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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes….so does the law. 45+ year old Republican men taking underaged girls you supervise to your home late at night to get them drunk for sex….unethical, immoral, and absolutely illegal. A man wearing a dress and makeup to do comedy, not only not criminal but who the fuck cares?
I can’t wait for the next step, making it illegal for women to wear pants. Those transvestite cross dressing women need to be put in their place. 🤦‍♂️

Not a good thing. A cowardly, self denial thing. The reason republicans are so terrified of transexuals is they are uncontrollably attracted to them but know their friends will ridicule and ostracize them if they are discovered. Joseph’s brothers were jealous of his feminine beauty, not afraid he would sexualize their children.

Both are wrong? Sure…one is a non sexual comedy show for children, the other attempted rape of a child using drugs….to you, equally bad and wrong because you are afraid of those sexy sexy trannies. 🤦‍♂️

In case you aren’t aware, the Bible has transvestites that are considered good people in positions of power, like Joseph…that technicolor dream coat was a bridal dress of the time, his appearance described in feminine terms, he was not just a transvestite, but a transsexual who’s sex was changed in the womb…by god. Lots of child rape too, so much that there’s even child rape BY CHILDREN OF ADULTS! Anything you imagine about drag shows is right there in the Bible, but not in drag shows. But do you want it banned? Of course not, because you don’t really care about anything you whine about.
Also, in case you aren’t aware, there are multiple popular television shows about drag shows on basic cable, so I assume all republicans cancelled their cable? Of course not, that would require some sacrifice to get your way, something your ilk can’t fathom. You only act when it hurts the others but not you.

Nice job ignoring the republicans pulling 100% of funding to libraries out of pure spite because information is just for liberals and most republicans today can’t read anyway. That’s why book banning didn’t even register to you. You find banning information you dislike normal and acceptable, just like you support spreading lies you enjoy. Snowflake, stay in your safe space and leave the outside to adults.

99% of drag shows are non sexual.
No real statistics show trans people molesting children at a higher level than average men. In fact I believe the sex assault rate from the trans community is almost certainly lower than the population, but the frequency of trans people being sexually assaulted is 4 times the average. They’re the victims, not perpetrators.

Churches, on the other hand, are factories for child mollestation. Hundreds to thousands of separate victims per parish, tens of thousands to millions of mollestations. There is no group more likely to be molesters and rapists of children than clergy….NONE.

But you don’t even consider pulling children from these mollestation cabals because you know you don’t care about children being molested, you care about labeling your political enemies child molesters and hide and ignore the majority that are your “team” despite the facts.

bobknight33 said:

So you are saying 1 is a crime and the other shouldn't be.

Both are wrong.
banning all-ages drag shows is a good thing.

Tesla is Crushing GM & Ford Financially

newtboy says...

Oh snap!!
Tesla employees are claiming that, at least from 2019-2022 they and others routinely accessed and shared private videos from customer car cameras including captured nudes and sex, road rage incidents, speeding through neighborhoods, and footage inside homes and garages including inside Elon Musk’s garage…shared widely between employees for fun.
Of course, Elon/Tesla for years had insisted this COULD never happen and WOULD never happen. Another broken promise from Elon. This one a MASSIVE problem, requiring you to cover your car in a sound proof garage for any privacy.
This sounds like a major privacy issue for Tesla in America especially since the cameras record audio on private property which is usually a crime, and I can’t imagine what China is going to do. They might recall every Tesla in China as a national security risk.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And now that you’ve had time to wipe the shit from your eyes and ears have you had the opportunity to realize I was 100% correct again, and/or comprehend this bought and paid for Republican fraud on the Supreme Court needs to go?
Of course not. Anything goes for MAGA, rules, laws, honesty, and ethics are for liberals.
This guy is your BEST…and is just another lying thief that sells their government power to the highest bidder then accuses others of their own crimes. Like all unpatriotic Maggots are.

