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Cute little Moose gets Ugly Fast!

Cute little Moose gets Ugly Fast!

Godless says...

"No call 'being nasty"??!!... I understand the "likely" reasons for tagging it and everything, like collecting demographic data, surveying its migration habits and so on, but what the hell did you expect after serving it an unsollicited piercing using industrial staples?

Meet The Store Owner Who Shot Five Gang Members

SDGundamX says...

Did you watch to the end? He closed his store, lives in seclusion, and surrounds himself with weapons fearing gang reprisals. I'm not sure I'd call that a "win."

Plus, five people dead. Granted, not exactly upstanding members of society, and two clearly intended to kill him (the ones who were walking out the front door then turned around to open fire--sounded like it was an attempted revenge killing), but still it seems difficult to call five people dead a win.

I feel bad for the guy. I don't deny he was within his legal rights to shoot in every situation, but this video basically convinced me that owning a gun as a storekeeper is probably not a great security plan (as he himself notes in the end). This guy trained, he took precautions--I'd say obsessively so--and yet in the end the only reason he is alive today?

Dumb luck.

Attempted robbers still got past his security precautions and into his store, and they still shot him--multiple times. It's only luck that none of those times he got shot they didn't hit him in the spine, heart, major artery, etc. No amount of training is going to stop a bullet.

It's also dumb luck that none of his missed shots hit anyone out in the street (you can see in the stills from the crime scene photos that several bullets pierced the store windows and therefore went sailing out into the public).

Basically, I can't really see this video being used for NRA promotional purposes.

BigAlski said:

Right on. He's my hero. It's easy to victimize a citizen going about his or her business. It's much harder to win a war. They drew first blood on this man, declared war, and lost.

The Truth About Gingers

chingalera says...

I attribute my own infatuation with gingers (and the curse that comes with it) to one of my early pubescent imprints associated with my proclivities towards all things musical and my 8th grade choir teacher, the ravenous Ms. Jane Polnick.

Her drop-dead gorgeous sister (both with piercing blue eyes and succulent, unblemished figures) was also a chanteuse and a rockin' blonde!

She was also an insatiable flirt.

Hellspawn, demon wench!

David Blaine Impales Himself with an Icepick

chingalera says...

Blaines a talented creature but what he's doing here is pretty unimpressive if it's sticking stuff through a piercing created through discipline. My roommate use to wow party crowds by sticking knitting needles through 2 different parts on his arm. I would imagine that someone could work a large needle between vital places in a hand without damaging tissue too much. OR, it could be the ol', 'hatpin through-the-arm' illusion?? Ooooohh, spooooky!

Starting to really despise Will Smith..wish he'd take him and his kids out of the media loop with the money and run.

A tank shell with your name on it

morelenmir says...

APFSDS - Armour Piercing, Fin Stabilized, Discarding Sabot. The American Abrams tankers used to call them 'Silver Bullets' back in the early nineties; maybe they still do. They were made largely out of natural or depleted uranium and they combusted slightly when shot through the air, leaving a faint glowing silvery trail behind. You could see it best at night obviously.

Your vagina is US Govt property & will be searched randomly.

eric3579 says...

From YouTube:

These are some highlights of Mission Police Departments Finest!
This is Mission, Kansas PD to be clear.
UPDATE 7/8/2013 - The lead prosecutor for Mission, Kansas, has communicated to our late criminal defense attorney that he would like me to remove my YouTube video of the officers arresting my wife. Should I choose not to remove it, Martin states he has the ability to get a judge to sign a protective order that would force me to take it down. Martin also mentioned some type of diversion if my wife would be willing to release The Mission PD of any liability as they were only responding to the Postal workers call. When all this is over I'm moving. I don't want to even live near Mission Kansas.

After nearly two months of being told repeatedly by the Mission police that there was no dash-cam video, here it is! It's a MIRACLE we even got it. The officers in the video are Michelle Pierce & Officer Tim Gift. Special appearance by the bald-headed officer who is NOT named nor even mentioned as being on the scene in the police reports. This officer is the one who was threatening my wife with having CPS take our two youngest daughters away. This could happen to YOUR wife & daughters next if these officers are allowed to get away with this!

We had to have an attorney subpoena the videos of all three officers on the scene. We ALSO had our attorney request of the Post Office in writing AND in person for any video footage. We kept getting the same answer. "There is NO video!" FINALLY, My wife called the courthouse to ask about the videos. The courthouse transferred her to a woman named Suzanna at the Mission PD. My wife asked Suzanna if she had gotten a subpoena for video evidence. The woman instantly said "IS THIS ABOUT THE POST OFFICE INCIDENT?" My wife said "Yes", shocked that this woman already knew what the phone call was about before my wife could even explain... The woman quickly said, "There are NO videos." My wife then told Suzanna, "That's a LIE. I KNOW there is a video because I was THERE when Officer Pierce walked in & asked Officer Gift if his cam was on & he said yes. Officer Pierce then asked for Officer Gift's dash-cam password which he gave her in front of me!" The woman on the phone got very quiet. She then asked my wife, "So you were THERE-- IN the building?" My wife said "Yes! I was sitting RIGHT THERE!" The woman on the other end got quiet again & my wife then hung up. THE VERY NEXT DAY, our criminal defense attorney called & said he had good news. To his surprise, Officer Gift had a dash- cam video & they sent it to our attorney! Wow-- What a coincidence! =/
It's a shame we only got one video, but it's better than nothing.

How Steve Irwin Reacts to the Deadliest Snake in America

yellowc says...

I upvoted, I'm not hating on the joke.

Being on land and in control of the environment and approach is a calculated risk, where his expertise negates a lot of the danger. If you listen and watch his body language, Irwin is actually very very focused on not dying, as you'd imagine he would be. He was good at hiding that behind the entertainment.

