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Iranian Girl Dying in Street - June 20 2009

vairetube says...

images dont bother me so much but when i read what the audio translated too.... i dont want this video....sorry? i thought i made it clear, if it was decided it was to be sifted, i didnt want it anymore. stellar can have it since he posted it first in a somewhat more appropriate manner, and has been following up with links and posts.

i thought people were going to sort this all out~~ everyone has seen it, you can watch it by the link in stellars coward post, etc... sorry i really think duckmans video was a lot better.

... out of respect for neda.. someone else can resift it and feel free to link to here. but please support instead. *kill

Radical idea for the PQ - Get rid of it (Sift Talk Post)

my15minutes (Member Profile)

Shadow Puppets - animation by Chuck Gamble

You are NOT Your Votes (Sift Talk Post)

drattus says...

Bad morning overall I guess. I had an animal die a couple of hours ago, on the way to the vet but didn't make it. I don't think I'll be starting the post this time. I'll hang around and watch some vids, vote a bit. It'll help distract me if nothing else, but this probably wouldn't be a good time to resift a controversial thread if I'm likely to be short on patience or not in the mood. It's still a good idea though but don't wait for me to post it. Not for a few days at least.

Our favorite sifter on january 1st - drunken punishment

rasch187 (Member Profile)

Duckman33 says...

OK cool, thanks for that info. Too bad, thats a real funny clip. Any way the original can be fixed with my embed?

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
Actually a dead vid is still considered sifted, no matter how long it's been dead. As long as it's not discarded or killed, that is. It used to be that a dead vid would automaticly discard if it wasn't fixed within a certain period of time, but that was changed over a year ago. It's all explained in numerous sifttalk posts, see here for example:

In reply to this comment by Duckman33:
In reply to this comment by rasch187:
It sure is. What's your point exactly?

In reply to this comment by Duckman33:
In reply to this comment by rasch187:

That video is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD!

Don't they have a few days to fix it or someone else to fix it and if they don't then the video can be resifted. That's the way I understand it works.

rasch187 (Member Profile)

Bet you didn't know the moonwalk started in 1955

Our favorite sifter on january 1st - drunken punishment

Banned members videos (Sift Talk Post)

The Cat Came Back

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

jonny says...

In reply to this comment by Farhad2000:
Lemon Jelly is ace, too bad i missed that post of yours. I will be sure to resurrect it when my powerpoints refill!

It's right at the top of my discards to resift. Look for it this weekend or early next week. It's only got two votes, so probably not worth wasting a promote for it. Of course, I wouldn't complain about getting that extra queue slot.

I sifted All the ducks are swimming in the water... a while back...

That was my first choice to post, but of course noticed it was already here, as well as "The Staunton Lick". That's why I went with "Slow Train" - that and I liked the animation.

My queue is full of chillout right now. Hope you enjoy it


VideoSift 3.2 Roundtable thread (Sift Talk Post)

doogle says...

I am reflecting on my past year as a member on the Sift (and 2 years of using VideoSift) and the sections and functions I frequent...
Sorry about the length. Hope you guys find this useful.

I know there's a lot of wild stuff, but instead of self-censoring/limiting, I thought I would put it all out there and see what can happen.

Suggested Changes:

  • disable the number verification code after a user is no longer Probationary
  • Long as a channel
  • Change right pane (see below)
  • Remove the mid-page blocks like 'feeds' or something. (Are there stats on the use of these things? Are they effective?)
  • "Subscribe to user", they show up on your "Your VideoSift" page

Suggested Commenting functionality
  • I'd like to see a toolbar of clickable in-text invocations (maybe using a logo?) that can change by adding more or less depending on the user star level. (Perhaps even a basic GUI?)
  • Power Points in-tab (on the top) moved to above the comment fill-in box with a number to say how many you have left, gets updated. The invocations (like *.beg and *.promote) would grey-out if there are not enough power points left.

