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Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standard

bobknight33 says...

If it is a CRT is another red herring than you have nothing to worry about. Let it be banned in schools and in you mind then nothing would be banned.

No one wants to ban the teaching of slavery or Jim Crow.

Why would any Republican want to ban the teaching this side of the Democrat party?

Quit bringing false arguments to the table.

newtboy said:

You came up before common core, so what’s your excuse?

CRT is another red herring….it’s a law school class misrepresented as a movement to teach white children their ancestors and parents are evil. Total nonsense the right created just to have something to be angry about.
Now the same people want to erase any mention of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, red lining, etc as evil anti white “CRT”….banking on the idea that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.

Not surprising to hear your support for modern day book burning.

Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standard

newtboy says...

You came up before common core, so what’s your excuse?

CRT is another red herring….it’s a law school class misrepresented as a movement to teach white children their ancestors and parents are evil. Total nonsense the right created just to have something to be angry about.
Now the same people want to erase any mention of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, red lining, etc as evil anti white “CRT”….banking on the idea that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.

Not surprising to hear your support for modern day book burning.

bobknight33 said:

My kids cam up though common core and it is a mess.

DeSantis is doing a fair job. Don't need CRT or other BS slanted course work.

Get back to basics

Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standard

newtboy says...

Always easier to control an ignorant population, you can sell them any nonsense and they don’t have the ability to know better.

Those that don’t know history are doomed to repeat it….is exactly what those stripping American slavery and Jim Crow from school books are hoping is true.

BSR said:

Florida officials continued their war on education this week….

I’m 100% Serious

newtboy says...

Unbelievably *terrible idea.

Never in a million years, and it shouldn’t happen, and wouldn’t help. Trump would show for the money and do nothing but bash Obama as a foreigner Muslim illegitimate “so called president” (who won two more presidential elections than Trump), would blame all his failures on either Obama or Biden, and would interrupt Obama’s every thoughtful point with rambling, self congratulatory nonsense. Trump has no interest in unification unless that means everyone unify behind him and he’s emperor. Trump is a divider, his entire platform is “blame the libs for everything wrong, take credit for anything that’s working, even if he opposed it”. He has nothing to offer but hateful lies.

Trump is incapable of having a nice discussion. If the other people speaking aren’t just praising him, he thinks they should just shut up and let him praise himself. It’s an impossibility for him to sit and have a productive conversation with a non sycophant, especially one as intelligent and knowledgeable as Obama that would outshine him like a supernova beside a black hole of ignorance. He wouldn’t make it 5 minutes before his first temper tantrum.

Obama doesn’t need the money, he’s a real, successful, happy, self made multi doubt he would donate any payments to the needy ….Trump does need the money, he’s an unhappy failed businessman and broke trust fund baby with dozens of criminal court cases pending and hundreds of millions in unpaid doubt he would pocket every penny...and Trump is considered by most Americans as personally responsible for the worst attack on Washington since 1812 as an attempted coup....and the idea is to give him another high profile platform from which he can try again to make his baseless and highly divisive case that he's not a loser, like he does at his shrinking rallies and random paid events at his properties.

If you want to unify America, you need to remove Trump from the equation, he divided America more than slavery. Division is his only real accomplishment….how does this guy think he’s the one to help unify?

It's like saying Jim Jones or David Koresh should be publicly debating the Dalai Lama to unify people around religion in positive ways, they both just had that one little slip up and their remaining people still believe in them for the most part.

C-note (Member Profile)

US History: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

luxintenebris jokingly says...

why stop? follow up through the next 150+ years. things change. the g.o.p. certainly did. from 1854 to now it has swung from progressive to regressive.
- from freeing slaves to gambling w/school children's lives.
- from a giant of a man and a great leader; to a fat child and overeater.

learn history? slavery existed in all the states, champ.
learn history? try 'race riots omaha' in google*, then try to insinuate only southern democrats were dangerous.

and a bit off subject, but near and dear to your heart...

learn history? try explaining why don's university and his charity lost lawsuits then paid out large sums?

learn history? yes! but in all, it's horror and glory. not just that version where bob rescued his family leaving out the part where his lit bong, next to the porn mags, started the fire. (hypothetical example)

*one city. a horde of other tusla's in u.s. history

bobknight33 said:

Its not that Slavery was a white issue. Not all whites were slave holders. You need to look at which group identified with slavery.
Learn history,

US History: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Look at all these slave masters posin' on your dollars

eric3579 says...

