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Virgin Atlantic pilot shows off for the "ladies"

Pee Watch 2014

newtboy says...

WTF is that about?!?
Most events are required to supply port-a-potties for any event with over a few dozen people, how can they do this, expecting over a million people there, and not have to supply rest rooms of any kind?!? WTF is that? Screw you NY.

home sweet home short film

bronx man beaten and arrested on video for no charge

newtboy says...

Oh! I'm sorry, I thought we were discussing the video. LOL!
Predictable 'officers are always right, even when they're wrong, and you should simply allow then to screw you hard and dry and hope for the best in court' mentality and suggestions, though.
Cops are trained on how to act. They ignore that training, or abuse it, to act improperly.

EDIT: I would disagree. I believe that the majority of people have official police contact at least one point in their life, either as suspects or victims.
It depends on your definition of 'civilly'. Most police contact is legally proper, that doesn't mean the cop acts civilly. From experience, when they think you've been criminal or non-compliant, police civility goes right out the window and the inappropriate violent threats, name calling, and angry cursing starts instantly, before the 'suspect' has a chance to react at all. That's why I was pulled out of my car at gunpoint and thrown violently to the ground by a screaming cursing officer when he misread my license plate and thought my car was stolen.

Yes, the vast majority of police contact is done properly....just as the vast majority of contact with murderers, rapists, thieves, and child molesters is done with proper conduct. That does not excuse it when they act improperly, just as the previous good conduct doesn't excuse a murder/rape/theft/molestation later. Duh.
Yes, most people know that if you don't cow tow to cops, kiss their ass, and allow them to violate you in whatever way they like, they'll further abuse their power to fuck you hard and you'll pay the price. (I learned that lesson, 'respect authority even when it's wrong or you pay the price', at 4 years old when my dad closed fist punched me across the room for saying 'NO', but being a learning experience didn't make his actions acceptable by any means). Funny how you turn violent abuse of power and violation of civil rights into 'won't make you happy' and assign the blame to the victims of abuse for not being subservient enough. It's a bit more than 'won't make you happy', dude.
It's not a 'small number' of contacts that end up with abuse and/or murder, it may be a 'small' percentage, but once is once too many, thousands of times per year is unacceptable by any reckoning. How can you ignore that? It's unconscionable. It's also near 100% of the time that the 'blue wall' closes in around the offending cops and protects them, so that makes you ALL accessories after the fact. You also know this well.
This guy could easily have ended up dead, he did not instigate or even participate in the violence. He was incredibly lucky his buildings security system caught the incident or he would be in prison for years to come, based on cops lies and abuse.
'We people' expect cops to act according to the laws they swore to uphold. We expect them to follow procedure and work to de-escalate violence, not to go rogue and act violently as a first resort, especially true when there's been no crime committed.
This guys behavior, sitting unarmed, without contraband, calmly and quietly, led to his fate, beaten and arrested over nothing at all, (for asking why he was searched in the first place, or contempt of cop, neither being a crime) and charged with serious felonies based on cop's lies. You once again put the blame on the victim, because it can't possibly be the cops acting improperly in your myopic viewpoint, even when it's on video. Fortunately it's a tiny minority viewpoint not held by many.

lantern53 said:

The vast majority of people never have contact with police officers.

The vast majority of people who HAVE contact with police officers are treated civilly and go on with their lives.

The vast majority of people know that you don't give a bunch of shit to police officers. If you do, you take a chance on an outcome that won't make you happy.

The vast majority of people who are arrested on a weekly basis know that they will pay a small fine, or do a couple of days in jail, and take it as a cost of doing business.

A small number of police contacts end up with someone being treated for a bruise or cut, or a loose tooth, or pepper spray in the eyes.

A small number of police contacts end up dead and the vast majority of them instigated the violence.

You people expect cops to act perfectly, have the negotiating skills of Henry Kissinger, the compassion of Mother Theresa and the patience of Job, the martial skill of a UFC fighter, and the targeting skill of Annie Oakley, when what you should be doing is looking at your own behavior and seeing how that leads to your own fate.

Doctors Begin To Refuse Obamacare Patients

newtboy says...

Yeah, sorry, I can't feel bad for DRs that only get $80 per <10 minutes + a $35 co-pay. If your office can't survive on >$690 per hour, you're doing it wrong (or more likely you're just a greedy bastard that never thinks they're paid enough by their sick patients and can't fathom not taking 3 months vacation traveling the world each year). It sounds like we're hearing complaints from Republican DRs here, making the same old conservative argument that 'If I can't make as much or more money under the new system, it's broken and I won't play, so I'm taking all my money and I'm going home...screw you guys", but we've all heard that before and they simply don't go away, because making slightly less money is better than making no money. Hide and watch.

