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secondclancy-the new face of social justice warriors

newtboy says...

I find it curious that there's nearly twice as many males accosting him as females....are some of them just lookyloos?

How did these people make it into college? They've obviously been incredibly coddled and 'protected' their entire lives, and can't understand why the college isn't being their helicopter parent.
When I went, you had to prove you had not just the academics, but the brain, and the ability to live with competing ideas. In fact, being exposed to competing ideas was a main part of the plan. Apparently now it's just about the money, because these kids couldn't have the grades, and obviously don't have the brain or willingness to learn.
These infants need to go back to preschool and learn that the world doesn't revolve around them.

Oh no! They're going to leave and transfer? 'Please...please it today' is almost certainly what he's thinking.

The Peanuts Movie | Official Trailer 2

lucky760 says...

Heck yes! *QUALITY!

I'm so excited for my kids *kids to see this. I really hope it's preschooler-appropriate!

Racism in the United States: By the Numbers

robbersdog49 says...

Here, take as long as you want. All the info and sources are exactly where he says they are, in the YouTube description. I've copied them here for you. If he hadn't provided all of these I might be inclined to agree with you. But he did provide the evidence, so you don't just have to believe the buzz words, you can actually check it out for yourself.


On average, black men's prison sentences are 20% longer than white men's for comparable crimes:

Black people and white people use illegal drugs at similar rates, but black people are far more likely to be arrested for drug use:

African Americans are far more likely to be stopped and searched (although the contraband hit rate is higher among white people) in California:

And in New York (where the data isn't quite as good but appears to be comparable to CA):

Those wrongfully convicted and later exonerated by DNA are disproportionately African American:

Black kids are far more likely to be tried as adults and more likely to receive life sentences:

Black former convicts get fewer employer callbacks than white former convicts:

Emily and Brendan are more hirable than Lakisha and Jamal:

On that front, this study is also interesting: and similar results have been found in the UK: and also in Australia:

Also, this news story has some great analysis:

High schools with mostly African American and Latino students are less likely to offer courses in Algebra II or Chemistry than high schools with mostly white students:

This article explores many of the other ways that increasingly segregated schools have negatively affected African American students:

And this story discusses the fact that African American students are more than twice as likely to be suspended as white students--even in preschool.

The ACP report on racial disparities in U.S. health care:
This (dated) study is also damning: and there's lot of good info here:

More info on increasing disparities in life expectancy between black and white people in the US:

The most recent polls show fewer white people thinking racism is not a problem than the ones I used in this video (although still a huge divide): and and

Racial wealth disparity and the role that inheritance plays:
Related wikipedia article:

The widening of the wealth gap:

Nonvideo recommendations: I really like Roxane Gay's work in Slate and The Butter; this story in the NYT Chris Rock's recent interview at, and Ashley Ford's commentary and analysis: Also Kiese Laymon's wriitng is great, including

ulysses1904 said:

"By the numbers", which means "recent surveys", "studies have shown", "a nationwide poll", "let's look at some data", "overwhelming evidence has shown". All the statistical buzz phrases. I would rather see this issue presented in a ponderous TED presentation than this overly glib Michael Moore cartoon short.

To be clear, my problem is with the messenger, not the message.

Actual Gun/Violent Crime Statistics - (U.S.A. vs U.K.)

KnivesOut says...

The problem (as I see it) is that we're conflating every-day street crime (which is statistically more rare than it used to be) with horrific gun rampages (which are statistically more common than it used to be, and obviously more rare than every-day street crimes.) They're completely different animals. Choggie would have us believe that baseball bats are just as dangerous as AR15s. Certainly, statistically, that is true when we're discussing average crime-rates. However, I've never heard of someone bludgeoning a classroom full of preschoolers with a louisville slugger.

As Americans, we have to decide: are we OK with horrific gun rampages a few times every year? Is your right to own a military sidearm or rifle worth the occasional shooting spree? Maybe it is. Maybe that's the price of freedom.

Certainly, absolutely we need to address street crime and the factors that contribute to it. However, its obvious from these statistics that WE ARE. The crime rate has gone down.

And yet the shooting spree rate has gone up.

A Riddle (Blog Entry by dystopianfuturetoday)

oritteropo says...


I reckon I could've stared at it for a week without twigging, but actually gave up after about 20 mins. Now to try it on a preschool age child to see if it really works as well for them as advertised.

p.s. I am a programmer too, although haven't done much recently, and have studied math at university level Having looked up how a programmer would solve this, it looks about what I'd have done too, given another 20 minutes and more coffee. Giving up and googling after 10 minutes is what a real programmer would do though

All That Glitters: The History of Shiny Things

Nanodots - Chained Dodecahedron 5940 dots

This Is Our Reality

shinyblurry says...

Humanism is a religion and evolution is its creation story.

"I am convinced that the battle for humankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity that recognizes and respects what theologians call divinity in every human being. These teachers must embody the same selfless dedication as the most rabid fundamentalist preachers, for they will be ministers of another sort, utilizing a classroom instead of a pulpit to convey humanist values in whatever subject they teach, regardless of the educational level -- preschool day care center or large state university. The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new -- the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism."


As you can see, these humanists are proselytizers too, and their stated goal is the indoctrination of our children with humanist values, and the destruction of Christianity, which they will replace with their humanist faith. So much for tolerance and unity, right? How hypocritical can you get? This is the kind of insanity you get when you try to replace God with man.

These are the very people trying to establish a one world government, which is what will usher in the antichrist to power. So when that happens by sure to thank them for ending the world.