In his vanity movie, paid for by the same multi billionaire, he actually said “I prefer the RV parks, I prefer the Walmart parking lot to the beaches and things like that. There’s something normal to me about it. I come from regular stock and I prefer that.” Then hopped on a private jet for a 10 day stay on private Indonesian islands valued at well over $500000. You are the kind of dishonest moron that, knowing he takes ultra luxury vacations only billionaires can afford multiple times per year, would still believe his lie that he vacations in RVs in Walmart parking lots because he’s a regular guy. 🤦‍♂️

Taking bribes should be a death penalty offense at that level of government, they’re committing treason.

Bonus- another MAGA Trump “judge”, Carl Nickles, has been overturned. He decided to protect insurrectionists in his court by denying the DOJ the right to charge insurrectionists with obstruction of justice. A 3 judge panel overturned that ruling, reinstating hundreds of cases for obstruction of justice. WINNING!

Second bonus- Turns out Crow also completely funded Ginny Thomas’s Tea Party political action group that lobbied the courts constantly and paid her $120 k per year to run it, also unreported. The equivalent of Soros paying Sotamayor and her family millions a year to rule in his favor then claiming no crime, it was all simply birthday gifts, nothing burger. So much for the sad obvious lie that it wasn’t politically motivated. 😂

bobknight33 said:

You head is deep into you back side

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Q: Do you think the threat of arrest is a brilliant deep state trick to trigger Trump into ridiculous, anti constitutional, anti American tantrums making him more and more and more unelectable? Because that’s the result so far! So much #walkaway…but real, not the wholly made up fantasy you posted about.

Love those rallies…the ones in NY got almost 10 people supporting Trump. Of course, they were all accusing each other of being feds instead of defending him, but you are who you are.

CHP Officer not happy when you go 90 mph

eric3579 says...

Since we're telling CHP speeding stories...

Many decades ago, on prom night, I found myself driving to a party on an empty stretch of Highway 1 between Santa Cruz and Aptos, travelling at a speed of approximately 90-100 mph. I noticed headlights steadily approaching from far behind and slowly pass me before accelerating away. Of course it was CHP.

Trump to be arrested

newtboy says...

Bwaaaahahahahaha! You are just so silly. Tantrum time! I think someone needs some juice and a nap.
If they arrest Trump, they will make you more angry, and more insane and dishonest than ever, but little more.

Trump is not a Jedi, he’s a Sith. When you strike down a Sith, they do not become more powerful than you could possibly imagine, they go back to the darkness.

Trump’s appeal has waned, the shine is off that penny but good. You just can’t see it because your face is smashed hard into his grey pubic hair. Even most Republicans want him to go away….and don’t care how. Everyone else wants him under the prison for life to prove laws still matter.

Edit: since this hint at prosecution and the resulting online tantrum, more Republican leaders have come out to endorse DeSantis over Trump despite the fact that DeSantis isn’t running for president. He’s not getting more popular yet.

You know full well that many of the investigations and charges come from well before Biden was elected, many were deferred while Dementia Don was in office until he became a private citizen. Lie to yourself that Biden’s administration has anything to do with any charge, (he’s been quite hands off the justice department unlike Trump that saw and used it as his personal law firm) but you aren’t convincing anyone of anything besides your own gullibility and ignorance, not that Biden’s involvement would matter, no law says he can’t be involved…that’s the bar Trump set.

Even the conservative members of the grand jury in Georgia have said if you knew what they know, even you wouldn’t support Trump anymore. I know that’s not true, absolutely nothing could make you see the reality of Trump’s proven, even admitted criminality, but most people aren’t as delusional as you. Trump is ahead in the polls….ahead of every other declared candidate….Mariam Williamson, Corey Stapleton, Vickey Ramaswamy, and Nikki Haley…only line straddler Haley has any recognition and she’s got zero chance…wait for a real candidate before declaring victory, this is like him playing the first round of golf at his club and declaring himself the course record holder.

