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TYT: Conservative calls in to Defend Sanford

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Mark Sanford, Bill Clinton, prostitutes, interns, peoples house' to 'Mark Sanford, Bill Clinton, prostitutes, interns, peoples house, mouth love' - edited by MrFisk

How's Obama doing so far? (User Poll by Throbbin)

kagenin says...

Good stuff from all sides here.

I voted "Pretty good." He's not McCain, and I don't see how he would have handled the economic crisis we're in any better. Granted, that's not saying a lot. But I have a feeling that Obama is treating this better than McCain treated the 8 planes he crashed over his military career. Things are hard, and we've been saying "the end has to be in sight, the bottom has to hit, and then it's only back up from there" for a while now. But I'm still optimistic that things can get fixed soon.

In other important, direction-changing news, Al Franken was finally confirmed his senate seat today. The Democrats finally control both houses with a 2/3rds majority. Unless a democrat decides to turn coat, the threat of filibuster that has prevented the president from taking quicker action is no longer a viable tactic. One can hope that the coalition will finally (and quickly) right the damage inflicted by 30 years of Fiscal Conservative Policy, but I have my reservations. The GOP is all but resigning themselves to the loony bin, and it sure is fun watching that elephant writhe in introspective agony. Even Cantor was saying that he misses Obama reaching out to him like he did earlier in the presidency (even though they gave him nothing for his efforts... priceless)

I don't see the GOP gaining many (if any) seats in either house in 2012. Ensign should resign now if he wants to help his party at all, but he won't because he's a hypocrite and a coward, just like Sanford, and that pride will cost the party his seat (and maybe more collateral damage) when the time comes for him to have to prove to Nevada that he isn't a total fuck-up. Here in California, the only serious contender I'm hearing to challenge Boxer is Carly Fiorina (the fuck-up former CEO of California-based Hewlett-Packard. I went to a school with a lot of HP employees, not one had any kind words for her.)

So we'll have a few years at the very least to see what Obama can do for the country without the GOP being as much of an obstacle, for better or for worse. I'm pretty positive that he can do a lot of good, and that things will happen a little more quickly now that the playing field has change so drastically recently. There's still a lot for him to do for me to want to vote "awesome" in a future poll, but I'm very happy with how he's handling the crisis in Iran (hands-off is the only way to handle the hot-potato. The Iranian people have to make change on their own, but the damage done to the legitimacy of their theocracy is already permanent).

Sanford: King David Didn't Resign, So Why Should I?

dystopianfuturetoday says...

The King David mythos is far worse than what this guy did. King David actually had the lover of the woman he wanted to nail sent to die on the front lines of a dangerous battle. Christians have some pretty fucked up heroes. I get the feeling that the small percentage of christians who have actually read the bible comprehend very little of what they read - Sanford is proving my point here.

Also, as far as I know, Kings (be they real or imagined) generally don't resign.

Sanford: King David Didn't Resign, So Why Should I?

vairetube says...

Ah yes... That's it... Clinton got his BJ done while staying on location and available for duty!

Good enough for me. Deserting your post es no bueno.. plus sanford gives me douche chills

Sanford: King David Didn't Resign, So Why Should I?

NetRunner says...

>> ^chilaxe:
Is adultery cause for resigning? We don't think Clinton should have resigned, so I think it depends on whether or not we think a politician in question is a good person or not. What do you think?

Disappearing from the state for 5 days (10 days planned, supposedly), without telling staff and family where you're going, without security, or a way to be contacted, is probably grounds for calling for resignation.

Also, vehemently trying to turn down stimulus is also probably grounds for calling for resignation, but that's just me...

I think the affair is none of our business, except for the exceptional hypocrisy, given how holier than thou he's been in the past, especially with regard to one William Jefferson Clinton.

Sanford: King David Didn't Resign, So Why Should I?

shiner_man (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

its because governor sanford is a staunch supporter of anti gay marriage legislature. he parades the idea that homosexuals will ruin the sanctity of marriage. see the hypocrisy in that one?

In reply to this comment by shiner_man:
I agree that Sanford should resign. He is absolutely hypocritical if he doesn't.

But what the hell does that have to do with gay marriage? I mean, I'm for gay marriage but what does some guy cheating on his wife have to do with gay marriage?

Why do you consistently upvote this self-admitted partisan hack here? Or more to the point, how do you condone this man's behavior and Kieth Olbermann's behavior while at the same time condemning Bill O'Reilly's and Sean Hannity's behavior?

