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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Jesus Christ….Habba just introduced evidence that Trump claimed for valuation purposes that Trump tower is 72 stories, it’s 63.
Then she introduced evidence that Trump claimed Las Vegas Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas is 64 stories, its 56, the floors jump from 8 to floor 16 in one floor.
This is evidence his own lawyers supplied PROVING major intentional fraud. True, he’s already convicted of these and hundreds of other financial frauds, but it’s still just plain stupid to rub it in the trial judges face before he determines the punishment. WTF!?!
Trump is trying for a not guilty by insanity defense, Haba is going for an ineffectual council defense. 😂

Comer’s fraudulent impeachment inquiry uncovered his own land swap/shell company dealings with his own brother that are eerily similar to those he says are proof of Biden influence peddling, with the main difference being Biden loaned his brother $200k and got back $200k but in Comer’s convoluted back and forth land swapping with his brother tens of thousands of dollars just appear in the accounts with no way to account for it and they also never paid taxes on it while Biden’s brother can account for where every penny came from and has and neither Biden made a dime from it.

Bonus- 😂 Trump Media (Toth Senchal) has lost near $60 million in “value”, making it now worth $5-$25 million. Digital World Acquisition’s mission statement says they are looking for a company to invest in worth $500 million - $2 billion…which when they said it is what they assumed Trump media would be worth when shareholders bought in. Wow, is it a good thing for the investors that both companies colluded illegally to create this deal using falsified values, because they would have paid Trump $2 billion for his company that less than a year later is worth $5 million ACCORDING TO TRUMP HIMSELF.
Sounds like the buyout is off, Trump’s company doesn’t come close to meeting the requirements.
What an amazing businessman, took a guaranteed $2 billion payout and turned it into a shrinking $5 million joke because he just couldn’t help but break any financial/business law he sees.

Israel-Hamas War: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

There’s lots of reporting on Hamas saying they want to eradicate Israel (without the ability to even do damage 99.9% of the time, certainly not eradication), but very little reporting of the Israeli government saying the exact same thing about Palestine while actively doing so using US supplied advanced weaponry at bombing rates never before seen, and dropping them on civilian populations.

There’s little mention that Palestinians die at around 20 times the rate Israelis die despite having less than 20% the population of Israel (and extreme high death rates mean 50% of Palestinians are children).

Gaza is an open air prison where inmates serve life for the crime of being Arabs in their native land. Electricity flows a maximum of 3 hours a day in good times, food is scarce, and under 10% have access to clean water. There are no jobs, and there’s a very good chance your family will die together at home from indiscriminate bombing.

They have nothing to lose because Israel has taken everything from them over 70 years of ever expanding violent military occupation including their humanity.

The Israeli military spokesman said this campaign is intentionally not targeted, and is designed to do maximum damage to Palestine not to target Hamas. That’s another war crime.

Why in the fuck are we supporting and supplying clear undeniable, even proud war criminals!? That should make congress and Biden war criminals themselves. Send them all to The Hague to defend their actions if they think their actions are defensible.

If we use Israel’s metrics, that makes all Americans war criminals prime for righteous retaliation by the law abiding world. Not a good plan.

Edit: Side note- Israel has apparently made no move at all to negotiate hostage releases. In fact, they claim the hostages are held in the very tunnels they are bombing, so they are in fact targeting the hostages. Don’t let them get away with the lie that they are invading and raising the city to save them. They refused to consider pausing bombing for two days in exchange for their release, pretending Hamas might be miraculously completely resupplied and reinforced if they did.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’m still waiting for you to explain how 75% inflation over 22 years becomes 150% increased prices under Biden as you claimed. Please, I need your expertise in mathematics to make the world make sense.

It’s just delicious that the people Trump never gave a thought to, the peons that serve him, are the same people who testified to Jack Smith about all the top secret documents laying around in publicly accessible, even privately rentable areas of Maralago with absolutely no security for any of them, not locked doors, not even closed doors…at Trump’s direct order…and hidden only during pre-announced searches, again at Trump’s direct orders. They also testified about him showing top secret classified military intelligence to many foreign people he was trying to impress.

The people Trump likes to say he’s working for, the same people he doesn’t even see when they’re in the room, are the people that spilled the beans. Guaranteed he still doesn’t know who they are despite being listed by name and occupation. 😂

Oof….Michigan is looking at new election interference charges. They’re waiting for the Supreme Court to decide if their election interference laws are constitutional in the case of the two MAGA operatives that were convicted in multiple states of robo calling black voters to lie to them that vote by mail would send all their information to multiple government and non-government agencies including mandatory vaccinations, bill collectors, police, even “the man”, and would publish it publicly….all lies designed to make people scared to vote.

