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Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

bmacs27 says...

What about swords? Should I be able to collect swords?>> ^L0cky:

This idea of being a collector is providing no justification whatsoever.
In countries where guns are not freely available; people who like to collect things, collect something else. Like stamps, or Star Wars figures.
When the CIA turn up to investigate my nuclear bombs I'll just shrug and say "hey, I like nuclear bombs, so I collect them".
I don't doubt there are people who collect guns because they like them, and they're fun to shoot, and they like their history, and admire their design; the guy in this video is obviously one of them.
It doesn't justify a society with a proliferation of firearms.

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

Shepppard says...

>> ^colt45:

So those 82% are all owning guns for murder or war, then? Let's just take this absurd myopic view one step further: Rocks are dangerous weapons that need to be banned! They are readily available to children and highly dangerous!
>> ^L0cky:
Around 6% of US Americans hunt, yet around 34% own a gun; therefore around 82% of gun owners own a gun for something other than hunting. Bringing up hunting is just avoiding the issue.
Besides, I don't think that guy's UZI is for hunting rabbits.
Also, you don't need to teach children how to safely use firearms if they don't have access to firearms. Kinda like how you don't need to teach them how to safely use a particle accelerator, even though they too are dangerous.

Wow. That definitely made my top 10 list of "Really stupid things that I actually read on the internet".

Seriously, when was the last time a kid accidently threw a rock and blew his friends brains out? Accidently put a hole through their own foot / hand / leg?

Sure, they can be used as a close up blunt damage weapon. However, in order to actually kill someone with a rock, it would generally have to be pre-meditated (i.e. kill them when they're asleep, because if you try to kill someone with a rock when they're concious and healthy, it probably wont go well.)

I can think of countless stories over the years involving some idiot irrational gun owner going out and killing someone they knew nothing about, because they felt threatened. Lately, the one I remember is of Trayvon Martin. You know, the kid shot for eating skittles on a street he didn't live on.

But let's go ahead and get back to the point @spoco2 was making earlier. Rocks have existed since the beginning of time. They serve no purpose, they have no design, or goal. They're simply there.

Guns, on the other hand, were designed as an instrument of death. In no part of the gun design was someone thinking "AND it'll function as a paperweight!". It was just another step further in the direction of long ranged combat, specifically for ending the life of another human being.

That's not to say that everybody who does own a gun has it for the sole reason of killing someone, after all, people still collect swords, axes, fascinating weapons from throughout the ages.

But I can't honestly see the amount of collectors being too high.

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

dhdigital says...

>> ^skinnydaddy1:

Why people collect them or own them does not matter. They can so they do. Your opinions on it also do not matter. Simple saying you do not like them is more than enough. Forcing your opinion on the matter just makes it more likely people will ignore you or blow you off as some self righteous ass. Just like most who will read this will do the same to me.


Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

skinnydaddy1 says...

Nice shelving and cabinet system. But putting this video on the internet just gave away all of its secrets.

as for everything else.

Guns are a part of U.S. culture. like Cowboys, Cars and invading small countries that look at us funny.
Why people collect them or own them does not matter. They can so they do. Your opinions on it also do not matter. Simple saying you do not like them is more than enough. Forcing your opinion on the matter just makes it more likely people will ignore you or blow you off as some self righteous ass. Just like most who will read this will do the same to me.

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

L0cky says...

>> ^jimnms:
No one said anything about teaching a child how to use a gun. You have lots of things in your house that are deadly to kids (knives, chemicals, etc.), and I hope you would teach them that those things are dangerous and not to be played with rather than hiding them and hoping they wont find them. Why would a gun be any different?

I'm not sure who's disagreeing with who here.

The fact that you can teach a child in order to make their access to guns safer doesn't mean that every child that has access to guns will be taught this in a sufficient way. Besides, how many children had lots of training and still ended up shooting themselves or someone else.

If you don't think having a gun in your home would automatically make it the most dangerous thing in that home then you're either being disingenuous or you have some freaky shit going on in your house.

So my question is: despite the fact that some kids can be taught to be careful with a firearm, what is the justification of owning one, that doesn't require paranoid delusions such as:

1. The country being invaded by a foreign military that's sophisticated enough to get on land in large numbers without enough forewarning to enable a military defense; or are able to overcome a military defense (for the US that would be the world's largest military defense by an order of magnitude) - yet inept enough to be overwhelmed by a rag tag, uncoordinated army of citizens.

