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Tetris snow

$800 million obstacle course fish zapper

newtboy says...

There’s a HUGE hole in this multi layered fish net....ballast tanks.

Most invasive marine species are transported by shipping vessels that use massive tanks inside the hull to balance and stabilize the ship. They suck in or release water when they’re loaded and unloaded. These expensive fish deterrents do nothing to stop fish hitching a ride. It will only take one female and one male, or one clutch of fertilized eggs to make all these efforts moot.

There is little chance any amount of engineering will stop them.

The Walk.

newtboy says...

No, it's not.

Part 1: It's exactly the same gradient in both videos...probably the same exact ramp.
This is not a wheelchair ramp, which is what your ada numbers represent. If you're going to mock the video, you should at least get your ramp type right.

Part2: Where's the comparison video of Trump slowly struggling to climb this ever so steep ramp? A 3' rise in nearly 40' is not steep unless you are severely disabled. (BTW, that's about a 4.3 degree ramp, a 7.3% slope....those stripes are about 1.5' wide, and the stage floor is only two stripes up from ground level. Again, if you're going to mock the video, at least get your numbers close if not right.).

Apples to apples then, 15:20- 15:30.
Joe jogs, Trump barely thinks he can.

Or feel free to compare Trump's "run" at the end (the only "running" we've ever seen from him) with this then ...

Part3: Yes, Trump already described this event, and his description/explanation was nearly identical to yours....just like @bcglorf said. I'd say his 100% is close, Trump may have used a different arrangement of words but he said exactly the same thing.

Your implications are apparently that you think Trump is healthy, as healthy as Biden, and the media is making his poor health up. That is demonstrably false by any metric. Biden is old as fuck and my second to last choice from the Democratic field (Clinton is my last choice), but hands down Biden beats Trump in vigor, cognition, stability....just about any measure of health, mental or physical, that I've ever heard of except possibly the ability to deceive.

BTW, sarcasm could totally be interpreted from your comment. You deride the numbers given then offer your own random numbers that are exponentially farther off, and give a nonsensical excuse that this isn't a proper wheelchair ramp, how could an able bodied man possibly walk up and down it!? Many people assume nonsense like that will be taken as a joke, so refuse to use the sarcasm button.
Again, if you want to deride other people's facts, you should get yours's about a 4.3 degree ramp, not 11.

harlequinn said:

It's an 11 degree ramp, not 3, which is over 2 times the gradient allowed (as per the ADA). And the ADA requires ramps of this sort to have handrails.

Where's the comparison video? I.e., Biden coming down the ramp.

Part 1: the video portrays mocking. If they're going to mock someone, they should at least get their numbers right, otherwise they're no better than Trump and his continual exaggerations (e.g. it's like them saying "and it was the least steepest ramp in the world, and I've walked all the ramps of the world, more than anyone else").

Part 2: if they're trying to be funny by comparing two things then you have to, you know, compare the two things. So where is the video of Biden coming down the ramp? I want to see Biden cartwheel down the ramp like a champ.
Part 3: "I can 100% expect Trump, if he ever sees the clip, to respond exactly as your comment did", except for the fact that Trump already described this event (walking down the ramp) in this video. So you better check your 100%

BTW, there is no dilemma - no sarcasm was implied or could be interpreted from my comment, and there is a little sarcasm check box that remained unchecked (just to be sure). On the other hand, I fully expected someone to try to diminish my comment, because facts always get in the way of a good story.

Shocking Data On China’s Economic Growth

notarobot says...

This is another example of Conservative thinking. All these guys are concerned with is the right now, and the near future. The next quarter. They have no idea what they're talking about here.

China is expecting their population to increase by 300 million in the next thirty-ish years.

I'll say that again for the folks at the back:

China is expecting their population to increase by one United States of America worth of people by the 2050's.

We're talking about a country with a government founded by a workers' revolution, that has had a widespread famine in living memory. (During the Great Leap era.) This isn't ancient history.

They cannot allow "market forces" to dictate how and where people live in North America where fertile fields are plowed under to make room for sprawling suburbs.

That's why they're building. That is why they are building UP.

Young families will not be able to just go any buy a house in the suburbs. China, for the most part doesn't build suburbs. Suburbs waste space.

They need existing farmland to be protected to manage their food security. They don't want a famine, that's how you get a revolution. They don't want a revolution.

They want stability.

China doesn't worry about next quarter because they planned for that a decade ago. It's the next decades that they're planning for now---a timeframe these Conservative talking heads are incapable of understanding.

Trump VS Trump On The Kurds

wtfcaniuse says...

Turkey and other countries including the USA see the PKK (Kurdish workers party) as a terrorist group after they tried to form their own Kurdish state. Turkey thinks all Kurds are PKK or have ties to PKK.

The US has been adamant that not all Kurds are linked to the PKK. Specifically the YPG and YPJ which are male and female militia groups respectively. YPG and YPJ are predominantly Kurdish but have lots of ex US and UK military, among others, volunteering with them because of their fight against ISIS and work to bring order to and stabilize parts of Iraq and Syria.

There are many good docos about the YPG and a few about the YPJ.

newtboy said:

Wtf do you mean? With all the abbreviations, idk.

Monkey Smells Finger, Falls Out of Tree...

CrushBug says...

This is one of those original videos on the internet. Before video sharing site, before YouTube. This video was passed around at LAN parties and hosted on private web servers and downloaded for about an hour.

What is amazing about this version, is that it is stabilized, as you can see from the E logo that is whipping around on the screen.

That is what makes this a treasure.

Trump Thrives on Cruelty

newtboy says...

