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Republican thinks that women don't get paid less than men.

bareboards2 says...

This is typical Republican vs Democrat thinking. Repub look at averages and ignore the realities of the edges. Dems look at all the data and say -- you can't ignore the realities on the edges.

I'm sure that guy is right. Women in that demographic are making more, when you lump all those SINGLE women together. Parse it out, look at different industries, you will get a very different picture.

Hence the Fair Pay Act.

I don't say this as a complete dis to Republicans. It is their world view -- don't get caught up in the details. They honestly want to look at the overall picture.

If you like to think that way, then you will vote Repub. If you are more "fair-minded" -- a moral value that Dems value higher than Reps -- then you will want to legislate fairness.

To be clear, I am all for legislation. However, I also can stand some inequity in the world, more than some of my uber-progressive friends -- I don't think it is possible to legislate away all unfairness. We just will have to live with some.

Fair Pay Act seems like a good piece of legislation.

Rachel Maddow: Mitt Romney Wins! GOP wiil MAKE SURE of it!

longde says...

I don't know why this guy is whining. Just a short while ago, in this video, he was bragging how the Ron Paul folks could work the system. Guess what, in Maine, Romney's people own the turf.

The voters should be whining. It seems that everyone but the voters get a vote in the republican primary system.

Maddow: Ron Paul may be the front runner in the Repub race

entr0py says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

So the guy running an allegedly anti corruption, pro people campaign wants to win by rigging the election and going against the will of the country? Shady. That said, it would be fun to see Obama kick his ass in the general.

I think what's said starting at 10:23 is really what this is about. Both Ron Paul and his campaign people know he doesn't really have a chance of being the nominee. But by amassing enough delegates to swing the primary for one of the other candidates, he has this enormous barging chip. And Paul can pretty much name whatever political price he wants in exchange for those delegates.

I agree it is completely weasely, but it's only possible because the caucus system is set up to be ultimately decided by insiders if the people don't vote the way they're supposed to. Maybe this will force the parties to change their shamefully undemocratic nomination system.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Maddow: Ron Paul may be the front runner in the Repub race

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^coolhund:

Oh, so its a bad thing that his voters are more determined?
Sounds fair to me.

I think you misunderstand. His "voters" are not "more determined". His voters have nothing to do with it.

Imagine if every town had one vote to cast and only the mayor could cast it. The mayor might have a poll to see which way the townspeople want to vote, but he doesn't have to abide by those results. This is actually how primaries work.

The problem as I see it for the republicans is that if their nomination doesn't represent the will of their voters, it seems unlikely that he'll win the popular vote in the presidential election. Although I'd imagine that the kind of people who vote for Santorum or Gingrich would vote for Satan himself as long as it wasn't Obama.

Maddow: Ron Paul may be the front runner in the Repub race

gwiz665 says...

I would like him to win the republican nomination only to be beat by Obama in the general. For all his flaws, he is certainly different than all the others. That in itself is a breath of fresh air.
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

So the guy running an allegedly anti corruption, pro people campaign wants to win by rigging the election and going against the will of the country? Shady. That said, it would be fun to see Obama kick his ass in the general.

The Day In 100 Seconds: This Means (Class) War!

Trancecoach says...

the repubs/conservatives have a well-oiled propaganda machine and know how to drive home a univocal singular message in a comprehensive way.

the only thing the demos/liberals have on their side is, well.. the facts.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Why so many people are endorsing Ron Paul for President

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Why so many people are choosing not to endorse Ron Paul (from reddit)

Ron Paul's beliefs and positions.

He defines life as starting at conception,

Lies to maintain FUD regarding Abortion by claiming he "saw doctors throwing a live baby away to let it die"...

Denies evolution, "At first I thought it was a very inappropriate question for the presidency to be decided on a scientific matter ... I don't accept it as a theory." @ 2:45

Does not believe in separation of church and state,

Believes Education is not a right and wants to privatize all schools,

Wants to repeal the federal law banning guns in school zones,

Denies Global Warming, "There is no convincing scientific evidence..."

