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What is the point of the down vote system? (Blog Entry by ZappaDanMan)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

People need a simple way to express a negative view on content. It has the added benefit of helping with managing that content. Too many down votes and a post is culled from the index - which is as it should be.

As Siftbot would say, every meat garden needs a little pruning.

Mass Effect the Cartoon

NetRunner says...

That wasn't meant to be a comprehensive explanation of everything wrong with the ending, just one part. (MASSIVE spoilers to follow)

Also, when you say "Reapers prune only the few most advanced species in order to save less advanced organic life", save them from what, exactly? Synthetics? And Reapers are what, exactly? Synthetics?

Aside from the circular reasoning, it's also based on a premise that is at the very least debatable: the created will always rebel against their creators. I got to that conversation having brokered peace between the Geth and the Quarrians. Why wasn't it even an option for Shepard to question whether this was some iron law of the universe? Why is the Catalyst assuming peace between organics and synthetics is impossible? Why was it impossible for any ending to leave the Geth and Quarians both physically the same, and independent? Why wasn't it possible for Shepard to be annoyed about this?

Moreover, why kill organics to prevent robot uprisings? Why not have reapers wipe out synthetic races if/when they start to rebel, rather than wiping out organics before they can build synthetics?

If the Reapers are really saviors of the galaxy, why do they shoot first and ask questions never? If being converted into a husk is really a form of ascension, why not try to convince races to volunteer? Why not stick around for thousands of years to persuade us, if necessary? For that matter, why make this be some sort of every 50K year thing? Why not just make ascension into Reaper form a part of galactic culture, a reward given to races who've advanced far enough to warrant it?

But my biggest problem is that we don't really get to see any kind of real consequence of that final choice. All three endings are virtually indistinguishable, and there's nothing about the ending that reflects the choices you've made along the way, not even the ones from ME3. There's no real resolution for any of your crewmates either. I'd like to know what happens to Garrus, Liara, Tali, etc. after it's all over. "Stranded on a strange jungle planet" wasn't what I was looking for, either.

>> ^mentality:

>> ^NetRunner:

That's stupid. Reapers prune only the few most advanced species in order to save less advanced organic life throughout the galaxy. Sounds like whoever made that was dozing off during the conversations with the catalyst.

Mass Effect the Cartoon

President Obama's birthday message for Betty White

gorillaman says...

Anti-realism is not a term that is conventionally applied to language. You were employing a metaphor. That's fine; that's how all language works. There would be no words, and no dictionary to look them up in, if we didn't use metaphor.

This belief that a word can have only one narrow and arbitrary meaning, which its enforcers have memorised and to which they will allow no opposition, is dangerous and stifling to discourse. It's particularly bizarre in the context of this discussion since I'm sure, if we could be bothered to check, we would find many examples in dictionaries and other scholarly instruments of the term 'fascist' applied much more loosely than I've proposed here. It's often used, legitimately, as a simple synonym for 'bully'.

You'll notice that far from insisting on my own, I allow your meaning, and Webster's and mine all together. I only say that mine is better, being a pruned and perfected incarnation of its relatives. If we didn't prefer our own ideas to those of others there would be no point to independent thought at all.

I think you ought to read my posts more carefully and assume, for the sake of scientific inquiry, that I might be as smart as you are.>> ^Kofi:

Yes, I am calling you a linguistic anti-realist. This fails for although all language is an artificial creation it none the less is functional insofar as it appeals to a common ontology within the cultural paradigm of any given language. In other words, despite the notion that language only represents a idea of an impression and can never actually directly communicate that impression itself, it is reasonable and viable to believe that language, specifically the English language, is adequate to convey a moderately complicated term such as 'fascism'.
I am also implying that you are unable to grasp the necessary condition of assuming a commonality of language appropriate for meaningful communication. It appears that you are aware of it but have failed to admit that you made a mistake for fear of looking silly.
Instead you are insisting on a revisionist interpretation of a political terminologies that failed to fulfil any semblance of general mutual agreement, a necessary condition for cohesive discourse, in a deliberate effort to harness its rhetorical impact.

siftbot (Member Profile)

Some Little Bug Is Going to Find You

ctrlaltbleach says...

