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Elk City Idaho Landslide

Elk City Idaho Landslide

newtboy says...

The 'RUN AWAY-RUN AWAY' part, sure, but please get back to filming once you're safe, or edit the video to end when the viewable footage ends, maybe put a still of the aftermath at the end in this case.
It's just a pet peeve. I don't really expect anyone to listen to me about it. ;-)

Payback said:

I forgive him. Where he was standing was under 20ft of rock and mud at the end.

How a 50 Caliber Tround Machine Gun Works

AeroMechanical says...

Looks to me like the only benefit they're claiming is that the mechanism is mechanically simpler. That's probably a reasonable benefit, but they've had 100 years to perfect more traditional guns so I imagine there would need to be a pretty substantial advantage to be worthwhile, particularly since it needs special ammunition and all the faffing about with supply chains and inventory that it would necessitate.

It's possible the open chamber would help heat-wise by preventing the bullets from "cooking off" which is a problem with some machine guns that happens when the chamber gets hot enough to ignite the propellant making the gun run away, firing without the trigger being pulled. That wouldn't apply to an electrically (or whatever) driven gun like this, though.

So... yeah, it's probably just one of those "let's try it and see what comes of it" sort of things, because I don't know why you'd want a gun with funky ammunition that takes up more space because it might be slightly more reliable than the otherwise very reliable existing guns.

AHHH! C'mon Fuck A Guy!

newtboy says...

I wanna have sex but my dick is too small
But I'm a huge liar, so I'll say I screwed them all
I still can get no play, even though I'm on the tube
Come on fuck a guy, or just let me see some boob
I'm going to say you did, even though you prob-ly won't
Then you'll be one more, of the girls I never bone't
My shiny bald head, got me looking like a phallus,
But the girls still run away, and they all treat me with malice
So I'm playing with myself, like my dick was made of lego
If you want me you can find me, jackin' it in San Diego

When Garbage Trucks Explode

muslim rape game has come to europe-taharrush gamea

vil says...

Excellent propaganda. 40 seconds of radical muslim horror - in German, Belgian, French, Swedish cities possibly near you, a real present day danger which we need to do something about .

And then they start using the words refugee and Arab.

Of the current wave of people uncontrollably and iresponsibly invited by Angela Merkel and company to Germany estimates are (because real official numbers apparently will not be available before mid 2016) about 40% are refugees from war zones, mostly Syria, families, many educated people, several irrelevant religions (including a few flavors of muslim) some Arabs. We can keep these and try to help them. Educational videos and money will keep them warm and fed, Afghan families will eventually learn to use flushing toilets. They will find jobs and start kebab joints and go to school. Refugees.

Which leaves 60% of north african, balkan, middle eastern immigrants, overwhelmingly men 18-25, muslim, many illiterate (some Arab but that is irrelevant). Who join the masses of crazy radical muslims already living here in Europe previously. Not refugees. Not running away from something but running to the social systems and muslim ghettos of western Europe. Not easily separable from the above mentioned refugees. Protected by the insane political correctness of German and Swedish and Belgian politicians. Educational videos will entertain them and keep them warm. No amount of welfare will ever be enough for them. Very few will get an education and jobs, lots of trouble ahead. How do we get rid of these people now? Radical muslim immigrants.

Meanwhile we also have lots of regular immigrants in Europe, like Ukrainians, Russians, varieties of asians, and generally from all over the world as the trend is that jobs are available in parts of Europe and overall its a nice safe place to live in.

Problem is if we dont get rid of the stupid radical muslims its not going to stay that way, as jews and now women have found out in some large European cities. Hopefully the refugees can stay, but our inability to react in the face of danger at least according to previously agreed measures (Schengen border protection) will make it difficult for us to help real refugees in the face of public opinion damaged by these idiots (radical muslims and politically correct politicians).

marc maron-no safe spaces for men anymore

Payback says...

If I ever got into that situation...

Turn around in circles, frantically.

"Kevin???!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! KEVIN!!!!!!"


Man Shot Dead In Drunken Militia Dispute

newtboy says...

