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Two Canadians discover the US is now a police state.

Sagemind says...

All due respect but I take offense to you bringing race into this.

1). You don't know this guy's race, so to start, you are off base.
2). I don't understand how you think white people don't understand authority. I've never seen a get out of jail free card. That assumption is a generalization and is therefor again off base.
3). I know and respect border officials and know how to respond when they ask their questions. It has NOTHING to do with race. It has to do with respect of authority. Something this guy let slip and boom, he's detained. As expected as anyone of any ethnicity would be detained.

I (as a white guy) have never expected a free ride because of race and as such always respond or act in the required manner expected of myself as needed. Respect gets respect.

You are right - "He doesn't understand this situation at all"
But this is NOT a Minorities Game. This is an Authority Game. plain and simple.
Throwing derogatory race comments around isn't necessary.

Thank you for your consideration.
(Again,all due respect, I'm not trying to start something - just pointing out that calling out race is off-base and may be called racist in itself)

>> ^legacy0100:

WHITE PEOPLE ARE SOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY!!!! LOL He doesn't understand this situation at all!! LOL!
Authority figures don't want back talk or any type of attitude from you. Why? Because they are being fair. I know that sounds fucked up but hear me out. The ironic part about being fair is that in order to treat everyone equally, including illegal immigrants and smugglers, they have to be tough to EVERYONE so that they wouldn't be accused of being bias or be accused of racial profiling. So more crimes & illegal activities going on around the border, the tougher they have to treat regular innocent citizens. So look at it from a socio-economic perspective rather than just one isolated encounter. And be happy that everyone is now being treated equally. Yay.
The bottom line is that the officer is being fair, and the man IS resisting the officer. The funny part is that he thinks he's totally clean, and expects a special 'White Canadian' treatment, which he is denied. And he's raising a fuss over it because he just found out that he isn't SPECIAL anymore.
Minorities know all too well how this game goes, and I just find it fascinating how this Canadian couple (assumed Caucasian) just can't grasp the concept that he was defying the officer's orders just now, and has no fear of resisting an authority figure. This is such a fundamental difference in culture because every minority in North America would have been familiar with this drill before. Ready your papers, yes sir, no sir, show that you cooperate with the authorities, and be on your way. Also, most minorities are familiar with the repercussions of disobeying an authority figure, and would like more than anything to avoid that situation as the laws aren't so gentle and understanding when it comes to minorities. So minorities know exactly what to do in this situation.
However,(assumed non-minority) Canadian man thinks such treatment unto him is unfair and protests, demanding that the officer answer HIS questions instead of he answering the officer's questions. He sees the officer as his equal, and has no problem challenging him incessantly. I assume that he has never been treated this way before in his life, being treated just like the rest of the minorities have been for centuries. I just find this HILARIOUS. This just goes to show how divided our country really is, and how ironic to see that what is considered as normal practice to minorities, is deemed absolutely unacceptable to a white guy. Welcome to the life of minorities, friend!
Well perhaps he could take solace in the fact that everyone else being treated equally the same way in no regards to their race or ethnic country of origin. He should be happy this has happened to him (sarcasm!) Equality Achieved!

Two Canadians discover the US is now a police state.

legacy0100 says...

WHITE PEOPLE ARE SOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY!!!! LOL He doesn't understand this situation at all!! LOL!

Authority figures don't want back talk or any type of attitude from you. Why? Because being angry or having an attitude can incite to violence. This man obviously cannot control his temper. That's why they pulled him off the side in the first place. But secondly and most importantly, because the cops are being fair. I know that sounds fucked up but hear me out. The ironic part about being fair is that in order to treat everyone equally, including illegal immigrants and smugglers, they have to be tough to EVERYONE so that they wouldn't be accused of being bias or be accused of racial profiling. So more crimes & illegal activities going on around the border, the tougher they have to treat regular innocent citizens. So look at it from a socio-economic perspective rather than just one isolated encounter. And be happy that everyone is now being treated equally. Yay.

The bottom line is that the officer is being fair, and the man IS resisting the officer. The funny part is that he thinks he's totally clean, and expects a special 'White Canadian' treatment, which he is denied. And he's raising a fuss over it because he just found out that he isn't SPECIAL anymore.