In these days of indigestion it is oftentimes a question
As to what to eat and what to leave alone.
Every microbe and bacillus has a different way to kill us
And in time they all will claim us for their own.
There are germs of every kind in every food that you can find
In the market or upon the bill of fare.
Drinking water's just as risky as the so-called "deadly" whiskey
And it's often a mistake to breathe the air.

Cho: For some little bug is going to get you someday.
Some little bug will creep behind you some day.
Then he'll send for his bug friends
And all your troubles they will end,
For some little bug is gonna find you someday.

The inviting green cucumber, it's most everybody's number
While sweetcorn has a system of its own.
Now, that radish seems nutritious, but its behavior is quite vicious
And a doctor will be coming to your home.
Eating lobster, cooked or plain, is only flirting with ptomaine,
While an oyster often has a lot to say.
And those clams we eat in chowder make the angels sing the louder
For they know that they'll be with us right away.

For some little bug is going to get you someday.
Some little bug will creep behind you some day.
Eat that juicy sliced pineapple ;and the sexton dusts the chapel
Oh, yes, some little bug is gonna find you some day.

When cold storage vaults I visit, I can only say, "What is it
Makes poor mortals fill their systems with such stuff?"
Now, at breakfast prunes are dandy if a stomach pump is handy
And a doctor can be called quite soon enough.

Eat a plate of fine pig's knuckles and the headstone cutter chuckles
While the gravedigger makes a mark upon his cuff.
And eat that lovely red bologna and you'll wear a wood kimona
As your relatives start packing up your stuff.

Those crazy foods they fix, they'll float us 'cross the River Styx
Or start us climbing up the Milky Way.
And those meals they serve in courses mean a hearse and two black horses
So before meals, some people always pray.

Luscious grapes breed appendicitis, while their juice leads to gastritis
So there's only death to greet us either way.
Fried liver's nice, but mind you, friends will follow close behind you
And the papers, they will have nice things to say.

For some little bug is going to get you someday.
Some little bug will creep behind you some day.
Eat that spicy bowl of chili, on your breast they'll plant a lily .
Oh, yes, some little bug is gonna find you some day.

Star Trek Theme played on a Musical Saw

poolcleaner says...

>> ^iaui:

It really sounds like she's humming the tune along with the saw, but I don't really know what a saw sounds like so perhaps those overtones are all coming from it... I wish there was a better recording. The mic is clearly peaking each time she bows the saw.
But totally awesome, nonetheless.

The musical saw has been a staple for all sorts of eerie music throughout the years. For instance, the music in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Chances are pretty high that you know the sound, you just didn't realize it. Sort like how Dr. Pepper is prune flavored -- most people have tasted carbonated prune juice, they just didn't know it.

Hey man, Have You Seen My Friends?

ElessarJD says...

You've missed out because you're being too literal. Lighten up!
>> ^Lolthien:

Alright, I guess maybe my soul has died and my heart has turned to a dried prune husk within my chest... but I really don't get this. There are three cats who run away, and a fourth cat comes by later, pauses, and then follows the same path as the others.... someone please tell me what I've missed and how this got so high on the list.

Diet Dr Pepper 10: Not for women

Hey man, Have You Seen My Friends?

Lolthien says...

Alright, I guess maybe my soul has died and my heart has turned to a dried prune husk within my chest... but I really don't get this. There are three cats who run away, and a fourth cat comes by later, pauses, and then follows the same path as the others.... someone please tell me what I've missed and how this got so high on the list.

Power Balance Bracelets

sillma says...

I hate people who fall for this bullshit. My first thought is just to kill them all, but rather than that it might be more productive to put them into some sort of training to prune the retarded thought out of their system.

