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Parking space math puzzle

yellowc says...

Car should have reversed out, just went smashing in to the wall or a bunch of other cars.

The tell of the closed end is to let you know what orientation the car is in and they just disregard that? Sloppy stuff.

New Year's Eve from a bouncer's perspective

enoch says...

hmmm..i don't know.
this seems awfully tame.
where is the guy getting in the bouncers face chest thumping and questioning his sexual orientation?
or pleading his case after you caught him throwing up over the railing onto a toyota celica?
or being busted for passing out on the concrete,curled up into a cute little ball and begging "i just need a few minutes".
or the guy that loses his shit for being asked to leave,runs out into the middle of the parking lot,tears off his shirt and declares "i am from new york you fuck,i will bench you!"

for new years eve this is pretty damn tame.
where is the river of vomit?
the never ending male posturing and attempted fights with alcohol levels that would drop a horse?
where are the threats?
name calling?
constant bargaining?
and where the hell is the paddywagon parked just to the side for easy transportation to the drunk tank?

i think they edited the real juicy stuff out of this video.i feel cheated!

X-Men Apocalypse Trailer

AeroMechanical says...

Looks like they just need to get Carter to reverse the polarity on the Stargate. Just swap the red crystal with the blue crystal and reverse the orientation of the thing that looks like a plexiglass plate with some notches cut into it. To be safe, use the phrase "quantum field" in every other sentence and occasionally frown at your multimeter that isn't connected to anything. There you go. Problem solved.

Chinese Chemical Plant Fire and Explosion

artician says...

Actually in this case, the vertical video was because of his stupid phone. He actually had it oriented correctly there at least at the end.

Crazy guy for standing so close after the explosions.

Lewis Black reads a new ex-Mormon's rant

ChaosEngine says...

You're still missing my point.

No one NEEDS (your word) a church to "complete them". I'm not saying there are no positives to belonging to a church (sense of community, charitable works, etc), but those can all be found elsewhere.

This is demonstrably true and has nothing to do with being an atheist.

I really don't care if someone else is religious or not, as long as (as you say) they're a good person. Frequently, that's in spite of or even in direct contradiction to their churches teachings. And quite frankly, as you don't suck at your religion, I really don't care what you believe. Problem is, lots of people really do suck at it, as we were sadly reminded once again this weekend.

One more thing:
>> You don't like religion being all judgey? I recommend you stop doing it yourself, and let people be.

What gave you the idea I don't like judging other people? I judge people ALL THE TIME.

It's how I decide who I want to be friends with, who I want to employ, hell, even which pub I want to go to. If you don't judge, you don't think. I just don't judge people for things I don't have a problem with (gender, sexual orientation, race, etc). On the other hand, I ABSOLUTELY judge people if they are spiteful, petty or have terrible taste in music

No, I have zero problems with the church judging people for immoral acts. I just vastly disagree with them on what constitutes an immoral act (they generally seem to be pretty down on two people loving each other if they don't have the right set of genitals, I'm more opposed to child sexual abuse, for example).

So yeah, I judge.

I'm sitting here judging the hell out of those assholes in Paris for example. And there's "nothing wrong with that. Judging is human."

bareboards2 said:

I think if someone is in a particular church -- or not -- or whatever they are personally drawn to -- IT IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS TO JUDGE THEM.

If they need it, they need it. Whatever happened to them in their childhood, or whenever -- the church -- whatever church -- or non-church -- fits them.

You are an atheist, right? I don't know if you grew up in a church or not. I don't know why it is so terribly important to you to be an atheist.

But it FITS you.

It is the height of judgmental righteous behavior to look at anyone else's choice and say it is wrong.

Am I a Mormon? No. I agree with you. How this church started is the height -- or the depth -- of religious absurdity. How anyone can choose this church as an adult? How can that be.

And yet. My brother -- who has a Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering from USC, military pilot, history buff, wide stripe of artistic urges and talents -- this guy chose the church in his early 20's. For his own reasons. Because he needed it, coming from our family of origin.

To quote Jerry Maguire -- it completed him. And like love, it is illogical and not for anyone else to judge.

You don't like religion being all judgey? I recommend you stop doing it yourself, and let people be.

Now, the Mormon church getting involved in the laws of the land? I got a big beef with that.

But as for individuals, making individual choices, for individual reasons.... I gotta say I don't see much difference between your judginess and any Catholic priest laying down "God's law" about how people are "supposed to" believe and behave.

You see that, don't you? There is no difference between your judgement and any religious person's judgment?