Minorities know all too well how this game goes, and I just find it fascinating how this Canadian couple (assumed Caucasian) just can't grasp the concept that he was defying the officer's orders just now, and has no fear of resisting an authority figure. This is such a fundamental difference in culture because every minority in North America would have been familiar with this drill before. Ready your papers, yes sir, no sir, show that you cooperate with the authorities, and be on your way. Also, most minorities are familiar with the repercussions of disobeying an authority figure, and would like more than anything to avoid that situation as the laws aren't so gentle and understanding when it comes to minorities. So minorities know exactly what to do in this situation.

However,(assumed non-minority) Canadian man thinks such treatment unto him is unfair and protests, demanding that the officer answer HIS questions instead of he answering the officer's questions. He sees the officer as his equal, and has no problem challenging him incessantly. I assume that he has never been treated this way before in his life, being treated just like the rest of the minorities have been for centuries. I just find this HILARIOUS. This just goes to show how divided our country really is, and how ironic to see that what is considered as normal practice to minorities, is deemed absolutely unacceptable to a white guy. Welcome to the life of minorities, friend!

In Conclusion, this is Irony to the HIGHEST degree. The Canadian man in the video is being a hardcore ethnocentric asshole without him realizing it. The Officer is treating the Canadian couple the same way he/she would with any suspicious person or a minority. The Canadian man thinks he shouldn't be seen as a suspicious person. He is demanding a special treatment because he's not from Iraq and that being Canadian should allow him Special Privilege. He also admits he's not going to obey orders he doesn't agree? Huh? How is that his choice? Well perhaps he could take solace in the fact that everyone else being treated equally the same way in no regards to their race or ethnic country of origin. He should be happy this has happened to him (sarcasm!) Equality Achieved!

Could Use Of Flying Death Robots Be Hurting US Reputation?

rebuilder says...

Sadly prescient, I fear. I'd hate to be in a warzone when they weaponize all those autonomous flying drones everyone's making now...

Not to mention when someone has the bright idea of strapping pipe bombs on them and flying fleets of GPS-guided flying bombs into crowded places.

And I'd be surprised if smugglers weren't already using those to get contraband across borders. From what I can tell, currently you can get a kit for a couple of thousand dollars that includes GPS and autopilot with waypoints, with half an hour of flying time and a top speed of about 80 kilometres per hour...

Mexican Drug Smugglers Jack Up Border Fence To Cross

cosmovitelli says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

That would be one barrel of oil per illegal PER DIEM.
You libs are experts at crying racism and demanding higher taxes. National defense, stable prosperous economies, job creation, crime control, etc., not so much.
Everylib: "Someone else will pay for undocumented workers' crime and welfare drain."

P.S. 'Someone else' is YOU, Doltholomew!

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:
Shit Michael Savage is dumb. That program would literally last all of two days.
The United States consumes 7 millions barrel per day.
There are only about 12 million undocumented immigrants from Mexico at last count, 18 million tops.
Hah, And those were pre-economic collapse numbers.
Not to mention the mass exodus that took place after all the new Arizona SB 1070 type laws were enacted in multiple states.
How to be Conservative Radio Host 101: Say the most incendiary, convoluted scenario that comes to mind.
Make bank on all the Pinheads like QM that crave ignorance and hate.
>> ^quantumushroom:
"I envision an Oil for Illegals program. . .The president should demand one barrel of oil from Mexico for every illegal alien that sneaks into our country."

Mexican workers are costing the US taxpayer half a trillion dollars a year??!!!
At $100/ barrel / worker / day it's about that annually..
For that money we could invade them and take ALL their oil!
Quick give QM a badge!!

Mexican Drug Smugglers Jack Up Border Fence To Cross

quantumushroom says...

That would be one barrel of oil per illegal PER DIEM.

You libs are experts at crying racism and demanding higher taxes. National defense, stable prosperous economies, job creation, crime control, etc., not so much.

Everylib: "Someone else* will pay for undocumented workers' crime and welfare drain."

* P.S. 'Someone else' is YOU, Doltholomew!