Kevlar (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

Oh gods, Kevlar, I'm going to have to recover before I decide if that is the best comment, in so many ways, I have ever read.

In reply to this comment by Kevlar:
>> ^Payback:

Is it just me or would these "firemen" be better off fighting the blaze than busting out the camera phone for the "oh gee whiz" moment?

Payback, let's say you've got kids and are about to feed your new baby some formula but for some reason it sprouts demon wings and is now circling the bedroom ceiling, its head turned sideways, shouting the chants of gods long dead. Do you shrug your shoulders, grab a stepladder and immediately shove the spoon into one of its 5 new mouths? Or do you stand back in stupefied wonder before coming up with a plan that may or may not involve a butterfly net and pruning shears?

My reading of your comment is that that people should not hesitate before aiming a hose at a tornado. I love your comments, but in this case I'd argue that the situation is truly and perversely fucked enough (and outside the realm of their normal experience) to make a slow response a little more understandable.

Payback (Member Profile)

Kevlar says...

Actual LOL from me while in the office! You bastard.

In reply to this comment by Payback:
>> ^Kevlar:

Payback, let's say you've got kids and are about to feed your new baby some formula but for some reason it sprouts demon wings and is now circling the bedroom ceiling, its head turned sideways, shouting the chants of gods long dead. Do you shrug your shoulders, grab a stepladder and immediately shove the spoon into one of its 5 new mouths? Or do you stand back in stupefied wonder before coming up with a plan that may or may not involve a butterfly net and pruning shears?
My reading of your comment is that that people should not hesitate before aiming a hose at a tornado. I love your comments, but in this case I'd argue that the situation is truly and perversely fucked enough (and outside the realm of their normal experience) to make a slow response a little more understandable.

Oranges to apples. If one of YOUR imaginary kids suddenly proclaimed they were a demon and grabbed a pair of scissors and said their sister/brother must die. Would you go grab the camera or try to disarm them?

Any firefighter will have at least a passing knowledge of -albeit rare, but not undocumented- "fire whirls" which are observed mostly during wildfires.

I haven't found much on Google about Spontaneous Infant Demonification.

Fire Tornado

Payback says...

>> ^Kevlar:

Payback, let's say you've got kids and are about to feed your new baby some formula but for some reason it sprouts demon wings and is now circling the bedroom ceiling, its head turned sideways, shouting the chants of gods long dead. Do you shrug your shoulders, grab a stepladder and immediately shove the spoon into one of its 5 new mouths? Or do you stand back in stupefied wonder before coming up with a plan that may or may not involve a butterfly net and pruning shears?
My reading of your comment is that that people should not hesitate before aiming a hose at a tornado. I love your comments, but in this case I'd argue that the situation is truly and perversely fucked enough (and outside the realm of their normal experience) to make a slow response a little more understandable.

Oranges to apples. If one of YOUR imaginary kids suddenly proclaimed they were a demon and grabbed a pair of scissors and said their sister/brother must die. Would you go grab the camera or try to disarm them?

Any firefighter will have at least a passing knowledge of -albeit rare, but not undocumented- "fire whirls" which are observed mostly during wildfires.

I haven't found much on Google about Spontaneous Infant Demonification.

Fire Tornado

Kevlar says...

>> ^Payback:

Is it just me or would these "firemen" be better off fighting the blaze than busting out the camera phone for the "oh gee whiz" moment?

Payback, let's say you've got kids and are about to feed your new baby some formula but for some reason it sprouts demon wings and is now circling the bedroom ceiling, its head turned sideways, shouting the chants of gods long dead. Do you shrug your shoulders, grab a stepladder and immediately shove the spoon into one of its 5 new mouths? Or do you stand back in stupefied wonder before coming up with a plan that may or may not involve a butterfly net and pruning shears?

My reading of your comment is that that people should not hesitate before aiming a hose at a tornado. I love your comments, but in this case I'd argue that the situation is truly and perversely fucked enough (and outside the realm of their normal experience) to make a slow response a little more understandable.

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