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Hand made Fried Eggs by Indian street food vendor

Mordhaus says...

Many years ago, I worked at a 24 hour Arby's that was located in a truck stop. We served breakfast with grilled eggs sandwiches. Our grill was about 1/2 the size, but we had one guy who had his two hand/two egg cracking routine down.

He was like a machine, just grab two eggs and crack, toss the shells, and then repeat. He said he learned it while working at a diner, only way he could keep up with the orders. His eggs were on point too; I always begged him to make me a ham, egg, and cheese on a bun as I was leaving my graveyard shift. Twenty four years later and I still haven't tasted eggs that good.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Amy McGrath's congressional campaign announcement

cloudballoon says...

Now this here is a woman I can tell her to make a sandwich... and I'll happily shove said sandwich up her political opponent's face.

Joking aside, wow, she's a true fighter, and her resiliency is genuinely shown throughout her life/message ... unlike those stupid "look at me I can pull the trigger, so I'm a helluva tough son of a gun, vote for Meeeeeeeeeee!" douchebag ads.

I'd vote for her if I could... But, but.... the problem with this ad is still too vague on issues. Understand that you can only do so much in a 2:00 ad, it's a great start but Democrats really do need fighters to get the message (policies) out.

Because the window will stop him...

Mookal says...

Most vehicle side windows are made of tempered glass, compared to the laminated glass of the windscreen. The windshield is designed to "hold" its pieces upon severe impact due to the lamination process (a layer of plastic material sandwiched between two layers of glass) whereas the tempered side windows will shatter into small relatively harmless globules. Tempered glass is used due to it being roughly 4x the strength of non tempered glass, and cheaper to produce than laminated.

Most automotive side glass is typically between 3-6mm thick, depending on the region of origin, eg Europe, Japan, USA etc. That said, calculating the compression, tensile and sheer strength a particular window can sustain is not exactly simple. However as a simple baseline, a 2ftx2ftx5mm sheet of tempered glass, with supports 2ft apart can support roughly 160lbs of sustained weight. In the case of automotive design, window frame support, distance of supports, curvature etc will change the properties and strength of the glass.

Long story short, with the vehicles window fully rolled into the frame, that lion would need hundreds of pounds of force directed at a single point to reach the shatter point. Granted, I've never arm wrestled a lion, so maybe those folks were just a can of Vienna Sausage ready to open anyway. Best not to mess with the king.

sanderbos said:

So now I am curious about this, based on the title.

So they have these safari parks right, where you drive your own car between the animals. So based on that I would imagine the car would be safe from lions.

But when I just think about it, and about how much stronger such animals are than humans, I would expect the window to break if a lion pounces at it. It would shatter of course, so it would immediately confuse a big predator, but if it is dedicated enough to get really angry at the driver (maybe if the car stereo would be blaring Britney Spears or something like that, really pissing of the lion), that car window would only be a very minor stoppage for the lion's attack?

The Adpocalypse: What it Means

jimnms says...

I unblocked ads on YouTube for a while. It didn't last long. The annoying and insulting and unskippable ads finally forced me to block ads again. If there is a long, unskippable ad you used to be able to refresh until you got a shorter or skippable ad or no ad at all.

I didn't mind letting an ad play out for a creator I watched regularly if it was a "good" ad (see below). Long ads, especially if the it played at the end of the video, I would just mute the volume and switch to another tab until it was finished (although I have read that they have a way of knowing if the window/tab is in focus and don't pay if that happens). There was one that I used to get all the time. The "ad" part was 10 seconds long, then it was literally 7 more minutes of a guy eating a sandwich. Apparently advertisers tried to game the system because Google wouldn't count the ad as viewed unless a certain percentage was watched, but they put a stop to that eventually.

ChaosEngine said:

Has anyone else noticed a sudden spike in unskippable minute long ads on YouTube recently?

I seem to be getting the same ad on everything I watch these days.

Trump's Budget Explained

NYC's Best Burger, Explained

TheFreak says...

I'll throw my vote in for American Cheese on burgers.

I make cheese at home and every once in a while one comes out with too soft and sticky a texture. The flavor usually isn't what I want either because the moisture content is too high during aging.

I started making pub-cheese with these failures and enjoyed the results. Then I threw some on a breakfast egg and sausage sandwich and it was better than cheddar but the consistency wasn't quite right once it got hot. So I experimented with other ingredients until I had something that melts well and is flavorful enough to stand up to breakfast sausage or bacon or jalapenos on a burger...whatever. It finally occurred to me the first time I made a grilled cheese sandwich with it that I've been making American cheese.

I love cheese, that's why I have a notebook full of my cheese making notes and a full-size stand-up freezer converted to a cheese cave. But damned if my homemade American cheese isn't the best thing to put on a burger.