Desperate fascists willing to do anything to cling to power….you’re talking about MAGA on Jan 6, right? So many guilty pleas for violent sedition by intolerant white nationalists who admit they were attempting to steal an election for Trump…but you say it wasn’t violent or seditious so nothing to see here, laws have no meaning. 🤦‍♂️

BTW- Joe Tacopina, Trump’s criminal defense attorney consulted with Daniels in 2018 about this issue, which means by law he SHALL NOT represent a client with interests opposed to the “perspective client” (even if no representation/retainment occurs) in the same or a substantially related matter, nor shall any attorney in any law firm the disqualified attorney is associated with. Enjoy Habba as lead counsel! ROTFLMFAHS!!!
Edit: my mistake, he’s not using Habba, he’s using the same attorney that lost all 17 felony counts against the same DA against the Trump orgs and got his CFO put in prison. It just keeps getting better.

bobknight33 said:

If they arrest Trump they will make him more powerful and more popular than ever, showing up the Biden regime as desperate fascists willing to do anything to cling to power. Go ahead dickheads, arrest Trump and see how it turns out.

Trump to be arrested

newtboy says...

Trump is a New Yorker first and foremost. He committed the crimes in New York. Can’t escape because everyone that knows him hates him. That’s true everywhere, including Fox.

Trump said he’ll be arrested, so it’s almost certainly a lie. I bet he won’t be arrested but will surrender…he doesn’t want the perp walk in every Democratic and Republican campaign ad for 2 years. I wish it were true.

Jebus you’re delusional. So, the entire country is a leftist cabal against poor Don….but it’s 250000000 people in an evil conspiracy to make up crimes and destroy an innocent man, not a nation that hates the man that tried to take over by force and become the fourth reicht with the most criminal administration this country has ever known by a factor of 10.

Trump is facing over 20 cases, many criminal including theft, destruction, holding, and dissemination of classified documents that would be life in prison by itself, multiple blatant campaign finance violations from thefts to accepting foreign donations without reporting them, a coup, false electors, abuses of power, etc. in many many courts in red states including Georgia….I suppose Georgia is now a leftist state full of leftist citizens too….any place that can see the blatant criminality must just be leftists, which you claim means they’re all liars with no qualms about perjury….or maybe Delusional Don the Con, convicted of multiple cons already, leader of the party that said clearly and publicly that they have no obligation to tell you the truth, is just a criminal con man.

All this to keep the despotic terrorist leader that tried to end democracy, destroyed the economy like never before, had the worst unemployment record ever, and by his own administration’s accounting is personally responsible for a minimum of 500000 dead Americans, more than died in WW2, and arguably over 1 million by closing the pandemic response team’s offices from ever holding office again..and to uphold the rule of law that applies to everyone or no one. The legal reasons to bar him from office are so numerous just listing them would double this posts length. Truth is he’s not a viable candidate anyway, likely won’t get the nomination, and if he does it will be a gimme for Biden. Trump is toxic, the most hated politician in American history. Outside the cult his support is zero (except from those paid to shill for him).

“Non bought”, only an honorless liar like you could try to say that.
His campaign has been caught with MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of illegal foreign “donations” (called bribes) most from Russia or Russians in Ukraine. His family took in the neighborhood of $3 BILLION from hostile foreign powers like China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc. Verified, documented, not even contested. He took money from any corporation that could stomach him, and he used his campaign funds as a personal bank account, paying his family members $1.8 million an hour for introducing him on stage ($60k for 2 minutes).
There’s never been a more bought politician or a more unqualified nepotistic administration….but he doesn’t stay bought, he flips the instant someone pays him to flip or if the political wind changes direction.

“Incredibly convoluted campaign finance laws nobody understands”?!? It’s pretty simple actually, they’re sworn documents, if you lie that’s fraud and perjury. If you commit a crime then compound it with federal fraud and perjury, it’s enhanced. Nice attempt at “nobody knows the law, so they don’t apply”. Fuckwits.
If you falsify business records to hide massive campaign contributions/expenditures, that’s a felony. That’s exactly what he did, repeatedly, and has multiple trials for violations in multiple courts.

