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Anthony Bourdain- Korea - Martial arts and Kimchi making

Gabe_b says...

Man, I bet I've eaten more Kimchi than almost anyone on this site, and I gotta say- The stuff is utter drek. The only reason in took such a hold in Korea is they needed a Vit. C source for the harsh as hell winters. Fresh kimchi has no redeeming qualities. I still eat it cause I'm a f-ing sap, but the stuff tastes like sewage. In a soup or fried though, that taste grand

3 years designing the ultimate Sim City

Hawkinson says...

What's with the dickish attitude? its a videogame, I don't think anyone is confused over that fact. A quake speed run or a sub 25% metroid prime completion rate is still impressive, just like a pitching a perfect game (which also isn't real life, since there are arbitrary rules like regulation bats).

Unless you've never played a (video)game before, you're just being a jerk.

>> ^spoco2:

He does realize that he has only found the optimum method for building IN THIS GAME doesn't he? Like... he's worked out the algorithm as built by the coders. He hasn't actually designed any optimum city design. He's built to only those factors the game designers put in.
Seems very odd to spend SO MUCH TIME on such an endeavor that is effectively just doing really well at a simplified game simulation.
Like... if one of the coders went 'oh yeah, we completely forgot to include the effects of recycling or sewage levels' or some such then his entire span of time doing that was pretty much for naught.

Now, if someone had come up with that design and implemented it in a short time, then I'd be impressed... but this? I appreciate someone using their minds like this, but to be so proud to have worked out a method of 'beating' an almost definitely flawed simulation is strange and alien to me.

3 years designing the ultimate Sim City

spoco2 says...

He does realize that he has only found the optimum method for building IN THIS GAME doesn't he? Like... he's worked out the algorithm as built by the coders. He hasn't actually designed any optimum city design. He's built to only those factors the game designers put in.

Seems very odd to spend SO MUCH TIME on such an endeavor that is effectively just doing really well at a simplified game simulation.

Like... if one of the coders went 'oh yeah, we completely forgot to include the effects of recycling or sewage levels' or some such then his entire span of time doing that was pretty much for naught.

Now, if someone had come up with that design and implemented it in a short time, then I'd be impressed... but this? I appreciate someone using their minds like this, but to be so proud to have worked out a method of 'beating' an almost definitely flawed simulation is strange and alien to me.

The Story of Bottled Water

jwray says...

1. Claim: 40% of bottled water is taken from municipal tap water
-- What they don't mention is that there are additional steps in the process after they get the tap water, such as reverse osmosis, which is usually listed on the label (and I'm certain that lying about it on the label is illegal). Reverse osmosis is more effective than the almost-nothing that is done to remove agricultural runoff contaminants and such from tap water. Aquafina is basically the same water that coca-cola puts into their sodas, and the reason it's subjected to an additional reverse osmosis step is to standardize the taste. Some local tap water is nasty.

2. X% of bottled water tested above the strictest health guidelines (but not the legal limit) for one or more chemicals.
So does the tap water in the vast majority of zipcodes. Check your own zipcode in that website.

3. Bottled water is less regulated: This is true, unfortunately. There should be stricter standards for contaminants in bottled water. There should be stricter standards for contaminants in tap water as well. Tap water is purified by crude filtration that is effective at removing sewage and particles larger than a micron, but ineffective at removing most dissolved contaminants.

If you buy distilled water in large quantities it's like fifty cents a gallon, which is not bad. That also wastes an order of magnitude less packaging material per pint of water.

Murdoch vows to take all of Newscorp websites out of Google

Message to Americans From Canadian Doctors & Health Experts

Phonecium says...

It is quite simple the solution to the so-called "issue" of health care in the United States. The subject needs little or no banter representative of what can be seen *above, from people who sit at their computers after having ingested newscast, after article, after explanations and solutions by politicians and so-called "experts", who then satisfy themselves that they have a clear picture of how and why the system is in the state that it is.

The country is replete with wind-baggers (see most of the comments above in the "it will be so much better to create a PLAN category) who think they have a clue as to how and why it has reached such a pathetic, critical mass. Watch and read how they take what is promulgated by media and pundits, process the "dis-information" with their tainted apparatus, convinced that one action or the other will create some alternative to the insane state of affairs with regard to the MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT.

The solution??

Teach people about a healthy way of being. Teach them from infancy, and most importantly, provide them with the raw materials (i.e., diets that are not full of poisons in the form of preservatives, sugars, etc etc), right down to pesticides or whatever one's pet cause for health is. Deny the manufacturers and purveyors of poisons disguised as foods the ability to create human sewage bins, otherwise known as MOST AMERICANS.

-Hobble the fast-food corporations whose criminal intent is akin to manslaughter.
Encourage a collective boycott of all processed, nutrition-less crap by giving people who don't eat the garbage, free health care. None of this can be done without retraining the ignorant masses-THIS INCLUDES PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT WE NEED HEALTH CARE REFORM.

Retrain ignoramuses, and all that the country will need after a couple of generations, are emergency rooms with crack trauma units to patch up the injured. Cancer will disappear. Obesity is the main cause of the dilemma America finds herself in. Diabetes will vanish in those with no genetic predisposition. Stress-related heart problems will fall like a 767 with complete engine failure.

Health care does not need to be reformed. The book of what is edible, nutritious, and real, needs to be re-written. That and the government and television need to be universally ignored.

Need I even mention people who should not be having children, who will grow up fat and ignorant because mankind in her present state is critically dysfunctional; or the undeniable fact that a country to the south of the border of the U.S. is in full-speed sublimation??? Get real, whiners. Use common sense and don't settle for solutions offered, so much Band-aid on an exit wound to the skull.