TDS-Occupy Wall Street Divided

ghark says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Jon rips the RIGHT all the time and you just laugh and have a good time nodding you heads saying yes John yes you are right.
Now on this piece he does the same but to a socialist type movement that you are for and you get all pissed about it . How two-faced.

It's not the right, it's money hungry lunatics backed by corporations attempting to destroy the country (and many others) so a few can profit. Saying you are pro-gun, anti-choice and pro-christian does not make you right-wing when your intent is to siphon tens of millions of dollars in corporate donations and public money so you can afford a jet for your niece to get to preschool. Personally I'm sick of the clips ragging on GOP as well, it's just picking low hanging fruit. With few exceptions, the Dems are just as bad, and in some cases worse (Obama).

As an example, your president just flew to our country (Australia) to tell us we're going to be getting a bunch of troops permanently stationed in Darwin, he said that America is "a Pacific power and we are here to stay"

Our Prime Minister lapped it all up, so we'll apparently be getting two and a half thousand more permanent US troops soon. At a time when your school systems are crumbling, your $14 trillion + in debt and your plan of action is to spend millions on new military bases and personnel in a foreign country?


Judge William Adams beats daughter with cerebral palsy

rottenseed says...

Yea I was swatted at, spanked with a wooden spoon, fed soap, etc. I'm not against negative reinforcement but in the case here, the girl is clearly afraid of her parents and they clearly go over the top in continuing to torment her. The kid was screaming for them to stop and there was plenty of time for the parents to reflect on the situation and ask themselves "do I think she's learned her lesson?" The parents were also "emoting" their own anger upon the child. That's not right. You should never inflict damage upon somebody based on your anger. I can't do that in the streets, why should I be able to do it with my child?

You can't just call the "objective definition" card to win an argument when circumstance has to determine the severity of the actions. If she got drunk, stole her mother's vehicle and ran over a group of preschoolers, then raped their remains, I'd say "yea, that is an adequate reaction". But this is over a computer. He was clearly just angry that she disobeyed him, which is purely egotistical. And this man is locking your peers up. I wonder how often he gets emotional and angry when sentencing somebody...I wonder how objective he is in that situation.

I'd like to know...where do you draw the line...also, what's your real name so I can make sure my kids will never be around you.>> ^longde:

Until you guys can give me an objective definition or objective standard of abuse, you're just emoting over your own personal line in the sand on the matter.
It's great to feel a sense of self-righteousness, until you're a parent, and you happen to cross another person's arbitrary line in the sand.
I was punished with a belt as a child, and it NEVER left bruises. It did leave welts that lasted a day. And you're damn right I was afraid of disobeying my parents and afraid of punishment. Thank heavens you guys weren't around to toss me into a foster home.

Ann Coulter Calls Kindergarten Teachers ‘Useless’

Mikus_Aurelius says...

Ann Coulter is welcome to keep advocating back-asswards policies. I never plan to live in a state that doesn't care to fund kindergarten.

Some of these comments seem to have missed the point or their preschool years. Getting a few months head start on reading is great, but the real value of early education is learning to work with others, resolve differences appropriately, and interact with adults. These are skills you learn by 5-6 years old or you never learn them at all. Proactive parents will teach their children these skills (just like some parents teach their children to read), but in many families the school system is their only hope.

Our country is full of people who will never get a real job because they can't talk to an interviewer like a normal person. They lose their temper or give up when faced by setbacks. They misinterpret or disregard the motives of the people they interact with. Putting a bunch of kids in a classroom and letting them play together, express themselves, and interact with an adult who is not a relative is one way to develop these skills.

Here's a link to the most famous study on the effects of preschool. The graphs are fairly amazing.

Here's the NPR podcast where I first heard about it. They basically just rave about the cost/benefit ratio of preschool.

Some NPR podcast

Found a Sexist Indictment of another community.What U Think? (Sift Talk Post)

bareboards2 says...

I read some of the link this sift talk post is about, not really understanding the jargon and the types of jobs. I probably shouldn't be commenting, but what the heck.

What I picked up is a style difference between programmer men and writer women -- if I understood her correctly. The "hostile environment" she references appears to be impatience on the part of the mostly male programmers who just want to talk in their own language, at their own speed, in their own style.

My observation is that men can be pretty harsh with each other, especially in this anonymous environment. Really quick to insult and put down (in general, there are always exceptions.)

Women are much more circumspect in their language patterns. Women can be just as "mean," please don't misunderstand me, it just manifests differently. The directness of male speech is just not something we women are taught or is encouraged by our culture. Women with lots of brothers do well, I suspect.

"You Just Don't Understand" is a great book about the differences in how men and women communicate.

How much is nature and how much is nurture? I don't know.

Where I sit at work, I can see out my window to the preschool across the street. I see the teachers leading these 3-4 years old in a line, each holding the hand of the kid in front. For the most part -- there are always exceptions -- I see the boys pushing on each other and fighting. The little girls walk "nicely."

I shared my observations with a teacher one day and she concurred. The boys come out and hit. But then she told me something I couldn't see -- the girls "attack" each other with whispers behind their hands. They got just as mad, they just went about it differently.

That is what I see in this woman's observation of the "hostile" environment. She sees all the pushing and shoving, and she draws back.

I could go on about the implications of on-line versus in office, female vs male managerial styles, the civilizing influence of face to face communciation, blah blah. But I won't. Plus I could be all wrong.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Zach Galifianakis takes his act to a PreSchool

Stand up at Preschool

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