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Pedestrian Question - Do You Have a Black Friend?

Sagemind says...

Personally, I find the question itself offensive.

Now I'm not the type of person who gets offended, but the question is set up in a way that just plain sounds degrading to any friend you may know. It's setting the friend up to be there purely because they are black - the token black friend.

I just think there is a much better way to have phrased the question.

Aftermath November 2016

Payback says...

Boston Tea Party.
The Berkeley Protests.
Tommie Smith and John Carlos.
Occupy Wall Street.
Standing Rock.

Americans seem to have no trouble "shitting in their beds" when all other responses are impossible or will have only token effect.

Voters for Trump don't want positive change in the current system, they want to fight back, burn it down and start over.

Stormsinger said:

But shitting in your bed is still an asinine thing to do, and I'll call a spade a fucking shovel every time.

Grappler Police Bumper - No more PIT maneuver

radx says...

Neat system, but I'm curious: some carmarkers at least put up a token effort to design the front of their cars in a way that doesn't dismember pedestrians when you run them over - is that still not a thing in the US?

Colbert Takes the Gloves Off: Gun Control

GHOSTBUSTERS - Official Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

I have zero problems with an all female ghostbusters. It's actually a lot more interesting than just a straight remake.

But all they've done here is gender flipped the roles. It looks like a carbon copy of the original right down to the token black character.

bobknight33 said:

So they decided to remake a great move with all woman.

Feminism for feminism sake is not always a good idea.

Politically Charged Traffic Sign

Jon Stewart Trashes CNN on 'Larry King Live'

Lawdeedaw says...

So...Jon knocks their choice to "bring in an unknown British guy" when he himself brings in a token black guy whose whole stick is opposite The Daily Show. I am not saying Trevor will be bad, or that he should't bring in his own style. He should def bring in his own style. But not some style that is polar opposite of what is known.

I am saying there were a thousand better choices that included well-known and loved females, Trevor's token appearances, while not bombs, were very so-so, and Jon doesn't even elaborate on why he picked the unknown, so-so guy...

Confederate Flag Parade in Georgia. Wait for it....

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

"Rape" van?!? Jesus, newt, that's a bit much... and yeah, it was cooler. They turned the damn thing into a freaking tank half the time. Also, no confederate flag painted on it and not named for a general on team slavery, therefore cooler.

I will admit that the respective token women on the A-Team weren't a patch on Daisy.

Finally, what's with this nonsense about the A-Team being bad shots? Do you have any idea how difficult it is to fire an assault rifle at someone on full auto and not accidentally hit them? Look at this picture. Any idiot can hit the black section, but it takes almost superhuman marksmanship to unload a full clip into the white section!

The A-Team are like Batman. They could easily roll in and murder the hell out of everyone, but they choose the hard path. Want more proof?

Here's Murdoch (the least combat capable of the team) hitting a tire on moving target from a chasing car.... with a handgun and in one shot! And he does it in such a way that van does an epic roll and everyone inside is still ok. That's not just good, that's god like.

And while we're recapping 80s shows, Knight Rider was also better than the Dukes. </stirring>

Also, I love that this has turned into a discussion on the A-team vs Hazzard. It's exactly as much respect as those confederate flag waving douchebags in the video deserve.

newtboy said:

Oh, you had me until your arguments WHY A-team was better.

Lets 'rape' van better than a high flying, 'street legal' racing Charger? I respectfully disagree.
Better theme song, not to my ears, but both are good.
Peppard, better than Uncle Jesse, depends on the episode to me. Mr. T, OK, he's better than any single Duke character...but Murdock wasn't 1/4 the comedy relief of Roscoe P Coltrane, Enos, and Flash....and the Team had nothing to answer Daisy!
"I love it when a plan come's together", great line (I still say it all the time), but then again, so was "Luke, how come you didn't stop for me?" asked by Bo after diving in the window of the General at about 30 mph!