If those laws are deemed constitutional, most legal scholars say Trump himself violated them repeatedly, and prosecutors are preparing charges. 😂

Wow, there sure is a lot of news on these cereal boxes. I never knew General Mills was an investigative company, but you insist that’s where all this verifiable information comes from, so they must be. Maybe you should check them out.

Oooh-ooh-ooh….Mr Cotter! Giuliani’s Russian tied source in Ukraine has been charged with treason for feeding the US false intelligence supplied by Russia and undermining US/Ukraine relations under the direction of Russian military intelligence…this from the late special edition cereal box this evening.

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

Agreed, the details are many, but trying to see what will happen in the future is simple, it’s the same thing that’s been happening in the past. Israel will continue to illegally expand into territory they agreed belongs to Palestinians, will continue to militarily support and defend the murderous settlers that murder Palestinian families and steal their land constantly with no repercussion at all, and will use any resistance to that violent expansion as an excuse to abuse and further control and murder the remaining citizens while blaming them for their plight.
That’s exactly what’s happening today.
The areas hit by Hamas were all Palestinian land stolen by settlers with full military support, not in Israel but in what was recently Palestine. The expansionist invasion continues, it’s never stopped, and some people don’t understand why the remaining civilians imprisoned in the ghetto by Israel, often with no food, water, or medicine, might revolt and throw stones, but you totally understand why the invaders should get to flatten entire populated cities if one of theirs gets hurt.

The population of Israel is 15 times Gaza, but the casualties of this 70 year conflict are statistically all Palestinians. Just this latest conflict has seen under 1400 Israeli casualties and over 15000 Palestinian civilians…nearly 5000 YOUNG children. THE NORM IS MUCH WORSE, normally this retaliation would come after fireworks hurt 4 settlers almost killing one and damaging their stolen house.

There’s something Americans can do. Vote for a president that will cut all military aid to countries that commit war crimes regularly. Simple, but not easy.

Israeli military is only so strong because we support them. Without American weapons and support, Israel would be a long distant memory of a short lived immigrant invasion.

Yes, Hamas has rhetorically been as genocidal as Israel (also totally genocidal)…but they have zero ability to follow through, while Israel is actively committing genocide today with the most advanced weaponry on the planet we supply, and for the last 70 years. If Israel directly eliminated Palestine as they have stated they will, they would start another war with every neighbor, this time likely without support. Otherwise they would have followed through 40+ years ago. This newest “occupation” may be the last. There will be no rebuilding under occupation, and there are few habitable structures left in Gaza. It’s a small town of 750000 people flattened, under total embargo, and under a shoot on sight order from their oppressors.

Yes, Israel is fighting its neighbors….100% because of their treatment of Palestinians and blatant intent to ignore any borders in their expansion. Combined with Iran their neighbors aren’t 1/2 the military power Israel is thanks 100% to America supplying advanced weapons and defense platforms for decades at our expense.

Invading occupying military forces have no right to complain they are threatened…that’s like saying we should hand squatters AR-15s and grenades because they keep being threatened by the home owners and the neighborhood, and the squatters have every right to shoot neighbors in their own yards if they seem threatening, but the neighbors and home owners have no rights whatsoever, not even the right to leave home because that threatens the squatters. Not even the right of self defense when the squatters invite their family over to take the neighbor’s homes.
I prefer shooting squatters and dumping the bodies in the sewer where they belong. Zionists are all squatters….well armed squatters.

The squatters do not have the right to murder the neighbors who signed the petition to remove the violent squatters. The squatters are always the wrong party no matter what. Period. End on line.

Because Israel intends to act unilaterally and violently to ensure their defense and continued expansion, always at the expense of their neighbors, they should be abandoned by the rest of the world. Murderous expansionist invading occupying racist armies get zero sympathy, and there’s no such thing as an Israeli civilian, they do not exist, only those yet to be military, andtive military, and those in reserve…conversely there’s no such thing as a Palestinian soldier in Gaza…does not exist.

Militaries that attack civilian populations are war criminals…every time. Yes, that includes America in Afghanistan, but bears noting the Afghans protected Alkaida (sp?), the Palestinian government and most civilians do not support Hamas.
I do not want to be supporting foreign war crimes with my tax dollars.

bcglorf said:

Tragically it's all more complicated than anyone can really state, right? I mean, if you had a 30 book(10k pages a book) series solely on the conditions in the region of Palestine between 1930 and today you'd still have so much material to cut, you could limit all 30 books to only 1 sides POV.

The closest I see to shortcutting things, is trying view what is likely to happen in the future, and from that maybe what one might try and do.

The trouble being there's so little one can do. The reality is that Israeli military strength compared to Palestine is completely and entirely one sided, and thus Israel can and will do whatever it wishes to militarily. It's all their choice, period. In fairness to Israel, you have to note that Hamas as stated in their own charter, given that same power would've already cleansed the entirety of Israel and have created their own single state 'final' solution.