Wants to get rid of FEMA and says we shouldn’t help people in disasters,

Wants to build a fence at the US/Mexico Border,

Repeatedly has tried to prevent the Supreme Court from hearing Establishment Clause cases or the right to privacy,

Pull out of the UN because "they have a secret plan to destroy the US",

Disband NATO,

End birthright citizenship,

Deny federal funding to any organisation "which presents male or female homosexuality as an acceptable alternative life style or which suggest that it can be an acceptable life style",

Hired former head of Anti Gay Group to be Iowa State Director of the campaign,

Wants to abolish the Federal Reserve in order to put America back on the gold standard,

He was the sole vote against divesting US Gov investments in corporations doing business with the genocidal government of the Sudan,

Was also the ONLY vote against a ban on Lead in childrens' toys,

He believes that the Left is waging a war on religion and Christmas,

He's against gay marriage,

Will even legislate against gay marriage on a federal level and attempted to CRIMINALIZE efforts to overturn such a measure,

Has even made it a point to base his campaign on Religion and being against Gay Marriage,

Thinks Sexual Harassment shouldn't be illegal,

Is against the popular vote,

Wants the estate tax repealed,

Believes that the Panama Canal should be the property of the United States,

Believes that the International Baccalaureate program is UN mind control,

Has associated with the founder of Stormfront, a White Power/Nazi Website,

Keeps their donations,

And does nothing to prevent their association with his campaign.

Has gone on record that he had no knowledge of the content of the racist newsletters that bore his name AND signature,

But has not only quoted them, but personally defended the newsletters in the past,

And later admitted he WAS aware of the contents and that only "some of [it was] offensive."

His issues with race go as far as to vote against the Rosa Parks medal (sole vote, again), saying it is a "waste of taxpayer dollars" and that it was unconsitiutional...

Despite the fact that the bill itself is very clear about a separate fund. All profit from this fund is returned to the Treasury.

However, he had no issues with using taxpayer funds to mint coins for the Boy Scouts,

AND introduce legislation that would spend $240 Million making medals for EVERY veteran of the Cold War,

( Mirror)

But didn't bother to repeat his previous argument those times that such an act would be unconstitutional as he had with the Rosa Parks Medal.

Introduced legislation, twice, that would allow schools to re-segregate.

His SuperPAC is headed by Thomas Woods who is the founder of the League of the South, of which the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) labeled a "racist hate group."

Also in association with the League of the South via Thomas Woods is the Mises Institute, of which Lew Rockwell is an Administrator...

Is against Hate Crime laws,

Would have voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964,

He also believes The Civil Rights Act destroyed Privacy,

Despite always "voting against earmarks," he was only one of four House Repubs to request earmarks in 2011 for over $157mil. (And in FY 2010, was one of the leading House members in requesting earmarks for a total of $398mil.)

And during his entire tenure, he has managed only one, out of 620, of his bills to get signed into law.

Ron Paul is not a constitutionalist. He is not a civil libertarian. He's a secessionist, a fundamentalist and a confederate.

Want more? Go here.

Ron Paul's Newsletters. Scanned. See the originals for yourself. They're worse than they've been quoted for.

America's Science Decline - Neil deGrasse Tyson

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^MycroftHomlz:

I have always wanted to make a plot of federal funding for science plotted as a function of year for the last 50 years.
My suspicion is that Bush was one of the worst supporters of scientific research.
On a separate but related point, I also suspect that major contractions at government research institutions (like NIST, Argonne, Los Alamos, Lincoln labs, etc) occurred during this time, making the places older on average and thereby less apt to do cutting-edge research.
I firmly believe that funding science is correlated with economic prosperity. And that academic and government research can lead to innovation in the private sector. I think this is the primary reason I could never support a candidate that advocated the dismantling or castration of government science.

NetRunner (Member Profile)

Truckchase says...

Good talk NR. I'm not convinced.... there are cabinet appointments, etc. he's made that make me not trust him, but I am listening. Ob's speech a couple days ago has me wondering you've got a direct line to him or something.

In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
>> ^Truckchase:

I know where you're coming from and I don't disagree with your logic, but I'm not gonna get out there and campaign for or vocally support Obama because I do think his administration is still heavily corrupted by (mainly) the financial industry. As you point out he's not nearly as bad as the repubs, so unless by some miracle Buddy Roemer gets any real traction I'll most likely be voting for Obama and running from the polling place in a ankle length trench coat and hat like a family man from 1974 escaping the newsstand with a smut rag.

Oy, Buddy Roemer? The problem with Buddy Roemer is that he seems to think his becoming President is the only/main way to fix the problem with money in politics. Never mind that the biggest problem with campaign finance law is that a) Republicans always oppose it and b) the Supreme Court has deemed real campaign finance law unconstitutional.

