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How the Pink Tax Is Ripping Off Women

eric3579 says...

I'm pretty sure that the women paid twenty cents on the dollar comment is highly debatable. My understanding was that when you actually compared apples to apples it was around six or seven percent. Still not zero where it should be but also not twenty as was stated. (edit) John says 4-8%

And just for fun i wanted to check the prices myself for the items in the video.

The CVS Menstrual pain medication they compared are NOT the same.
The menstrual product has Acetaminophen AND two additional ingredients

The razors are not on CVS website but are on BICS website. Comparing prices of the two products shown in the video, the "womens" one was actually cheaper by fifty cents. Also can't be sure that the razors they are comparing are exactly the same. Probably close enough though.
Womens Soleil Twilight
Mens Flex 3

The same kids snorkel i found on Amazon. The one shop who actually has it in pink and also has two other colors are selling them for the same price.

The baby walker i found on Wallmarts site, and the pink one cost more. The other has been discounted from its original price.

The Underwear were as stated in the video. Different quantity at the same price.

Well that was a fun little project

Kids Tell Us if They Hear Grover Cursing - Sesame Street

TheFreak says...

I skipped past Kimmel saying what I was supposed to hear so I could judge it objectively. I listened over and over and couldn't figure out what it could possibly be accept for, "that sounds like an excellent idea."

Then I went back and found it it was supposed to be the F word and now I can hear it either way. I just have to set my expectation and it flips to whichever version I expect it to be.

I have to say, this is the first one of these "controversies" that I've actually been convinced by. All the others just appear to be a select few people pretending to take the obviously contrary side for attention.

Kurzgesagt - Is Organic Food Really Better or is It a Scam?

newtboy says...

I recently saw a news piece that said in America there are standards for "organic" vegetables fruits and grains, but any fish can be called organic because there is no standard at all.

To be fair, GMO is a bit of a nonsense term as well, technically encompassing everything from crops selectively bred for taste and yield to those with various animal and or bacteria genes spliced in. I wish there were GMO labels and levels, telling us the method of modification, the source of the new genes if any, and even the expected benefits and hazards so we could make informed choices. I still can't believe the ballot proposition to require such labels in California failed.

ChaosEngine said:

Part of the problem with “organic” food (nonsense term, all food is organic by definition) is the fear-mongering around GMOs.

GMOs are going to be a big part of how we feed a population of 7 billion plus. Between the increased yield and lower requirement for pesticides, they have undeniable benefits.

John Tesh "Original" NBA on NBC theme

Vance's Incredible 365 day transformation will blow you away

ChaosEngine says...

I can believe that a plant based diet is healthy, but there’s no way that study proves “No exercise, all you can eat weight loss”.

There are a multitude of problems with it, starting with the tiny sample size and selection bias.

transmorpher said:

I can't believe you downvoted a health study that's from your home country

Do you hate plant based diets that much?

Petulant Child Throws Tantrum

RFlagg says...

It's as if Trump, the GOP, and their voters, can't pass 6th grade civics. America isn't a dictatorship, as much as it is heading that way with the current administration and the GOP. If there's two parties that have opposing views, the solution isn't "our way or the highway" but find the middle ground. Seems since Obama took office, the GOP's definition of middle ground is agreeing to 80-99% of their demands. This is of course because of religious indoctrination, where authority isn't earned, but given by divine right from God to only a select few, and it's everyone's place just to shut up and take it.

Woman steps into the line of fire to save a homeless man

diego says...

Its kind of comical how terrified american police officers always appear in these videos. The contrast between the police officer and the woman's composure is too much, they may want to consider improving their selection procedure and training techniques.

the elephant in the room, and no one wants to admit it right or left, is that the history of police /judicial systems has never been good. Im not saying it to advocate for anarchy but basically everywhere, always, police abuse their power, while preventing very little crime / providing justice. I dont pretend to know all of history, but I never get much of a response when I say this and I thinks its because power corrupts no matter what, and there will always be minority others to justify abusing. The very very best you can hope for is to have enough oversight so as to make the corruption spread out, obscure, and minimal but even then...

For a long time I thought the US police was at least more effective in closing cases but between the US getting its ass kicked in the drug war despite the militarized police and a report I saw about poor coordination across state lines leading to murders and missing persons cases going unresolved for decades

TED Talk: Whitopia

Drachen_Jager says...

Can you show me where I argued against the statement, "Blanket racial statements are wrong and racist."

If not, perhaps you should go back and take some refresher English classes (preferably some Logic classes too).

Just like Newtboy, you're trying to put words in my mouth. Until you learn how to actually parse sentences and assemble a logical argument there's just no point.

And, in case you had trouble figuring it out, words like "likely" and "could" tend to defuse the "blanket" nature of statements. I can make a ton of statements using those words that are 100% correct.

"A randomly-selected group of Black Americans likely has a lower income than an equal-sized group of White Americans."

Explain to me how that's wrong. For that matter, explain to me how it's a "blanket" statement.

