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Ex-Trump Adviser Steve Bannon Arrested & Charged with Fraud

newtboy says...

I knew that....I thought it would get him front row seats.....could it be they finally realized if the election is overturned, their elections are overturned too and at this point none would win a special election?
I still find it hilarious Trumpsters want to invalidate any ballot not for Trump, forgetting that Trump isn't the only republican on that ballot. Somehow they seem to think only the presidential race was a fraud, as if it's separate somehow.

Loving the ever growing list of investigations and charges. It's going to be a fun summer.

surfingyt said:

mypillow moron is now yet another walking, talking, trump boot-licking, LIABILITY loool

dont forget theres still state-level charges being developed against this republicant-you can expect other states to jump on after

GOP Try to Rewrite the History of the Jan 6th Insurrection

moonsammy says...

That cop's alternative being what, letting the rampaging mob have their way with the legislators he was duty-bound to protect? It's not like the officer was just wandering around and randomly shot her - she was at the front of a violent mob that had just broken through a barrier. By shooting her, he kept the mob at bay for a bit longer, which may very well have saved lives. When people on this site decry police violence, it tends to be in a context where that violence was unnecessary and excessive for the situation. The fact that more of the insurrectionists weren't shot actually illustrates incredible restraint and professionalism, on the part of the Capitol police.

I'd like to add: fucking stop with the "unarmed" bullshit. They were a RAMPAGING MOB. They were chanting their wish to kill the Vice President, who they believed to be in the building. Do you really believe a group of people with only bludgeoning weapons are incapable of causing massive amounts of harm? They had violently broken into one of the core seats of power in the US, in a direct effort to stop the democratic process and what has in *every other instance* been a peaceful transition of power.

Seriously - if you support the 1/6/2021 insurrection, you support an attempted fascistic overthrow of the US government. It isn't up for debate, that's what happened on that day. It wasn't a fucking protest, they weren't a goddamned tourist group. They smashed their way into the Capitol, at the behest of a man seemingly incapable of admitting defeat (gracefully or otherwise), with the goal of keeping him in power against the will of the voters of this country. That shit is not at all acceptable, and I hope the lot of them serve sufficient time in prison to act as a warning to all other fascists.

TangledThorns said:

Ashli Babbit was murdered by .gov. It's the one time that Democrats don't care about cops murdering an unarmed person.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Covfeffe. Let's look at the oranges of that.

You are such a ridiculous idiot. Biden's brain is exponentially better than yours. He speaks FAR more clearly and without flubs despite a diagnosed severe speech impediment than you can even write.

Compared to Trump's drug addled sub par dementia riddled brain, Biden is an Einstein in his prime. Trump couldn't even speak in complete sentences, much less drive a golf cart, Biden safely hot rods million dollar prototypes while making jokes that are actually funny, not just nasty ignorant personal attacks beneath children while sitting in the truck seat pretending to drive like a two year old on the ride in front of the grocery store.

Funny, when he speaks publicly you've been forced to admit he spoke well, intelligently, intelligibly, and was totally rational while Trump fumbled, complained, stumbled over simple words, stumbled over simple concepts, and wasn't honest... then within days forget what you said and revert back to "Trump smart, Biden has dementia".

What you cannot grasp is America saw them both non stop for 6 months then chose and, despite numerous Republican voter frauds, serious postal interference, and a purported billion dollar war chest, trump lost in a MASSIVE landslide in the most secure election ever according to Trump's election anti fraud department....and you decided to listen to his little tantrums instead of the millions of professionals his administration hired to safeguard the election, or the dozens of Republican judges who heard the "evidence" and tossed the cases, or every single republican governor, or his own people who eventually admitted there really was no fraud, it was all pure hyperbole, and you had to be a braying moron to believe it.

I say, based on what's been said and claimed, your brain is gone, was gone well over 5 years ago.

It had to be mush to support a clinically narcissistic repeatedly convicted con man, fraud, and self described rapist, incestuous father, tax cheat, mob tied, hard core long time certified racist, white nationalist, and pedophile as the best Republicans have to offer. Seeing what you idiots have elected since him, you may have been right, he might be YOUR best, he certainly is one of America's worst citizens.

