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Introducing Google Fiber: The Next Chapter of the Internet

xxovercastxx says...

There are still a lot of computers out there that have 100Mb NICs in them. There are even more household routers and switches that max out at 100Mb.

I am chuckling at the thought of the support calls that will be generated by people who run bandwidth tests and find out they're only getting 1/10th of what they signed up for.

It won't be Google's fault, but it will be Google's problem.

The video you need to watch about SOPA

MilkmanDan says...

The DNS control mechanism of implementing SOPA and/or PIPA policies needs to get some more full explanation to Joe Public. Everything that the Content groups, the MPAAs and RIAAs etc. have done has been fatally flawed in that it can at best delay casual piracy, and usually even that is circumvented almost instantaneously. From what I can see, policing DNS would do no better than their other historical efforts in that regard.

This guy mentions that you can still type in an IP address and get to an infringing site. Maybe I am wrong or don't understand the full situation, but I would go a step further and say that this practice would simply result in US-based DNS servers being immediately replaced by DNS providers in other nations that fail to tow the SOPA/PIPA line. Joe User would get a quick walkthrough of changing his DNS provider through router or software settings, everybody would scramble for a brief period of time, and then the "sanctions" could be fairly safely ignored.

When the *AA's realize that the legislation they purchased with massive "campaign contributions" has no teeth, they would probably push (as in, push more dollars into the hands of lobbyists) for legal penalties to infringing sites beyond being de-listed from (US-based) DNS. If *that* were to actually happen also, it would simply chase ALL internet hosting outside of the US. The US could threaten trade sanctions or whatever against countries that turn a blind eye to infringing, but there would be so much of it going on that everyone could just balk at it and we'd be blowing a whole lot of hot air with jack behind it.

I think that the mainstream media needs a somebody with the balls to stand up and say that the cat is out of the bag on "protecting" Intellectual Property. For better or worse, it just isn't going to happen. The first group that accepts that and moves towards some new model is going to be way ahead of the curve in comparison to these dinosaurs that are trying to stitch a broken balloon together with needle and thread.

Another example of goverment waste: plowing invisible snow

joedirt says...

There couldn't be a corrupt local gov't this bad just racking up overtime hours by plowing imaginary snow. All I can think is that they are doing the router before 2 feet of snow to check for any obstructions or areas that are too narrow or might damage the plow or property.

The other thought is that they might have put accurate GPS trackers on them and they are mapping out the streets for ability to replay the route in the snow. But in reality I can understand why they are ruining the plows and concrete scraping them up.

Thief II Funny Guard Conversation -Archers

BoneRemake says...

>> ^shuac:

This is a clear case of "Justified Torrenting" if there ever was one. You've paid for the game, so download and play already.

I messed up my router, I went all crazy with not allowing this and this and this and this an this, I pretty well clicked all the boxes for the firewall, put in a password or username I can not remember and now I can not reset it and talking to people from India with a heavy accent is so difficult for me. Why Telus has their help desk over seas I do not know. But I agree, I would torrent it like a bitch if I could.

Website Uses BitCoin To Sell Drugs Online!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'bitcoin, drug, silk road, currency, drug way' to 'bitcoin, drug, silk road, currency, drug way, tor, the onion router, anonymous ip' - edited by lucky760

NCIS- The ultimate slap in the face for computer geeks

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Shepppard:

Honestly, there's just.. there's just so much wrong here..

and I mean, honestly.. number one, what the hell is a work PC of that magnitude doing being hooked up to the internet... and two, why wouldn't either of them just think to pull out the wireless / ethernet / dsl cable?
That's the first goddamn thing I thought of. You've got a hacker? Kill your hardline.