Run The Jewels - JU$T

Mastered economics 'cause you took yourself from squalor (Slave)
Mastered academics 'cause your grades say you a scholar (Slave)
Mastered Instagram 'cause you can instigate a follow (Shit)
Look at all these slave masters posin' on yo' dollar (Get it? Yeah)

Look at all these slave masters (Ayy) posin' on yo' dollar (Get it? Yeah)
Look at all these slave masters (Ayy) posin' on yo' dollar (Get it?)
Look at all these slave masters (Ayy) posin' on yo' dollar (Get it? Yeah)
Look at all these slave masters

Business time, I'm on mine, I be mindin' mine (Make money)
Every time on my grind, I'm just tryna shine (Stay sunny)
Make a dollar, government, they want a dozen dimes (No cap)
The petty kind, might kill ya 'cause they see you shine (Stay strapped)
I done had to have a talk with myself plenty times (For real)
Am I a hypocrite 'cause I know I did plenty crimes? (Yes, I'm is)
I get broke too many times, I might slang some dimes (Back to trappin')
You believe corporations runnin' marijuana? Ooh (How that happen?)
And your country gettin' ran by a casino owner (Ooh)
Pedophiles sponsor all these fuckin' racist bastards (They do)
And I told you once befo' that you should kill your master (It's true)
Now that's the line that's probably gon' get my ass a-assassinated (Yeah-yeah, yeah)

Master of these politics, you swear that you got options (Slave, yeah)
Master of opinion 'cause you vote with the white collar (Slave)
The Thirteenth Amendment says that slavery's abolished (Shit)
Look at all these slave masters posin' on yo' dollar (Get it?)

Look at all these slave masters (Ayy) posin' on yo' dollar (Get it? Yeah)
Look at all these slave masters (Ayy) posin' on yo' dollar (Get it?)
Look at all these slave masters (Ayy) posin' on yo' dollar (Get it? Yeah)
Look at all these slave masters

(Confucius say)
Man, you better duck out, get the bag and then bug out (Uh)
Try to run home, you might run your luck out
'Cause just when your bases loaded
They'll roll a grenade in the dugout (You're out)
Earth folk, not a mellow bunch
We got our thumbs in the air like Hell or bust (Uh)
Look at who we done blessed with our trust
I don't think we'll be left with too much
Hand on my heart and my mind on my drugs
Got a Vonnegut punch for your Atlas shrug
They love to not love, it's just that dumb
Lord, sweet Buddha, please make me numb
Brain bounce off walls like a sentient Roomba
Just found out his creator's stupid
Lit by the supermoon, I'm too lucid
Plus got shrooms in the blood, I'm zoomin'
Beep beep, Richie, this is New York City
The X on the map where the pain keep hitting
Just us ducks here sitting
Where murderous chokehold cops still earnin' a livin'
Funny how some say money don't matter
That's rich now, isn't it? Get it? Comedy
Try to sell a pack of smokes to get food
Get killed and it's not an anomaly
But hey, it's just money

Mastered economics 'cause you took yourself from squalor (Slave, yeah)
Mastered academics 'cause your grades say you a scholar (Slave)
Mastered Instagram 'cause you can instigate a follow (Shit, yeah)
Look at all these slave masters (Yeah-yeah)
Let it sink in (Yeah)

20/20, run the map
Raw, I'm uncut in my hourglass
Don't watch it spill to the bottom half
You see the piece, now run it fast
On the tarmac in a Starter jack
C4 when I run it back
Like a track star run a record lap?
Nah, like when his needle catch (Yeah)
Clean look, poet pugilist
A shooter's view, a Zapruder flick (Yeah)
Too rude for ya rudiments
Who convinced you you could move against the crew in this?
Comin' up through the fence
Offshore outta Port-au-Prince (Yeah)
Louverture left his fingerprints
On our hearts at the gate and the world our residence
How can we be the peace
When the beast gonna reach for the worst? (Yeah)
Tear all the flesh off the Earth
Stage set for a deafening reckoning
Quick like the pace of a verse
So I'm questioning this quest for things
As a recipe for early death threatening (Yeah)
But the breath in me is weaponry
For you, it's just money


newtboy says...