How to Make a Chicken Walk like Dinosaur

lucky760 says...

Me neither, but here's the explanation from above:

Chickens raised wearing artificial tails, and consequently with more posteriorly located centre of mass, showed a more vertical orientation of the femur during standing and increased femoral displacement during locomotion. Our results support the hypothesis that gradual changes in the location of the centre of mass resulted in more crouched hindlimb postures and a shift from hip-driven to knee-driven limb movements through theropod evolution.
If you watch the upper-legs, you may see the difference, but it would definitely be much improved to have the two chicken videos side-by-side. So interesting that they raised the test chickens with the tail always affixed to them.

Chaucer said:

i didnt see the difference.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: LGBT Discrimination

ChaosEngine says...

I would have said it's pretty simple.

You cannot discriminate on the basis of race, gender, age or sexual orientation. End of story.

Political ideologies, ethics, etc. are fair game.

FlowersInHisHair said:

As a gay man, I would like to not feel like a second-class citizen by being turfed out of a restaurant because the owner doesn't like my sexuality. But at the same time, if I were a baker who was asked to bake a cake for a KKK rally, I would like to be able to refuse. I genuinely don't know which one of those rights is more important to me.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: LGBT Discrimination

ChaosEngine says...

@MilkmanDan, I get where you're coming from. I think that people should have a basic right not to implicitly support something they vehemently oppose, i.e. a eco marketing company shouldn't have have to support some climate deniers, or anyone at all shouldn't have to bake a nazi cake.

But as you pointed out with your race example, lines must be drawn somewhere. I don't support anyone getting to decide they won't serve people because of race or gender and for me, sexual orientation falls on the right side of the line? Don't want to bake a cake for a black wedding? Fuck you, if you fell that strongly, be prepared to be sued or imprisoned. And same for a gay wedding.

daily show-republicans and their gay marriage freak out

Lawdeedaw says...

Ah Asmo, this is humorous. Not in a way that has me thinking less of you, but due to the fact that even the smartest people make the most indefensible arguments. Stewart always has a joke when Republicans (and sometimes Democrats) do the same thing Chaos just did and which you defended--which is to ignore the "implied" in a statement. Usually Republicans use hate speech or such, but they just don't say the hate literally (Often when Obama's policies were compared to Nazi Germany's policies, for example.)

I.e, "Hey, I'm not saying Obama is like Hitler, but look at the smoke stacks coming from the White House?! They look like Jew smoke to you?!"

Another, but this one in more relation to our conversation.

I.e., Hey Lawdeedaw, when you have dick in your mouth does it taste good? WOAH, I DIDN'T SAY YOU SUCK DICK! YOU IMPLIED THAT! I just asked, you know, when dick is in your mouth...

See how utterly indefensible that above statement is? Or why Stewart gets so pissed, rightly so, when people make that argument? People can hide behind the most obvious statements and it's bullshit. Or people can be ignorant of the statements you make, and it's just as bullshit.

If you can't see the sense that makes, don't respond to this post please. I don't argue with ideology that blinds people to clear points and I have agreed with my fair share of points over the years when I have been I expect it returned in kind.

Second, you do have a point about me being judgmental. I am jaded because every marriage I observed growing up was toxic. "Dad can't divorce mom, even tho she abuses us kids." Was a wonderful house I lived in. My wife was beaten for years by her husband, until she took poverty and destitution over that, and then met me. The list goes on and on, yada yada, no more need to explain my own life history because it isn't necessarily what happens in all of America. So I look at the worst aspects of marriage. Aspects that are as universal as the fact that we eat, breathe, shit and die.

Of course I also use history and stats to back up my judgment. So; marriage is a civil contract based on liberty and property (At least the part of marriage that matters to the government insofar as the rights they give you.) If the world's population of homosexuals is around 2.5% or so, depending on the estimates, then cheating (seeking out more than one relationship at a time) is much more naturally inherent to humans than sexual orientation by far. This is also natural in regards to the homosexual relationships as well. Cheating causes so much grief, repercussions, and yet it is only one bad aspect of being tied into a contract that many societies make difficult to break either through legal means or cultural taboos. Furthermore, abuse, divorce, long-term separation for business matters, much of these things kind of lend credence to the fact that marriage is created by society and has nothing to do with the "apparent" definitions we apply to it.

