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How not to put a boat in the water

Darkhand says...

>> ^lucky760:

Wow, those guys behind the camera are calm.

I believe the guys behind the camera were probably the boat owners. I'm pretty sure every boat owner is there to watch their boat go into the water for this reason.

I'm sure they had a lengthy discussion about why things were positioned wrong ergo the "And Over" RE: I fucking told you so when their truck almost falls into the river.

So this camel walked into a church...

So this camel walked into a church...

9 TRILLION Dollars Missing from Federal Reserve

Penn & Teller on the Anti-Vaccination Movement

rebuilder says...

Wow, this thread. Or Yogi at any rate. Are we getting comments from Youtube now or what?

Anyway, over here there's some hoopla right now about suspicions of the H1N1 vaccine Pandemrix causing narcolepsy. Apparently there's been a noticeable increase in new cases among children who received the vaccine (15 cases in the last half a year, where the average rate is 6 cases a year), and the health authorities are recommending discontinuation of the use of the vaccine until the cause can be ascertained. It's not know at this time if the vaccine is actually behind the increase or if some other factor or factors are at play, but the papers of course are reporting it as the vaccination scandal.

It may well turn out to be the vaccine causing this, and in general the whole H1N1 vaccination program seemed very rushed at the time considering the underwhelming mortality outside Mexico, but if I had been in a position to start the gears running for the program when the first outbreaks were seen, I can't say for sure I would have been against it. What pisses me off most about this is the miserable state of the debate around the whole issue. If it turns out the vaccine can cause narcolepsy, there's going to be a lot of people saying "I told you so" when their anti-vaccine position was based entirely on emotion and a decided lack of research. If it turns out something else was the cause, a lot of the same people are not going to believe it and still say it was the vaccine anyway. And since the vaccine has been blamed in the papers for ruining kids' lives for a week now, no amount of corrections will fix the damage done if the vaccinations aren't to blame after all.

Overall, people suck, debating skills seem to be at an all time low, I'm out.

Obama Backs Mosque Near Ground Zero

Carl Sagan: Consider Again That Pale Blue Dot

Fletch says...

"I would find it far more difficult to assume that all of this was a mere accident."

So you choose to "assume" that a magic sky god waved his hands (BTW, why does god need hands?) and created everything? Why? Why is that ridiculousness easier for you to believe? Because someone told you so?

"The laws of probability state that the universe has reached a level of complexity that is statistically impossible.

I can't imagine what "laws of probability" you are referring to, or how you are applying them, or if you are just regurgitating nutter dogma. Anyhoo, watch the last couple minutes of this video (Richard Feynman story). Actually, watch the whole thing. It's a great talk. Or don't.

"Sagan's folly is to assume that the universe is too complicated for God (or "a god") to have created. But, the sheer complexity of the universe is the primary reason man believes in God in the first place. The universe is simply so complex that a Designer MUST exist."

Sagan claims nothing of the sort. Your folly is to state your assumptions about Sagan here, as if the rest of us are as uninformed as you. And claiming the complexity of the universe as the primary reason for man's belief in god is patently ridiculous. Man created God LONG before he understood the complexity of the universe (not that we truly comprehend it even now), or that a universe even existed. Your god has become a "god of the gaps". As we learn, through science, more and more about the nature of our universe and reality, he will die just like the thousands of other gods man has created and abandoned over the millenia. Well... we can all hope. There will always be nutters in need of Teddy Bears.

"Occam's Razor says that belief in an omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient deity is much more logical than assuming the universe happened all by itself."

In your world, maybe. Using the ramblings writings of a 14th century theologian to support your silly beliefs is like quoting Sarah Palin to bolster your position on energy policy. Occam's Razor is a principle, not a scientific law, not that you would understand the difference. However, if you believe that an infinitely complex being creating everything as is (with all it's complexity) with a wave of his noodly appendage is the simplest explanation, rather than 13.7 billion years of cosmic evolution that began (possibly) with a simple quantum fluctuation, you either don't understand the concept of Occam's Razor (fewest assumptions for competing theories that predict the same results), or you choose to remain comfortably ignorant.

"But the only thing worse than a religious man's zeal to get people to believe, is the atheist's zeal to make people NOT believe."

Spoken like a true zealot.

Christopher Hitchens has cancer!

Tyrsis says...

This is really distasteful. Hopefully a better video of this situation gets posted and upvoted. As an atheist, having Christians almost gloat at the fact that he has cancer, and basically under their breath say, "I told you so", is a complete insult. If they truly respected him as a "friend", they would keep god out of this.

This video will get a lot of play very soon

blankfist says...

@schmawy: I post a silly "I told you so" video and I'm a cretin, but he mocks my sick cat and he's just a misunderstood beautiful being? Does he have to drive to your mother's home and rape her for you not to like him? I mean, come on.

You're just being mean. I didn't care if he was banned or not, to be honest. He was growing on me, and I was hoping he'd turned a new leaf. I'm all for forgiveness, and I was working on doing that with him.

I'm sorry I'm a Christian - Chris Tse, spoken word

ponceleon says...

Ugh... I hate it when people quote the bible to me as if it has any authority on anything.

Why not quote the Koran, or the Egyptian book of the dead?

Oh, I forgot, your religion is "real" all the others are just delusional people who believe something wrong. And of course you know your little magic book is "right" because you "just feel it" or better yet "god told you so."

If I say that I talk to Napoleon Bonapart in my head, I get put away by the men dressed in white, yet a majority in this country believe they talk to some magic guy in the sky (and I'm not just talking about Christians here) and that is totally acceptable, even though he tells them to hate (or worse) their fellow human beings.

Religion needs to go.

Charles Bukowski's Worst Hangover Ever

Nostradamus 2012 End Time

shuac says...

Nostrildamus is the whipping boy for all cataclysmic or otherwise newsworthy scenarios. Just check how many books have been written since WWII. He supposedly predicted Hitler, the bombing of Japan, Kennedy's assassination, Nixon's resignation, the fall of Phenom Pen, the Falklands conflict, the Challenger Shuttle disaster, Y2K, 9/11, George Bush, the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster, Obama, and now 2012.

And guess what? His prose will be used to "predict" all the cataclysms and newsworthy items of the future too. Why? Because it sells books and makes for entertainment fodder. No other reason than that.

Remember that Y2K TV movie? It was shite, yes, but it provided jobs for quite a few people in the TV industry. Same with this new Emmerich flick. Same with all disaster movies, political biopics, polemic documentaries, and "uncovered secrets" books that we have not yet seen. We're creative, you see, and we demand to be entertained.

Rather than register to the umpteen-thousand conspiracy message boards currently out there, I'd very much like to frequent a single, official 2012 message board, expressly for rational thinkers' postings of "We're still here, morons."

Because I'm exactly the kind of person who says "I told you so."

Why Is The Vatican So Interested In Extra Terrestrial Life?

videosiftbannedme says...

>> ^schmawy:
Oh man I'm going to have so much fun on the Sift when (okay, if) we make contact. I'll never tire of saying "I told you so". I swear, I'm going to be totally annoying about it.

I've been saying for years that I'm waiting for the day when the ships land, and they aliens come out to harvest the crop they seeded the planet with thousands of years ago.

Why Is The Vatican So Interested In Extra Terrestrial Life?

This video will get a lot of play very soon

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