So sad and delusional you are, little Bobby. Cry us some more delicious tears over your messaih's MASSIVE failures across the board....then send Broke Donny more money, he needs it for criminal defense attorneys.


bobknight33 said:

Biden brain is gone, was gone few years ago.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Funny, we never saw Trump drive anything but a personal golf cart (seems no club he didn't own wanted to rent him a cart), and he sucked ass at driving them and never followed the rules for them, always drove onto the green. He was allowed to sit in the driver's seat in trucks like a big boy, but no one trusted him behind the wheel so he never had the keys.
Biden is trusted to drive prototype vehicles that cost millions to build.
And you still say Trump doesn't have dementia but Biden does. Your delusional thoughts are rapidly becoming a super minority of and Trump.
Here's proof.

“The Reset” | 5G Built For Gamers | Verizon

fuzzyundies says...

20+ year professional game dev here. This commercial conflates a mix of common game client bugs (eg: texture streaming errors, physics glitches, and animation attachment offsets) with straight up nonsense (upper half of coffee mug popping in with a phone over and over is caused by a slow network connection?). They never show any actual network performance problems that they, as a company, have been responsible for causing in real life.

It's as if a city council came out with electrified upgrades to their formerly-diesel city buses and to promote this fact, they cut an ad showing:

- monkeys driving the bus
- constant gunfights between the elderly
- piles of feces on the floor
- bus stops existing in a quantum superposition of clearly identified and invisible
- tribal warriors on the roof spitting blowdarts at passersby
- every seat is actually a block of super-chilled ice

Never once would they point out reduction in chronic asthma to the local schoolkids or lung cancer in their bus drivers. But hey, so long as the company looks good, who cares about accuracy in ads?

Judge Barrett isn't worth considering

newtboy says...

So....anyone recall how Barrett swore she would recuse herself from any case she had a personal interest in? Specifically about abortion cases....she didn't, religious cases, she didn't, and now she's refusing to recuse herself in a case against the Koch brothers PAC Americans for prosperity, that actually spent millions running ads to support her during her confirmation hearing.
This isn't just a blatant conflict of interest, it's pure pay for play bribery of a supreme court "justice". She should be not just removed but disbarred.
At some point this outrageous behavior by the highest court will end in assassination, it's the only way to remove them.

This is why, for every seat filled by Trump's criminal cronies who are all crooked as a pig's penis, we need to add two seats filled with actual judges with integrity, not prejudiced bigoted rapists and liars....add three for the seat stolen from Obama.

‘This is not a zoo’: Biden administration blocks filming

BSR says...

I get the feeling from you that if you were on the Titanic you would be the guy that puts a scarf over his head to get a seat in the lifeboat.

Mexico is a sinking ship and we are the closest lifeboat around.

Take your scarf off and man up.

bobknight33 said:

You really drink the leftest line by the gallon.

Trumps plan was working.
Biden plan was come on in and open the flood gates. No planning on trying to figure out how many people are out there ready to storm the gates..... He just open the doors and got a stampede.

kinda like Thanksgiving
Black Friday Stampede and Fight at Wal Mart -

Biggest Little League Cheating Scandal Ever

newtboy says...

Lol. Hardly the biggest or worst. Many many times teams were disqualified for exactly the same thing, often with far more ineligible players and without redistricting agreements. Teams used corked bats, teams used over age players, teams threw games to avoid playing other teams, teams recruited kids from the Dominican, lied about their age and residency, and even forged birth certificates.

What is it about this team that makes @bobknight33 want to claim they’re the worst? Hmmmmm? I just can’t put my finger on it, but something obviously “colored” his opinion....

Here’s a few real cheating scandals, not just gerrymandering, which if it’s horribly wrong should disqualify most Republican representatives and senators since it’s how republicans have retained seats when they have far fewer votes.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

What's up your ass? Nazi facebook got shunned and grandpa hitler wannabe got kicked off social media?

Hey, look,

I'm sorry you got duped.
But that doesn't give anyone the right to do what they did.
People forced their way into the capitol building through violence. They hung up a noose and when inside the building they were chanting 'FIGHT FOR TRUMP FIGHT FOR TRUMP FIGHT FOR TRUMP' until the president tweeted about Mike Pence's disloyalty, then they started with "WHERE IS PENCE, WHERE IS PENCE?