The difference being that all those weapons you mention can be both defended against and run away from. Not so with a bullet.

bremnet said:

Open carry is the straw that breaks the bouncers' backs? Um, no. It's not suddenly Blazing Saddles here. If you're licensed to carry, most have enough common sense NOT to carry openly in our bars because drunks are temporarily or permanently dumb. The bouncers still fear the nut-jobs with knives, brass knuckles, and ice picks tucked into their boot - it's not about the weapon, it's about the person holding it. Once the mentally challenged get into the parking lot, all bets are off and whatever can be used as a weapon often is. Bat, chain, antenna, canoe paddle, road flare etc.

no respite-ISIS recruitment video-english version

newtboy says...

Those daeshbags really know how to video edit. Too bad they don't know how to co-exist with the other 7.3 billion of us and we'll have to evaporate them.

I can't understand why we don't take a page from the fake book of Jack Black Pershing, and bury enemy combatants with pig carcasses, or better yet, the disgusting leftovers from pig carcasses, and put pigs blood in and on all their bullets. Taint the faithful so they don't 'go to heaven', and 50-75% will run away tomorrow. Only those fighting for something other than religion will be left, and they'll have lost their best recruitment method.

If we can't bring ourselves to do that, perhaps we can move to feeding all Daesh POW's only pork. Let them starve themselves to death if they don't want it. No problem for me at all.

Sloppy Seconds - Watsky

eric3579 says...

Fuck you if you love a car for its paint job
Love you if you love a car for the road trips
Show me the miles and your arms and the pink scar
Where the doctor had to pull out all the bone chips
Cuz you were pressing on the gas just a bit hard
Right in the moment where the road curved a bit sharp
And when you woke up, somebody was unclipping your seat belt
and pulling you from the open window of your flipped car

Cold pizza
Tie-dye shirts
Broken hearts
Give'm here, give'm here
Hand me downs
Give me give me leftovers
Give me give me sloppy seconds
Give em here, give em here

I don't care where you've been
How many miles, I still love you [x2]

Show me someone who says they got no baggage
I'll show you somebody whose got no story
Nothing gory means no glory, but baby please don't bore me
We won't know until we get there
The who, or the what, or the when where
My favorite sweater was a present that I got a couple presidents ago
And I promised that I would rock it till it's thread bare
Bet on it
Every single person got a couple skeletons
So pretty soon, in this room
It'll just be me and you when we clear out all the elephants
Me and you and the elements

We all have our pitfalls
Beer's flat, the cabs have been called
And everybody and their momma can hear the drama
that's happening behind these thin walls

Cold pizza
Tie-dye shirts (tie-dye shirts)
Broken hearts
Give'm here, give'm here
Hand me downs (hand me downs)
Leftovers (leftovers)
Sloppy seconds
Give'm here, give'm here

I don't care where you've been
How many miles, I still love you (2x)

I don't care (cold pizza)
Where you've been (tie-dye shirts)
How many (broken hearts) miles, I still love you
I don't care (hand me downs)
Where you've been (left overs)
How many (sloppy seconds) miles, I still love you

My pattern with women isn't a flattering image
But I don't want to run away because I said so
I don't want to be the guy to hide all of my flaws
And I'll be giving you the side of me that I don't let show
Everything in fashion
That has ever happened
Always coming crashing down
Better let go
But in a couple years it will be retro
You rock Marc Ecko
My shirts have the gecko
Cuz in the past man, I was hopeless
But now's when my little cousins look the dopest
(whoop whoop)
Fuck the fashion po-po
Have a stale doughnut, I don't need no tips
Fuck a five second rule
That's a plan I never understood
It's September in my kitchen in a Christmas sweater
Sipping cold coffee on the phone with damaged goods

And there is not a single place that I would rather be
I'm fucked up just like you are, and you're fucked up just like me

Cold pizza (cold pizza)
Tie-dye shirts (tie-dye shirts)
Broken hearts
Give'm here, Give'm here
Hand me downs (oh hand me downs)
Give me give me leftovers (leftovers)
Give me give me sloppy seconds
Give'm here give'm here

I don't care where you've been
How many miles, I still love you [x2]

I don't care (cold pizza)
Where you've been (tie-dye shirts)
How many (broken hearts) miles, I still love you
I don't care (hand me downs)
Where you've been (left overs)
How many (sloppy seconds) miles, I still love you

Runaway Crane

CrushBug jokingly says...

"Runaway crane, never goin' back.
Wrong way on a one-way track.
Seems like i should be getting somewhere.
Somehow i'm neither here nor there.

