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Cat plays with fire

xxovercastxx says...

Cats have an extremely high pain tolerance, especially when it comes to heat. They say if your cat acts like he's in pain, he's really in pain.

A friend of mine from years ago had a cat that jumped up next to the (gas) stove while it was on and accidentally put his tail in the flame. Within seconds the fire had spread up his tail and back (like a flaming skunk stripe) but he sat there cleaning himself like nothing was wrong. They wrapped him in a dish towel to smother the flame. He had minor burns on his skin but he came out fine.

Peaches the Skunk Enjoying a Cupcake on her Birthday

Peaches the Skunk Enjoying a Cupcake on her Birthday

TDS: Dealageddon! - A Compromise Without Revenues

alien_concept (Member Profile)

enoch (Member Profile)

AdrianBlack says...

I must admit, Bjork makes me a little stabby...but if I ignore her, that was a great song!

In reply to this comment by enoch:
In reply to this comment by AdrianBlack:
I'm a bit of a DM fanatic, and I've played this a LOT since you've posted it. I don't want to say every day, but....close.
Thank you!!

right on.thats awesome!
this is my new fave i cant stop playing:

sucker punch-army of me-bjork (feat skunk anansie)

enoch (Member Profile)

AdrianBlack (Member Profile)

Jon Stewart on Fox News Sunday

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

This pretty much showed how JS is a hypocrite so blinkered by bias that he personifies the very evil he decries.

Let’s call a tiger a tiger. Cable news channels have two completely different facets. One facet is the “news” update – which is when channels are announcing stuff that happens – the cut and dry stuff. The other facet is “commentary”: biased, agenda driven, subjective, interpretive, talking-head bologna that preaches to a specific ideological crowd. Whether you want to admit it or not – ALL news channels have both of these facets of News and Commentary.

Now, the cable news channels have a lot higher “Commentary to News” ratio because they are filling up a 24/7 schedule. Fox is not unique in that regard – but shares the same market space as MSNBC & CNN - about 20% ‘News’ and 80% ‘Commentary’. Whether you like the commentary of a particular channel depends on your own bias. To people who are leftists (the majority of the Sift and JS) commentary on Fox News is like garlic to a vampire. To someone on the right (such as myself) commentary on MSNBC is like salt on road rash.

If Stewart was really a true “satirist” (as he likes to say he is) then he would be mocking all sides because they both have plenty of targets. However, 99 times out of 100, Stewart focuses on the side he ideologically opposes while ignoring juicy targets on the other side. A real satirist doesn’t handcuff himself like that, so what Stewart is doing is less ‘satire’ and more ‘biased commentary’ because what he selects as subject material is driven by his biases.

Stewart can’t admit that or his audience of smug, self-congratulatory neolibs would lose their self esteem. So when presented with ironclad proof that he is biased by Wallace, Stewart CANNOT bring himself to admit it. Instead he desperately cringes behind his typical dodge of being “comedy informed by an ideological background”. What a load of honk. You were nailed Stewart. Your claimed beef with Fox News (that they are somehow ‘unique’ in commentary bias) is proven demonstrably false. Instead, it was made crystal clear that you simply don’t like Fox’s brand of commentary because it ideologically opposes your own. Kind of hurts when you can’t just mack at the camera when you get pegged don’t it? You got visibly irritable and defensive because the truth hurts.

So in this interview Stewart couldn’t dive into the tall grass of his standard “Hey – I’m just a comedian! No fair! My clown-nose is on!” coward defense. The commentary of many news channels is liberally biased just as bad (or worse) than any of Fox News’ conservative commentary. Wallace proves it in black and white. In fact there are many studies that have proven this point routinely. But Stewart can’t bring himself to SAY that news outlets he shares an “informed ideological background” with are biased because that would mean that he would have to admit that he HIMSELF is biased. So in the face of all evidence he says that hack organizations like MSNBC are not biased but “trend toward sensationalism and laziness”. I haven’t heard a weaker, more pathetic rhetorical dodge in a long time.

Of course Stewart doesn’t want to mention polls like this that prove that FOX patrons are about 2X as ‘informed’ as people on MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC, or CBC. He doesn’t want to talk about the fact that Couric’s audience is about as ‘informed’ as the average reader of the Inquirer. Of course Stewart isn’t going to admit that people who listen to LIMBAUGH are more informed than his audience. No – like Obama – Stewart only sticks to isolated, biased polls that favor his own personal world view - and ignores the evidence to the contrary. BIASED.

If you’re a fan of Stewart then bully for you. He can be entertaining sometimes, and he even has the occasional decency to admit (albeit sarcastically) his own problems – such as with the whole Weiner scandal. But those of you who are patting yourselves on the back pretending that he somehow ‘skunked’ Wallace are living in a self-insulated fanboi fantasy world.

Wallace made his point. Wallace never tried to say Fox News doesn’t have biased commentary on it. Wallace proved conclusively that other news channels – including Stewart’s own show – are primarily driven by biased commentary rather than news. To the world, Stewart proved that he cannot bring himself to simply admit that left-wing, neolib commentary is biased. Thus, proving to all that Stewart himself is an untrustworthy, intellectually hypocritical, biased tool. Game, set, and match to Wallace. Now Stewart can slink back to his show and lick his wounds by selectively re-editing reality so he doesn’t look quite as big of a tool – as is his wont.

Beaver is somewhat disgusted with a skunk he stumbles upon

Beaver is somewhat disgusted with a skunk he stumbles upon

Beaver is somewhat disgusted with a skunk he stumbles upon

Hybrid (Member Profile)

Beaver is somewhat disgusted with a skunk he stumbles upon

NinjaInHeat says...

"ummm, ohhhhhhh! ohhhh, oh oh oh oh". The beaver equivalent of "Excuse me, haven't we met somewhere before? OH! errrr, sorry, I think I left something in the car".

I wonder if a Skunk is the equivalent of dude-looks-like-a-lady in Beaver society...

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