If you know anyone who was at the rally and stormed the capitol, please contact the FBI
ilding (link is too long)

They are wanted as person's of interest, suspected of terrorism. (link is too long) copy+paste

$50k for anyone associated with the pipe bombs

Look, I believe that you believe what you're saying, okay?

Let me make one last red rover talk with you, maybe you'll come on back to reality.

Here's the argument for Georgia, laid out in point by point sections

Do you know any Trump supporters who don't trust the election?

From 2018 so before the current bullshit; though it's worth pointing out that Trump also claims that the 2016 election that he fucking won was a fraud.

"Results from a new Grinnell College National Poll give insights into which citizens lack confidence in the November 2018 election. As it turns out, white conservatives, despite accusations of election fraud from President Trump and several outspoken conservative leaders, are neither the only groups concerned about the accuracy of the 2018 vote count nor the groups most concerned. The poll’s results also uncover how a lack of confidence in the vote count is linked with voter turnout "

I would argue that's contributed to a suppression of turnout. See also # 10 on my list here.


The democrats lost a chunk of seats in the house of reps.
Flip flip flip flip flip flip
All that, all the Democrat plot to steal the election? That's some 7d chess right there. Secret dem plot = elect republicans. (it's the same ticket as the presidential vote) Can't trust people who voted Republican? Is that it? Throw those votes out?

Arguing a that a technicality should disqualify votes doesn't mean that Americans' vote count is inaccurate. And if those votes' certification is invalid, why did Republican senators and Congress people from those states take their offices on Jan 2nd?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>They are voted in on the same ballot that the vote for president is cast on. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If they genuinely think and believe it was a scam, why did they show up to Washington and take office on the basis of so-called fraudulent ballots? If those ballots are frauds, what are those Republicans doing seated in those congressional seats?

Also, if that rule change is so bad, and absentee ballots are so fraudulent and can't be trusted, why did the Republican party in that state send a absentee ballot to every Republican who voted in the last election? You'd have to throw out ~700,000 republican votes as well. Don't their votes count?


Mitt Romney is an absolute asshole and he supports policy i strongly disagree with, but at least he's honest and seems to speak with an appeal to integrity. I think I saw his outrage at his own party spilling out of his head during the objection hearing.

But he's been an R his whole life? Cant be trusted?

Mitch McConnel is like a RPG character that someone dumped all the skill points into "fuck these rules, I'm getting my way" He will do anything, cast off nearly any rule to advance republican politics. He is against this. No one, only one man can be trusted ???

Mike pence is the most republican motherfucker around, and he does not endorse this, which party are you with?


The senators objecting were right the cases didn't progress to a hearing, and were all "without standing" or were unable to even make a claim, with Rudy going into court and when the judge flatly asks him if he's suing for fraud,
'is this a fraud case ? '

>>>>>>>>>>>>>RUDY - "NO"
"No we do not"
( O_O) ?

The judge explains that maybe he did allege fraud at some point, but not in the paper work he filed currently in front of the judge. (EVEN JUDGE JUDY DON'T ALLOW THAT SHIT)


Finally, after some linguistic dancing, the judge revisits the topic, bookending that clip. ”Does the Amended complaint include fraud with particularity ?"

>>>>>>>>>>>>RUDY - "NO YOUR HONOR"


So all of my
X Y Z cant be trusted?
Add McConnel and Pence


Maybe you are taking trump literally, not seriously? You're supposed to do "seriously, not literally" i've heard. Maybe he seriously won the election...
...but not literally, actually, or in-fact.


So only one man can be trusted? Only one man with the power? He used to hint at not conceding, now he's hinting at no more elections.

is that the way of a democracy or a republic? NO MORE ELECTIONS, THEY CANT BE TRUSTED UNLESS I WIN
???What good are elections? Why would we need those? They're all stolen anyway right ?


The states that made a difference and flipped from red to blue. Red, they were already red. Red as in Republicans won previous elections there and we're in charge of the local government and election boards in each case.