The answer to that is a Constitutional Amendment, not giving Buddy Roemer the potential ability to appoint SCOTUS judges, especially since he'd only get to replace liberals in a 2013-2017 term, not roadblocks like Thomas, Scalia, or Roberts.

I personally don't think silent support is good enough. I'm gonna be out campaigning for Obama nice and loud. I'm especially going to be pushing back against what I see as crazy misinformation, like the story Cenk is pushing here.

Once you strip away the misinformation, the only legitimate liberal complaints I've heard about Obama boil down to "he didn't do enough to make things better" as opposed to "he made something worse". People seem to have rather quickly forgotten the width and breadth of the damage done by Bush and a Republican congress.

Most people just remember the wars, the Patriot Act, and the tax cuts. Fewer people remember the US Attorneys scandal, fewer people remember the way he gutted the SEC, put the EPA on hold, sabotaged the FEC, tried to gut the FCC, turned the NLRB into a union-busting department, and so on. It was a nonstop deluge of sabotage, fraud, and abuse that just went on and on relentlessly for eight fucking years.

It grates me that it's only partially and often only temporarily being undone by Obama, but now those low-publicity nitty-gritty detail stories are almost universally good ones.

The choice isn't really one of a "lesser of two evils" it's a choice between empowering an enemy who's sworn to destroy everything you hold dear, or empowering a friend who's let you down. I see this as a choice between feckless and imperfect good, or pure, ruthless evil.

Rick Perry's bigoted campaign message

notarobot says...

Does he mean to repeal the separation of church and state built into the US constitution?
Does he mean to amend the constitution to remove the part about all men being equal?
Does he mean to return the religious heritage where Christians massacred the "savages" of North America?
If not NorthAm, than where?

I'm not sure Rick thought these things through.

11 hours since @Truckchase's quality suggestion. Rick's video is up to: 6,164 likes, 284,665 dislikes out of 747,019 views. I think his views are not as popular as he thought.

Even if Rick Perry win's the RePub nomination, he has no chance of unseating the current president.

>> ^Truckchase:

As of right now:
109,058 dislikes
I recommend flagging this video as inappropriate on yt with the reason "Hateful or abusive content".

TYT: Conspiracy to Shut Down Occupy

NetRunner says...

>> ^Truckchase:

I know where you're coming from and I don't disagree with your logic, but I'm not gonna get out there and campaign for or vocally support Obama because I do think his administration is still heavily corrupted by (mainly) the financial industry. As you point out he's not nearly as bad as the repubs, so unless by some miracle Buddy Roemer gets any real traction I'll most likely be voting for Obama and running from the polling place in a ankle length trench coat and hat like a family man from 1974 escaping the newsstand with a smut rag.

Oy, Buddy Roemer? The problem with Buddy Roemer is that he seems to think his becoming President is the only/main way to fix the problem with money in politics. Never mind that the biggest problem with campaign finance law is that a) Republicans always oppose it and b) the Supreme Court has deemed real campaign finance law unconstitutional.

The answer to that is a Constitutional Amendment, not giving Buddy Roemer the potential ability to appoint SCOTUS judges, especially since he'd only get to replace liberals in a 2013-2017 term, not roadblocks like Thomas, Scalia, or Roberts.

I personally don't think silent support is good enough. I'm gonna be out campaigning for Obama nice and loud. I'm especially going to be pushing back against what I see as crazy misinformation, like the story Cenk is pushing here.

Once you strip away the misinformation, the only legitimate liberal complaints I've heard about Obama boil down to "he didn't do enough to make things better" as opposed to "he made something worse". People seem to have rather quickly forgotten the width and breadth of the damage done by Bush and a Republican congress.

Most people just remember the wars, the Patriot Act, and the tax cuts. Fewer people remember the US Attorneys scandal, fewer people remember the way he gutted the SEC, put the EPA on hold, sabotaged the FEC, tried to gut the FCC, turned the NLRB into a union-busting department, and so on. It was a nonstop deluge of sabotage, fraud, and abuse that just went on and on relentlessly for eight fucking years.

It grates me that it's only partially and often only temporarily being undone by Obama, but now those low-publicity nitty-gritty detail stories are almost universally good ones.