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Shit Michael Savage is dumb. That program would literally last all of two days.
The United States consumes 7 millions barrel per day.
There are only about 12 million undocumented immigrants from Mexico at last count, 18 million tops.
Hah, And those were pre-economic collapse numbers.
Not to mention the mass exodus that took place after all the new Arizona SB 1070 type laws were enacted in multiple states.
How to be Conservative Radio Host 101: Say the most incendiary, convoluted scenario that comes to mind.
Make bank on all the Pinheads like QM that crave ignorance and hate.
>> ^quantumushroom:
"I envision an Oil for Illegals program. . .The president should demand one barrel of oil from Mexico for every illegal alien that sneaks into our country."

Mexican Drug Smugglers Jack Up Border Fence To Cross

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Shit Michael Savage is dumb. That program would literally last all of two days.

The United States consumes 7 millions barrel per day.
There are only about 12 million undocumented immigrants from Mexico at last count, 18 million tops.

Hah, And those were pre-economic collapse numbers.
Not to mention the mass exodus that took place after all the new Arizona SB 1070 type laws were enacted in multiple states.

How to be Conservative Radio Host 101: Say the most incendiary, convoluted scenario that comes to mind.

Make bank on all the Pinheads like QM that crave ignorance and hate.
>> ^quantumushroom:

"I envision an Oil for Illegals program. . .The president should demand one barrel of oil from Mexico for every illegal alien that sneaks into our country."

Mexican Drug Smugglers Jack Up Border Fence To Cross

pmkierst says...

No, I'm pretty sure that those people are carrying big sacks of drugs. The drugs ain't gonna walk themselves to the destination.

>> ^eric3579:

Although it says they are smuggling drugs on Live Leak, I'm just going to assume they are smuggling people from the looks of it.

Zero Punctuation: Star Wars: The Old Republic

braindonut says...

I haven't done the smuggler story at all, but as a Sith Warrior, I can say the story was VERY engaging all the way up to level 40 something. They did a great job of continually ratcheting up the drama. If it weren't for the fact that I'm stupid busy dealing with moving into my new house and work, I'd be playing it right now.

Police ram a plane with a car

Police ram a plane with a car

Police ram a plane with a car

Police ram a plane with a car

Officers Opposing Drug War Fired

longde says...

I am politically against the war on drugs. Personnally, I applaud the agent and wish there were more people on the border with his sensitivities.

When I say I would have fired the guy, I am speaking from the point of view of his employer. As such, my concerns would include this man pulling down the morale of his team by proselytizing for a group whose mission counters that of the agency, and espousing a point of view that does the same. I would believe he was entitled to his opinions, and even the entitled to express them outside of work. But on the job is too far.>> ^Skeeve:

I'd be interested to hear why. He never refused to do his job. He never did anything to help drug dealers or smugglers or anything. He simply expressed an opinion, which is his right.
Soldiers don't get kicked out of the military for bitching about their mission.
Public servants don't lose their jobs for disagreeing with government policies.
Plumbers don't get fired for grumbling about unclogging toilets.
And if the above people do lose their jobs for those things, they sue for wrongful dismissal.
This guy innocently suggested an alternative to the war on drugs (an alternative that is likely to be better for everyone except drug cartels and the people with a financial stake in fighting them) and he gets fired and you think that was the right thing to do?
>> ^longde:
I feel for him; but if I were his boss, I'd fire him too.

Officers Opposing Drug War Fired

Skeeve says...

I'd be interested to hear why. He never refused to do his job. He never did anything to help drug dealers or smugglers or anything. He simply expressed an opinion, which is his right.

Soldiers don't get kicked out of the military for bitching about their mission.
Public servants don't lose their jobs for disagreeing with government policies.
Plumbers don't get fired for grumbling about unclogging toilets.

And if the above people do lose their jobs for those things, they sue for wrongful dismissal.

This guy innocently suggested an alternative to the war on drugs (an alternative that is likely to be better for everyone except drug cartels and the people with a financial stake in fighting them) and he gets fired and you think that was the right thing to do?
>> ^longde:

I feel for him; but if I were his boss, I'd fire him too.

Brazilian police, like a boss .

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