Democrats have been doing the work of flipping Georgia for 30 years, for democrats, that's how they flipped the state.

[The Daily] The Georgia Runoffs, Part 1: ‘We Are Black Diamonds.’ #theDaily via @PodcastAddict

They interview Stacy Abraham's here^ and she speaks at length about the decades long process to flip Georgia, and all the fundraising they did during that time

There is also a sister episode where republican campaign officials are interviewed and they discuss how they are not prepared in Georgia because they thought that state was a lock, still they could have pulled it off, but voter turnout was being suppressed because people were being told it was a fraud. There is a telling moment where the two R senators up for election in Georgia are on stage but the crowd just keeps chanting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP to the point that they are unable to speak to the crowd
[The Daily] The Georgia Runoffs, Part 2: ‘I Have Zero Confidence in My Vote’ #theDaily via @PodcastAddict

the interviewer tries and tries but can't find a republican who will say they have confidence in their vote at the Georgia rally.

>>>>>>>>>Finally<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>Finally<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>Finally<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>Finally<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>Finally<<<<<<<<<
"To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th."

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2021


Come on.


It's over.

You're defending people who planted pipe bombs in the capitol building of the United States of America.

It doesn't matter how you cut it, that!


Is NOT right.

Edit: And we're actually a mixture of both a republic and a democracy. There are regular instances on the people voting on laws directly.

Whatever happens, I hope Republicans keep doing what they're doing, because they are losing every election since trump and then some ...shithead.

bobknight33 said:

Hey shit head

We live in a REPUBLIC not a DEMOCRACY

Voter cheated very little
Election fraud was great and led to febel man put in White house.

Poll workers were not allowed to do their job.

Let's talk about Republicans leaving Trump & moving forward

BSR says...

81,283,485 Biden
-74,223,744 Trump
7,059,741 Biden voters more than Trump
÷101,500 Seat Capacity Daytona International Speedway
69.55 Daytona International Speedways full of Biden fans more than Trump

Hope this helps.

bobknight33 said:

Trump has 70+ Million backing him.

Election hearing in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

BSR says...

Hi bob. Have a seat right over there. newt will be right with you for your therapy appointment. Would you like a cup of water?

Hitler learns he can't stop vote counting

BSR says...

You're probably right. He will think of something to punish Democrats and Republicans. That means you and me. He played you like a fool. That's what "We're all in this together" means. He didn't give two shits about you. He just wanted you to pull his lever. If'n ya knows wat ah means.

Welcome aboard, pal. Fix yourself a drink and have a seat over there. 🪑

bobknight33 said:

It ain't over yet.

Traffic Stop

newtboy says...

What? Are you replying to another post? What do bad acts not excusing bad acts have to do with court packing? You are arguing that republican court packing isn't a bad act, so what are you talking about?

Republican court packing, the unprecedented denying dozens of a sitting presidents nominees a hearing despite the constitution stating they shall hold one in order to steal court seats was arguably unconstitutional but worked because they had the power and democrats had no recourse to remedy the crime since they didn't have the votes to force them to adhere to the constitution.

Adding seats is not unconstitutional nor is it unprecedented, the founding fathers did it themselves repeatedly. Not holding hearings for a nominee is unconstitutional, congress SHALL, not can or may.

No, they ignored a clear constitutional obligation knowing they couldn't be forced to follow it. Senate rules did not allow that, but a majority allowed the laws and rules to be ignored.

Lol. "Trashing them" by asking them to answer questions and accusations pertinent to the job is the same to you as denying a hearing in your opinion?!? I suppose you feel the same about republicans trashing democratic appointments, even outright denying them hearings required by the constitution....nominees who have NEVER had a problem clearly describing the rights codified in the constitution, which is the job they're nominated for...right...because certainly you aren't just a hypocrite.


So, republicans played hardball by ignoring their constitutional obligation to hear nominees to steal seats, now you're whining that Democrats shouldn't play constitutionally allowed hard ball too by increasing the number of seats?!? Oh done fucked up.

I refer you to this page to see the list of Obama nominees trashed, refused, stalled, and or filibustered by Republicans....dozens of empty seats stolen by McConnell and handed to Trump to fill.