This Kid Is 'Apparently' Best Live TV Interview Of All Time

Star Trek: Night Crew

One Of The Best Arguments For Deleting Facebook

Weirdest Fight Ever Recorded?

nanrod says...

It's not a fight. The neighbour is just screwing up his Rammstein lyrics. And screw you spell check that's the correct way to spell neighbour.

Tailgating is bad, okay!

Chairman_woo says...

I feel like I can take a middleground on the whole tailgating issue, as a commuting biker I tend to experience both ends of the equation quite regularly and IMHO the problem lies in the extremes in attitude.

On the one hand if you drive/ride a lot and have good confidence in the vehicle and roadcraft in general (frequently the case with professional van and truck divers) it can be extremely frustrating when people don't practice good lane and speed discipline. I don't mean people maintaining a decent pace (it's your problem if you want to go faster than posted limits and they don't) I mean people either:
A. Driving below the posted limit (within reason)
B. Accelerating to speed absurdly slowly or slowing to 2mph to take a corner you could hit at 10-20 comfortably
C. Hogging the outside/passing lane because THEY are going as fast as THEY want to go so why should they speed up or slow down to get out of everybodys way? (C**TS!)

Under the above circumstances I understand why people end up tailgating, in fact I think it happens without much of a conscious effort most of the time. They are going so far below the pace the seems reasonable that you close the gap without realising. Getting to this stage is understandable/inevitable, it's what you do next that defines you as a responsible road user:

A responsible driver/rider at this point backs off, the point has already been made to the driver in front. They know they are going slower than you want to go or that you want to pass in the passing lane they are hogging. Sitting on their bumper is not only dangerous to both of you but it's obnoxious and likely to be counter productive. When you see someone driving too close your natural response is to slow down for safety or simply as a fuck you to the other guy. Even if you were about to get out of their way you might change your mind and think "screw you buddy I got the hint but now your just being rude".

When I back away I find people let me through far more often, wheras in the past when i've just tail gated them like a dick it's got me nothing but two angry motorists (and a hugely elevated chance of an incident). The lorry driver could have left a bigger gap but it didn't look that unreasonable (plus lorries have a hard time gaining speed and are naturally inclined (and taught) to preserve it where possible).

It might not be that unfair to suggest he was antagonising the car infront, but it pales into insignificance compared to...

.....the other side of the equation (which blue peugeot falls squarely into) who are generally IMHO far worse/more dangerous. The one's that adopt an imperious and selfish attitude to speed and road position. "I'm going as fast as I want to go and there's car on the inside that I'll pass in about 30seconds so I'm just going to sit in the outside lane going 2mph faster than slow lane traffic, because why should I have to go to the trouble of changing lanes to let someone else go faster than I want to go!"

Touching the brakes to give a tailgater a shock done properly is fine (I might even go so far as to recommend it) but holy shit! I think it'd be dangerous to scrub more than 1 or 2mph never mind an illegal stop on a dual carageway. Even if there was a mechanical reason for stopping it's still illegal to stop there without pulling off to the side.

Either way 45k in damages feels like pretty just deserts. I dearly hope he got at least a 12 month ban to boot. There's slipping up and then there's premeditated dangerous driving!

I usually try to see things from everybody's perspective when it comes to stuff like this but the Peugot driver is so disproportionately stupid and reckless than I can't really even try to defend him/her. I get why they might have been annoyed but that all became irrelevant the moment they tried to cause an accident!


Tom Hanks, Buckwheat Groats

GOP Rep: Republicans Act Like Knuckle-Dragging Neanderthals

Drachen_Jager says...

Note, even this relatively moderate Repub can't actually bring himself to say he needs to help the poor. Instead he says they have to change the message.

How sad is that. Others in his party say, "You're poor, screw you."

But he has a heart, he says, "You're poor, and I'm not going to do anything to help you, but you have my sympathy."

Aww, isn't he a nice guy?

Rogue Gets Fired from the X-Men

noims says...

No. Sorry. Rogue's cool and useful. Screw you, wheels, and your "you mean this helmet will protect me against everything you can do except run me over slowly" attitude.

X: fired.

South Park - Xbox One vs PS4

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