2. The country suddenly turning into a military dictatorship without warning (for the US that would be the world's largest military dictatorship by an order of magnitude so you'd really be kind of screwed anyway).

3. Everybody needing to suddenly hunt for rabbits with UZIs.

4. Maybe something to do with zombies.

I'll play devil's advocate and say 5: to defend your property and family against an armed burgler. Yet if you take a look at the rest of the world, at countries where guns are not prolific, gun assisted burglaries are so rare that it doesn't even bear thinking about.

The fact that you need a gun to defend yourself against someone with a gun is because you both have guns. - Captain "Circular" Obvious

I can't really budge on this unless you can somehow convince me that it's not preferable to live in a western society where almost all people have never even seen a real gun, therefore removing all their associated problems.

That's not an idealism, that's pretty much most of Europe.

>> ^colt45:

I'm amused at two assertions: guns are designed to kill people, and that kids think guns are fun to play with.
Children who are not taught properly about firearms are, generally, viewing them as toys to play with. Children who are properly taught about firearm safety, use, etc., are much more likely to view them properly; as very dangerous tools.

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

jimnms says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

I have personally witnessed one murder and one attempted murder, both committed with handguns. I have yet to witness a "defensive" use of a handgun.
There are just too many morons out there, for the number of guns circulating around.

Oh, so since you haven't personally witnessed a gun being used in self defense, it must not happen at all. I personally haven't witnessed a police officer stopping a crime, so why do we need them?

>> ^arekin:

You know taking the deathcows arguments into account (though I don't agree with them), Guns are meant to be fired. The guy only has two arms. I've heard the argument "what about his friends?" If they wanted to fire a gun they probably already have one. So either the guy has to grow more arms or hes just carrying around alot of extra weight.
Buy more clips and less guns.

I like to play video games, but by your logic, one game is enough. Also, stamp collectors, they only have two eyes, so why do they need so many stamps?

>> ^L0cky:
And you want to live in a country where every child is taught how to use a firearm?
I'd prefer a society where my kids play too much video games, so I tell them enough already go outside and play!
I'd rather that than feel like I live in a society where I have to teach a seven year old how to kill people (sorry, defend oneself with a deadly weapon).
You know, like Liberia or Mozambique.

No one said anything about teaching a child how to use a gun. You have lots of things in your house that are deadly to kids (knives, chemicals, etc.), and I hope you would teach them that those things are dangerous and not to be played with rather than hiding them and hoping they wont find them. Why would a gun be any different?

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

colt45 says...

So those 82% are all owning guns for murder or war, then? Let's just take this absurd myopic view one step further: Rocks are dangerous weapons that need to be banned! They are readily available to children and highly dangerous!
>> ^L0cky:

Around 6% of US Americans hunt, yet around 34% own a gun; therefore around 82% of gun owners own a gun for something other than hunting. Bringing up hunting is just avoiding the issue.
Besides, I don't think that guy's UZI is for hunting rabbits.
Also, you don't need to teach children how to safely use firearms if they don't have access to firearms. Kinda like how you don't need to teach them how to safely use a particle accelerator, even though they too are dangerous.

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

L0cky says...

Around 6% of US Americans hunt, yet around 34% own a gun; therefore around 82% of gun owners own a gun for something other than hunting. Bringing up hunting is just avoiding the issue.

Besides, I don't think that guy's UZI is for hunting rabbits.

Also, you don't need to teach children how to safely use firearms if they don't have access to firearms. Kinda like how you don't need to teach them how to safely use a particle accelerator, even though they too are dangerous.
>> ^colt45:

>> ^L0cky:
So you're offering free classes? And you want to live in a country where every child is taught how to use a firearm?
I'd prefer a society where my kids play too much video games, so I tell them enough already go outside and play!
I'd rather that than feel like I live in a society where I have to teach a seven year old how to kill people (sorry, defend oneself with a deadly weapon).
You know, like Liberia or Mozambique.

I don't know enough about firearms, and own none. I'm hardly qualified. Also, please stop putting words in my mouth. I want to live in a civilized country, where people understand PROPER use of, and care for, firearms, including safety, control, and discipline.
Your obsession with murder is a bit concerning. Firearms are very effective at hunting. They are great at providing food from that use. Why you are so obsessed with war and murder, I really don't know. Should you be on a watch list?

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

colt45 says...