If paying Stormy Daniells benefits the campaign and he hides it, lies about it, and fails to report it it’s criminal, that’s all that matters, not anything else, they know it. They’re playing you, again. You’re dropping to your knees and gaping your mouth, drooling Pavlovianly.

Notice, Gershawitz expects conviction.

Trump’s campaign is nothing but an attempt to escape prosecution, not the other way around, friendo. Blatantly, obviously, admittedly in private and anonymously.

“Cleaning up my mess”? No sir, not mine. Enjoy watching America clean up your mess, fuckwit….with trial after trial after trial after trial after trial after trial….remember how “being under investigation” was something Trump said was disqualifying for Clinton (despite being under investigation himself at the time)? No, of course you don’t.

bobknight33 said:


Newtboy biggest wet dream to date.
Enjoy cleaning up your mess.

Hard Leftest state, Leftest city, Leftest citizens.
Do you think trump has a fair chance in the court of law?

All this just to keep the only non bought elected official from running again.

Daughter Refused To Walk Inside

High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS. I didn’t even notice how you changed my post to be as idiotic as you.

Teaching 4 grades (do you mean 4th graders?) to be gay…..I want to know exactly how you teach someone to be gay…since you claim to know. Are they putting little boys in dark rooms and having naked women beat them mercilessly? Are they feeding them jello boobs with shards of glass inside? How, exactly, does one teach another person their own sexuality? More evidence you know nothing but talking points you don’t comprehend one bit.

(Btw- I learned about sex by age 6, and homosexuality by age 9 or before. I didn’t have unwanted children, never caught a VD, and didn’t become gay. Knowing the mechanics and consequences of sex, both heterosexual and homosexual, let me make informed decisions that served me well. I did constantly have adult conversations with adults who all were shocked I could hold my own in an adult conversation…including when I audited college courses in 7th grade and was shocked how little college students knew…I was told I was 11 going on 40 repeatedly. There was no reason whatsoever to “shield” me from any knowledge, only a reason to help me assimilate what I learned. I am not unique in that.)

How to kill and get away with it? You mean murder mysteries, history, or critical thinking? I would counter that Trump taught us all how to kill a million Americans through negligence and lies and get away with it, and you would give him a medal. You don’t care about murders. Name the book that reads as a “how to get away with murder” and not “how to get caught committing murder”. The news teaches that, you don’t want to ban news….or do you?

Name the book that glorifies and normalizes debauchery and rape that’s being taught in school….or do you mean the Bible which I agreed should not be taught in schools. Any book that teaches politics of the last 25 years would include those topics to describe Republican politicians.

Parents have a right to stupidly deny THEIR children access to certain knowledge, not to deny it from others. Your love of ignorance is not a mandate for others to remain ignorant. You would return to the dark ages when only (often wrong) church approved “knowledge” was allowed, and that only for the privileged. Just so dumb and ignorant of you.
You want to be ignorant, you be you. You want to make your children ignorant, that’s a perk of being a parent, you can abuse your own children as you see fit (within limits). You want to force other children to be ignorant, fuck right off you braying moron.

bobknight33 said:

Like the Bible?

Books like
Like teaching 4 grades how to be gay?

How to kill and get away with it?

Books glorifying, normalizing debauchery or date rape .

Yep some book should not be in school and it the parents right to challenge the school.

The Army Needs To Explain

newtboy says...

Perhaps you recall that Japan wasn’t the only enemy in WW2.
I think most would say the US army was the deciding factor in winning most major battles and the war in Europe.
True, they didn’t do it alone, but they did the lions share of successful fighting from my understanding. Of course, my history teachers were biased.

Also, Kuwait….again, with help from other branches.

There are other, less clear cut examples but that should answer the question I hope.

cloudballoon said:

Just curious (as an uninformed Canadian), what war the US Army (not the Navy, not the USAF, the Army) can really claimed it won in a century? Just leave after wrecking a country into ruins is not winning by definition (Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc.), looking for a clear "Mission Accomplished"?

