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Family Guy - Peter Cat Fight

Amy Goodman detained & questioned about 2010 Olympics

Shepppard says...

>> ^aceofkidneys:
>> ^Simple_Man:
As a Canadian and a Vancouverite, I am embarrassed that this happened. What has happened to my Canada?

Amen brother, as a fellow vancouverite I have never felt more shame for my city and my country. I hope we don't win a single medal on our own soil (again), due to all the horrible karma stirred up from this situation, taking billions of our tax dollars, not letting other countries practice on the turf THEY WILL BE COMPETING ON, and now this blasphemy, it makes me so disappointed and mad. Fuck you Vanoc, fuck you both provincial and federal government, and fuck you olympics in general.
There called olympic GAMES, not olympic I'm better then yous.

This comment makes me ashamed to be a Canadian.

It's the Olympics. A couple weeks will have passed and the only thing that'll happen is a few countries will gain a small amount of national prestiege and in 4 years, it'll be forgotten in everything but the Olympic History book.

You're still a Canadian, As am I. Born and raised in Ontario, and i'll probably die here, too.
Americans may be known for fierce patriotism, but god knows Canadians are right behind them. I'm proud of my Country, viewed by the world as peace keepers and neutrality.

Sure, we're pulling a dick move with these games, and I agree that it should be rectified, but I would NEVER betray my own country by wishing it does badly. Now, as far as I understand, it's mostly Americans that are shocked over the lack of us allowing them to come train with us. Truthfully, lets think of this for a minute. In terms of "Dick Moves" I think the Americans have quite a bit more racked up then we do, however I understand "An eye for an eye." and still agree, that its not right.

However, This article basically explains it all, better then I can ever say here.
There's an advantage. There always has been, and there always will be, however, maybe it's our turn to actually use it for once.

Amy Goodman detained & questioned about 2010 Olympics

aceofkidneys says...

>> ^Simple_Man:
As a Canadian and a Vancouverite, I am embarrassed that this happened. What has happened to my Canada?

Amen brother, as a fellow vancouverite I have never felt more shame for my city and my country. I hope we don't win a single medal on our own soil (again), due to all the horrible karma stirred up from this situation, taking billions of our tax dollars, not letting other countries practice on the turf THEY WILL BE COMPETING ON, and now this blasphemy, it makes me so disappointed and mad. Fuck you Vanoc, fuck you both provincial and federal government, and fuck you olympics in general.

There called olympic GAMES, not olympic I'm better then yous.

A faithful Mormon speaks out against Prop 8 in Church...

bareboards2 says...

^if the church refused to marry a gay couple in the temple then the law would take away their ability to marry ANYONE in the temple.

However, it is their fear. They are afraid of discrimination laws. Men's clubs were forced to accept women under federal law. Why wouldn't the church be forced to marry gays?

One of the gay marriage laws that passed -- I can't remember which state it was -- added a clause that said that churches were free to NOT marry gays. That they would never be forced to do so.

I thought that was a brilliant move.

Take away their main fear, and would Mormons have been so monetarily willing to overturn the law? They would still be against gay marriage, but they wouldn't be so invested in protecting their turf.

Let their president get the word from God eventually, just like he did when blacks were no longer barred from being priests -- well after civil rights legislation and after they realized that the priest ban was preventing their growth into black-skinned neighborhoods and nations. I have no doubt -- and have predicted to my very conservative Mormon brother and his son, that the President will do so. Maybe not in the next decade, but it is coming.

As for the "hate filled" memos -- my nephew shared with me what was sent to him. He thought it would change my mind. The memos weren't hate-filled. Misguided, certainly. A complete lack of understanding of the biology of being gay. A complete lack of understanding that when they equate being gay with being immoral that that feels like an assault against a gay person's humanity. But not hate filled. Not like that crazy guy who pickets outside military funerals with signs that say "God Hates Fags."

Anyway. I repeat what a smart move it was on the part of that one state that protected a church's right to be stupid. There are plenty of churches who embrace gay people as fully human, expressing their full selves as God (if you go in for that) made them.

If gays walk away from the Mormon church, bringing their families with them, that is the quickest way to get the President to suddenly hear from God that it is okay to be gay.

(Does everyone know what I mean by the President talking to God? It's true. The head of the church is a committee of 12? 13?, the President of which talks to God. Or rather, God talks to him. Always him, of course. So this guy has the ability to change core documents and doctrines of the church.

Every man in the Mormon church is a priest, through whom the Holy Spirit flows.