You can't stop a port scan by disconnecting your router, even a rookie knows that. Once they've got your IP, it's only a matter of time before they get a lock on your mac address and then all your MBR files are fucked. Then they're gonna wipe all your minesweeper scores and you're fucked.

blankfist (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

Yes...the PS3 interface is horrid. I have 50 giggle-bytes (sounds cuter) of music on my laptop...are you saying I have to search through all the folders of music and I found a way around this though...I have winamp remote and I use the PS3 browser to log into orbcast which is a front end for winamp remote. That let's me search, so it's a little better. What's a VCN? I mostly want a media server actually connected to my television so that I can easily run programs straight from the source. I like the front end of those moxy boxee foxy roxy soxy and lixy programs. I think some of those I made up though.

Also, the Hulu shows that are on PlayON are the same as the ones on Hulu plus...which exclude a lot of good shows you can watch on the good ol' fashioned internet. They figured since most PS3's are hooked to TV and most computers are hooked up to smaller monitors, people will keep their cable bills if they keep some of the shows via internet only. The PS3 browser, if you haven't notice, won't play ANY Hulu...and that's no accident.

A jailbreak would allow me to potentially have an open source PS3 (just as god intended it). They came up with some bullshit that open source would be a security threat to the playstation network...when really it's all copyright bullshit that companies like Hulu and those clients of Hulu have agreed upon. If I want to run yellow dog linux on my PS3, why shouldn't I be able to do that? Then I wouldn't need to struggle through the PS3 interface. Also, I'd like to load some emulators for SNES onto my playstation...god forbid Nintendo gives rights to sell Super Mario Bros Allstars to Sony.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Not a fan of Playon, huh? Well, it's probably the PS3's DLNA interface that bothers you the most. Question, how are you using it if you don't have a media server? My configuration is an old PC I was going to get rid of connected to my wireless router via ethernet cable. I run PS3 Media Server and Playon (I also run a VCN so I can access it without having to plug in a keyboard or mouse.).

I don't use boxee or any of the other DLNA units, just the PS3 because I already own it. The interface isn't awesome, but whatever. And playon is great for me because it was a one time fee of $80-90 bucks which is a single month's cable bill, to be honest. And now I only pay for NetFlix, and my Hulu stream is free. You can't beat free.

What's the benefits of jailbreaking your PS3?

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I have playon, I don't like it as much as I like the user interfaces of Hulu, Netflix, etc. However, I do like that you can download scripts for channels. I use it for comedy central, cartoon network, etc. I'm about halfway sure that I'm going to build a media center so that I can use moxi boxee and all the other 'ox-(ies). I just don't know if I want to spend close to a grand doing it. Or $600 at the least.

Oh and check this out:

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
I use PS3 Media Server and Playon. Playon costs, but there's a onetime fee only.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Not a fan of Playon, huh? Well, it's probably the PS3's DLNA interface that bothers you the most. Question, how are you using it if you don't have a media server? My configuration is an old PC I was going to get rid of connected to my wireless router via ethernet cable. I run PS3 Media Server and Playon (I also run a VCN so I can access it without having to plug in a keyboard or mouse.).

I don't use boxee or any of the other DLNA units, just the PS3 because I already own it. The interface isn't awesome, but whatever. And playon is great for me because it was a one time fee of $80-90 bucks which is a single month's cable bill, to be honest. And now I only pay for NetFlix, and my Hulu stream is free. You can't beat free.

What's the benefits of jailbreaking your PS3?

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I have playon, I don't like it as much as I like the user interfaces of Hulu, Netflix, etc. However, I do like that you can download scripts for channels. I use it for comedy central, cartoon network, etc. I'm about halfway sure that I'm going to build a media center so that I can use moxi boxee and all the other 'ox-(ies). I just don't know if I want to spend close to a grand doing it. Or $600 at the least.

Oh and check this out:

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
I use PS3 Media Server and Playon. Playon costs, but there's a onetime fee only.

Brian Williams on the NY Times' discovery of Brooklyn

kceaton1 says...

>> ^Yogi:

It's amazing how perceptive, funny, and intelligent Brian Williams can be...and yet still I couldn't watch his program without stabbing forks in my eyes. How can you be this way and not see that your own network...your own show is soo full of shit?

