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Why This British Crossroads Is So Dangerous

Phooz says...

Also, only like 50% of cars stop for those stop signs!

edit: damn it! I typed and submitted the comment RIGHT BEFORE he said it in the video!

Cops Cause Accident And Instantly Arrest Victim

Semi-Submersible Drug Smuggling Vessel Stopped

newtboy says...

I hear "Alto su barco...Alto su barco ahora"

Poor Spanish for...
High (or upward?) your boat...High (or upward?) your boat now. (Telling them to surface)

There's also a good chance he was trying to say "stop your boat...Stop your boat now"....Alto is what's on Mexican stop signs....but as a noun.

Alto is not a verb from my recollection.

lucky760 said:

What was he yelling by the way?

"Hodor day porto!"

Distracted Cop Hits Cyclist

Digitalfiend says...

I’m shocked the cop didn’t try and say the cyclist ran into him and blew the stop sign or something. So, at least the cop was professional (or inexperienced) enough to admit his guilt and not try to screw the cyclist over. That’s going to be an expensive replacement though. Looks like an upper end bike, with Di2 (electronic shifting $$$), and carbon wheels, which will probably need to be replaced as well (at least the front). I’d say that bike could be $5k-$8k. This is why I’ve started riding with a video camera front and rear. You just never know when you might need clear evidence, especially as a cyclist.

Suspect drives off with Officer hanging on car

HugeJerk says...

That intersection has big rounded corners. I'd bet that a lot of people stop beyond the stop sign to see down the street without obstructions... and that's probably why the cop was parked there, to issue tickets at an intersection with a known design flaw.

Suspect drives off with Officer hanging on car

Esoog says...

Nothing wrong with the officer pulling him over. Dude was a full SUV length past the stop sign. If someone was coming from the officer's direction, turning left, it would have impeded their progress. Not saying they still couldn't have made the turn, or it would have been dangerous or anything, the signs are there for a reason. The stop was probably more to see if this was a dui, but he had reason to stop him. Just be cool, don't be an ass, and probably would have gotten a warning and let go, unless he has a long history of infractions...then he deserved it.

Passed Out In A Car

16 seconds: The Killing of Anita Kurmann

Buttle says...

I agree with Mass Bike that the truck driver was responsible. Not sure that he should be criminally charged, that's a really big hammer to use on someone that almost certainly did not intend any harm. But he wasn't even cited, although he left the scene. He called the Boston police many hours later, from New Jersey.

That said, I would advise any cyclists to avoid ever putting themselves in the position that Dr Kurmann found herself in. It is dangerous to ride beside large vehicles with limited visibility, as we see. Also good to note that semi trucks frequently swing left to set up a right turn -- I don't believe she realized the danger she was in until the truck was close to actually passing in front of her.

The symbol in the middle lane is a "sharrow", which really indicates that the middle lane is not a bike lane. The sharrow is supposed to indicate to motorists that bicycles may be expected in the lane, and to remind cyclists that they are allowed to use it. The Boston police report gets this wrong, irresponsibly making the driving public stupider. At the time of the crash the right lane was used as a turn lane, and there was a bus stop just before the crash site, making it likely that cyclists would use the middle lane.

It's fun to say that you never trust anyone, but that can't literally be true. For example, I trust thousands of drivers standing at red lights or stop signs not to charge out and run me over. It would be almost impossible to move in traffic without relying on most drivers to do the right thing most of the time.

Digitalfiend said:

Sad video for sure (the music was a bit much though).

Kind of a tough call - I do think the truck driver deserves the majority of the blame and should at the minimum be charged with a hit and run - and probably more - as he did pass the cyclist and clearly did not proceed with any due caution on that turn.

With that said, as an avid cyclist myself, I trust NO ONE while riding. Looking at the video, there seems to be a bike lane symbol in the middle lane, suggesting that cyclists proceeding through the intersection should be using that lane. Now I don't think that is enforced by law, but if that is what the symbol is there for, this would be a perfect illustration as to why. Also, if you look even closer, it appears the truck had his indicator on before she pulled up beside him; i.e. she should have seen his indicator. I hate to put any blame on that poor woman and - I really hate to say this - this video only goes to show that both parties were at fault.

Semi Truck Stops Amazingly Fast In An Emergency

mxxcon says...

In US when school bus offload kids they have foldable stop sign where cars on both sides of the road must yeld to it.
Kids should cross the road IN FRONT of the bus and driver must wait for them to finish crossing.

Zawash said:

Articles in Norwegian:

The driver behind flashed his lights and honked, to warn the oncoming truck.
The bus did not stop on an approved bus stop, and the transport company was looking into the incident.
But then again - this could easily have happened on a regular bus stop.
Some places, where there is quite a distance between each bus stop, the bus driver and parents agree to stop certain places between the bus stops.

Norwegian busses have always, since I was a kid, had warning labels "Do not cross the road before the bus has left". This is why.

Cyclist runs red light

fedaykinwolf says...

The amount of bikes I see running red, and blowing through stop signs, using no hand signals, I say good... Maybe now at least one person has learned and more will learn from this incident... I hate to see people get hurt, but if you don't follow the rules, you bring it on yourself, who can help the ignorant?

...Cars do the same true, but not as often

Epic Anti-texting rant

Digitalfiend says...

I see this every morning while dropping my kid off at school. Parents texting while sitting at stop signs or driving through the school zone with their heads down (there are three crosswalks and LOTS of kids, so that's even scarier). I also see this a lot as a cyclist. Usually when I see an oncoming car slowly drifting into in my lane it's generally someone with their head down and, I assume, looking at their phone.

People are so stupid...

Thunderf00t BUSTS the Hyperloop concept

nanrod says...

How do you know his mom is open to the air? My mom is in a plastic container waiting for us to scatter her remains in a sentimental location. Even if she was alive she would be one average target amongst 400 million. The WTC was one of a half dozen PRIME targets in the US on 9/11. The Hyperloop, on completion would become THE PRIME target in the US, not just for ISIS or Al Quaeda but for every nutjob who wanted to attract attention to himself. Hell, you'd probaly have rednecks out hunting taking potshots at it like it was a stop sign.

That being said, I'm still in favor of doing the research because even if Hyperloop never materializes, the research will inevitably have positive spinoffs. We should always dream big.

Payback said:

Your mom is open to the air. Few retards shoot AT her...

Not building something because someone can destroy it means constructing any building over 12-15 stories since 9/11 is ill-advised, yet people are still doing it...

News reporter gets hit by stop sign

News reporter: signing out

News reporter: signing out

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