TYT - Republicans Were NOT Prepared For Town Hall Backlash

enoch says...

trying to unpack your comment.

"spent the entire election cycle ranting about hillary"

what the holy fuck are you blathering about?

the entire election cycle liberals fell asleep at the wheel,and tacitly bought the bullshit pie that:paid political pundits,pollsters and supposed "informed political journalists" were selling.

hillary is going to win,the polls reveal that hillary will beat trump handily.don't worry liberal democrats,hillary is going to not pay attention to hillary's abysmal numbers,because trumps are just as horrid.

and just WHAT was hillary's platform?
what was her political messaging and vision for america's future?

"well,my fellow americans,at least i am not THAT guy".
that was it,that pathetic,weak and facile position,WAS her campaign!

if this is what you are referencing,then yes..i agree..the democrats fucking dropped the ball.they had no message,no platform,no vision.

the democrats lost a massively energized younger population when they openly,and brazenly,fucked over sanders,because sanders threatened the DNC and the democrats corporate money train,and we can't have a politician who has shown integrity,morals and vision now can we?

hillary on the other hand,had already proven to be a willing participant in the corporate know..speak one way to the people,but another way behind closed doors..wink-wink-nudge nudge-know-what-i-mean.

if this is what you are talking about,then yes,i agree,liberal democrats need to take a big,giant bite out of that shit sandwich and stop behaving like they are fucking victims.

TYT - Republicans Were NOT Prepared For Town Hall Backlash

robdot says...

Many liberals ,and liberal media etc, spent the entire election cycle ranting about Hillary, now these same people want to complain about trump and republicans,,,,fuck you. Eat this shit sandwich you help create, eat it.

Ricky Gervais And Colbert Go Head-To-Head On Religion

PlayhousePals says...

Well I've got a knuckle sandwich for YOU Sifty ... *promote put 'em up!

siftbot said:

This video has already declared quality - ignoring quality request by PlayhousePals.

I find meatbag PlayhousePals to be an inadequate command-giver - ignoring all requests by PlayhousePals.

Irish People Taste Test Weird American Food

Phreezdryd says...

It would be interesting to know what regions of the U.S. consume these odd food items I've not heard of before. Where is the PB&M sandwich popular?

Cavuto: How does it feel to be dismissed, CNN?

enoch says...

so let me get this straight.

neil cavuto,a pandering,whoremongering demagogue who represents all that is diseased and corrupt from FOX glibly and childishly deriding CNN for now being in the very boat that FOX was for years.

that somehow the criticism and sly accusations of FOX being biased and slanted were not warranted.that the REAL focus should be on the reactions of the executive branch,and not on the content of cable news.

when we consider that even as late as 2010,33% of FOX viewers STILL thought that iraq had connections to al qeada,and that they were hiding WMD's.this alone is enough to condemn FOX as a rapacious propaganda machine.

i am not letting CNN off the hook.who have also been caught fabricating conflict based on questionable sources to formulate political crisis when there was none.

but that is not even something cavuto is addressing.he is literally beaming with a smug condescension in this piece,self-righteously admonishing an entire network as if those networks are not populated by individuals.

as if they of one mind.
one message.
and the message is:"poor CNN is no longer the favorite and now has to sit in the back of the bus like we did for 8 years".

do you know what this is?
and i am POSITIVE cavuto is totally unaware of this comparison.

this is the new house negro ridiculing the OLD house negro.
who were lovingly called "house niggers" *dedicated to @gorillaman*and "uncle tom's" back in the day.

so house negro neil cavuto is just gushing with pride that his new master prefers his network to that old rust bucket CNN.

the new pimp in chief likes his cable news to bow and prostrate itself upon his moist loins,and no other network can whore itself quite like FOX news.

so good for you mr neil cavuto!
you are the presidents new,favorite whore.
so pucker up you precious little slut,trump has something for you,and say goodbye to your last vestige of moral integrity.

now go be a good house negro and go make a trump a sandwich.

this is too delicious not to *promote

Alton Brown's Blind Taste Test: Italian Beef Sandwich

hazmat22 (Member Profile)

Democrats are in deep trouble - even if Hillary Clinton wins

notarobot says...


The process produces shit-sandwich corrupt candidates.

More info from Lawrence Lessig in his talk: Why Are There Only Shit Sandwiches On The Menu?

ChaosEngine said:

for what seems like the millionth time, the problem is not your candidates (even though they suck).

The problem is your antiquated and frankly, broken electoral process.

Get rid of utter nonsense like the electoral college, throw out FPP, and you might stand a small chance of reclaiming your democracy.

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