It's also not actually about Palestine vs. Israel, which should be obvious given the fact of Israel's military dominance. Israel IS really facing existentially threats of it's own, just not directly from Palestine, and instead from ALL of it's neighbours. That state of constantly requiring Israel to be capable of winning an existential war since it's inception has kept things in a perpetual state of near-war, and more often proxy-war with the Palestiniances as the pawns of alternately Iran, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and others depending which time and region we choose to look at.

Predictively, that gives us that Isreal can not, under any circumstances, accept conditions to exist where any party(in particular Iran as the main backer) views the "Al Aqsa Flood operation" as a success. That means Israel will do whatever they deem necessary to ensure that happens and Iran in particular views that operation as a mistake. Nothing the UN or any of the rest of us say or do can change that.

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

A reasoned and relatively factual position. Congratulations, but….
In my and many expert’s opinions the deadly indiscriminate pressure is exactly what pushes desperate and grieving innocent civilian Palestinians into Hamas’s arms. You would create two terrorists for every one caught with the inhumane treatment of the civilian population…and commit a serious war crime in the process.

Israel should abandon all expansionist settlements from the last 30 years and free the Palestinian citizens from the oppressive genocidal apartheid they’ve forced on the population for decades. That would end the conflict tomorrow, instead Israel has telegraphed its intent to take over Gaza militarily and occupy it again…and America stands by their side, but not all Americans.

If America had spent 10% of what we spend supplying Israel with weapons they use on civilians instead on building infrastructure, schools, hospitals, roads in Gaza, the Palestinians would not rightly see us as racist enemies, and might have the resources and inclination to oust Hamas. But we don’t.

Palestine gets no aid. You can’t withhold something that never existed. The reason Hamas gets any support is they do supply Gaza with food and medicine while Israel and America just embargo entire populations because a terrorist group lives in the country. Think if the world did the same, bombing cities flat and starving America because the Boogaloo Boys live in America.

Hamas is not Palestine, they’re the warlord gang that took over from the intentionally weakened Palestinian parliament and the only group supporting Palestinian civilians (while also using them as shields and cannon fodder).

Hamas fucked around, but Israel is making innocent Palestinian civilians “find out”. That’s a serious war crime that should put every Israeli soldier in prison, and get Netanyahu executed.

bobknight33 said:

Hamas took over the Gaza Strip after a brief civil war back in 2006 / 2007 . Before that Fatah was a major Palestinian political party that began in 1965 as the Palestinian National Liberation Movement. Fatah wanted to negotiate back to the 67 boundaries.

Hamas – Does not recognize Israel, but accepts a Palestinian state on 1967 borders
Fatah – Recognizes Israel, wants to build a state on 1967 borders

Israel should stop advancing and leave it to the Palestine to find and and capture Hamas.
To pressure this no aid to Palestine. Their desperation will weed out Hamas.

Tool - Schism

siftbot says...

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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Dominoes are falling.

Ken Cheseboro just plead guilty to felonies and agreed to testify against Trump. He’s the third.
This days after Kraken Powell did the same. She’s probably the reason he turned, and they are why the other 16 co-conspirators now thinking about taking a deal…they know those two have all the information needed to convict. D’OH!!!

All the co-defendants are admitting they tried to steal the fair and legitimate election that they knew Trump LOST! Not a good look in a RICO case.

What you gonna do now? Still believe Trump? Probably. 🤦‍♂️

Bonus- Wieselberg is caught red handed not turning over emails (and lying on the stand about his knowledge) that are part of his plea deal, which now triggers a forensic investigation of his and the Trump organization emails, and if omissions are found that’s more obstruction AND a violation of Wieselberg’s plea agreement. Too bad Forbes kept and supplied those emails…maybe Trump shouldn’t have gone off on them when he fell off the Forbes richest Americans list? 😂

School Board cuts off parent

moonsammy says...

Oh no! WORDS! These children are too fucking weak to possibly stand up to the mind-twisting power of WORDS! PUT THEM ALL IN A PADDED ROOM UNTIL THEY CAN GO TO WAR! NERF THE WORLD!

Meanwhile, active shooter drills. Meanwhile, parents buying basic classroom supplies so the teachers don't have to cover them with their meagre salaries. Meanwhile, schools share a single nurse between them, while having no funding for mental health specialists.

Liberals tend to focus on issues that actually impact kids. Conservatives seem obsessed with policing morality, while ignoring actual harms being done. I don't much care if my kid reads a book that has some sex in it. I do care a LOT if their classmates are being passed through the system without actual basic skills competency, because the school lacks the budget for remedial classes and tutors.


Aqua - Barbie Girl

Make Gold And Silver Pennies

Why Saudi Arabia Keeps Announcing New 'Gigaprojects'

newtboy says...