America would not even need the health care system she has were it not for the putrefaction of human beings by those who profit from collective ill-health. Learn to eat.

Nose Maggots - Seriously, they are in her nose

Mystery Life Form in NC Sewer

Food, Water, Clothes, Shelter....and Cellphones? (Wtf Talk Post)

imstellar28 says...

^are you arguing that cell phones are necessary? If so, you epitomize everything thats wrong with this country.

Cellphones are a convenience. Like having a personal cook, or a personal chauffeur, or a personal gardener, or a personal slave. Having a slave (someone to till your fields, or someone to pay our cell phone bills) is real convenient if you are the slavemaster but its not so convenient if you are the SLAVE.

"If we expect people to live as members of modern society in the US, then they need a phone, a car or access to mass transit, running sanitary water, a sewage system, a means of cooking and refrigerating food, money, access to police and medical care, etc. etc. etc."

I guess they also need a microwave, a cable television, a garage, car, etc. Where do you draw the line in this arbitrary position? You just draw the line where your opinion ends, which as a mass-philosophy, is completely useless.

Christ, I was using a car as a ridiculous example but you included it in yours! I don't have a car or access to mass transit, wheres my free car? There are 300 million people in America, who is going to pay for all this free stuff???

Food, Water, Clothes, Shelter....and Cellphones? (Wtf Talk Post)

dgandhi says...

>> ^imstellar28:Humans need these things regardless of geological time, which is why they are considered basic necessities.

The basic problem with you position is that you use the word necessities, without specifying what these things are preconditions for. nothing is necessary without a goal.

If the goal is "sustain human life", then you still have to ask for how long, and in what condition?
Is it the objective of our society for people to live for 5min,4weeks,80years,1000years?
Under what conditions are they expected to live?

If we expect people to live as members of modern society in the US, then they need a phone, a car or access to mass transit, running sanitary water, a sewage system, a means of cooking and refrigerating food, money, access to police and medical care, etc. etc. etc.

While the "basic necessities" argument is cute/trite, it's also functionally meaningless. Societies require things of their members, and as societies become technologically advanced they require their members to have/use a certain basic level of technology, these things become necessities.

Having a phone in the US is a necessity, largely because it is a piece of social infrastructure which saves everybody immense amounts of time and effort.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

volumptuous says...

We've strayed very far from the point here, which was "should the gov fix messes they create?"

I say, yes, most of the time.

If the US owns a nuclear power-plant which creates a toxic mess, then yes, the US gov should fix it. Who else would? The Ron Paul R3volution? Just some guys from down the street? Or maybe the local VFW members have a bake-sale to raise the funds?

The same goes for Iraq. The US fucked their shit up, hardcore. We are now obligated to help un-fuck their country. We should be building schools, installing sewage and water treatment systems. Rebuilding their armies, and hospitals, and helping to bring back the doctors and other professionals who left the country, causing the brain-drain that has resulted.

I know that BF's original point was to poo-poo any government involvement in the banking/finance clusterfuck. But he actually doesn't have a counter-argument. He just thinks it's "bad".

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

volumptuous says...

Wait, what? Now I'm confused as to who you're talking to. I assume it's me since I'm who you quoted. But where am I wrong?

USA didn't fuck-up Iraq? We have no responsibility to help them financially?

"Sorry guys, we bombed the shit out of your country, destroyed your infrastructure, your electrical grid, your sewage and water systems. We leveled your hospitals and schools, filled your morgues and cemetaries, disbanded your armies and killed off your police forces. We even were kind enough to leave your museums open to looters, almost erasing your cultural artifacts, which happen to kinda be important since Babylon n shit was like all first human colonies n stuff. But, you guys been around these parts a while now. I'm sure you need no help or money from us. BYE!!"

@blankfist: Sorry, I read the sentence wrong. I did read your whole stupid thing, but I missed that part, cuz i dum. also.

>> ^imstellar28:
Your logic is wrong on so many levels, I'd need a ladder to even attempt to address it. Since arguing with you is about as constructive as arguing with a brick wall, I'll just leave a comment here noting that people think you are wrong.
>> ^volumptuous:
That was personal?
I'm just wondering what you're getting at here. There are many ways the Gov should fix messes they've created.
Iraq is a good one. As Colin Powell said to GWB "You break it, you own it."
Obviously the Bush admin was too corrupt and incompetent to fix a fucking flat tire, but still, the US now owes Iraq big time. We completely fucked their shit up, and to not fix it is a horrendous idea.

Noam Chomsky on The Ultimate Hypocrisy

rougy says...

"Only one in five families outside Baghdad has access to functioning sewage facilities. One-third of wastewater and sewage produced in Baghdad is treated, with much of the rest discharged as raw sewage into the Tigris and Euphrates rivers."


Yeah, we really did them a big favor by spreading democracy.

Good old USA, always watching out for the little guys.

Should the queue escape limit be raised? *Please read before voting (User Poll by EDD)

deputydog says...

DON'T TOUCH THE FLOODGATES. it'll do absolutely fuck all to stem the flow of sewage that splashes all over the front page.

the only thing you can do to improve the quality of the videos you watch/upvote is to look harder and stop being so monumentally lazy. there is shitloads of quality on the sift and it's there to be seen and applauded - the problem is that everyone wants it all on a single plate and can't be bothered to lift their fat little index fingers some more and click a few extra links. the idea that raising the escape limit could enhance the quality of published videos absolutely baffles me.

dig a bit deeper around here, stop upvoting videos of cats wanking just because a friend submitted them and who knows - maybe the top 15 will change for the better.

The Most Amazing Accident On Road Produced By Rain

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