Suggested Ajax add-ons:
  • Integrate a "Quicklist" functionality
    • Like adding videos to a temporary playlist "play queue", lasts for 2 days, with option to save. (I am always adding tabs with videos I will eventually watch...)

Suggested Right pane management:
  • Allow for users to specify what blocks appear, check boxes? Ajax/movable boxes (à la Drupal/iGoogle?)

Suggested Main menu tab list:
It's growing - and maybe facing growing pains, but some of these items are similar.
I see sift-related tabs, community-supporting tabs and user-specific tabs.
Perhaps a two-rowed tabs would be better?
I know there is already a pseudo-2nd row there right now...these items (Submit a video, Support) should be gathered into a box in the right pane as they do not change with the tab (gives a false sense of tab-specific functionality)

I suggest the following break-down of 4 Main tabs (more like 3 + search) and tab-specific Second tab menu hierarchy:
  • "The Sift"
    • Home (default)
    • Unsifted (sorted by:)
    • Date (default)
    • Dynamic dropdowns: Votes: From:(1-9) to (2-10)
    • Users in my friend list
    • Top
    • Hot
    • "ReSift" (Beggar's Canyon)(The beggar's canyon is difficult for newbies and even commoners to fully grasp. Plus I can't see how having the word "Beggar's" is good on any collaborative/community site)
    • Channels (form drop down list in the menu section, and a page with boxes of the channels and the usual Personal+Overall Top Channel)

  • "Open an account!"
    No sense in having public users access the community if they do not have a user account, right? Plus also it just may confuse anonymous/public users to see playlists and the talk pages and the blogs when all they want to see are videos.
    I suggest anonymous/public users see a tab that says "Open an account", and when they do, they see the following two tabs:

  • "Community"
    • Playlists
    • Talk
    • Blogs

  • "Your VideoSift"
    • Playlists
    • Blog (if applicable)
    • Comments
    • Account
      • Settings, etc.

    • Submit a video
    • ...

  • "Search"
    (this is always good to have everywhere)

Stars Ranking order names (The "Second-to-last section, I swear" section)
This may be just opinion, but I think the stars ranking can be more logical. If using the theme Bronze, Silver, Gold,, then continue as such: Bronze Diamond, Silver Diamond, Gold Diamond, Bronze Crown,. I know, it's just the Gold 100 that throws it all off, but I wonder if there are others scratching their heads as to whre the Gold Diamond is.

Bonus! Last section! Siftbot!
Perhaps added invocations, using a separate invocation character (#perhaps?) for users with stars Gold and above to request information on a video from Siftbot. Like #dead to find out if the video has been dead before, how many times, and when was the last.
Perhaps there should be a dynamic drop down (uses css:visible call) for users to 'sift-out' invocation responses from Siftbot. These can be lengthy.

OH NO! Another one? Please stop! [Facebook thumbnail]
Gotta fix the thumbnail embed when people post on Facebook. I share stuff on Videosift with friends on Facebook, and VS (or Facebook) never gets the thumbnail right. It's a slew of other videos, or I can use the VS logo. If this could be fixed, I (and others I'm sure) wouldn't have to get the original YouTube URL (or whatever source) to share on Facebook (and perhaps other social networking sites?).

ashes2flames (Member Profile)

Krupo says...

That's exactly what I meant, thanks - if there's any other clips people should see from way back when feel free to leave a note - you can leave them here too:

There used to be a tool to directly recommend inclusion but they took that off, leaving the "comments" box as the lone dedicated spot. Thanks!

In reply to this comment by ashes2flames:
I'm not sure how you intended this .. I saw the mention of "100-gold star sifters who want a pool of worthy videos" but I was digging through old sifts tonight and would love to see this promoted:
Thanks for considering it. Sorry if I misunderstood what you had in mind.

In reply to this comment by Krupo:
>> ^dag:
^ that's an interesting idea. It makes me think that we could also somehow reward members for "resifting" old gems.


I welcome all suggestions.

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Beggar's Canyon