I have read that Lee quote too. I think he meant any statues or monuments to the confederacy, but that's just my opinion.

I certainly see a distinction between imperfect but honorable men trying to do right and treasonous racists trying to found a nation rooted in the racist concept that ...."the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition. "

I, for one, don't demand perfection from my heros, only honor, honesty, and empathy. Claiming other people are subhuman and naturally subordinate fails on all three counts.

I think it's important to evaluate the reasons many monuments were erected, in the case of confederate monuments it was done to oppose civil rights for non whites, install a permanent reminder of the pervasive racism the confederate was founded on, and to misrepresent history to minimize their ancestors treason.
In the case of the Lincoln emancipation monument, it was to celebrate finally officially recognizing the humanity of a large portion of the population. I would hope anyone bothered by it's depictions 1)understands the history of its creation (thanks for that) and 2)offers to replace it at their expense rather than demand its removal at taxpayer expense.

luxintenebris said:

have read a number of Lee descendants were okay w/removing his statues, too. by now, i'd hope, most folks know R.E.L. said statues weren't gonna be helpful.

“I think it wiser, not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.”

of course, he was talking about a gettysburg memorial, so maybe he was reluctant to have a memorial at the site of his gravest error.

but the issue is like most things: complicated. like the lincoln emancipation memorial. get how the couchant slave is a downer, but the fact former slaves paid for its erection, the model for the slave was t.s. eliott grandpa's gardener, a former escaped slave, and is mohammed ali's direct ancestor - is kinda cool. maybe worth having around just to explain all the details around its history.

A 1921 Mob Destroyed America's Richest Black Neighborhood

scheherazade says...

I looked into the date of the massacre, and it's May31 and June 1.

The OK Trump rally was originally schedule for Juneteenth (June 19) - ostensibly to commemorate the end of slavery. Then it was pushed back 1 day due to people complaining about using Juneteenth.

The two dates are different.


vil said:

And this is why Trump chose Tulsa and picked the date. He needs more white extremist votes, there are not enough plain stupid people, gun nuts, anti-abortionists and anti-alphabet-people to tip the balance. I dont include the coal lobby cause thats really declining.

People who argue what the Civil War was about

newtboy says...

If people dishonestly try to claim the secession of the traitorous confederacy wasn't based on slavery, remind them of what it's founders and leaders said about it at the time.

"Our new government foundations are laid, it's cornerstones rest, on the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery - subordination to the superior race- is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based on this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth."
-confederate vice president Alexander H. Stephens cornerstone speech explaining the basis of the confederacy

People who argue what the Civil War was about

pigeon says...

Apu : Actually, there were numerous causes. Aside from the obvious schism between the abolitionists and the anti-abolitionists, there were economic factors, both domestic and inter...

Examiner : Wait, wait... just say slavery.

Apu : Slavery it is, sir.

Kimberly Jones Explains Why People Protest, Riot & Loot

newtboy says...

So was murder, and rape, so I'm coming over to murder you, put your children into slavery, and your wife too if she survives my whole tribe raping her. What, can't get over the past? It's the norm since Jesus, until the 1800's at least...but you just gave me permission to ignore any civil progression. Thanks, I can use some white slaves and a whore.
Dumbass, the constitution allowed slavery, and actually so did Lincoln, he offered to allow states to decide themselves if they just paid their taxes.
South said no dice, and went with treason. They much preferred being traitors to admitting blacks were human beings.

When you start with nothing (not the >$400000000 "nothing" Trump was handed), are denied opportunities, loans, housing (by Trump and pops in many cases) businesses, and in places where you're successful anyway like Tulsa, you get massacred, you're left with little chance for personal or cultural financial progress. Derp.
When you then, having scratched out a living despite the dozen daily roadblocks whites don't have, must compete with those who were handed $400000000 but claim to be self made and also don't have roadblocks like loan refusal, rental refusal, job refusal, purchasing refusal, near daily delays and attacks by racist police, business burnings, etc, that's not the past holding you back, it's the present.

The countries where it's local have mostly white police forces that are also racist against black and brown people, and even so are mostly protesting America's massive systemic racism, holding George Floyd signs and slogans. You know that, you aren't 3....or are you?

Never heard of colonialism I guess. Well, that's not surprising. See, white Europeans took over most brown or black countries, racistly claiming they couldn't govern themselves because they weren't fully human. That was a global racist endeavor.