I think he's like this because of the people that surround him; how could you not be. I would also try to make many a joke that they don't understand unless they look up a turn of phrase--on their iPad (a glorified non-cellphone/unless you really need/want to spend that much money on one-"buggy and slow"-device).

Yes, I've used my Dad's. It certainly has some nifty features (which have all been invented or used already), but since it's Apple and it has the name i"x", it must be a game changing, revolutionary, cutting edge, never crashes, solves: world hunger, bi-polar, cancer, Fox News, heralds baby Jesus's return to Earth in North Western Missouri; and it has a shelf/I'm mean battery life of 30.62 days--or so I've heard.

It was semi-slow (that wasn't very surprising); slow in two departments: switching and starting between and new apps or processes. Second, the Wi-Fi connection was flaky (either not downloading or when downloading, even including the occasional burst speeds, it averaged 22 KBps (as I say below it should at least be going 100-200 KBps [this is still incredibly slow], as his connection has a download rate of 1.2-1.5 MBps). I'll play with that a bit more (as I think it may have been the wireless router as he has a 14-Megabit connection).

The games were fun and a few of the apps were great. But, I'd rather have a lightweight fully functional notebook PC with a 16:9 screen, atleast 720p, and a fully customizable network adapter. ...And to be blunt, I'd much rather have Windows 7 or even Vista (fully patched), as both have great functionality and support plus their 64-Bit support is great. Plus I can put in a full Blu-Ray drive that comes with PowerDVD.

Better applications, better games and support. Yes, this is an anti-apple rant as I think all of their once "highly revered" features: functionality, non-crashing, no hacking (hah!), graphical editing applications (which is a "contract" feature), sound editing applications (same as the last), and it's "ease-of-use" (which is now a completely moot point). Apple is still successful, because they find niche products that do well; like the Nintendo DS. The iPod (although the screens break a bit to early, my only complaint) and the iPhone are great products and fill a gap in a niche market. The iPad does the same thing, but from what I've tried it needed another year (plus some spec changes like a 16:9 screen going up to 720p (which is HD not this stupid licensing agreement so they can use the logo on a nice, but NOT HD screen (I think it's XGA or 1024x768), a connection port that could handle a multitude of devices: usb, 1394, ethernet, gamepads, speakers, etc I know it does some of this already, especially in the bluetooth department.

But, I feel that it should have come with the large flash/ssd drive, cell phone features (which they do have, it just costs an arm and a leg), more functionality for the "touch pen" (some mouse-like buttons etc...), FLASH & FULL browser SUPPORT (not having flash, plus other regular features "kills it" in a lot of ways)--Apple has to have their money/way though; I don't think they've got any clue when they shoot themselves in the foot), and a slightly faster (or duo-core) processor to help the experience feel more smooth; they have a: "1GHz Apple A4 custom-designed chip" were as a Intel Atom that has an nVidia extension may have been a better choice (I'm not to sure about battery usage for these guys, but from the devices it was used in it wasn't too bad).

So in the end (damn this was WAY longer than expected) I think they should have refined it for another year. Got some REAL user feedback; give it to people that don't work for the ass-kissing mainstream Apple press-core (yes, I'm talking about the likes of Engadget). Then, actually work on their gripes! People already seem willing to pay an arm and a leg for their stuff, so if the price goes up one-hundred, don't worry all your loyal'ii will still buy it. Anyway...this didn't happen, so I was left feeling underwhelmed by it and would instead by a nice laptop.

BTW, Brian Williams is the shit!

/This post may seem anti=Apple and in a lot of ways it is, but I would like them to make a good tablet (or awesome tablet--if they'd pull their collective heads out of their asses). It seems to me that any company, right now, that takes some time and makes a fast, reliable, easy-to-use, with 720p (and lots of video/codecs support)...will destroy Apple's iPad longterm (right now I just see Android tablets, but the ones I've seen are underwhelming).

//If someone has seen a good tablet coming out that has some of the features that I'm talking about, please throw in a reply.

Access Hulu from Outside the U.S. Without a Proxy Server (1sttube Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Hint for windows users.

