happen to gas prices?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

He’s already said he won’t step down, and has gop support. They can’t very well remove him for lying and stay themselves. there’s no way in hell the GOP thinks him lying about literally everything but his name (and has anyone checked on that?) is more important than his expected MAGA vote.

That’s good you cashed out, but absolutely disgusting that you continued to suggest others buy while you were cashing out. If you told the truth and were still buying at 400 for the long haul last year like you were shouting to anyone who would listen, you lost at least 1/3-1/2 your investment by selling around 200. If you had listened to many here instead of obstinately contradicting all advice, you would have doubled what you got out.

Just last week you were saying I was wrong when I said it was going to crash. You said it was a great time to buy. It’s crash has nothing to do with an imaginary recession and little to do with fed rate hikes, it’s pure mismanagement that tanked them. Tesla has crashed twice as hard as average car companies.

Wait….are you suddenly saying severe covid restrictions by China were lifesaving and absolutely the right thing? …and now that they’re lifting expect major disruptions and death? Who is this?

Amazon got hit, I don’t know why, I don’t have any (but might grab some) so haven’t watched it. Meta was never going to succeed, it was an idiotic idea to retry “second life” with billions invested and no demand.

Many growth stocks are growing. My portfolio is growing, not crashing.

Again, there’s no recession. You just want to pretend there’s one to blame Biden. GDP grew 3.2% in q3 and is expected to be 3.7% q4.

bobknight33 said:

Santos and all need to be vetted. Let him step down. America has enough elected lairs.

I sold 1/2 of Tesla at 240 , a lot more at 204 and the rest at 190. So I'm just in cash. If I were to by at today price I would obtain just about 2x the number of shares I sold.

Tesla down 11% today and IMO will continue to fall. Yet to see the up coming recession Q1 Q2, Yet to see implications of all the Fed Rate hikes. Should see this start to appear on upcoming Q4 results.

Now that China has lifted restrictions Mass Covid infections and deaths. This will also affect global economy.

Tesla is not the only getting the snot beaten out of them. Amazon , Meta and all others taken hits. Growth stock getting harder.

This is a great opportunity. Take advantage of this upcoming recession and buy you favorite stock at steep discount.

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