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Xbox 360 Kinect Cat Kicked

Cute pianist plays Mozart

westy says...

>> ^KnivesOut:

In other news, YET ANOTHER anonymous internet dbag has explained in great detail why he can't be bothered to give a shit.>> ^westy:
not really that cute skipped all the music , because I cannot give a shit about yet another person playing an old song in video format , if however sum-one was playing this in the room with me then id listen , or it was sumone doing something more original with the song in a video then that would be fine evan if it was played technically worse.

What i said is entrly logical , how is it entertaining watching sumone do the same task that i have seen hundreds of times before ? I made it clear that If this was in real life id sit and listen as that would provide a unequ exsperance ( dont know manny people who play peano) as apossed to online where i can load up amazing tellent in a few clicks. and I dont find the girl in the video cute.

Sure I love watching sumone build microchips or perform a task in a factory a cuple of times and learn a process thats as intresting as annything else , but after knowing the process and seeing it hundreds of times its no longer intresting. ( the way this person is playing to me comes across as very procedural , its not bad but it suports my piont that if i want to listen to simply well performed peano online why would i spend time watching this girl when i could watch other people that play in my opinoin far better.

Rather than just name calling maby you can actualy exsplain why i'm a "dbag" , from usage of the word "dbag" randomly calling sumone that without anny justification and no real backing, in a way to make oneself feal slighty better or to come across as better to ones peers is far more "dbagish" of a comment than what i Put.

Cute pianist plays Mozart

KnivesOut says...

In other news, YET ANOTHER anonymous internet dbag has explained in great detail why he can't be bothered to give a shit.>> ^westy:

not really that cute skipped all the music , because I cannot give a shit about yet another person playing an old song in video format , if however sum-one was playing this in the room with me then id listen , or it was sumone doing something more original with the song in a video then that would be fine evan if it was played technically worse.

Cute pianist plays Mozart

westy says...

not really that cute skipped all the music , because I cannot give a shit about yet another person playing an old song in video format , if however sum-one was playing this in the room with me then id listen , or it was sumone doing something more original with the song in a video then that would be fine evan if it was played technically worse.

Milton Friedman on "Open Mind"

rougy says...

@rottenseed, it's correct only within the confines of what Friedman deems profitable.

The minimum wage rant is a tired old song.

He's basically saying that the market (the people with the capital and money) are the only ones who can decide the worth of labor.

Trade unions, and minimum wage supporters, understand that the working class has a say in how much they get paid, and that's the crux of the argument.

Friedman deciding how much labor is worth vs. labor deciding how much labor is worth.

Miley Cyrus "The Climb" (Metal Version)

Miley Cyrus "The Climb" (Metal Version)

Rage Against The Machine On BBC Radio

BoneyD says...

>> ^Payback:
>> ^BoneyD:
It's a travesty that it took a 17 year old song to beat McElderry's drivel. I know this is RAtM's point, but it's just sad to me that this event is going to be an impossible act to follow.

As the best choice for raging against machines, I would say the song is perfect for the job.

Oh I entirely agree with you! I think it speaks perfectly for the surging undercurrent of frustration at the state of the modern music scene. But why isn't there a modern day equivelant of this? Sony only put their shit out cause they know the masses'll consume it, grudgingly or not... so they need to stop buying it!

They need to put their money behind the 'good' bands out there and boycott the big label stuff. Or if it's the case that the disenfranchised are just not buying any music, then they should start.

Rage Against The Machine On BBC Radio

Payback says...

>> ^BoneyD:
It's a travesty that it took a 17 year old song to beat McElderry's drivel. I know this is RAtM's point, but it's just sad to me that this event is going to be an impossible act to follow.

As the best choice for raging against machines, I would say the song is perfect for the job.

Rage Against The Machine On BBC Radio

BoneyD says...

It's a travesty that it took a 17 year old song to beat McElderry's drivel. I know this is RAtM's point, but it's just sad to me that this event is going to be an impossible act to follow.

