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Don't stop in the outer lane!!

jmd says...

There is NOTHING wide angle about that camera.. hell my phone is probably more wide angle then what ever is being used here. The car stopped just fine.. no skidding.. hell he didn't even need to vear off to the side. I'm sure you're all goddesses on the road, but as one who has a perfectly safe driving record for 17 years and drives an hour and a half on I95 5 days a week, there wasn't anything unsafe about what the driver did. -_-

Francis takes exception to Diablo 3

You've just crashed your car, and then THIS happens...

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'car, crash, police, truck, people, lucky, skidding, fail, trailer, tanker' to 'car, crash, police, truck, semi, lucky, skid, fail, trailer, tanker, jack knife' - edited by BoneRemake

Ready, set, go! Noooooooooooooooo!

This is why you don't Text and Drive

dannym3141 says...

>> ^raverman:

Guy filming? Is it just me or is he over reacting like a whining bitch over a minor scrap and skidding across a field.
Close call? Hell yeah... but nothing 'Final Destination' like happened.
Calm the fuck down. You're no help to anyone panicking like a sissy.

Lol.. you must think you're immortal or something - i'm not sure you even realise how dangerous the events in the video were? He's really lucky the car didn't flip at 4 or 5 different times, some serious reactions just about saved the other car from a head on collision at a combined speed of what, 120+ miles per hour(?) and they could have been flipped too, aside from colliding with any cars that were behind the guy filming if they lost control and left their lane (considering how they collided, it seems fairly likely).

I think his reaction was fine. That was some ssseeerrrriously close shit.

This is why you don't Text and Drive

raverman says...

Guy filming? Is it just me or is he over reacting like a whining bitch over a minor scrap and skidding across a field.

Close call? Hell yeah... but nothing 'Final Destination' like happened.

Calm the fuck down. You're no help to anyone panicking like a sissy.

TEDxCopenhagen - Why We Shouldn't Bike with a Helmet

ryanbennitt says...

Well, I've always been pro-helmet, partly because I had to call an ambulance for someone who had managed to knock themselves unconscious when they skidded off their bike. But I would genuinely like to understand the science, pertinent questions like, would it save more lives to enforce motorist helmets for everybody instead of cyclists? I also don't like the idea that the car industry are behind cycle helmets to get people into cars, that stinks of something rotten.

What Ke$ha sounds like without her precious autotune

peggedbea says...

oh goodie! it's a pissing contest. i wonder who has the biggest dick????

secretly, i've always suspected that it was duckman. whip em out boys, let bea settle this.

>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^smooman:
>> ^Duckman33:
>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^owatadorkiam:
no processing on the vocals....she seems to still hit all the right notes...I'm sorry, but it doesn't sound that bad.

I didn't know the term "tone-deaf" described a real thing...but it does. And you suffer from it.

owatadorkiam is not tone deaf. I'm a vocalist (yes I was paid to do it for a living at one time in my life) and sorry to say I didn't hear any sour notes. Granted she's no virtuoso, but she's not singing off key at all. What I expected to hear was horribly out of tune singing and heard nothing of the sort. And yes, I really wanted to hear her choke.

yes, he most certainly is, and it would appear you are as well. an avid musician myself, this made me cringe....BUT went ahead and had my mother, a pianist and classically trained vocalist for over 40 years, my brother, a professionally trained vocalist and avid musician (you should here his Faithfully by journey, hit it at karaoke this last weekend and he fucking OWNED it), and my good friend Mandy, a vocalist and musician by hobby who trained under one of Jessica Simpsons former vocal coaches.....
and they unanimously agreed that she fucking sucks. and not just the talky verses (cuz i know thats kind of her unique stlye) but the chorus and prechorus (especially the prechorus)
you didnt hear any sour notes? that sentence alone condemns you as tonedeaf. It wasnt chock full of em but there were PLENTY to choose from.
what i will say is this: she is certainly trained, she can carry a tune (sort of), but she is mediocre at best
but thats the music industry for you. me and my brother have been in bands playing locally trying to get exposure since we were in high school........and justin fucking beiber gets a multi million contract?
it has little to nothing to do with how talented or unique you are and everything to do with one of two things: luck/right place right time, or knowing the right people

"My musician friends can beat up your musician friends!!! Derp derp!"
Look, I also used to sing "Faithfully", "Lights", "Separate Ways" along with "I want to Know What Love Is" (Foreigner), some Skid Row, Motley Crue, Nirvana, Def Leppard, Van Hagar, Van Halen, etc, etc. and many other songs from many other bands in my bands. I sang 6 nights a week 5 hours a night in one of the highest paid bands on the bar circuit at the time. I was told on a nightly basis that I covered the songs we played live better than the most of the original artists in a lot of cases. But yeah, whatever you say, I'm tone deaf. LOL I have been singing in bands since I was 17 and I'm 47 now. I'm pretty sure that alone qualifies me to have an opinion on her singing skills. So please don't try to lecture me on my ears, or singing ability.
My question is; Where exactly did I say she didn't suck? What part of me saying, "What I expected to hear was horribly out of tune singing" and "I really wanted her to choke" didn't you understand? Yes, I heard no sour notes. At least not any that made me cringe. Do I really have to explain my comment to that extent for you to comprehend what I was saying?
Sorry your brother couldn't make the grade. Life is tough, huh? And I'm glad he "fucking OWNED it" in a karaoke bar. (seriously? LOL) Sounds like you have a bunch of sour grapes to me. Period.

What Ke$ha sounds like without her precious autotune

Duckman33 says...

>> ^smooman:

>> ^Duckman33:
>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^owatadorkiam:
no processing on the vocals....she seems to still hit all the right notes...I'm sorry, but it doesn't sound that bad.