Then you have the military supermen that can't hit a person-ever VS the country boys that can hit moving targets from moving targets with arrows wrapped with dynamite and moonshine Molotov's! COME ON!

But all that said, 9/10 episodes of Hazard were basically the same story, Boss Hog is stealing something and the boys need to escape the crooked law to stop him. At least A-Team had more story variation, more explosions, and just as many car flips/jumps. Kind of an apple/orange thing to me. My 12 year old self was glad they were not on at the same time, no DVR back then.

The Daily Show - Wack Flag

bobknight33 says...

I don't fear the black, yellow or other taking my job because of race? I don't freaking care. May the best candidate get the job. I have had many jobs in my life and would find another if I needed to.

Do you think I would hire a black? not in a million years? You would be wrong at that. I had 1 opportunity to hire 1 candidate. I picked the best educated person that would fit the job and he was a black man.

You think my wife and kids are Lilly white. You would be wrong at that also. My family is so mixed that I am the lone token white.

You have any other falsehoods you wish to inquire about? Go ahead I answer them too.

Bottom line I don't care what "you" are. All I care is that you are trying to get ahead in life and that you are a peaceful neighbor.

I have little sympathy for those who desire to stay at the bottom out of convenience, leaching off our tax dollars and blaming others for their misfortune. I not bitching about those given a shitty hand in life or those needing a helping hand. We all need a helping hand at times. But not decade after decade. The nation spends about 3% on social needs, Fine make it 5% or something. Just don't waste it on looses and government bureaucracy.

You would probably make a fine neighbor and work colleague.

You asked me once how old I was and I answer 53. So out of curiosity how old are you?

GenjiKilpatrick said:

You DO have Aggrieved White Man Syndrome/White Fragility.

Tho figured you'd understand it better if you heard it from another white man.

Just food for thought. You know, meditation material.

Critically thinking curriculum.

Who Are the Racists: Conservatives or Liberals?

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Thanks for posting this, Bob.
I was gonna post the other related video from Prager "University".

This video is a perfect example of the racism that Neo-Cons try to deny, while actively demonstrating their racism.

It's called Tokenism. Look that shit up.

Tokenism is when you find a minority that agrees with you, in order to justification your inaccurate or hateful beliefs.

"See, I can't be racist. A black guy agrees with me!"

That's patronizing as fuck, Bob.
You know that, right?

"Okay silly black man. Maybe if this other black person says it.. THEN you'll finally get it."

You and @lantern53 are racist.

But you're both too Politically-correct - read: cowardly - to openly admit that you judge black.

Your comments are evidence of this.

Posting videos that patronize black people -

like they don't know which group of people is being the most racist towards them

- is simply more evidence of that.

White Party - A Lesson in Cultural Appropriation

GenjiKilpatrick says...

See, another example of some "i-can't-possibly-racial-insensitive-whatsoever-because-THIS-guy-agrees-with-completely-sheltered-rose-tinted-worldview" - *deep breath* - Bullshit!

[phew, these polite euphemisms for "racist" are getting out of hand now]

Unfortunately, the term "culture appropriation" is a misnomer.

The term coined should be Cultural MISappropriation and refers to shit like Blackface.

Something this was trendy, open mockery. Also, fairly lucrative.

This White Party video is a highly significant point of discussion and is important satire for all white folks to think about & discuss because..

[I would know, cause this is exactly how i feel]

So yeah..

Tactless, suggestively snarky comments, with a Token to parrot and espouse believes that confirm your bias.. -_-

Is simply "mild" racism in action.
It's Denialism. It's Victim-blaming.

"Stop complaining. We're all equal see. Can't we all just learn spanish & twerk our butts, as one."

And let Americans sweep all that other extremely racist shit under the rug for another 150 years?!

Fuck no.

ChaosEngine said:

A much better video on the same topic.

Louis CK Probably won't be Invited back to SNL after this

poolcleaner says...