Like, I'd call the USAF dropping of the H Bomb won WWII, it got Japan to surrender, treaty signed, etc. That's Mission Accomplished to me.

A Definitely True Message From George Santos

newtboy says...

No, you say both sides because you can’t admit your “team” has a problem that isn’t ubiquitous.
Again, I show you dozens of individuals intentionally voting multiple times, dozens of campaigns and the party itself engaging in ballot harvesting and other schemes that together equate to hundreds of thousands of stolen votes, you answer “both sides” with absolutely not a single case on the Democrats side (besides the one entrapment case I handed you)….and pretend you won’t provide examples because they’ll be dismissed not because you have none….being dismissed doesn’t stop you from posting all the other propaganda. Knowing you will dismiss the verifiable facts I present you hasn’t stopped me from posting them in contradiction to your baseless propaganda.

I admit Democrats self deal, do insider trading, and sell their votes to deep pockets….but on a scale that’s microscopic compared to the complete lack of ethics and morals on the right. The right was significantly less honest, more money hungry, more corrupt than the left BEFORE Trump….after Trump it’s comparing the Mediterranean to an Olympic sized pool. Technically both have water. Comparatively the pool is completely insignificant….but you only want to focus on what happens in the pool.

Trump and family made literally BILLIONS selling favors. Never been a bigger crook in any office in the land. Greene went from pennyless to a multi millionaire in 2 years. Same for Santos who is a total fraud in every way, a fugitive, and supported by your party…apparently made millions from his campaign. You’ll be hard pressed to find any Republican that hasn’t made millions in office by ignoring ethics completely. You won’t find ANY trying to get big money (bribery) out of politics…only the left is interested in that, the right wants MORE bribery legalized (citizens United was their case, proving Republicans fight for MORE corruption in politics while Democrats fight to end it), the right refuses to divest, and opposes any strengthening of ethics rules EVERY TIME Democrats push for more/stronger ethics rules/laws.

Of course I’ll dismiss your hyper biased, unthinking, no fact idiotic claims, especially since they NEVER have references (because everything you believe is partisan nonsense and lies). It’s not worth the time because it takes no time at all to debunk your constant consistent lies and pure fantasy. If you had any actual facts it would be worth posting them, but you just don’t. You don’t bother to post lately because the stupid lies have gotten dumber and are being debunked as fast as you guys can lie them. It’s past the point where it’s safe to simply deny anything you say as a partisan lie with no investigation at all….chances are 99.96% you are lying or repeating lies any time you type. You never have facts or even references to show where your lies came from….which is totally intentional because you know that only makes debunking them much easier.

In congress….98% of corruption, 100% of child molestation, 100% of treason, 100% of calls to rescind the constitution, voting, and democracy and become a dictatorship are on the right. You call that “both sides” and pretend it’s really mostly a problem on the left with a very few outliers from the right….ignoring the facts….as usual.

You know the old saying….
“To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.” -Thomas Paine

You sir abandoned fact and reason well before the Traitor Trump rode his golden escalator of lies into your heart. I don’t argue with you except as practice, you have no actual argument to offer, only the far right party lines. I simply tell you the verifiable facts. You then argue with the facts and pat yourself on the head in congratulations. Silly boy.

BTW…have you grown up enough to discuss Ashley Babbitt yet? The treasonous traitor who violently attacked the capitol with an armed gang of thugs trying to overthrow democracy at Trump’s urging and got what they all deserved….your hero.
No, I’m sure you’re still just too embarrassed of how idiotic supporting domestic terrorists is and just hope everyone will forget you stand firmly with the treasonous terrorist traitors against democracy, law, and order.

bobknight33 said:

I say both sides because it is both sides. You just so biased that you done even see it.

I dont bother to post because whats the point - you will just dismiss it an its just not worth the time.