I didn't know the term "tone-deaf" described a real thing...but it does. And you suffer from it.

owatadorkiam is not tone deaf. I'm a vocalist (yes I was paid to do it for a living at one time in my life) and sorry to say I didn't hear any sour notes. Granted she's no virtuoso, but she's not singing off key at all. What I expected to hear was horribly out of tune singing and heard nothing of the sort. And yes, I really wanted to hear her choke.

yes, he most certainly is, and it would appear you are as well. an avid musician myself, this made me cringe....BUT went ahead and had my mother, a pianist and classically trained vocalist for over 40 years, my brother, a professionally trained vocalist and avid musician (you should here his Faithfully by journey, hit it at karaoke this last weekend and he fucking OWNED it), and my good friend Mandy, a vocalist and musician by hobby who trained under one of Jessica Simpsons former vocal coaches.....
and they unanimously agreed that she fucking sucks. and not just the talky verses (cuz i know thats kind of her unique stlye) but the chorus and prechorus (especially the prechorus)
you didnt hear any sour notes? that sentence alone condemns you as tonedeaf. It wasnt chock full of em but there were PLENTY to choose from.
what i will say is this: she is certainly trained, she can carry a tune (sort of), but she is mediocre at best
but thats the music industry for you. me and my brother have been in bands playing locally trying to get exposure since we were in high school........and justin fucking beiber gets a multi million contract?
it has little to nothing to do with how talented or unique you are and everything to do with one of two things: luck/right place right time, or knowing the right people

"My musician friends can beat up your musician friends!!! Derp derp!"

Look, I also used to sing "Faithfully", "Lights", "Separate Ways" along with "I want to Know What Love Is" (Foreigner), some Skid Row, Motley Crue, Nirvana, Def Leppard, Van Hagar, Van Halen, etc, etc. and many other songs from many other bands in my bands. I sang 6 nights a week 5 hours a night in one of the highest paid bands on the bar circuit at the time. I was told on a nightly basis that I covered the songs we played live better than the most of the original artists in a lot of cases. But yeah, whatever you say, I'm tone deaf. LOL I have been singing in bands since I was 17 and I'm 47 now. I'm pretty sure that alone qualifies me to have an opinion on her singing skills. So please don't try to lecture me on my ears, or singing ability.

My question is; Where exactly did I say she didn't suck? What part of me saying, "What I expected to hear was horribly out of tune singing" and "I really wanted her to choke" didn't you understand? Yes, I heard no sour notes. At least not any that made me cringe. Do I really have to explain my comment to that extent for you to comprehend what I was saying?

Sorry your brother couldn't make the grade. Life is tough, huh? And I'm glad he "fucking OWNED it" in a karaoke bar. (seriously? LOL) Sounds like you have a bunch of sour grapes to me. Period.

Audi Driver, Driving very Badly

Using a tree branch as a spare tire

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'branch, tire, spare, trailer, skid' to 'branch, tire, spare, trailer, skid, improvised, ersatz, jerry rigged' - edited by calvados

Using a tree branch as a spare tire

MonkeySpank says...

Europe. Rules are different.

>> ^zor:

Why not? At least temporarily. If it works it works. The only condemnation's why he didn't have a spare tire in the first place. Is there a DOT rule that says your trailer can't be a skid with no wheels? For around town and rare trips to Home Depot a skid trailer might work fine.

Using a tree branch as a spare tire

zor says...

Why not? At least temporarily. If it works it works. The only condemnation's why he didn't have a spare tire in the first place. Is there a DOT rule that says your trailer can't be a skid with no wheels? For around town and rare trips to Home Depot a skid trailer might work fine.

Using a tree branch as a spare tire

Foreclosures on People Who Never Missed a Payment

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

These borrowers knowingly made bad loans to people who didn't understand the contract

In the early 90s the banks were arguing AGAINST repealing Glass-Stegall. Politicians partnered with some big finaincal houses like AIG and started accusing mid-size & small banks of racism ala "red-lining" to grease the political skids for a repeal. In most instances there was no racism of any kind. Banks simply did not give loans to people that couldn't afford them. But poor, urban areas had higher percentages of minority populations - and so out whips the race card...

I lived in the 70s and 80s. I know how hard it was to get even a 30-year loan in those days. But literally overnight banks had to start giving out loans to people who traditionally would not qualify. Instead of making money on the interest of the LOAN, banks were expected to make profit by bundling & selling the mortgage. The government promise was that if things went sour on the borrower end, Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae would paper it over. It worked fine for about a decade. But you can't sustain a market when your only customers are poor people in homes they can't afford and property flippers taking out 2+ extra mortgages more than they can realistically pay for.

The bank's job isn't to be your daddy, or to lecture you about whether you should or shouldn't get a loan. If a person walks into a bank, then as long as they qualify under the rules which are established by government then the bank doesn't have much choice. When people qualify, the bank issues the loan or they open themselves to discrimination lawsuits. It's a Catch-22.

Your outrage should more properly be targeted at the government. Have them re-institute Glass-Stegall. Force them to tighten up the requirements on who can/can't get a loan. Make it so people who shouldn't get loans CAN'T get them and that banks aren't allowed to do it. Join the rest of us racist, evil, red-lining conservatives who think loans should only be given to those who can actually afford to pay them off. But prepare yourself for a tongue-lashing from every neo-liberal leftist group under the sun, because clearly your bean-counting logic is pure neo-con white hatred, right? Oh - and especially prepare yourself to get excoriated by guys like Barney Frank who was one of the principle engineers of this whole "UFFOWDABLE HOWSEING!" mess.

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