Also, turnabout IS fair play. Bad acts by one group do excuse similar bad acts against them.

Edit: I see it this way....Republicans have set the bar for governing at "you can't stop us"...Democrats need at least 4 years in the same position to reverse the damage, probably 8 since they're so wishy washy and don't often play hardball....Biden is still talking about bipartisan committees to figure out how to get back to working civil governance, starting with balancing the supreme court...but what's needed is pure partisanship like Republicans display. Nasty, ruthless, unethical, even illegal partisanship at every turn on every issue.

A few judicial assassinations aren't off the table either. Anything goes is the rule of the day, thanks Trump.

drradon said:

you are free to guess, and will certainly be wrong...

Bad acts by members of one group don't justify worse acts by the opposing group. That road leads to genocide...

And the Republicans didn't "pack" the supreme court - they exercised the authority that the Constitution and Senate rules afforded them - no less so than the Democrats used their authority and rights to trash every supreme court nominee that has been put forth by Republican administrations. If you want to play hardball, you won't get much sympathy from me when you complain that the opposition elects to play hardball too...

Happy to see this clip disappear...

Notre Dame Faculty Pens Open Letter To Delay Hearings

newtboy says...

Why? The constitution doesn't forbid it, and doesn't list the number of seats. Guaranteed if Trump/Republicans had considered it, it would already have been tried.

It could, Republicans threaten civil war every time it looks like they won't get their way on anything these days. Using their own politics of "because we can" would certainly enrage them....good thing they're mostly pussies, afraid of a deer, and obese. I think they'll shit themselves if confronted with an armed militia boy did. The difference being in war, the dems shoot back. Side note, who is more patriotic, the one's using the exact same politics they've endured from Republicans, or the one's who threaten to destroy the union and nation (too dumb to realize China and Russia would make us a proxy war then come in to collect the pieces).

All for gladiator games....or giant robot wars....or death races. Especially if the representatives have to fight personally.

Mordhaus said:

It would be incredibly likely that any attempt to add new seats to the Supreme Court would be found unconstitutional.

However, it wouldn't be the first time we have had more or fewer judges. This isn't something new as opposing political entities have done their best to stack the court, one way or the other, from the very beginning.

If it happens, it happens. Although I suspect it might lead to another civil war if it is obnoxious enough. Maybe we can end up in Districts this time, with some sort of gladiatorial display to keep the masses calm?

Notre Dame Faculty Pens Open Letter To Delay Hearings

Mordhaus says...

It would be incredibly likely that any attempt to add new seats to the Supreme Court would be found unconstitutional.

However, it wouldn't be the first time we have had more or fewer judges. This isn't something new as opposing political entities have done their best to stack the court, one way or the other, from the very beginning.

If it happens, it happens. Although I suspect it might lead to another civil war if it is obnoxious enough. Maybe we can end up in Districts this time, with some sort of gladiatorial display to keep the masses calm?

newtboy said:

I think it was more because Moscow Mitch made it clear was serious that he wasn't holding any confirmation hearings for Obama by not even hearing Merrick Garland, actually a republican pick, that he wasn't going to consider anyone Obama put forth.

The politics of "because I can", not serving the country or even his party, just his own animus.

This precedent is going to backfire big-time if, as appears likely, dems take the Whitehouse and Senate. Adding ten seats to the supreme court and filling them with far left activist judges might happen just because they can, and that's the standard now.

For all intents and purposes his powers are revoked when the Senate is only interested in obstructionism, like today's that won't consider bills and revels in their nickname "the chamber of death, where bills go to die".

The "lame duck" ploy was just pure "because we can"ism. No legal precedent, actually a dereliction of duty by congress ignoring what the constitution says they shall do. I sure as Fuck hope dems grow a spine and ignore all right wing arguments as they have ignored democrats, and play the politics of "because we can" through October 2024, then write an amendment to stop capping the supreme court at 19 forever and other instances where because I can-ism can override patriotism. If they don't exercise their power to the fullest, ignoring any attempt to reach across the aisle or compromising to get some bypartisanism in the next two years at a minimum (assuming they win), they'll deserve to be discarded.

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