You are such a stupid, racist tool. You should be forced to live in rural S Africa and learn what racism is before opening your ignorant mouth and spouting stupidity. You really have no clue what you're talking about, as usual.

You make me so sad and worried for humanity if we have your ilk dragging us down and backwards.

bobknight33 said:

You don't have anything because you haven't tried to get over the past.

Slavery was the norm since Jesus.
The Constitution gave a path to end it.

When you have a chip that big on your shoulder.
When you don't have a father in your family.
When you blame others for your blight.
You are left with little chance of personal financial progress.

What I find odd is that the BLM movement is Global. Since this is indeed Global then this is not an White racist America problem, nor European racist issue. The whole white globe can't be at fault for the blight of the black. So the true question is What is the Black doing to better themselves? Or are they just screaming poor little ole me? Or is the truth really is that blacks are fucked over just as much as everyone else but used as political pawns. Since a black can achieve / become whatever they want in life, I think the latter is the correct answer.

Kimberly Jones Explains Why People Protest, Riot & Loot

bobknight33 says...

You don't have anything because you haven't tried to get over the past.

Slavery was the norm since Jesus.
The Constitution gave a path to end it.

When you have a chip that big on your shoulder.
When you don't have a father in your family.
When you blame others for your blight.
You are left with little chance of personal financial progress.

What I find odd is that the BLM movement is Global. Since this is indeed Global then this is not an White racist America problem, nor European racist issue. The whole white globe can't be at fault for the blight of the black. So the true question is What is the Black doing to better themselves? Or are they just screaming poor little ole me? Or is the truth really is that blacks are fucked over just as much as everyone else but used as political pawns. Since a black can achieve / become whatever they want in life, I think the latter is the correct answer.

Capitalism Didn’t Make the iPhone, You iMbecile

newtboy says...

1) I question your sources, because some of the earliest writings ever found were business ledgers dealing with selling grains as I understand it. Capitalism has been a thing since before writing was a thing.

2) um...I think those kids in China would dispute that....THEY made the Iphones, which created a smart phone market by being useful and fun (for most people).

3) do you believe capitalism and the industrial revolution started at the same time, or that capitalism has something to do with surfs, civil rights, or secularism? Capitalism applied to people is indentured servitude, what we lazily call slavery. Unfettered capitalism created a situation where civil rights needed to be delineated and codified, it didn't create them any more than wildfires created firemen imo.

Some people do educate themselves before acting or making purchases, but it's not the norm.

Capitalism says your poor neighbors should die, because capitalism says there is no value to human life...I did a term paper on that. Value is derived from a supply/demand equation, and there's such a glut of humanity that human life has a negative value.

The government paid for around 75% of the technology development. " paid for some of the technology...." is incredibly misleading, if technically correct (the best kind of correct). Without a healthy dose of socialism, progress slows to a crawl and only the privileged few can afford it.

1 word....flip-phones. ;-) (I don't even have one of those)

vil said:

1) Definitely - but without a market improvements fall flat and dont stick. Ancient people had a lot of good ideas but overall progress was really slow and retrograded often until.. well until capitalism became a thing. Abolishing serfdom, general civil rights, separation of church from state and the fall of absolutism made the Iphone possible.

2) No, that is my point. People "discover" things all the time, some of these things are deemed useful by the general public and capitalism provides the tools to finance production and distribution (the profit part is optional - it is entirely legal to sell your invention for any price or indeed give it away for free).

So to get to the original point capitalism did not discover or design the Iphone but it certainly MADE the Iphone.

3) Not impossible but incredibly slow. Generations lived out their entire lives without perceptible changes in their environments prior to the onslaught of capitalism and the industrial revolution. The advent of science from the renaissance onwards was OK, but only once factories and transport infrastructure became a thing did living conditions start to change for everyone.

A big problem with free markets is that they are never really "free". A theoretical free market implies too many things that dont ever happen in real life, like everyone having all relevant information and being able to make a good decision. People just dont do that IRL.

Also not everything can be solved by free markets because you cant just let your neighbors die poor because the market says they deserve it. However the Iphone is really not something the state should subsidize. I understand that it paid for some of the technology that went into designing it. But true socialism would have to make sure everyone could afford one, and would design a cheap bad phone to fit the need.

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