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Wanting Aggressive Women for Sex But Shy Women for Relation

enoch says...

do guys really have this problem?
wanting to fuck women who are equally horny,yet desire for a partner that is a passive,meek door mouse for a relationship?
and then get confused to why there seems to be a sexual schizophrenia in their life?
it is not that complicated.
if you do not desire your girlfriend in the beginning,yet stick around because she has great "susie-home-maker" qualities,you might as well prepare for the divorce now.
the same goes for the opposite.
having fantastic sex with a woman only to find she is an idiot who looks banging in a t-back.
i am not telling anyone how to run their business but for you guys out there consider this:
as men we are visual.
give us something to look at and some friction and we be happy lil dudes.
women are wired totally different.
while they can be visual,they are not as single-minded as men.(we have all seen the ugly dude with the hottie and thought wha???).
for women the two strongest components are sensual (touch) and emotional.
the emotional is the biggest key for a woman.this component decides how far she will surrender to you.
i use the word surrender specifically for a purpose.
because at it's core that's what it is.
as men we do not think of sex as "opening up" but that is EXACTLY how a woman views it.if i have to explain that further you need help.
a woman surrenders to you,she allows you access.
she is the gatekeeper..(sorry..gozer reference.i'll stop).

now do not confuse a hook up with the sex a woman craves.
women get just as horny as men but in our culture it tends to be frowned they use excuses like being drunk or whatever to ease their conscience.a hook up is a woman using YOU for something she needs,something we all need.
touching,kissing,caressing and yes..orgasms!
and you thought it was due to your irresistable go right ahead and keep telling yourself that.
unless the woman is mentally deficient she just needed sex.
*hint* if you can keep your trap shut and not brag to your buddies 5 seconds after she leaves your room she will come back...and often.
BUT..this arrangement will never be long lasting because at it's heart it only serves the purpose of the body and a woman needs to have the heart nourished also.
this is where i do not understand the question put to mr savage:
when a woman feels safe and secure in not her emotions but YOURS,this is when she will surrender to you.
she will open up and give you everything.
so even miss meek quiet doormouse will reveal a sexual experience to you that you thought not possible.
ALL women have this in them.
she will reveal a side of her that NOBODY else,including YOU,knew existed.
be prepared for the ride of your life.not only will be the best sex you ever had with her but from anybody!
so yes..even missus susie home maker can be a porn star if she trusts you enough.
*note* by the might as well get prepared because you my friend are getting married.

so the only thing i can surmise from this question is:
1.the questioner is young,most likely early 20's
2.he watches waaaay too much MTV and thinks thats how a young man is supposed to act.what up dawg?!?
3.does not realize that women pay attention to EVERYTHING. while he may be attractive and fun,they consider him a DAWG and will only let him in so far.being very aware of his promiscuous nature.
5.predominantly the women he experiences are other predators with breasts(girls can be just as DAWG as dudes,dont kid yourself),while the girls with things like:self-esteem,strong personality and a strong sense of self avoid him like the plague.
6.the quiet meek women this man has encountered are also buying into a lot of the media,socialized Bullshit and see him as a notch into a particular crowd.future stalkers of america!
7.has never been with a real woman because a real woman would only play with him like a cat does a mouse.
8.i could totally be off my rocker and just spouting nonsensical bullshit.
9.while that may be true...woman utterly fascinate me.

what was the question again?

A Parallel Image: Every Pixel Between Sender and Reciever

deathcow says...

"A Parallel Image is technologically completely transparent, conveying to the viewer a correspondence between real world and transmission that can be sensually experienced."

The thing is cool, but give me a fucking break. 1080P plasma is friggin sensually experienced. a ViewMaster is sensually experienced.

Hedonistic machine lubricates itself

TheFreak says...

This sculpture doesn't evoke Hedonism to me and the attempt by the artist to describe it in sensual terms is a little ridiculous. It looks to me like an analogy for Individualism.

The one thing the sculpture, combined with the artists enterpretation, does better than anything is illustrate why artists should never try to enterpret their own artwork for the observer. Because it naturally forces you to reconcile the artists intent with the execution.

Other than that, I like it.

My Favorite Things -- Pomplamoose

honkeytonk73 says...

She has a wonderful sensual jazz voice. Refreshing to hear someone with some real talent. Far too much fake auto tuned junk coming out of the mass market music industry. Just digitally mixed mass produced formulaic noise. No art. No creativity.

rasch187 (Member Profile)

inflatablevagina says...

I thought you'd say something along those lines

How am I supposed to be #1 RNR all time if Tori cant be RNR??

Im back-ish.. not feeling that tingly business in my no no area about it anymore, but we will see

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
Tori is fantastic. And she is a musical genre herself, a strange combination of sensuality, soul and parts yet to be discovered. Nothing as simple as rock'n'roll though.

Good to see you posting vids again, ivy

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
love Tori. I wanted to put this is rnr but wasnt sure if you'd allow it

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
Tori Amos is awesome. Neil Gaiman is one of her closest friends and he partly based one of his best characters on her.

inflatablevagina (Member Profile)

rasch187 says...

Tori is fantastic. And she is a musical genre herself, a strange combination of sensuality, soul and parts yet to be discovered. Nothing as simple as rock'n'roll though.

Good to see you posting vids again, ivy

In reply to this comment by inflatablevagina:
love Tori. I wanted to put this is rnr but wasnt sure if you'd allow it

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
Tori Amos is awesome. Neil Gaiman is one of her closest friends and he partly based one of his best characters on her.