Do not block using the MMC method found in Reddit

Find your docs for your router and block it there.

Windows is shit at blocking the specific ports, not to mention the procedure is ridiculously convulted and complex.

I blocked that shit in my router way faster.

Stormsinger (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

I feel your pain. I just went through hell installing a new wireless router (which should have been easier than hell, but of course, wasn't), but I seem to have worked out all the kinks finally. It's the kind of shit that drives a man to drink. Not that I need much of a push in the first place.

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
Looks fine on dailymotion, so it must be a youtube issue. That's good news, in my view...after being virtually offline for the last three weeks, I was gonna have a major temper tantrum if this new cable connection was injecting such problems into my video streaming. LOL

Thanks for clearing it up.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
It's not the highest quality video, but I'm not detecting any stutter or other serious corruption issues. Maybe a YouTube issue? Hell I don't know; I'm not very tech-savvy. Here it is on Dailymotion, maybe it will play better for you:

In reply to this comment by Stormsinger:
Is all the stutter and video-corruption intentional, or just some bizarre side effect of my new connection?

TYT: Government Has Kill Switch To Shut Down Internet

jimnms says...

>> ^Yogi:
Yeah I don't buy it. There's tons of really experienced hackers around the long as the wires exist the connections are there, it'll just need to be figured out. I don't like it in any case though, hopefully the internet community will help make an alternative that can be switched on once the kill switch is flipped.

The only way they could do it is to require every internet router (I'm not talking about your home "router," but real routers) to have something in the OS that would respond to a shutdown signal. That would require every router to be updated, and would make the internet in the US more vulnerable to an attack because every enemy we have would be trying to figure out how to trigger the kill switch and shut us down.

iPhone 4 Demo Fail

EmptyFriend says...

Jobs sounds pretty pissed about the wi-fi users... like he keeps bringing it up again. "Yes everybody, I know that you all are reporting to those most hardcore apple fans right now, but screw them, I want my demo to work perfect."

What are the chances that next time the stage demo units get their own dedicated connection/router?

video of a REAL ghost NOT fake!

spawnflagger says...

I've experienced a "haunted" building before. It was in the basement of one of the local Library branches. (I used to do IT work for the network of libraries, so I've been to more than 60 in the county). This happened in the daytime, I was downstairs in the basement checking a network connection on the router or something like that. I heard a distinct 2-person conversation coming from the next room, as well as some old music (1920s?). I assumed it was just other people who worked or volunteered there, so I went about my business. A few minutes later I went in to ask if they knew where a ladder was, but no one was there. Also no radios, record players, computers, etc (anything that can make noise) was in that room. There was only 1 staircase up, and I was between that room and the stairs, so I would have seen someone go up.

I consider myself a skeptic of most things, and was not primed in any way - it was only after the fact, when I told one of the branch workers, that they said "oh yeah that room is haunted", like it was common knowledge and no big deal. Apparently they had many people witness paranormal stuff.

Maybe voices from upstairs could have gone through the ductwork, but that doesn't explain the music.

On a side note, that branch had a statistically significant high rate of blue screens, on identical hardware/software configurations deployed to many other branches. That was eventually tracked down to poor electrical wiring at the site (it's an old building- historic landmark status). When we installed good surge protectors at every PC, instead of plugging into wall, the BSODs dropped down to normal rate... but I prefer to believe that ghosts cause blue screens

Blank Videos - Liveleak & Longtailvideo problems (Sift Talk Post)

burdturgler says...

I have flash 10,0,45,2.

Something is being blocked. But I don't know where. I'm only using the basic XP firewall and have taken this machine off the router.

"LongTail Video, home of the JW Player, is the premier destination for online video solutions. We offer the #1 open source FLV and Silverlight players along with plugins, skins and a self-serve ad solution that empowers publishers to monetize their videos. Our players have streamed billions of videos and our AdSolution serves millions of pre-roll, overlay mid-roll and post-roll ads daily."

Everyone of the videos I can't play connects to I can play every other video here. ugh.
Are you using Firefox?

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