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"Am I Being Detained?"

kronosposeidon says...

This reminds me of bullshit that went down some years ago when I lived in Omaha, NE. Bellevue, NE immediately borders Omaha, and is in a different county. Sarpy County, to be precise. Anyway, the Sarpy County Sheriff's Dept. was notorious (and probably still is) for hassling motorists with a vengeance. I mean the whole frickin' county is one gigantic speed trap. The speed limit when you cross the county line immediately drops 5-10 mph on some roads, just so those fuckers can nail you for speeding.

In any event, years ago the Sarpy deputies set up road stops on major thoroughfares after midnight on the weekends, so that they could ostensibly "check for insurance". The actual reason, of course, was to nail drunk motorists. Now please don't get me wrong; I'm not defending drunk driving in any way. However, the government has no right to install fucking "check points" inside our borders, unless there's a VERY GOOD goddamn reason. I mean they have to be protecting the President or think bin Laden's in town to legally engage in these shenanigans. Thankfully it didn't take long for the Nebraska Supreme Court to strike down these unlawful road stops.

As of late I've been trying to clean up my language here somewhat, because I don't want my potty-mouth comments prominently displayed in the Featured Member Comments section. However this shit pisses me off to no fucking end, and sometimes vulgarity, if used properly, drives the point home a little better. I hope that's the case with this comment.

Excellent post, Mr. Roe.

Hank Snow-Movin On and A Fool Such As I

Tour my old stomping grounds, via high speed police chase (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

^Actually they happen more than you might think, Issy. According to Wiki the Omaha metro area has a population of 822,000. Not as big as LA by no means, but it's still a big city with all the big city problems. However it was a little surprising to see a police chase that was this wild taking place right where I grew up.

And sirex, if you rat me out, so help me....

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

That's what she was from from dick withdrawal. You must carry a mighty weapon, my friend.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Just look her up at any of Omaha's mental hospitals. She went crazy, last I heard. Also 100% true.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
hahaha niiiiiiice. so *ahem* you wouldn't happen to *cough* *cough* have this...uh...lady's number would you?

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
She gave REALLY good hummers, so probably yes.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I think it's precious that she shared it with you. People making a living off of that. The real question is, had you known, would you make/let her do it again?

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
^Actually an old ex-girlfriend of mine cheated on me by giving a dude a blowjob in return for a dimebag. I didn't know about it until after we broke up, of course. To be fair, she DID share it with me, and it WAS good weed.

I make up a lot of shit here, but this time isn't one of them. It's 100% true.

Sharing that was oddly non-cathartic.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Just look her up at any of Omaha's mental hospitals. She went crazy, last I heard. Also 100% true.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
hahaha niiiiiiice. so *ahem* you wouldn't happen to *cough* *cough* have this...uh...lady's number would you?

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
She gave REALLY good hummers, so probably yes.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I think it's precious that she shared it with you. People making a living off of that. The real question is, had you known, would you make/let her do it again?

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
^Actually an old ex-girlfriend of mine cheated on me by giving a dude a blowjob in return for a dimebag. I didn't know about it until after we broke up, of course. To be fair, she DID share it with me, and it WAS good weed.

I make up a lot of shit here, but this time isn't one of them. It's 100% true.

Sharing that was oddly non-cathartic.

D-Day... on the cheap

3 Designers + 4 Days + Lots of Sweat =Omaha Beach Recreation

3 Designers + 4 Days + Lots of Sweat =Omaha Beach Recreation

How It's Made - Cereal

kronosposeidon says...

My mother is a retired Kellogg's employee, so most of this isn't news to me but it's still interesting. I grew up in Omaha, NE, which has the plant at which my mom worked. It's right off of I-80 if you drive through Omaha, and on most days you can smell the grain when you drive by it. They do tours some times, and I recommend it to if you're vacationing in Omaha. And Omaha is known worldwide as Vacation Land, right?

"I've got a shotgun. Do you want me to stop 'em?"

choggie says...

Sooo, heard this on local news last week, you gotta understand, all you anti-gun folks with yer heads up yer asses....The media loves to jump on these idgits, and assholes like the deranged fucker with the AK in Omaha, to use it to scream "guns kill, abolish concealed carry, put guns on ban lists"..yadda yadda.....

Have you not figured out the program yet??? Firstly, NOBODY WITH A CONCEALED CARRY HAS EVER COMMITTED A HEINOUS ACT LIKE LUBY'S, LIKE VIRGINIA TECH, LIKE OMAHA....on the fucking contrary, had there been a "YAHOO" at any of those events, the death toll would have been smaller-

Pasedena, mind you, does have some rednecks, and some idiots as well....the dumbass who fired at fleeing burglars, did so, killed them, and dropped them OFF, his own property, so YEAH, we probably will see this guy get busted, cause Texas law says you have to drop them on your own property, and they have to be in your home perpetrating, if they don't lay there bloody with a weapon in their hand, on yer stoop.

I say stupid fuckers so virulently, because the tone set by sometimes, pisses me off worse than the gun laws in Illinois. hey folks, we have guns in America for a good reason. Today, more than ever, wouldn't you folks in L.A. like to be able to legally kill a gang-banger during a home invasion, with whatever you wanted?? They have guns, and more asshole dick heads have them illegally than folks with concealed carry licenses...
The flowers in guns pricks in San Fran Freaksco, screamed so loud after John Luigi Ferri, a man with mental problems, walked into an office building, and killed 8 and wounded 6...that Lawyers for the families of the deceased sued both the gun makers and the store where the guns were purchased. They charge that the sellers of the gun acted irresponsibly because they should have known the weapon they sold to Ferri was inappropriate for legal use.(I call grieving folks who try to place blame on innocents, because they can't handle grieving healthily,..ASSHATS!!