>> ^L0cky:
So you're offering free classes? And you want to live in a country where every child is taught how to use a firearm?
I'd prefer a society where my kids play too much video games, so I tell them enough already go outside and play!
I'd rather that than feel like I live in a society where I have to teach a seven year old how to kill people (sorry, defend oneself with a deadly weapon).
You know, like Liberia or Mozambique.

I don't know enough about firearms, and own none. I'm hardly qualified. Also, please stop putting words in my mouth. I want to live in a civilized country, where people understand PROPER use of, and care for, firearms, including safety, control, and discipline.

Your obsession with murder is a bit concerning. Firearms are very effective at hunting. They are great at providing food from that use. Why you are so obsessed with war and murder, I really don't know. Should you be on a watch list?

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^Barseps:

@spoco2 .... Sorry bud, I have to disagree with you there. Potential international enemies will think TWICE before invading America because they are the most heavily armed civilian population on Earth. Guns may not be a good thing, but looking at it from from that angle, they're a bloody necessary evil.
Climbs off soapbox.
>> ^spoco2:
Guns have no upside.
At all.

Really? Let's let your hypothetical scenario play out.

Some other massive country with huge resources (let's say it rhymes with vagina) decides to invade the U.S.
Fuck knows why, given that they could simply buy you and be done with it. But for the sake of argument, lets assume that dfinitely not china whoever manages to overwhelm over 1 million of the best equipped, highly trained military in the history of the world on their home turf. Do you really think a bunch of amateur paranoid nutjobs are gonna stop them?

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

L0cky says...

>> ^Barseps:

Potential international enemies will think TWICE before invading America because they are the most heavily armed civilian population on Earth.

This isn't paranoia?

The USA has the largest military in the world, by a factor of about a zillion. How exactly do you envisage this nightmare scenario playing out, and who is the enemy?

Mexicans? Canadians?

If it's anyone else I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to enlist in the army, learn how to use a weapon, and do your part as a soldier rather than a cowboy.

[spoiler]It's not going to happen. Really.[/spoiler]

>> ^colt45:

Children who are not taught properly about firearms are, generally, viewing them as toys to play with. Children who are properly taught about firearm safety, use, etc., are much more likely to view them properly; as very dangerous tools.

So you're offering free classes? And you want to live in a country where every child is taught how to use a firearm?

I'd prefer a society where my kids play too much video games, so I tell them enough already go outside and play!

I'd rather that than feel like I live in a society where I have to teach a seven year old how to kill people (sorry, defend oneself with a deadly weapon).

You know, like Liberia or Mozambique.

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

Barseps says...

@spoco2 .... Sorry bud, I have to disagree with you there. Potential international enemies will think TWICE before invading America because they are the most heavily armed civilian population on Earth. Guns may not be a good thing, but looking at it from from that angle, they're a bloody necessary evil.

*Climbs off soapbox.

>> ^spoco2:

Guns have no upside.
At all.

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

Fletch says...

>> ^bareboards2:

One word.
This guy is an idiot to have his guns unsecured.
@radx just sent me a link --
This thing would not stop a kid.

Who said he had kids? WTF is wrong with you people? He likes guns. He probably enjoys collecting guns, (one of the points @deathcow was making that, apparently, flew right over several of your heads). Maybe he even enjoys shooting them. So what? You don't like guns? Fine. Don't buy them. JFC, so many paranoid leaps of logic here.

Guns can kill when people USE them to kill. It's a childish argument to claim that all guns are inherently dangerous. The vast, VAST majority of gun owners are responsible gun owners. Unless you're claiming this guy is a killer, or, as @L0cky lamely implied, wants to use them to justify the money he spent. Maybe he's a terrorist! There are about 350 million guns in this country and about 250 million vehicles, yet the number of fatalities for each is about the same each year (and over half of the gun fatalities are suicides). Why are you so worried about guns? I won't even mention alcohol, electricity, bathtubs, McDonald's, and icy sidewalks. Just because something isn't "designed to kill people" doesn't mean it isn't "inherently dangerous". Hunting rifles aren't "designed to kill people". Are they safe for kids? And what is the deal with using a red herring like kids? Using kids playing with loaded guns as the nails in your soapbox is almost as silly as decrying automobiles because they are dangerous for kids to play in with the engine running. And, again, WHO SAID HE HAD KIDS?

I don't own guns. I don't like to shoot guns. They don't do anything for me, although I would consider getting one some day if SHTF began to seem inevitable. I'm definitely not a fan of guns, but some of you people are just ridiculous.

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