And Asmo, naughty naughty Asmo, you implied something...I am in no way shape or form telling other people what "their relationship is about." Just because I say something is inconvenient for damn near everyone (For some it is not) doesn't really mean much of anything. Shoes are inconvenient because you have to tie their laces. Is that me telling you how to shoe? No. How about kids? Kids are a hell of an inconvenience, but if you said I was degrading parenthood, especially my own, I would tell you to fuck yourself with that bold-faced lie.

If you are focused on the "property" aspect of that comment, well, you have an issue with my definition of the government's hand in marriage.

Asmo said:

The key word is "implied". You're making a judgement based on what you have read in to his comments, not what was said...

And yes, polygamists have a choice. A gay man could be a polygamist as well, but he's always going to be gay. That should not be seen as criticism of polygamists (as long as everyone can legally consent, I don't see why the state should step in), but someone else made the slippery slope argument as in, if we allow same sex marriage, we open the flood gates. He is pointing out why that is a fallacious argument to withhold the right of SSM, not that we should extend the right to gays/lesbians only and not go further. You're shooting the guy pointing out what a ridiculous argument it is rather than the person promoting said argument, and then flailing at anyone who doesn't agree with you...

re. the second paragraph quoted below, that is your opinion of marriage and you are entitled to it, but the mistake you are making (the same that most conservatives who don't want gays to be able to get hitched let alone polygamists) is believing that your view is the last word on the situation. Ultimately, the right to be able to marry (in which ever configuration suits you, again, as long as everyone is legally consenting) should be up to you, and how others choose to define their love is none of your damn business. Once you start trying to define and dictate to others what their relationship is (or is not), how are you any different to the judgemental assholes you apparently abhor?

Fail Forward : Deus Ex - Human Revolution

00Scud00 says...

Interesting talk, but I think he puts way too much stock in the idea that going in guns (or rats) blazing is always the more satisfying approach. Back in the old days of Thief many people prided themselves on ghosting through levels and leaving as little evidence of their passing as possible.
I tend to stealth my way through most games were stealth is a viable option and I have never felt cheated because I didn't use some of the more action oriented systems. In Deus Ex I don't think I ever bothered with that social enhancer augment.

Adam Jensen's "I didn't ask for this" attitude actually seems pretty reasonable to me, what little of his life we saw before his accident seemed pretty happy and he didn't seem like the type to sit around thinking "If only I had a cool cyborg body". This seems more like the player is projecting their own insecurities.

And I could easily see a future where prosthetic limbs were more than just for rich people. Technology advances and becomes cheaper, cellphones used to be carried by rich assholes on Wallstreet, now every asshole has one. And not every prosthetic is going to turn you into Superman either, all a cybernetic leg needs to do is allow you to walk and run like a person with a normal leg, leaping tall buildings with a single bound is not a required feature. So most of those repressed cyber citizens are probably not sporting mil-spec hardware.

daily show-republicans and their gay marriage freak out

newtboy says...

I'm calling bullshit on your statement 'homosexuals have always compared polygamy closer to bestiality than to their own sexual orientation'.
Most homosexuals I've known have lived in what would be called polygamist relationships if they had been allowed to marry at the time. Certainly there are those that want a monogamous relationship with only one person, but far more seem to enjoy multiple sexual partners, often at the same time.
The difference... multiple adults can give consent, animals can't.

Lawdeedaw said:

"Because people aren't born polygamists..." Sorry John, but whether you learn a behavior of mutual love and respect for the bonds with other human lives, you're still fucking human. I hate this shit that he spouts, the veiled hatred that conservatives jack off to with glee. The same hatred discriminating blacks used against gays... That's great...I love the support the gay community gets but not those that believe in alternative forms of marriage. It is funny that if read that another way, most people are born gay or straight. Essentially, if they aren't born that way and instead grow naturally into it, John thinks you're a pickle puffing faggot who doesn't deserve equality? I say that pissed off because homosexuals have always compared polygamy closer to bestiality than to their own sexual orientation. Its been laughed at. Haha. Fuck Stewart's views on this. I love him, but fuck his stupidity here.

daily show-republicans and their gay marriage freak out

Lawdeedaw says...

"Because people aren't born polygamists..." Sorry John, but whether you learn a behavior of mutual love and respect for the bonds with other human lives, you're still fucking human. I hate this shit that he spouts, the veiled hatred that conservatives jack off to with glee. The same hatred discriminating blacks used against gays... That's great...I love the support the gay community gets but not those that believe in alternative forms of marriage. It is funny that if read that another way, most people are born gay or straight. Essentially, if they aren't born that way and instead grow naturally into it, John thinks you're a pickle puffing faggot who doesn't deserve equality? I say that pissed off because homosexuals have always compared polygamy closer to bestiality than to their own sexual orientation. Its been laughed at. Haha. Fuck Stewart's views on this. I love him, but fuck his stupidity here.