Seinfeld Porn Parody Official Trailer

spoco2 says...

I think it's yet another one of those annoying pornos where they have a heap of 'proper' content wrapped around the porn. So rather than doing what it's supposed to, which is turn you (and your partner if there) on, it instead keeps interrupting with a 'real' movie. Except they're always bad 'real' movies... so all you get is bits you want to fast forward.

And even if they're half decent... you watch normal movies for that, not porn.

Instead of this trend of higher budgets and better production values for porn (not that this is an example of a high budget, I was thinking Pirates for that)... what about making porn that's actually sensual and sexy and respectful of woman while still being darn hot.

I'm sick of movies which are touted as the next new thing in porn only to find they're big budget films which still treat women like objects and degrade them and don't show them getting pleasure. Focusing on gagging and gaping and slapping and forcing and...urgh, such a turnoff.

It's a sorry state of affairs that as porn seems to become more mainstream it becomes less and less female friendly.

Lesbian Love Scene From Movie D.E.B.S.

Megan Fox has CG Boobies.

923julia (Member Profile)

vairetube says...

those were some sensual gross violations.. imagine the... oh.. what's that?? you're a 14 year old chinese boy?? seeking an alternative to farm life?? and spam for a living in a sweat shop??

what is your favorite american TV show? can i call you craig?

that IS your name???

good on ya craig.

My Favourite Salvia Video - Driving on Salvia

cybrbeast says...

The SALVIA Experiential Rating Scale

Level - 1 "S" stands for SUBTLE effects. A feeling that "something" is happening, although it is difficulty to say just what. Relaxation and increased sensual appreciation may be noted. This mild level is useful for meditation and may facilitate sexual pleasure.

Level - 2 "A" stands for ALTERED perception. Colors and textures are more pronounced. Appreciation of music may be enhanced. Space may appear of greater or lesser depth than is usual. But visions do not occur at this level. Thinking becomes less logical, and more playful; short-term memory difficulties may be noted.

Level - 3 "L" stands for LIGHT visionary state. Closed-eye visuals (clear imagery with eyes closed: fractal patterns, vine-like and geometric patterns, visions of objects and designs). The imagery is often two dimensional. If open-eyed visual effects occur, these are usually vague and fleeting. At this level, phenomena similar to the hypnagogic phenomena that some people experience at sleep onset occur. At this level, visions are experienced as "eye candy" but are not confused with reality.

Level - 4 "V" stands for VIVID visionary state. Complex three-dimensional realistic appearing scenes occur. Sometimes voices may be heard. With eyes open, contact with consensual reality will not be entirely lost, but when you close your eyes you may forget about consensus reality and enter completely into a dreamlike scene. Shamanistic journeying to other lands--foreign or imaginary; encounters with beings (entities, spirits) or travels to other ages may occur. You may even live the life of another person. At this level you have entered the shaman's world. Or if you prefer: you are in "dream time." With eyes closed, you experience fantasies (dream like happenings with a story line to them). So long as your eyes are closed you may believe they are really occurring. This differs from the "eye candy" closed-eye imagery, of level 3.

Level - 5 "I" stands for IMMATERIAL existence. At this level one may no longer be aware of having a body. Consciousness remains and some thought processes are still lucid, but one becomes completely involved in inner experience and looses all contact with consensual reality. Individuality may be lost; one experiences merging with God/dess, mind, universal consciousness, or bizarre fusions with other objects--real or imagined (e.g. experiences such as merging with a wall or piece of furniture). At this level it is impossible to function in consensual reality, but unfortunately some people do not remain still but move around in this befuddled state. For this reason a sitter is essential to ensure the safety of someone voyaging to these deep levels. To the person experiencing this the phenomenon may be terrifying or exceedingly pleasant; but to an outside observer the individual may appear confused or disoriented.

Level 6 - "A" stands for AMNESIC effects. At this stage, either consciousness is lost, or at least one is unable to later recall what one had experienced. The individual may fall, or remain immobile or thrash around; somnambulistic behavior may occur. Injuries can be sustained without pain being felt; on awakening, the individual will have no recollection of what he/she did, experienced, or said in level 6. People cannot recall what they experience in this very deep trance state. This is not a desirable level, because nothing can latter be recalled of the experience.

From very informative and educational source. Level 5 is where I go when I use it.

The Obama Deception full length film

loki999 says...

>> ^qualm:
I think you'd have to be a professional contortionist to convince me that Alex Jones video isn't a naked display of racist hate.

To identify oneself with a particular race, with a particular country or with certain ideologies yields security, satisfaction and flattering self-importance. This worship of the part, instead of the whole, cultivates antagonism, conflict and confusion.

— J. Krishnamurti, 4 June 1944.

Do not let us be clouded by words, names or labels which only bring confusion as Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and Mohammedans, or as Americans, Germans, English, Chinese. Religion is above all names, creeds, doctrines. It is the way of the realization of the supreme, and virtue is not of any country, race or of any specialized religion. We must free ourselves from names and labels, from their confusion and antagonism, and try to seek through highest morality that which is. Thus you will become truly religious and so will your State. Then only will there be peace and light in the world. If each one of us can understand that there can be unity only in right thinking, not in mere superficial, economic devices, when we become religious, transcending craving for personal immortality and power, for worldliness and sensuality, only then shall we realize the deep inward wisdom of peace and love.

— J. Krishnamurti, 28 May 1944

Black Hole Destroying A Star

Kitty Massaging Dog -- funny overdub

Kitty Massaging Dog -- funny overdub

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