Runaway crane, never comin' back.
Runaway crane, tearin' up the track.
Runaway crane, burnin' in my veins.
I run away but it always seems the same."

Baby Crabs Look Like Sand

WaterDweller says...

This demonstrates why I wouldn't mind picking up little crabs like these, but would run away screaming in horror if faced with the prospect of doing the same with spiders or insects. Crabs don't have any grip, they fall right off your hands. Spiders, however, will stick to your hands, and crawl around and up your sleeve.

Mama cat in full protective mode

yellowc says...

I imagine those cats are strays but yes, this looks extremely intentional and it's sickening.

The kitten appears to be unharmed but it's very difficult to know. It's absolutely petrified, doesn't even run away like its sibling.

This was a very difficult upvote, it can use exposure but the actual content is tearing me up.

lucky760 said:

Okay, now, w t f...

Did the camera person set up the cat and kittens with the dog guy just to film the cat's attack?

Was the camera person just there waiting for something to happen with the cats?

Why did the dog guy first start to enter the street then go back up to the sidewalk?

So much nonsensical business with this video it's hard to concentrate on the mama cat's attack.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - Migrants and Refugees

vil says...

3 things, I may have mixed them a bit.

1 - past experience specifically with muslim migrants (some may have been refugees) in Europe - overall not great, mostly they consider our social system and political correctness as signs of weakness. They consider themselves superior, the first generation may be grateful for a better life than back home but the second and third generations feel superior to non-muslims (especially jews and atheists, but also christians) and entitled to benefits while hating the secular state. Will the current and future waves accomodate better? This has nothing to do with our imperative to help those in need, it is a practical problem. Also not racist - although I do admit racism and xenophobia are a major problem in many parts of Europe and trouble me very much in my own country. More so than the Vietnamese or Ukrainians or people from the Balkans "these people" organize in clans and tribes and will try to impose their view of the world on us, who organise in tiny families and on facebook. Albanian thugs are well organised but they dont hold the view that everyone else should be an Albanian thug too.

2 - current wave of migrants and refugees - lets assume we are talking only about real Syrians boarding boats in Turkey trying to reach Greek islands and not people from all over north africa trying to reach Italy or anyone else trying to reach the EU (possibly pretending to be Syrian). So we have this exemplary Syrian family which has run away from a war to Turkey. They are safe there, only they have to either stay for a couple of years in a refugee camp before they can try to find work or they have to survive in a grey economy sort of like Mexicans in the USA. They know that if they dont apply for asylum in Turkey and manage to set foot on EU soil they can ask for asylum there and be treated better than in Turkey. So these boat people are actually not running from war to asylum but rather from one asylum to another. They make sure not to stop in Greece or Croatia or Austria or Hungary but head for Germany or Sweden. Mostly I believe they have no idea of political geography but they have mobile phones and friends who have already made the journey and know how to milk the local system. So for purposes of compassion they are refugees and totally need our help but from a clinically economic (yes, materialistic) point of view they are very much migrants. Migrants we feel obliged to help because they are sort of refugees too.

3 - the mass and speed of the exodus means we are stretched to accomodate them and they will later start to passionately hate us because Europe will not be the heaven they expected it to be.
A few thousand refugees every year are no big deal even for a small EU state. Hundreds of thousands will be very difficult to take care of in the entire union. Inviting more is just irresponsible.

The good news is that the real Syrian refugees who make it to Europe will probably be the more resourceful, better educated part of the current wave of incoming people and will be able to take care of themselves fairly quickly by my estimate. Also they are mostly variants of Shia - the less orthodox branch of muslims. I am worried more about future waves than the current one.

Maybe we have messed up a bit but we need to learn from our mistakes, and even Germany is now guarding its borders. It would be better if we were able to guard the Shengen perimeter.
Then if we wanted to save more refugees we could send trains or planes to pick them up in Turkey or Jemen. You know, set up an EU consulate there so they could directly apply for asylum in the EU country of their picking. But we have to make a conscious decision first - how many people from the desolate and failing parts of the world do we want to save over a given time period so that we dont fail ourselves. Are we failing? Ask the jewish families who used to live in Malmo until recently.

newtboy said:

Please explain to me how you know that these people fleeing near certain death in an incredibly destructive and deadly civil war are 'mostly migrants' rather than refugees. I've heard that line before, but never a word to back it up.

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