The choice isn't really one of a "lesser of two evils" it's a choice between empowering an enemy who's sworn to destroy everything you hold dear, or empowering a friend who's let you down. I see this as a choice between feckless and imperfect good, or pure, ruthless evil.

TYT: Conspiracy to Shut Down Occupy

Truckchase says...

>> ^NetRunner:

@Truckchase I know I'm a week late in replying, but I've been sick as a dog, as well as tied up in holiday activities.
I think you and I are in agreement. I think money in politics is a bad thing, and OWS is a really good thing. I'm not throwing rocks at the movement, I'm throwing rocks at liberals saying something along the lines of "I'm never voting Democratic again, #OWS4eva!" as if the protests have somehow made the concept of traditional political action irrelevant.
I do worry that Occupy ends up becoming a movement largely led by people who've totally given up on participating in the election process, and are holding out for some sort of Tahrir Square-style revolution.
Basically, I agree with what Matt Yglesias says here. Who wins elections matters, a lot. OWS is gonna need to back somebody (or better yet, many somebodies) in the 2012 election, or nothing they want to see happen will happen.

Glad you're feeling better NR. I know where you're coming from and I don't disagree with your logic, but I'm not gonna get out there and campaign for or vocally support Obama because I do think his administration is still heavily corrupted by (mainly) the financial industry. As you point out he's not nearly as bad as the repubs, so unless by some miracle Buddy Roemer gets any real traction I'll most likely be voting for Obama and running from the polling place in a ankle length trench coat and hat like a family man from 1974 escaping the newsstand with a smut rag.

Or to cut to the chase:

I think it's important (at least for now) that we silently support whoever we may view as the "lesser of two evils" while maintaining our hopefully long term momentum to overhaul the entire campaign finance system. #rootsrikers

UC DAVIS Occupy Protesters Warned about use of force

shinyblurry says...

the problems of understanding arise when people give their power over to the powerful.they acquiesce to the very powers seeking to disempower them.
so we get things like "free speech zones" which are far away from the very thing being protested and most certainly no where near any business or government functions.

This is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Meaning, that government gets its power from the people. Further, this power comes down from the Most High God:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

Has the government strayed far from the intentions of the founders? The answer is a resounding yes. It is most certainly becoming a police state. This is the broader trend in the world, that will eventually coalesce into a totalitarian one world government.

this is not a lib/repub issue but an american issue.for decades the government has slowly chipped away at our civil liberties and given more power to itself.this is what governments do,this is what ANY powerful institution does=keep itself relevant and IN power and the ONLY thing power fears is?
the people.
again,not my opinion but historically accurate.

I agree that our government is corrupt and acts contrary to our interests. However, I am not an anarchist. If a government is infringing upon our inherent rights or direct commands given to us by God, then yes I think we have the right under God to disobey them. Protesting rich people doesn't appear to fall under that category.

this is about challenging authority.
you say that when a policemen gives a "lawful" order to disperse that should be the end of it.
i say:i question your "lawful order" as it hinders my right to assemble and give my government a redress of my grievances.

No, I say that if you receive an order from authority you can expect to be forced into compliance if you disobey that authority. My comment is about the way this incident was portrayed, as if the protesters were just arbitrarily sprayed without any warning.

As far as the occupy movement offering a redress of grievances, I hardly see how a bunch of marxists, and socialists waving communists flags, defecating in the streets, and shooting up in their tents addresses any relevant issue this country is facing. It started out with a point, and was quickly taken over by hippies, anarchists, and every other far left wingnut with a pet cause and a bucket for handouts.

Comparing this sad menagerie to the civil rights movement? Come on..

because "the people" are not multinational corporations with deep pockets who can influence legislators by way of lobbyists.we cant purchase the kind of time that a corporation can to make our case to a senator or congressmen.we cannot influence public opinion by way of tv commercials or entire networks.
but we CAN sit and stop traffic,or slow the flow of business and THAT is when they take notice.
and the response is always the same:
and if that doesnt work?
if that fails?
co-opt in any way possible (see:tea party)
cant co-opt?
oppress,bully and intimidate by authoritarian means.
(guess which stage we are in now?)
and if that fails?

This is just a shadow of what is to come. The future rule of the antichrist is going to make Nazi Germany look like candyland.

>> ^enoch:

the only way and i mean the ONLY way a peacef.
(guess which stage we are in now?)
and if that fails?

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