If they were 50% fair it would be worse for Trump, but even two years in they still can't believe everything he says is a lie, so they keep reporting it like it means something besides the ramblings of an Alzheimer's patient.
Even he would say your numbers are wrong, he thinks it's far more than 27/7/365, more like 32/12/427, or even 39/15/720

Poll numbers steady? Well, rock bottom is a stabilizer.

Meaga? Make Everywhere but America Great Again? Are you having a stroke?

bobknight33 said:

Some mocking, just speaking truth with slight comedy.

Trump is knocking down falsehoods that in abundance by the left.

Media is 27/7/365 anti Trump and yet his poll numbers are steady. What would happen if media was at least 50% fair.

MEAGA 2020

Slowing Down A Stock Exchange With 38 Miles Of Cable

How to ride a sidecar motorbike

A Scary Time

scheherazade says...

What sort of evidence?

- Accusation/testimonial evidence?

- Or Physical evidence that is an invariant indicator of rape, that you can hold, see, measure, etc?

Anyone can accuse. That's effortless. Takes barely more energy than breathing.

(It's also effortless for a group of sour girls to gang up on a dude that upset them. Because "f that guy'. (That attitude isn't even rare.))

Physical evidence? People are convicted day in and day out of all sorts of things without physical evidence.

(Court is after all a popularity contest.)

My scary moment was when a cop detained me and told me he was going to charge me with : reckless driving, driving without a seat belt, and with threatening his life.

Why? Because I pulled up to a road block and asked him if I could drive past his road block to go home (which was a short way past the road block)... and he was having some emotional stability/triggering issues at the time, and he instantly turned red and went full on tirade mode.

Fortunately for me, after detaining me a few hours, some switch flipped in his head again and he just went to his car, got in, and drove off. Surreal.

So I asked myself :
If I had been charged, what would be the difference in court, vis-a-vis evidence, between it being a lie, and it being the truth?
Answer : No difference.

All he threatened me with was provable only by his word, and no evidence was required. I likely would have gone to jail, and had my life turned upside down... all on some person's grimace.

My view on evidence changed that day.
I will _NEVER_ convict anyone of anything, without physical tangible evidence that I can hold in my hand and see with my eyes, or at least run forensic tests on.
Testimony doesn't mean _shit_. It's absolutely, patently _worthless_.

(I also now run a dash cam everywhere I drive to protect myself from false accusations)

Basically, unless you have physical proof, I don't care.
Whatever you have to say, prove it.
No proof, no cares.

That goes for all accusations of anything ever. Across the board. Absolute.

It's the standard I want people to have for me, and it's the standard I have for others.


(Aside, unrelated : I know a dude that was raped by a girl (he was nearly paralyzed drunk at his own house party). Wasn't even a secret. People at the party knew it happened. Nobody cared. When he complained, all anyone said was "Oh whatever. Shut up get over it". It wasn't even a question of 'did it happen?', it was a matter of "so what?".)

ChaosEngine said:

Finally, where is the abandoning of proof and evidence? Show me someone who has been convicted of sexual assault without any evidence. There's a big difference between accepting an allegation is worth looking into and convicting that person.

If a woman (or a man) comes forward with a claim of sexual assault, they are entitled to be taken seriously. That doesn't mean their alleged assailant is guilty though.

"What do you want? You want some money?"

Wingsuit Jump Through Clouds

Wingsuit Jump Through Clouds

b4rringt0n (Member Profile)

Trump Holds Rally Amid Aftermath of Family Separation Policy

newtboy says...

Funny, following the law isn't important when it's environmental law, or international law, charity law, fraud law, tax law, etc.....or when it takes effort to follow American law. That's why he spent money on building and running child jails instead of immigration judges, who could solve the problem 100% by making the application process last under 3 weeks.
Democratic politicians have tried to solve this repeatedly, but obstructionist republicans couldn't let any Obama laws pass and kicked it down the road to where we are now, where democratic bills stand zero chance of consideration, much less a vote.

Trump intentionally caused this with his presidential order to move to zero tolerance and arrest asylum seekers in an effort to force the political issue while Republicans only need to stop Democrats from filibustering, but enough Republicans balked at his monsterousness that he actually needs democrats votes now, something he won't get.

Since it's so often American policy and American drug trade that has made their homes terrible places, we owe those who our actions have displaced an opportunity for asylum.

It's like I come to your home, break in, take your valuables, burn the house down looking for more, then deride you for needing help, deny you shelter, and tell you to get your shit together and stabilize your life while my other gang members pick through the rubble of your home, then we dump you in Reno, your wife in Oklahoma, and your kids.....somewhere, not our problem, you find them.

There isn't some sudden rush of immigrants like Trump and oan/faux claim, the rate is still fairly steady.

Also, contrary to the lies you've repeated, no party advocates open borders. That's as true as saying Republicans are advocating the destruction of families and murder of children. Democrats have tried to fund rational immigration controls and have been stymied, but Republicans just want to lock the door and only let in those with connections and the Bin Ladens.

To think otherwise is just ignorant of the facts.

bobknight33 said:

Trump is doing the right thing. Following the law. This need to be FIXED this has been kicked down the road for decades. Politicians promise to do something then don't . They enact laws and then don't enforce. Trump is being non political and will try to fix it. Obama, Bush, Clinton all kick the can down the road as did the house and senate. Now 30+ million illegals and thousand every month coming. THIS NEEDS FIXED.

I sorry these people come from terrible places. The solution is not open boarders but to stabilize their countries. THEY need to get their shit together.

To think otherwise is foolish.

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