You know the old saying..

“Show me a man that gets rich being a politician and I will show you a crook” Harry s. Truman

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Republican election commissioner in the state of New York Jason Schofield pleaded guilty to a two year massive fraud scheme. The same day the election board voted 16 to two to give him another four year term.

They knew that he was facing a massive criminal investigation and criminal charges, and yet they still voted to give him another four year term hours after he filed his intent to plead guilty. That is how corrupt Republicans are.

So here's what the scheme was according to the filings, over the span of two years they internally gathered up a bunch of absentee ballots for people that did not request absentee ballots, filled them out themselves and turned them all in.

Shefield is not the only Republican that has already gone down for this scheme. Another woman who also served with the election commission has also been charged.

There's two more Republicans that are also under investigation. They have not been charged yet, but charges will likely be coming against them.

Yet another massive Republican voter fraud scheme. The fact that anyone is still in the party belies any false claims they care about election integrity, because for 7 years every fraud, and there are thousands now, were Republican frauds, including dozens of campaigns and officials perpetrating massive schemes involving thousands or more votes.

Another case of every accusation being an admission of guilt. Another case of massive Republican corruption at the top on unheard of scales. More proof that the cheating anti democracy criminal lying anti-Americans are all in the Republican Party.

Edit: today’s bonus, turns out the IRS head that protected Trump from the legally required yearly audits of all presidents and refused his legal obligation to turn them over to the house ways and means committee when they officially requested them, Charles Redig, was a major investor in Trump properties who made $200k+- per year off his Trump investments while protecting Trump and his companies from ANY IRS scrutiny. Of course, now that Cons have control of the house, investigating private citizens like Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton is far more important than investigating the blatant crimes and abuses of power of their current candidate for President.

Border Collie Disc Caddy

newtboy says...

Absolutely yes.
My lab carried my disks, rags, place markers, and sometimes even my cigars in her backpack until she was paralyzed. She was my caddy.
My Shepherd would only chase the disk and “mark” where it stopped by touching it with his nose, but I never taught him to sit there so you had to watch him closely. He was not a caddy.
I’ve also known people who performed the same duties for friends, boyfriends/girlfriends, even for the “blind” disk golfer I played with a few times (he actually beat me). I’ve seen people tired of playing all day caddy for their friends quite often.
I’ve also seen caddies used in tournaments.
It’s not the norm, but it’s certainly not unheard of by any means.

Edit: is a caddy a prerequisite for it to be “golf”? If so, I guess there are a bunch of municipal bumpy ball whacking fields, but no municipal golf courses?

I will say, I’ve never personally seen electric disk golf carts.

Buttle said:

So you're saying there actually are "disc golf caddies" that carry discs? Because if not, I think that's just a different category, and doesn't necessarily involve any carrying. Except when you give the mulligan signal.

Barbie | Teaser Trailer

moonsammy says...

I'd totally forgotten about that one, but definitely saw it attached to something at the time. Of course in retrospect Phantom Menace would NOT be the #1 movie from 1999 to have watched, and neither it or Austin Powers 2 would even be in my top 5. We had Matrix, South Park, American Beauty, Fight Club, Sixth Sense, Iron Giant, Being John Malkovitch, The Mummy, Ghost Dog... so many good movies that year!

ant said:

Yep. The teaser might not even be in the movie too. I remember when Austin Powers 2's trailer was funny with its Star Wars spoof as shown in That was such a teaser!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Now that the body cam and secret service footage of the brutal terrorist MAGA attack against Pelosi has been viewed in court, and his confession, and they are all exactly what was reported by real media (not the fake news you enjoy), a break in and brutal attack against an innocent 82 year old man by a stranger, are you prepared to retract your blatantly homophobic insulting charge that it was a homosexual lover’s spat between the Senator’s husband and the typically violent nutjob MAGgot?

Of course not, you don’t care a bit about being correct, moral, or civil ever, just about being the biggest rancid douche bag possible at all times. Why is that?

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