TYT: Sanford Should Apologize to Gay Community

burdturgler says...

>> ^shiner_man:
I agree that Sanford should resign. He is absolutely hypocritical if he doesn't.
But what the hell does that have to do with gay marriage? I mean, I'm for gay marriage but what does some guy cheating on his wife have to do with gay marriage?
Why do you consistently upvote this self-admitted partisan hack here? Or more to the point, how do you condone this man's behavior and Kieth Olbermann's behavior while at the same time condemning Bill O'Reilly's and Sean Hannity's behavior?

I'll tell you what it has to do with it. You have this hypocrite liar Sanford who is cheating on his wife, leaving his kids at home on Father's day, to fly on the taxpayers dime to Argentina to screw around .. and somehow this twisted degenerate fuckwit thinks he has the moral authority to tell gay people they should not be allowed to get married. Where does he get off telling anyone ANYTHING about marriage? And he was making these speeches while he was cheating.

He was 5 months into his affair when he did this interview:

To make it short, I upvoted the "partisan hack" here because he's absolutely right.

TYT: Sanford Should Apologize to Gay Community

shiner_man says...

I agree that Sanford should resign. He is absolutely hypocritical if he doesn't.

But what the hell does that have to do with gay marriage? I mean, I'm for gay marriage but what does some guy cheating on his wife have to do with gay marriage?

Why do you consistently upvote this self-admitted partisan hack here? Or more to the point, how do you condone this man's behavior and Kieth Olbermann's behavior while at the same time condemning Bill O'Reilly's and Sean Hannity's behavior?

Sanford: King David Didn't Resign, So Why Should I?

vairetube says...

Clinton just got a BJ, and didnt fuck up as bad as Bush.

AS BAD. There is definitely a scale but I can only reference reality... I know that during Clinton, bad shit went down he could have stopped... under Bush, he MADE bad shit go down that wasn't even necessary.

Sanford skipped fathers day with his many sons and wife to go cheat on his wife specifically. I think there's a difference in behavior, even though its all infidelity.

Clinton plays the sax, how about that? I dont see Bush with an instrument. Key difference! Bush is barely qualified to play the Bongo Drums.

Sanford is doing nothing great, and he only abuses his power.. just like Bush.

I'm still formulating why its different.. but my brain tells me it is and to keep trying.

TDS: Mark Sanford's Affair

Sanford: King David Didn't Resign, So Why Should I?

asynchronice says...

>> ^burdturgler:
>> ^NetRunner:
^ I would hope most of us are still edjumicated enough to know a Bible reference when we hear it.
If not, the Google gods will provide the bounteous knowledge we seek.

It was never meant as a slight on the intelligence or education of anyone here. I think VS is full of very smart people.
Simply stating that the vast majority of Atheists (which the Sift feels heavily slanted towards) have never actually read the bible. Phrases and pieces for sure. Whatever. I'm sure you're right .. most people will google a topic and get themselves educated before firing off on an internet forum.

I would opine that most atheists have actually read the bible (as much or more than an average Christian), and likely investigated other faiths as well to arrive at their point of view. It might seem like they only have read certain phrases, because there are so many that Christians simply choose to overlook which boggle the mind, and we're still waiting for a good answer

Sanford: King David Didn't Resign, So Why Should I?

burdturgler says...

>> ^NetRunner:
^ I would hope most of us are still edjumicated enough to know a Bible reference when we hear it.
If not, the Google gods will provide the bounteous knowledge we seek.

It was never meant as a slight on the intelligence or education of anyone here. I think VS is full of very smart people.
Simply stating that the vast majority of Atheists (which the Sift feels heavily slanted towards) have never actually read the bible. Phrases and pieces for sure. Whatever. I'm sure you're right .. most people will google a topic and get themselves educated before firing off on an internet forum.

Sanford: King David Didn't Resign, So Why Should I?

rougy says...

>> ^NetRunner:
^ I would hope most of us are still edjumicated enough to know a Bible reference when we hear it.
If not, the Google gods will provide the bounteous knowledge we seek.

Just keep telling your strange gods.

Epicenters! I doubt he knows what that word means.

If only we would have had Kucinich in the driver seat....

Sanford: King David Didn't Resign, So Why Should I?

burdturgler says...

I thought about submitting this but thought King David might be a bit obscure for the Sift. Since you're mostly God hating heathens.
Anyway .. yeah .. disgusting and offensive comment from Sanford to be sure.

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