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Bernie Sanders rape letter

dannym3141 says...

This reads like someone was ticking off a checklist of a professional smear attack.

- Have we opened with the most emotive words we know? Check!
- Have we loosely associated those words with our intended target? Check!
- Have we taken the opportunity to associate paedophilia with homosexuality? Check!
- Have we associated open mindedness with sexual predation? Check!
- But have we belittled someone for a personal attack even though we initiated it and he was quoting our own words back at us? Check!
- What about covering our retreat - have we implied that anyone who disagrees is delusional? Of course! What? I mean check!

I'm 100% convinced that bob is a very well constructed parody of the far right wing.

bobknight33 said:

Your rapist pedophile dreamer Democrat want a be president wrote it!
Guess his platform of openness to sexual orientation did not mention to allow pedophiles -- oops -- Guess we need to be a bit more open minded.

Blame the messenger and not the message. Typical.

Good to see the tolerant left accept damning truth.

John Cleese on Stupidity

zaust says...

How can I show this to my neighbours and make them understand it?Timeline of this weekend - we saw some of them dressed to the nines getting into a stretched limo on Friday.

On Saturday they (as normally) loudly discussed how the person they saw could have performed for 5 more minutes whilst simultaneously stating how this performer had proven Michael Jackson's saintliness because said MJ had stayed with the performer for 4 days.

It's worth noting at this point all we knew was they went out somewhere in a stretched limo and saw someone who had MJ to visit for 4 days.

On the Sunday the normal loud talking over our fence lead to the discovery that not only did my neighbors take a stretched limo to arrive at a Michael Flatley concert. They couldn't recall the name of the long haired blonde peado with a cigar (it was Jimmy Saville - most prolific sexual predator in history) or as they roundly called him "that Australian dude" (Rolf Harris - more cherished, like painted the queens portrait, but still sent down for being a peed).

So the outcome of this is my neighbors who have a very small 4 bed house (would be 3 except they opened the loft), own 9 cars, have a 32, 26 and 18 year old still living at home. They hire a stretched limo so they go an see Michael Flatley perform live then come home and discuss loudly how Michael Jackson was obviously a good person because he stayed with Michael Flatley. Shortly afterwards they then totally struggled to remember the names of the biggest sex offender ever known in the uk and the most treasured letdown of all time.

This is almost par with them discussing a new flavor of chips/crisps for 45 min or that time 4 of them tried to count the same amount of change for >20 mins and none of them could agree the same amount.

Sorry had to rant - I'd love to confront them over the noise/cars/stupidity etc but I'm a mildly tough 40 year old. Their highly violent and the 26 year is a goddamn cagefighter.

I honestly can't vent enough - literally I could write a novel on how much my neighbors suck. Just as a final point to carry things across - I recently needed to cut back some ivy in my backgarden. During the hour this took they played Natasha Beddingfield's "These Words" 5 times. Yes I'm a Maggot, Yes I'm a 40 year old who probably needs to stop jumping into moshpits. But Natasha Beddingfield??? 5 times?? Really????

CNN Sympathizes with High School Rapists

Jerykk says...

We already give women (and men) control over their reproductive habits. It's pretty apparent that a large portion of these men and women don't deserve that control, since they reproduce without any thought or consideration to their impact on the rest of society. If everyone were mature and responsible, there would be no such thing as abusive or negligent parents. Parenthood should be a privilege, not a right. As an aside, in 2010 the divorce rate in the U.S. was over 50%. If 50% of married couples aren't even mature or responsible enough to sustain a marriage, how can these people be expected to raise mature and responsible children? Hell, how many of those couples had kids before they divorced? You ask me to have faith in people but the numbers really don't give me any reason to.

As for these young men, I'm guessing they had lousy parents who never taught them to respect other people or the law. That's probably why they raped a girl, peed on her unconscious body and took pictures of it all. If they hadn't been caught, do you really think they would have regretted their actions and turned themselves in? No, they would have just continued life as usual, grown up, had kids and raised them with the same twisted values. It's a vicious cycle that exists because we have no regulation over reproduction. Instead of wasting taxpayer money trying to rehabilitate them (and very likely fail; the vast majority of sexual predators can't break their habits), why not just end the cycle right then and there? Humanity is hardly on the verge on extinction, so getting rid of the trash and cleaning up the gene pool would only help make life better for future generations.