Yeah, I don't really plan out my responses. It's just what occurs to me. Just a lot of black superheroes, it's funny. I thought I did put black Heimdall, but alas my human error.

If you don't see how ridiculous it is to have an almost 1 to 1 ratio of black superheroes to ALL other races, not just white, I don't know what to tell you, buddy. It's an observation. Sort of like how in Walking Dead they introduce a new black character right before killing one off.

And, no I didn't mention anything about "token" black people, I'm talking about token Asian and Hispanic people, because apparently there's an equal number of black people to white but nothing else.

It's funny, just saying.

JustSaying said:

Weird, you mention "black Nick Fury" but Heimdall, the nordic black dude, isn't "black Heimdall"? He wasn't black until Idris Elba was cast. Sam Jackson was cast because a later iteration of the Fury character was based upon him.
And what's this stuff about Hulk being the "black Bruce Banner"? Because he has remarkable pigmentation or because he's really angry?
You have a weird way of making a point about token black friends. You shall go watch all Lethal Weapon movies as punishment.

Louis CK Probably won't be Invited back to SNL after this

JustSaying says...

Weird, you mention "black Nick Fury" but Heimdall, the nordic black dude, isn't "black Heimdall"? He wasn't black until Idris Elba was cast. Sam Jackson was cast because a later iteration of the Fury character was based upon him.
And what's this stuff about Hulk being the "black Bruce Banner"? Because he has remarkable pigmentation or because he's really angry?
You have a weird way of making a point about token black friends. You shall go watch all Lethal Weapon movies as punishment.

poolcleaner said:

Mild racism: Watching the two black band members react to Louis' jokes. How will they take the jokes?

Mild racism: Watching Age of Ultron and exclaiming, "Everyone has a black superhero friend!"

Captain America <3 Falcon
Ironman <3 War Machine
Thor <3 Heimdall
Black Widow <3 Black Nick Fury
Hulk is black Bruce Banner

Daredevil <3 the Night Nurse
Jessica Jones <3 Luke Cage
Need i get into the black on Asian, black on white, Hyde on Asian action going on in Agents of SHIELD -- you're an inhuman happa hacker that fires earthquakes out of your fingers, welcome to the future.

Yeah, mild racism!! Eventually it's all meaningless because no one cares. Don't need to be getting all Ulysses Klaw on no Wakandan kings or nuthin'.

You are a woman in handcuffs? Let me punch and kick you!

Fairbs says...

Seemingly. I'm not sure how the back office cop processes work. Maybe the bad cop writes 'we subdued the suspect' and the good cop signs off on it maybe after a token 'that was fucked up what you did back there' and then tries to get reassigned away from the bad cop. Most of these cops are getting away with this stuff because legally they're given more rights and more leeway with their use of force. We see it as bad, but to the technical aspects it's still legal.

newtboy said:

I actually think the numbers may be higher if by-standing counts as 'bad cop behavior'.
Time and time again we've seen 'bad cop videos' with often dozens of cops acting badly in one instance. What we've NEVER seen is a 'good cop' stepping in and stopping the bad ones from going overboard and becoming violent thugs. Because I've seen well over 100 cops in these videos either being violent or by-standing while their 'brothers' get violent, but have never seen this mythical 'good cop' stopping them, it MUST be >99% 'bad', at least >99% of those caught on camera, right?

VideoSift Sarzy's Top Ten Movies of 2014

RedSky says...

They should have called it The Hobbit: The 2 and a Half Hour Videogame (starring Evangeline Lilly as token female character!)

JohnnyWinsome said:

Good list. Here's mine.

The Good: 1. The Babadook 2. Nightcrawler 3. Gone Girl 4. Guardians of the Galaxy 5. Snowpiercer 6. Blue Ruin 7. Foxcatcher 8. Under the Skin 9. The Guest

The Bad: The Hobbit 3

The Unseen: Boyhood, Whiplash, John Wick, Birdman, Citizen 4, Interstellar

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