However, until God told the President differently, black men were barred from being priests. They could be members of the church, but not priests. The original documents said that their black skin was the mark of Cain, they are descendents of Cain. So they couldn't be priests. But then -- after the civil rights movement -- God decided to finally forgive Cain once and for all.

The timing is just coincidence, of course.

The Mormon religion has, overall, been a great blessing to my brother, giving him a structure within which to raise his family and re-define himself outside his dysfunctional family of origin. Not my choice, but his and it works for him.

The Mormon religion is also one crazy ass thing. I swear.)

The Largest Street Gang in America

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'street, gang, turf, respect, cops, thin blue line, the code of silence' to 'street, gang, turf, respect, cops, thin blue line, the code of silence, sickening' - edited by EndAll

Mayor Wants You to Turn in Your Neighbor for $1000

longde says...

BF, you have an idealistic view of our justice system. There are many guilty people on the streets, and many innocents on death row.

With gun laws, I don't think the founders' intent was that bandits and brigands should be able to terrorize and hold as virtual hostage law-abiding citizens. That law was to defend against the tyranny of the state. Since the state and society has evolved and grown more complex in the ensuing 200-plus years, we have to use our discretion on where to apply these rights. A mafia collecting a debt or a drug dealer defending his turf, or simply some idiot intimidating people are not defending against the state.

Also, there are certain types of weapons that are not legal. I don't think people should be allowed to walk around with or even own semi-automatic weapons.

Your argument about the private theater is also unrealistic. Your constitutional rights apply in public or private spaces. The restrictions on these rights apply as well. I don't know how any movie theater manager can tell who will yell "fire", beforehand, so he can kick them out preventatively.

But for the sake of argument, let's change "movie theater" to "crowded public space".

District 9 Trailer 2

Drax says...

Set in Florida: Aliens aren't even noticed amongst all the Haitians and ethnic tension. They end up buying a large block of mobile homes and learn to surf.

Set in California: The aliens get shot upon landing by gang members protecting their turf, drawing the attention of the government. They flee to Northern Cali where they're given refuge and a court battle for their civil rights ensues.

Set in New York: Basing what to do off the movies Independence Day and War of the Worlds the aliens are immediately blown out of the sky.

Set in Texas: All the aliens are thrown in the county jail till a Senator asks to speak with them alone. When he emerges from the room he declares Texas's succession from the union with the help of their new found allies.

Set somewhere in the Mid-West: The Church of Scientology declares their day has come, while other religious groups plea for the destruction of the evil (because they're ugly looking) creatures. The head of the Scientology church uses his vast wealth to build a hovercraft and an alien translator and uses it to have an audience with the aliens on their own ship. After listening to him speak for 30 minutes the alien leader who has been silent all this time looks up and says to him, "Are you fucking nuts?". They shoot him and leave our planet ordering it condemned for the sake of all other alien races.

Yeah, current setting for the movie probably works best.

Rick Sanchez Slams Bill O'Reilly Over Slain Army Recruiter

Asmo says...

>> ^lavoll:
why not just ignore the billidiot

Because if you don't challenge the idiots, the idiocy becomes fact...

That goes for all channels, not use Fucks and Bill O'Faily. I would have thought that was abundantly clear after 6 years odd and thousands of deaths in Iraq on the false premise promoted by the last government...

It's almost impossible to win, you fight the idiots on their home turf, you become like them, you ignore them, they sway the populace with emotive fictions. The only way to challenge them is to present the facts and show them for the charlatans they are...

Zefrank "Red Alert" video (Comedy Talk Post)

Former Drug Czar Owned. Legalization Debate.

enoch says...