All that said, you're right that issues like poverty, lack of education, etc, are all relevant here. But would those still be issues if everyone were raised to be contributing members of society, as opposed to worthless parasites that exist solely for the sake of existing? There are a finite number of jobs and classrooms out there. There aren't enough to accommodate every living person. That's why we need population control. If you extend yourself beyond your own means by having kids you can't afford to feed or send to school, you're just making the problem worse.

ChaosEngine said:

The book is filled with statistics that support the position (often to the point of information overload).

And you're right that we need to address the root of the problem but you have the wrong root. Lousy upbringings can indeed lead to criminal behaviour, but what leads to lousy upbringings?

Lack of education, unemployment, perceived social inequality all factor into it. And yes, some people are just messed up and shouldn't have kids, but I'd say they are a minority.

So instead of your frankly insane, dystopian, eugenics-based future, we could instead look at ways to make everyone better off. First step, give women control over their reproductive cycle. This has been shown time and again to be one of the keys points in raising a societies economic and social values.

To get back to the original point here, how do these young men, (who had every advantage in life, compared to 90% of the world anyway) fit into your future?

"The Invisible War" Trailer: Rape in the US Military

bareboards2 says...


If you had watched the link to Maher's interview, you might have learned something about the subject, instead of bringing in your (obvious) preconceived notions.

The thing that jumped out at me about that interview is the lawyer saying that the vast majority of fellow soldiers ARE NOT RAPISTS. It is a small, small number of sexual predators who are doing this damage. The women are still proud to be in the military. They love the military.

They don't like how these crimes against their persons are being treated.

Sexy Cat on the Prowl for Loving

Sepacore says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^Sepacore:
Wow Sultan, way to get your gene's out there.
Why so much hating on poor Sultan, they make him out to be an irresponsible sexual predator when he's just doing his natural biologically-driven thing, which is being a irresponsible sexual predator.
The options as i see it are: freedom/ignore-issue, sterilize/cut off balls, sex-education lessons, imprison/house cat, terminate or relocate to government funded cat-ladies.
Solution: roll a die per cat and see what fate the cat gets.

You forgot a bag and a river or ol' uncle .22

lol, being a cat lover I thought it better to cover all the potential methods for that general group of dealings under a single word, as the list of creative options ranging from ironically-funny to disturbing-cruel could fill a book.

I say, put them in front of a sex ed video of cool cats with top hats taking drugs and going to sex clubs, where by they contract STD's.. if that doesn't sort out those slutty felines, then it's probably because they're cats..

321 kitteh's.. i so want to high-five that guy

Did you all notice how it say's the owner is worse, and yet they still come to the conclusion we should have at the cat? Apply that logic to other circumstances.

Sexy Cat on the Prowl for Loving

BoneRemake says...

>> ^Sepacore:

Wow Sultan, way to get your gene's out there.
Why so much hating on poor Sultan, they make him out to be an irresponsible sexual predator when he's just doing his natural biologically-driven thing, which is being a irresponsible sexual predator.
The options as i see it are: freedom/ignore-issue, sterilize/cut off balls, sex-education lessons, imprison/house cat, terminate or relocate to government funded cat-ladies.
Solution: roll a die per cat and see what fate the cat gets.

You forgot a bag and a river or ol' uncle .22

Sexy Cat on the Prowl for Loving

Sepacore says...

Wow Sultan, way to get your gene's out there.

Why so much hating on poor Sultan, they make him out to be an irresponsible sexual predator when he's just doing his natural biologically-driven thing, which is being a irresponsible sexual predator.

The options as i see it are: freedom/ignore-issue, sterilize/cut off balls, sex-education lessons, imprison/house cat, terminate or relocate to government funded cat-ladies.
Solution: roll a die per cat and see what fate the cat gets.

Andrew Breitbart is Raping the Truth, OWS

Kofi says...

So, he tried to paint the occupy movement as a sexual predator by doing something he knew would attract attention by making people think he was crazy. So not only has he insulted the victims of these assaults, mocked the mentally ill but also forgone his credibility amoung anyone who is interested in the truth at all.