WTF Cops?! - Two Racist Texts and a Lie

poolcleaner says...

To be fair, my friends and I are extremely racist to each other in our text messages, but we are a hodge podge mix of white, black, Mexican, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, Iranian, and really who cares about trying to include them all.

See, smart people gravitate towards each other regardless of race or sexual orientation because they were in honors and AP classes together, competing in academic decathlon, speech and debate, and went to the same tutoring place, hanging out not because they were cool and looked the same, but because they are intellectual gladiators; only idiots revolve their lives around a group of mammals simply because they look alike. It's truer than you think. You end up living up to other people's expectations and fail to experience the joys of your unique mind if you don't diversify your experiences. We are all prototypes for a future society anyway. White people are a conglomerate of interracial breeding. Also, it's simply genetically irresponsible NOT to mix genes with people of differing racial traits.

Why? Because all humans are niggers. It's just not common courtesy to call people niggers in public, and certainly you wouldn't call someone you don't know a nigger. Say what you will, I feel like there's an overriding logic that makes criticism of that pretty clearly crybaby bullshit. Black people have a reason to cry, and then there's white people lol; but, we are all just people so how does that not override your logic on BOTH sides of the argument? I'm above and below everything and nothing. I am the all singing, all dancing crap of the world. You might not agree but life is transitory and we'll all die and fertilize the ground.

So, in retrospect, let's continue to call friends and family niggers as we see fit, but let's not so hastily call someone we don't know a nigger; likewise, let us continue to judge ourselves as unworthy, but not judge others as such. I feel like that should make everyone do alright.

The Daily Show - A Million Gays to Deny in the Midwest

newtboy says...

It's sad that so many people have intentionally confused this issue by claiming that not passing it means people can force others to do their bidding, against the beliefs and wishes of the business owners.
That is patently false.
The law (and the argument against it) was not about stopping others from forcing anyone to create anything they're uncomfortable with, it's about allowing people to refuse their normally provided service to those they dislike.
With or without this law, no one has to make a penis cake for a gay wedding, no one has to make a satan cake for a Satanist wedding. No one has to make a star of David cake for a Jewish wedding. No one has to make a Nazi cake with a swastika. They simply can't refuse to serve those people based on their sexual orientation, religion, race, age, or sex. It's called civilization people...try it.

So, some smartass went and reinvented the wheel ...

jubuttib says...

I think that at best this would be applicable only to the very lightest of electric vehicles (something in the "motorcycle" weight class, even half a ton is probably too heavy), and I have my doubts about even those, even when completely disregarding the sideways forces.

With a system like this you do not want more than a few cm (about an inch, at a guess) of suspension travel from when the car is lifted in air to the car at rest (= 1G vertical load), just from the weight of the car compressing the springs. If you have more the springs (which the loops naturally are) have to compress a lot with each revolution, which strains them, heats them, isn't good for rolling resistance, etc.

If we assume a 1000 kg car with a 50/50 weight distribution, to get about 2 cm of suspension travel the spring stiffness would be about comparable to a high level GT racing car. Comparing to high level sports cars, the street going Porsche 911 GT3 RS car, which is regarded as a pretty stiff, racy and track oriented vehicle has something in the region of three times that much travel, a normal commuter car can have way over 10 cm due to soft, comfort oriented springs.

So you can't spring a proper car with just these because it'd require it to be too stiff (also I can foresee shock absorption issues). Another problem is the 360 degree springy nature of it. You really don't want car tyres to move much aside from up and down. These have the problem that when you brake, the forces will try to push the axle forwards in relation to the wheel (i.e. the wheel moves backwards while braking), and the reverse when accelerating. You'd be (possibly) drastically changing the wheelbase of the car during acceleration and braking, which could have catastrophic results for handling in extreme situations. Many if not most cars these days are capable of braking at over 1 G, as long as they have decent tyres, so the front-back movement could be bigger than the up-down movement.

So yeah, doesn't really sound like a workable solution as the ONLY spring system on a car. Having some springiness in the tyres (either in the wheel itself of just having larger profile tyres, like we used to back in the day) can be helpful for comfort and even handling in some cases, but springing the car only via the wheels isn't a good idea, you really want to be able to control the wheels better than that.

newtboy said:

If they do well, perhaps this is a way to eliminate suspension in electric vehicles, reducing weight but keeping a smooth ride.

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