Anyone with a sense of where they are in time and space, should be able to guess why the media jumps on shit like this.....because the controllers of the meatbots, would love for the US to be like Britain...immasculate3d, and vulnerable, with goddamn cameras and informers everywhere.....Anyone ever red the history of a dictatorship..(pick one)

I say, eliminate the banned guns....(really want a street-sweeper that does not cost an arm and a leg....) and ban stupid fucking people instead, like those who push for laws, knee-jerk the assshat running for congress who was protesting the war cause of her wittle boy...SHEEHAN

"Californian", and "activist", should say it all.......another grieving flake, whose self-righteous grandstanding, acts a diversion to the real......

Photo Montage on the Iraq War to a cover of Comfortably Numb

reason says...

If you wanted a quote try this..

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own safety, is a miserable creature, and has no chance of being free unless made or kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

John Stuart Mill

And if you want to take a stand against needless death and destruction why don't you compare the total American deaths in Iraq with the number of alcohol related deaths right here in America where we are "safe" Personally I think I have better odds in the desert than driving down my own street. At least in Iraq I'll have armor and weapons. Here, the liberals won't let me carry without cutting through a mile of red tape which results in thing like the Omaha shooting. If there were more armed responsible law abiding citizens there would not be lunatics on shooting sprees. I don't expect liberals to understand so I will just have pity for you and I will continue to fight for your right to be stupid and protest against the freedom you enjoy.

A Short Course on Brain Surgery

qualm says...

The quotation that follows is excerpted from this article:


Warren Buffett, the famous investor known as the "Sage of Omaha", has complained that he pays a lower rate of tax than any of his staff - including his receptionist. Mr Buffett, who is worth an estimated $52bn (£25bn), said: "The taxation system has tilted towards the rich and away from the middle class in the last 10 years. It's dramatic; I don't think it's appreciated and I think it should be addressed."

During an interview with NBC television, Mr Buffett brandished an informal survey of 15 of his 18 office staff at his Berkshire Hathaway empire. The billionaire said he was paying 17.7% payroll and income tax, compared with an average in the office of 32.9%.

"There wasn't anyone in the office, from the receptionist up, who paid as low a tax rate and I have no tax planning; I don't have an accountant or use tax shelters. I just follow what the US Congress tells me to do," he said.

Mr Buffett also took a pot shot at hedge fund managers. He said: "Hedge fund operators have spent a record amount lobbying in the last few months - they give money to the political campaigns. Who represents the cleaning lady?"


eric3579 (Member Profile)

qualm says...

I'm assuming the guy died. I do realize that your perspective on the incident is coming from the right direction, ie. "cops gone wrong", is how I think you put it. And perspective accounts for one half of all judgement. But I've thought about it a bit and I realize I was wrong to wish your video into vapour. My reasoning goes: If Rodney King had died, and you'd posted the clip, from your social justice perspective, it would be not only acceptable, but necessary. So there.

Good luck at the Omaha Hi/Lo. I play a bit of Hi/Lo and PLO myself.


EMPIRE (Member Profile)

djsunkid says...

In reply to your comment:
IMO, all armies, independently of the nation, are full of idiots. I have no respect for people who decide to make a living as killing machines, or training others to be. I know this world (unfortunately) needs armies to protect nations, against other armies (isn't that something?), but still they get no respect from me.
Police officers are trained to uphold the law, and use deadly force as the last possible resource. THAT gets my respect. Soldiers are nothing more than glorified assassins, and they are the most obvious example of just how fucked up this world is, and how primal and animalistic humans can be. It's below me.

Have you seen Saving Private Ryan? The first five minutes are here on the sift. It's... so fucked up. can you fucking imagine? The door opens and half your boat dies instantly?? Like- what choice do you have? You can't stay where you are. You can't swim back to england.


The scariest thing is that Omaha beach was a Cakewalk compared to what the Canadians experienced a few months earlier at Dieppe. Imagine that scene without them taking the beach. Just.. utter disaster. For no reason.

And yet... what else could we have done?

Saving Private Ryan: D-Day

Farhad2000 says...

For film buffs, to achieve the look of Omaha beach, Steven Spielberg used Robert Capas 11 surviving shots of the D-day landing. His other shots were unfortunately destroyed by a nervous lab technician.

"His most famous work occurred on June 6, 1944 (D-Day) when he swam ashore with the first assault wave on Omaha Beach. He was armed with two Contax II cameras mounted with 50 mm lenses and several rolls of spare film. Capa took 108 pictures in the first couple of hours of the invasion. However, a staff member at Life made a mistake in the darkroom; he set the dryer too high and melted the negatives. Only eleven frames in total were recovered."

I liked this movie, but disliked that it took certain historical liberties with the events of World War 2. Making it seem like only American was involved, when this was a world war, the D-day landings encompassed British, American, New Zealand, Canadian, Free France, Poland and numerous other commonwealth states later after the initial assault phase Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Greece, the Netherlands, and Norway joined. The main thrust was spread over Omaha, Utah, Sword, Juno and Gold beaches under the general codename of Operation Overlord.

Still a wonderful portray of the horrors of combat.

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