He's like bizarro-Colbert.

What a slimeball.

Jimmy Carr's Questions From the Audience

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'jimmy carr, making people laugh, sexual predator, your mums bum' to 'jimmy carr, making people laugh, sexual predator, your mums bum, hitler' - edited by calvados

Drunken dildo fight almost ends in anal rape

Prodigy: Holy shit, an encyclopedia!

Lawmaker shares hot tub w/naked 13 yr old..gets ovation/hugs

MaxWilder says...

Forgive me if somebody has already made this point, but I couldn't wade through all the comments implying this man was sick for his attraction to an underage girl.

Let us speak for a moment about nature. In the wild, female mammals will often mate and bear children the very first season they are able to do so. The fact that they have grown old enough to bear children is good enough for nature. If an 8 year old male animal was to mate with a 2 year old female, we would not call that male sick, depraved, and in need of treatment. We consider it natural, even though the male in this case is four times the female's age.

Human beings are animals. Granted, society has established extra terms of proper behavior that we have superimposed upon our animal nature, but the animal is there regardless. People tend to forget this. In regards to this discussion, it is perfectly natural for a male human to begin finding a female human attractive sexually when she begins to show secondary sexual characteristics. These include a widening of the hips, and enlargement of the breasts. The starts normally between age 8 and 13, usually around 10.

We can assume that this young woman had for five years been developing the traits that are specifically designed by evolution to arouse males' sexual interest.

Historically speaking, most of human history has seen young women married and starting families by their mid teens, the exact same age as the woman in this story. It is only for the past few decades that anybody has started seeing this practice as unconscionable or depraved. Remember the 1957 "scandal" when Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old third cousin. That was a scandal in the cities, but still fairly common in the country where the two were raised. If that had happened a few decades earlier, it wouldn't even have been a scandal in the cities.

Now our standards are different. For better or worse, we have decided that girls should have a few more years to mature before getting married. Of course everybody knows they are still having sex for the first time around 14-16 on average; but now they are not married, they are experimenting. And it is only appropriate, for some reason, for them to experiment with other kids near their own age.

I would heartily agree that Representative Garn may have broken laws here, and may be prosecuted for that without objection. However, I object to anyone who would imply that he needs psychological treatment, or that we can assume he has had other encounters with underage women. I would submit that any healthy male would be attracted to a pretty 15 year old girl, and that a little alcohol and some persuasion by the girl would easily get any man into this situation. And if you are going to use the word pedophile to describe a man who might be aroused by any female under the legal age of consent, then every heterosexual male on the planet is a pedophile.

But that is simply not the case. Pedophilia is defined as the persistent intense attraction to pre-pubescent children, or early pubescent children. And while we as a society have decided over the last hundred years or so to give women a few more years to mature before being "legal", nature takes a little longer to adapt.

Sorry for the length of this comment, but this is a pet peeve. Even though I would never touch a woman under 18 for a variety of legal and moral reasons, I find no purpose to denying the fact that some women under 18 are hella sexy. And dress and makeup styles are becoming more and more enticing at younger ages. It actually scares me a bit that one day I might theoretically be seduced by an underage girl and have my life ruined. A couple years ago I met a 16 year old girl who looked 22, and that was a shock. Men have been put on the sexual predator list for lesser offenses, and that pisses me off.

Booby-trapped bike teaches thief a lesson!

Psychologic says...

> ^messenger:
He creates a bike thief...

How? Do you mean that he created crime by allowing people to see property that wasn't theirs?

Wouldn't that mean stores create crime by selling items that people would rather have for free? Does this mean that children and attractive women create sexual predators as well?

I swear I'll work Hitler into this argument somehow...

'Accidental' Download Sending Guy To Prison

Payback says...

Moral of story: Don't download terabytes of child porn then tell the media it was one or two pictures.

They wouldn't charge someone over a couple of deleted pictures. He obviously had a ton. No one who wasn't feeling a lot of guilt would voluntarily be branded a sexual predator. That shit doesn't get expunged.

No Good... (Blog Entry by rottenseed)

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