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The Funniest History Of Japan You Will Ever Watch

A very special Donald Trump press conference

Jessica Alba @ Hot Ones, with novel cooling methods

SFOGuy says...

Capsaicin ---from no less than Cook's Illustrated

"Milk had only a slight impact. What worked on both the skin and the mouth? Hydrogen peroxide.

It turns out that peroxide reacts with capsaicin molecules, changing their structure and rendering them incapable of bonding with our receptors. Peroxide works even better in the presence of a base like baking soda:

We found that a solution of 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of water, and 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide could be used to wash the affected area or as a mouthwash (swish vigorously for 30 seconds) to tone down a chile’s stinging burn to a mild warmth. (Toothpaste containing peroxide and baking soda is a somewhat less effective remedy.) Always keep peroxide, baking soda, and toothpaste away from your eyes."

GHOSTBUSTERS - Real Ghost Hunters React!

The Most Popular Programming Languages - 1965/2020

Ashenkase says...

In order:

- C
- C++
- Visual Basic
- First Job - Home grown language + db (yeesh what a mess)
- Delphi
- Java
- Javascript (Vanilla, jQuery, Backbone, Vue.js, Angular, React)

The Most Popular Programming Languages - 1965/2020

lucky760 says...

JavaScript has been my primary language for the past few years, mainly using React (front-end) and Node (back-end).

For the decade+ prior to that, my primary language was PHP, with my first big project being the building of VideoSift.

Before that, my main focus in all my personal projects was C++, but I never built anything professionally with it.

ant said:

What are you guys using today if still programming?

Professor Brian Harvey On Why Not To Cheat

newtboy says...

I thought you were saying everyone can benefit from chemical compounds that react in their body to produce certain effects.
That I agree with.

That everyone should use recreational (I'm assuming including unregulated, blackmarket, psychoactive) drugs I strongly disagree with.
Many people are not mentally equipped to have a single light beer, one of the least potent recreational drugs while some few can successfully smoke crack in moderation. Many don't have the experience to avoid fake, adulterated, or deadly drugs. Some have physical limitations that could make a joint deadly.

Remember, especially with humans, there are always exceptions to any rule.

kir_mokum said:

i am talking about recreational drugs.

and what is it you think i'm saying?

Professor dismissed over use of a common Chinese word.

diego says...

while he is right (i know some mandarin having lived there a while back), it does seem a little unnecessary for the example he wanted to give to use that word (unless its a mandarin class obviously). a dude on a basketball forum i go to said he went to his class years ago and that he used the same example (apparently looking for the shock value) and people complained, here in the video it seems more "natural" but at the same time, if its not a mandarin class someone unfamiliar with the word could easily struggle to follow what he is talking about..

learning chinese, and basically all chinese who go to the US, everyone knows that even though nei ge doesnt even sound that similar its close enough to make people react. I recently saw a Yao ming interview where he's asked about it and he acknowledges the problem but refuses to actually say it and says I dont want the trouble, I find it hard to believe this teacher doesnt know that it sounds bad to non chinese speakers..

Teens React To Windows 95

StukaFox (Member Profile)


BSR says...

When I was about 13ish living in NJ, my friend and I decided to head down to the railroad near the Delaware river.

To get there we decided to go down the steel steps that ran down the hillside in our town. There are two flat platforms along the way and when we reached the first one we spotted a boy who, we knew from the area, coming up the steps in our direction.

His name was Ken. Ken had a mental disability but he was harmless. A friendly and defenseless kid that was about the same age as us and about a head taller. As he was coming up the steps I wondered what he would do if I punched him in the gut. A total sucker punch that he wouldn't see coming.

I knew he wouldn't retaliate so I decided I would do it.

As he got within range, without warning, I punched him right in the gut hard.

How he reacted and the painful look on his face instantly brought regret that, to this day, I still live with. Many years later I made an effort to find Ken and tell him how sorry I was for my violent, unprovoked actions that day. How much of an asshole I was and hope he might forgive me. I found out he had died just a couple of years back.