Sure sounds like they can afford to pay for and provide their own military then, and we can stop supplying them defense.

Wait….the entire country had a surplus of only $27 billion!?! WHAT!?!
Just a few years ago California had a surplus of $100 billion! Last year it was $50 billion. Where are our giga-projects!?!

It makes me wonder, how do they intend to pay for the upkeep on these hyper expensive ostentatious projects when the planet stops being addicted to oil? They have nothing else of value.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

You stupid stupid man that roots for Russia and against democracy consistently. You think you can just repeat Russian propaganda, flatly deny reporting from any non Russian sources, and still convince someone you haven’t clearly taken sides, choosing Russia over democracy?

“Proven wrong”?!? ROTFLMFAHS!!! Please, if you think you can, explain exactly what I’ve said that’s been “proven wrong”. (Hint- Saying “Russia said so” actually proves me right). Be precise, not just generalizations…make sure you quote me, don’t intentionally incorrectly paraphrase what I said. I KNOW YOU WON’T EVEN TRY, you are just a dishonest coward whining.

Every legitimate source is reporting major advancements by Ukraine, retaking much of Bakhmut and the surrounding areas and establishing supply lines, Russian lines are falling, supply lines failing, and Russia is in a major retreat.
The only places you hear any hint Russia isn’t on the ropes is directly from Russia, no where else.
You get your pure Russian internet propaganda “news” from sources like “weeb nation” and other incels in mom’s basement and think it’s real?!? 😂 I guess you’ve forgotten how many times you repeated the Russian claims and claimed they had already taken Bakhmut, only to be proven wrong every time. You simply are incapable of learning, which must be why your English skills don’t exceed a poor 3rd grade student’s.

Even far right anti Biden CNN says this is only unverified Russian propaganda directly from repeated liar Prigozhin that has claimed to have taken Bakhmut more than a few times now (every time you buy it) and Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar said Ukrainian troops were still “holding the defense” in a district on Bakhmut’s western-most edge.
“As of now, our defenders control certain industrial and infrastructure facilities in the area and the private sector,” she said.
I guess Prigozhin was lying about having taken the city, then about having no ammunition, about Wagner fleeing Bakhmut (on film), and about Russian regulars dropping their guns and fleeing the front lines just last week? But now he’s telling the truth….I see.

Admittedly not the city captured then 🤦‍♂️, Likely not any actual Russian advancements, only a change by saying the Ukrainian held parts are “unimportant”…and it’s certainly not an unimportant piece of the city as Russia is suddenly changing their narrative to indicate, the opposing army having a well defended stronghold in “your” city is hardly unimportant. Ukrainian territory is not shrinking but expanding and displacing Russians.
Ukrainian capabilities have increased by multiple generations of weaponry in the last few months, now capable of shooting down even hypersonic missiles, aircraft deep in Russia, even of getting Russia to shoot its own aircraft and soldiers. Russian capabilities are near nil, no new weaponry to bring to the front, only 50+ year old mothballed WW2 equipment no one has training with.

Russians are fleeing Crimea because it’s so clear it’s likely to be retaken soon.

COVID’s not real, the economy won’t suffer, Trump won the election, Jan 6 was a coup by BLM, Russia is winning in Ukraine. Your list of insanity grows daily, fool. Keep spreading Russian propaganda, it helps us identify it.

I’m actually glad you say this, because your reporting of facts and prognostication are so diametrically opposed to reality that your assertion that Russia is winning is real evidence they are losing.

“Side bitch”? Lol. Because we agree on some things?!? Um…..ok. I think he’s going to take issue with being declared my “side bitch”, right @surfingyt? I definitely don’t think of him (I assume) as some subordinate…just a fellow sifter with a brain.
At least I don’t have to create sock puppet accounts to have someone agree with me like you. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Proven wrong again. This is getting too easy. Time and time again proven wrong. You and you side bitch @surfingyt
Not propaganda just facts.
You know when you seek not fake TV news and information you can actually learn. But that is too much for you. Stay in you narrow minded groove.

Granted they could be pushed back.
This started 9 months ago and was a key hold for Ukraine and now , for the moment lost.
heck even cnn claims Bakhmut has fallen, except for a small unimportant piece. Also their narrative has shifted to that is Bakhmut is not an important territory.

NATO supplied ammunition facility attacked

Harzzach says...

Actually, this probably wasnt an ammo dump at all. According to UA this was a facility to store old S-300 rocket boosters.

And in regards to the ammo supply ... BOTH sides suffers from lack of conventional artillery ammo. The russians are not able to produce enough and Ukraine never had the amounts Russia had from the days of the USSR. But ... the ukranian ammo problem will be solved soon because the west is ramping up its own production, the russians still cant produce enough or receive the amount needed from North Korea.

Reading Rainbow-Star Trek:Next Generation Behind The Scenes

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