is it my turn to toss in?
lets take mr walters point by point.
1.he is from the hudson institute-(neo-con think tank)deduct 50 points right there.
2.taxable income questionable?ok,i agree here.there is no actual data as of yet.
3.weed is the number ONE reason for drug treatment.
what?where is the former drug czar getting his numbers?
the number ONE abused and treated addictive drug is legal prescription painkillers.even if we used illegal drugs, pot is fourth.(data from A.M.A)
4.weed is responsible for violence and deaths among dealers.
no..its creating a black market that leads to violence and deaths.
its not like a drug dealer can go to the authorities and bitch about another dealer creeping into his turf.this is just bad can apply the same sentence and just add:coke dealers,pimps,gambling,fights...
when you create a black market,the only way those who RUN that black market can protect their investment is usually through violence,which may lead to deaths,sometimes innocent. walters keeps using the term "drugs".
while not wrong,its not entirely accurate."drugs" is an umbrella term which includes ALL drugs i.e :coke,meth,x,heroin etc.
to conflate these very dissimilar narcotics is dishonest and misleading.
6.again mr walters conflates "drugs" with violent behavior.
"many of the arrests found weed on the person"
and?using circular logic to make a point is still circular logic.
so if i got arrested with a playboy in my possesion that would mean im a sexual deviant?thats just weak.
6.marijuana dependency?
first off,doesnt least not in the way mr walters is portraying it.
THC is fat soluble,which means it takes at LEAST 3 weeks for HALF the THC to leave your have to smoke a tremendous amount,consistently for a very long time to feel any adverse affects if you stop smoking.even then the effects are mild.
7.0.3% is the population percentage in jail for possesion of weed..
thats an outright lie.
that figure is way higher,some as low as 20% and as high as 65%(couldnt get a solid number)but considering that private jails are now the number 9th largest lobby,and are the biggest funders of keeping weed illegal. tell me what that looks like.
8.more conflation about number of people who use "drugs".
the fact is,a certain amount of the population will use drugs.
its predictable and steady.this number coincides with weed smokers.
i believe the number is 23%,but im not sure and forgot the studies name.
but its around there.

one final note.
some have mentioned it here already,and i totally agree.
if you do something in your own home,harm noone,not even yourself.
how can it be deemed illegal?
even the constitution backs up the dissilution of this ill-thought,inane,archaic and totally useless law.
the man who demonized weed was a man named henry anslinger.
who used the "demon weed" for political purposes,and he did a damn fine job of it.
that was in the late 30's and early 40's.
time to huck this piece of irrelevant legislation out the door.
thank you..and good night.

Police Brutality, Denmark

rougy says...

I have no idea what this is about, but Denmark has been having a lot more violence than usual lately, in part because of Muslim reprisals when they are attacked, and in part because of motorcycle gangs, engaging in a turf war.

Rachel Maddow 4/9/09 - Teabagging Washington

dgandhi says...

Okay, I've been looking at these, and my official position is that the Republicans have been punk'd. Some liberal agent provocateur has gotten into their system and planted this blatantly absurd idea in their collective consciousness and rallied them to follow it. The GOP has no command and control structure (thanks Mr. Steel) so they can't vet these things before they take on a life of their own. The result is that we see the wingnutiest of the right wing base eat up tons of air time looking like fools talking about how they are going to teabag the president.

This reminds me of PUMA, are the people taking part in these events even Republicans? Has the GOP been astro-turfed?

Jim Carroll - People Who Died

Sagemind says...

Classic, One of my favorites...
By all rights, Jim should have died of drug abuse years ago. I'm glad he didn't!
Also, see him perform this live in the moie Tuff Turf (1985) along witht he song 'Voices'.

GOP to UAW: "Drop Dead" - Thom Hartmann on Countdown

Hanns says...

In the days before America had tight labor laws, unions had a real purpose. These days? In almost every instance they seem to do more harm than good.

"But," you say, "They get better wages and benefits for working Americans! What's so bad about that!?"

Well, by artificially keeping wages high, you end up in one of two situations:
a) The company struggles to be competitive against its non unionized counterparts as its expenses are higher. This hurts the organization, and when the organization is in trouble, everyone is in trouble. Auto factory workers are finding this out the hard way right now. Obviously that's not the only problem going on that got the auto manufacturers into their present mess, but if the union is willing to flush the company down the toilet rather than make concessions, I have a hard time being sympathetic.

b) The company realizes that labor in this country is crazy, and they decide to hire a Chinese plant to manufacturer their goods and import them. That's not a win for the workers, as they are all now jobless.

Let's not even get into labor unions that control turf and won't let people who are able to do work for themselves do it without paying the union. Don't believe me? Try setting up your own booth at a trade show and watch how fast the union guys come out of the woodwork to charge you an outrageous hourly fee for something you are able to do on your own.

The guy in this video looked at it from the angle of "unions = Democrats, kill unions!" I cannot profess to know the thought process behind the Republican decision to block the bailout, but I suspect the true fiscal conservative types dislike unions for the reasons I just outlined. Besides, if you have a group of Democrats, and you hurt them by letting their company go out of business, that's not going to bring them over to your side. They will still be voting Democrat next time, so that argument seems a little contrived to me.

Bernie Madoff on the modern stock market

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