And, just to be clear, there's a wide chasm between using such a statement and arguing against the proposition that such statements are bad. People do bad things all the time that they fully acknowledge are bad. Simply doing a thing does not mean you think it's good.

greatgooglymoogly said:

So "not entirely inaccurate, though" equals "that statement is wrong" to you? I can see why it's so hard to have a discussion in the English language with you. Is it not your original language?

"they are likely mistrustful of people who don't look like them and could be swayed by one or two strong voices to persecute those they see as "other""

Seems like you're fine making large behavioral generalizations based on skin color, or am I reading that one wrong too?

Guy Sounds Just Like Freddie Mercury

TED Talk: Whitopia

Drachen_Jager says...

Not entirely inaccurate though.

Except in some countries in Europe where the population is still over 90% European, what business have 50 white people got hanging out together without any visible minorities? Odds are they either self-selected into that group, or they live in a very white bubble. Either way they are likely mistrustful of people who don't look like them and could be swayed by one or two strong voices to persecute those they see as "other".

newtboy said:

That's a pretty ignorant and disgusting, blatantly racist statement you made.

GOP Stands by Kavanaugh Despite Sexual Assault Allegations

newtboy says...

If they allowed her husband and their therapist to testify and present his notes as evidence, they could at least prove she told the same story in 2012 with no interest in going public with her story or even naming Kavanaugh privately...or that she's an evil supergenius that started planning this fraud 6+ years ago.

Yes, there might be reasons to want to prevent his appointment, but it's a stretch to believe this successful professional wife and mother would knowingly upend her life and the lives of her family permanently in hopes of delaying his confirmation slightly and smearing his name as a likely best case scenario if she were making it up. It also doesn't make sense that she would request a formal FBI investigation since lying to them is a crime they often prosecute harshly.
It's possible she's a liar and a nut sacrificing herself for short term political gains, but it really seems unlikely.

I do agree, there are a lot of reasons why someone might want to prevent him from being selected. I have a few myself.

Mordhaus said:

To be fair, the Kavanaugh situation is beyond he said/she said. There is literally no way to prove anything and there are a lot of reasons someone might want to prevent him from being selected.

GOP Stands by Kavanaugh Despite Sexual Assault Allegations

Mordhaus says...

To be fair, the Kavanaugh situation is beyond he said/she said. There is literally no way to prove anything and there are a lot of reasons someone might want to prevent him from being selected.

The Day Liberty Died

bcglorf says...

And then we can largely agree. Can we agree even further though that listing only one combatants crimes can become misleading?

America dropped nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians.

Prior to that they fire bombed virtually every other Japanese city, killing 100 thousand in Tokyo alone.

The fighting on the ground on the islands reads like one long list of horrific war crimes against dehumanized Japanese victims again and again...

I know the illustration shouldn't be necessary, but presenting a single sided selection of choice facts can be extremely misleading, and the video here, like many on Israel today, does exactly the same thing.

newtboy said:

Yes. Distrust of one untrustworthy nation doesn't translate into trust of their untrustworthy enemies.

International distress frequencies jammed. That's war crime #1. Firing on lifeboats, war crime #2.
You can convince yourself that their unambiguous identification of it as an American ship before attacking is meaningless, you still can't excuse the multiple war crimes.

McCain defending Obama 2008

MilkmanDan says...

@bobknight33 --

I'm interested in what your thoughts on McCain were in 2008, when he was the Republican candidate for president. If I looked back at your comment history from that era, would you have criticized him in the same ways back then? Were you OK with him being the Republican nominee?

Opinions can legitimately shift over time. But, that's usually a gradual process. If your opinions on McCain shifted radically in a short span of time (since, say, 2016 -- a date I've completely randomly selected for no particular reason), you might want to consider that perhaps some external actor is more responsible for that shift than your own internal feelings.

You are, of course, welcome to your own opinions. However, it seems possible that this one is not precisely "your own". McCain's willingness to break away from groupthink and be a "maverick" was one of the things that people on both side of the aisle respected the most about him.

Trade: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Xaielao says...

Heh I can understand why you think so. No I was talking Truman. Granted he wasn't as completely unaware as Trump was when he was elected. But he'd only served in the senate for two years before he was pushed in as VP. Note that the VP selection process was really different even though it was only ~70 years ago.

Once he got selected he became president that same year. Instead of working along Roosevelt's post-war plan and he refused to be a part of the grand alliance (meetings between the leaders of the big 3 powers that came out of that war).

Instead he started threatening the USSR with nuclear war if they worked toward developing nuclear weapons or expanded their territory... the so called Truman Doctrine.

He also played a fairly big roll in starting the whole middle eastern mess we're still dealing with to this day. Though that obviously goes back to the political failures after the Great War.

Guy was a dumb-ass who by reports of those around him didn't know WTF he was doing half the time.

moonsammy said:

Are you under the impression Reagan started the cold war? If so, you're off by about 34 years - it started in 1947, under Truman. Would be hard to argue he knew nothing about politics, particularly at that point in his life...

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