I think about how that punch may have changed him forever. How it may have destroyed his trust in people and planted a fear within him that I was responsible for.

Sometime later, when I was alone, I cried that day with that vision I saw on his face and I can still see it now and feel it in my gut as I write this.

That day had changed my life forever at his expense.

newtboy said:

Unfortunately this mindset has destroyed our planet.

It's far more responsible and less damaging to regret something you haven't done.

Usually when people regret not doing something it's because they regret missing out on an experience. Usually when people regret something they've done, it's because it was disastrous and the experience was not worth the cost to themselves and others.

Nationalist Geographic

SFOGuy says...

The goal is to piss off the President lol; he won't get the Latin species references nor will be understand the Richard Attenborough nature special memes---but he will react to the unflattering video lol.

BSR said:

Well, that's a different approach. Seems like they are trying to target a different demographic.

Your Dog thinking You're the "Alpha" is NOT a Real Thing

newtboy says...

So, sounds to me like the alpha male theory is correct, just not the reasons why people think one becomes alpha and another doesn't.
Aggression and force are not what makes an alpha, strength, intelligence, and a calming temperament seem to be more representative of alpha traits.
Also, being the guy who feeds them makes a huge difference in the dynamic.
On top of that, when they're pups, I hold their nose/snout in my mouth gently but firmly. That's one way canines assert dominance without aggression or fear. I don't recall where I learned that, but seems to work.

I've never bullied my dogs into submission, I've only used positive reinforcement to train them, but when I command them I'm firm and there's never been any question about who is the alpha. They might run through a door before me, but they listen and obey when commanded, and have never once been aggressive towards me or challenged my authority, I'm on my fourth dog.
There's a definite difference in how they react to my wife, who would be beta in this scenario. They listen to her, but not as well and they take their time when she calls them.

Alaskan Glacier calving Columbia w/ 200 foot high shooter

newtboy says...

No....with a "but".

I was disturbed in the 70's about how people were changing the planet, but didn't yet understand the climate portion of that issue would be the most disastrous. (In my defense I was under 10).

I became concerned in the 90's-2000's when the scientific conclusions became overwhelmingly certain that CO² and other greenhouse gasses were destroying the atmosphere we relied on.

My concern quickly turned to anger at the realisation that people as a group were more inclined to argue over minutiae and ignorant theories and money rather than tackle the apocalyptic problem.

Soon that was mixed with depression at the realisation that it was too late even if we gave up CO² and methane today because the climate is slow to react and we had passed the point of no return and were actually still accelerating towards the cliff and arguing over the correct radio station for flying.

Today I'm at acceptance that humans will destroy the biosphere and likely themselves in the process, and have to be content with the knowledge that I didn't make it much worse (or at least made an educated effort to not make it worse), I likely won't live to see mass famine and water wars where I live, and didn't put anyone else in the horrific position of having to live through the worst. (No kids).

Feel better? ;-)

cloudballoon said:

Am I the only one disturbed and concerned by the underlying cause of the calving than repeatedly yelling "Oh my God woohoo!" like I'm watching a blockbuster disaster CGI movie? It's not "entertaining"...

And reading up Glacier calving on wikipedia, the boats not even at a particularly safe distance?

Dr Drew's Horrific Coronavirus Advice Compilation

SFOGuy says...

And in all seriousness: because if you aren't old yourself, you know people who are---your parents, your grandparents---or have friends and family who are in the risk groups---diabetic, asthma, smokers, cancer survivors or in treatment---or are just robust young people with immune systems that over-react and then trigger Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and death...

So I don't know you--but wash your hands, wear a mask outside, and isolate.
Whatever you have believed at one point or the other.

bobknight33 said:

Trump was right from the beginning, Assembling a team , stopping china flights and starting preparations for this. The media countered with racist against China, Fool this is just another flu type event.

Now its 24hrs a day panic panic fear mongering from media and Trump should have prepared.

China lied and knew person to person spread back in mid December. The WHO carried the lies of China.

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