Issykitty (Member Profile)

Moxy Fruvous "The Drinking Song"

calvados says...üvous:The_Drinking_Song

And the band played on
As the helicopters whirred
Drunk on the lawn in a nuclear dawn
My senses finally blurred

He was a rock, to the end, a solid reminder
Couldn't deny a friend

(Mike & Jian)
We lived in the noise and the sweet amber poison

Peekin' up the skirt of the end

And we'd drink, two gnarly dudes and some records
Much like plates of black food

(Mike & Jian)
We filled up our faces, saw some far places

Stood on the roof in the nude

And the band played on
As the helicopters whirred
Drunk on the lawn in a nuclear dawn
My senses finally blurred

Between pulls, he said "We're like cows in the grass"
Brushing off flies

(Mike & Jian)
Chaise lounging around, standing up, falling down

Till we no longer opened our eyes

And we'd drink, ever notice how drinking's like war?
Cup o' troops o'er the gums

(Mike & Jian)
To the end of our health, a campaign 'gainst myself

Armed with bourbons and scotches and rums

And the band played on
As the helicopters whirred
Drunk on the lawn in a nuclear dawn
My senses finally blurred

Think of bombs, we're poised on the edge of disaster
Whether it's right or it's wrong

(Mike & Jian)
We opened the window, played some Nintendo

Sang a few bars of some pretty old song:

Irene goodnight, Irene goodnight
Goodnight Irene, goodnight Irene

I'll see you in my dreams

Oh to dream, those impotent bones of extinction
Flying graceful and free

(Mike & Jian)
None but the best 'cause the man cannot rest

Till he's finally beaten his me

And the band played on
As the helicopters whirred
Drunk on the lawn in a nuclear dawn
My senses finally blurred

Till the end, he passed out on the sundeck that morning
Quietly saying goodbye

(Mike & Jian)
But I was so hammered I sputtered and stammered

Told him he couldn't just die

He was a rock, went straight for his own Armageddon
Face froze in a grin

(Mike & Jian)
Ambulance flyin' in, I never drank again

Can't really call that a loss or a win

(All, acappella)
And the band played on
As the helicopters whirred
Drunk on the lawn in a nuclear dawn
My senses finally blurred

Henry Rollins vs. Techno Viking

The Scopes Monkey Trial, 1926

schmawy says...

Excerpt of Bryan's never-delivered closing argument...

Outmaneuvered by Clarence Darrow, William Jennings Bryan never got to deliver his closing argument in the Scopes trial. But soon after the trial -- and Bryan's subsequent death -- the entire text of Bryan's 15,000-word argument was published as Bryan's last speech. Here are a few excerpts:

Science is a magnificent force, but it is not a teacher of morals. It can perfect machinery, but it adds no moral restraints to protect society from the misuse of the machine. It can also build gigantic intellectual ships, but it constructs no moral rudders for the control of storm tossed human vessel. It not only fails to supply the spiritual element needed but some of its unproven hypotheses rob the ship of its compass and thus endangers its cargo. In war, science has proven itself an evil genius; it has made war more terrible than it ever was before. Man used to be content to slaughter his fellowmen on a single plane -- the earth's surface. Science has taught him to go down into the water and shoot up from below and to go up into the clouds and shoot down from above, thus making the battlefield three times a bloody as it was before; but science does not teach brotherly love. Science has made war so hellish that civilization was about to commit suicide; and now we are told that newly discovered instruments of destruction will make the cruelties of the late war seem trivial in comparison with the cruelties of wars that may come in the future. If civilization is to be saved from the wreckage threatened by intelligence not consecrated by love, it must be saved by the moral code of the meek and lowly Nazarene....

It is for the jury to determine whether this attack upon the Christian religion shall be permitted in the public schools of Tennessee by teachers employed by the state and paid out of the public treasury. This case is no longer local, the defendant ceases to play an important part. The case has assumed the proportions of a battle-royal between unbelief that attempts to speak through so-called science and the defenders of the Christian faith, speaking through the legislators of Tennessee. It is again a choice between God and Baal; it is also a renewal of the issue in Pilate's court....

...Your answer will be heard throughout the world; it is eagerly awaited by a praying multitude. If the law is nullified, there will be rejoicing wherever God is repudiated, the savior scoffed at and the Bible ridiculed. Every unbeliever of every kind and degree will be happy. If, on the other hand, the law is upheld and the religion of the school children protected, millions of Christians will call you blessed and, with hearts full of gratitude to God, will sing again that grand old song of triumph: "Faith of our fathers, living still, In spite of dungeon, fire and sword; O how our hearts beat high with joy, Whene'er we hear that glorious word -- Faith of our fathers -- Holy faith; We will be true to thee till death!

Excerpts from Bryan, William Jennings. Bryan's Last Speech: Undelivered Speech to the Jury in the Scopes Trial. Oklahoma City: Sunlight Publishing Society, 1925.


laura (Member Profile)

Sagemind says...

Thanks for the upvote to sift my Thunder Road post.
It's an old song introduced to me by my mom when I was quite young, and still have the old "Original" 45 album for it. The song relates some good memories of my mom and means a little something to me - So thanks again!

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