He died because he was in water, with no mobility and no control of the environment, trying to interact with creatures who can move in an instant. To me it feels like TV got in the way here, a small lapse of judgement on a "peaceful" creature, it was really just unfortunate. Not to mention piercing his heart, even that was unlucky, a hit in the leg may have had him live.

Chairman_woo said:

Yup, it's a genuine mystery how he managed to get himself killed....

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Everything You Need To Know About Digital Audio Signals

hamsteralliance says...

Going from 16 bits, to 24 bits will lower the noise floor which, if you have the audio turned up enough, you can hear it ever so slightly. It's not a huge difference and you're not going to hear it in a typical song. It's definitely there, but it's already insanely quiet at 16 bits. An "Audiophile" on pristine gear may notice the slight change in hiss in a moment of silence, with the speakers cranked up - but that's about it.

As for pushing up the sampling rate, when you get beyond 44.1kHz, you're not really dealing with anything musical anymore. All you're hearing, if you're hearing it at all, is "shimmer". or "air". It sounds "different" and you might be able to tell which is which, but it's one of those differences that doesn't really matter in effect. A 44.1khz track can still make ear-piercingly high frequencies - the added headroom just makes it glisten in a really inconsequential way.

This is coming from 17 years of music production. I've gone through all of this, over and over again, testing myself, trying to figure out what is and isn't important.

At the end of it all, I work on everything in 16bit 48kHz - I record audio files in 24 bit 48 kHz - then export as 16 bit 44.1kHz. I don't enable dither anymore. I don't buy pro-audio sound cards anymore. I don't use "studio monitors" anymore. I just take good care of my ears and make music now.

MilkmanDan said:

However, I'm pretty sure that real audiophiles could easily listen to several copies of the same recording at different bitrates and frequencies and correctly identify which ones are higher or better quality with excellent accuracy. I bet that is true even for 16bit vs 24bit, or 192kHz vs 320kHz -- stuff that should be "so good it is impossible to tell the difference".

Kofi (Member Profile)

kulpims (Member Profile)

How Guys Will Use Google Glass

chingalera says...

You can expect very quickly a great deal of the near-future visions of Gibson, especially the ever-present and high-tech, private security industry becoming ginormous.

In about 10 years bio-computer implants I expect, will be the craze similar to piercings and tats

I pray for the electromagnetic destruction of all satellites in medium earth orbit or an ultra-massive coronal event focused directly at Earth by 2015.

Orz said:

Every time someone mentions Google Glass all I can think about is William Gibson's novel "Virtual Light"

Women's Gun Advocate's Hilariously Hypocritical Testimony

Xaielao says...

Harlequinn I would say you are correct. Only metal spoons aren't harmful to anyone (accept those like myself with a metal allergy..) and the guns that will eventually be unavailable can mow down a dozen people in about 30 seconds, blasting them into bits. So, it's a bit different.

I personally feel the solution to 'assault weapons' is to make them available at gun ranges. That way folks who want to be able to fire them, can still have access to them, but they are still restricted to have in ones home and thus cannot be used in violence. Just the way some shooting ranges offer military weapons a civilian cannot get access to any other way.

And for the record I'm relatively pro-gun. I don't own any but I grew up with them, received my first as a birthday present when I was 10 and my mother owns two and her boyfriend makes his own rifles for use in competition.

If congress manages to only do one thing about the gun violence in this nation, I'd personally rather see it be a national gun registry that would allow instant background checks at gun shows/etc. You know things are bad when someone on the terror watch list can buy an AR-15 with a 100 round magazine, armor piercing bullets and a flack jacket out of the back of a van and it's perfectly legal in some states. That's an extreme example I grant, but not unrealistic.

James Madison clarifies the American right to bear arms

Xaielao says...

The problem is the current systems in check to prevent criminals from obtaining guns to kill people has been laughably de-balled and stripped down over the last decade +. When a felon can go to some of these 'no gun laws' states and buy an assault rifle with a 100 round drum, a glock with a 16 round clip, armor piercing ammunition and a flack jacket from the back of some guys van and it is 100% legal.. something is terribly wrong.

I do agree that this tends to get rather overboard. I'd much rather see assault rifles available for use at firing ranges instead of being personally owned vs outright outlawing them that will only cause other potential issues. I also agree 'assault weapons' is a buzzword.. though some weapons most certainly qualify (especially if the military classifies a weapon as such).

As to legalizing drugs, I wouldn't personally want to legalize 'all' drugs, but when there is already a dangerous, highly addictive drug that costs the country and states millions and takes/ruins thousands of lives a year, it seems to me that keeping a certain drug highly illegal to the point that in some states being caught with a gram can net you 10 years in prison.. there is something horribly wrong with the system.

jones1899 said:

Background checks? Sure. No more gun show loopholes? Absolutely. Tougher penalties for gun related crimes. YES! But allowing the government to tell responsible citizens that they can't own something because criminals might use a similar gun to kill people makes zero sense in a dozen ways.

Criminals kill people. Killing people is illegal. Therefore criminals are up for doing illegal things. If owning certain guns is illegal and we've already established that criminals do illegal things, then...

Also, why is it the same crowd that wants to ban "assault weapons" (such a misunderstood and misused, meaningless term) supports legalizing drugs? How does that make a lick of sense? And do say that guns are responsible for more deaths, because it you look at the stats, there so called assault weapons are very RARELY used in crimes.

Let's just get rid of all the bullshit that's between the two sides. Can't we agree on: Background checks? Sure. No more gun show loopholes? Absolutely. Tougher penalties for gun related crimes. YES! YES! YES!

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