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Gamer Face: How you REALLY look playing videogames.

Kevlar says...

>> ^GDGD:
>> ^legacy0100:
i think the black kid is forgetting to blink, that's why his eyes are tearing up


*Or* - with all of the Call of Duty 4 sounds in the other videos - my bet is he could be watching the [spoilerrific] nuclear explosion portion of the single-player campaign. It was pretty moving to me.

Anyway, cool idea for a video, but it would make me a little annoyed in case it was agenda-driven. Our faces don't exactly turn into chiseled Roman gods and goddesses if we pick up the Times and start reading, or watch a movie.

'Legacy' - Awesome amateur CGI

South Park - How about the new Indiana Jones movie?

Oatmeal says...

A list off the top of my head of various things that were wrong with this movie:

- Fucking Russians invading a U.S. Nuclear Weapons Facility on U.S. soil, that right there set the tone for this being a poorly thought out film.
- The Gophers, Shitty cgi cute animals have no place in an Indy film.
- Now Indy is A former CIA Opperative as well? WTF!?
- Surviving a nuclear blast by hiding in a fridge. The kind of fridge that killed kids by latching from the outside. If a nuclear blast wouldn't tear this super-fridge appart, how the fuck can Indy just kick the door off?
- The motorcycle chase scene with Mutt. Apparently you can just slide sideways under tables on a motorcycle. Speilberg saw the Indian move with a horse sliding under a truck and thought it would some how make more sense with a bike.
- The entire script. Too many examples to list here.
- The crazy ninja natives that blast out of the rock in the tombs. Some how these primitve peoples have incased themselves in the walls and ceiling of this crypt and lie in wait for adventurers. Absoultuely stupid.
- Shia Laboeuf Swinging through vines with monkeys.
- Monkeys that are naturally hostile to Russians. Shia is swinging away with the monkeys in the jungle and having a great time, but when the monkies see russians, they go into crazy attack mode.
- Billions of flesh eating ants.
- Interdimensional Aliens. WTF was George Lucas thinking? If somebody told me that the plot for the new Indy movie involved psychic Russians, Nuclear explosions and aliens, I would have not believed them for a second.

The thing that really pisses me off about this movie is that the Indiana Jones franchise was so awesome before that, during the planning, I'm sure Lucas and Speilberg agreed that the plot didn't matter at all, Everyone will pay to go see an Indy movie, its pure gold.
The plot was shit, and the move made a ridiculous amount of money. There is nothing to stop this from happening again.

South Park - How about the new Indiana Jones movie?

videosiftbannedme says...

Yeah, that had to be the biggest steaming pile of celluloid I've seen in awhile. I could actually hear the pitchmen in the board room with Lucas: "Yeah....and then...uh....yeah! We'll have a guy get carried off by a bunch of ants!!"
Lucas: "Ants? Yeah! I totally like ants!"
Pitchmen: "..and, uh...this is going to sound crazy, ok? But what if we drop a nuke on Indy?"
Lucas: "Nuclear explosions?? Yeah! Yeah! Those are big and sparkly! Let's put those in!"

Ron Paul on the Dollar: Given 1 Minute to speak: Bailout USD

10128 says...

>> ^MINK:
lithuania has a fairly free market because it's fucking corrupt, and i can tell you it's not beneficial to the consumer. the lies they get away with in unregulated advertising are shocking. of course they do it, because they can and it works.
corruption is what humans do unless someone with a bigger gun tells them not to.
individual freedom will always fuck up the common good. crime does pay. if you legalise business practices which are currently criminal, you'll get more of it, not a magical balanced free utopia.
Imstellar, in your version of a free market, who would stop Microsoft dominating the place with shitty software? I think we need MORE regulation there, not less. How is it efficient for microsoft to keep churning out that crap? you are asking for everything to be a marketing, bribery and advertising contest.
here on the sift we have a free market of ideas and video uploads, and look what happens, a bunch of cliques and lolcats and vote whores and the noise level is so high that you can't find the good shit without watching 10 crappy videos. Can you imagine what it would be like here if siftbot stopped checking for sock puppet accounts?

You're confused, I blame the all-encompassing buzzword of the day "regulation" for this, people don't understand the markets and have come to take it as meaning "government making it all better and overseeing greed." Government indeed has desirable functions in law enforcement and offering recourse through courts for disputes. They should NOT be price-fixing, monopolizing money, or handing out taxpayer money under socialist ideals of directing industry or "enhancing market confidence," this has collusion and corruption written all over it. Politicians are humans and someone spending millions of his own money to get in a low-salary position of controlling other people's money is probably going to be a more harmful source of greed than any businessman. Because even though Henry Ford became a millionaire, thousands of people got cars out of the deal. Not sure the same would have come from government expenditures...

But many would consider this form of corporate wealth redistribution "regulating" the market. I don't.

Your example of false advertising is an example of where law enforcement should take place. Can I sell a product that purports to do something it doesn't? No, that's a swindle, the contract was not upheld, and you can go to government-provided courts to be compensated. Similar things apply to other swindles, though in most cases even the government can't prevent you from falling for some e-mail scam to a Nigerian clearing house. Unless, of course, you agree to have them snoop all your incoming e-mail to check for this stuff. I'd hope you understand that that's a pretty stupid of you, though, for giving up your privacy in order to protect yourself from being gullible. Not understanding cost/benefit ratios is a huge socialist mistake. They're always missing the potential costs and focusing on the benefit.

Gun bans, for example, have the intention of reducing violence but in reality remove the deterrent criminals otherwise have against a society that does have them, causing crime to increase. Plus, it makes you defenseless to oppressive government. The utopian allure of creating a "perfect" society where no gun crime exists and everyone can live in peace and trust is what gets them to miss the greater cost incurred that any thinking man would have foreseen.

The Fed is another one. Fractional reserves caused a lot of bank runs in the old days. Instead of banning this practice, they backstopped it with a central bank, but the central bank price fixed interest rates, causing a crash in 29. Further temporary socialist measures turned it into a fifteen year depression, a nuclear explosion compared to the firecrackers of the original problem. Then the FDIC was created. This incentivized a lot of risk and borrowing, which has helped the current problem fester. See how the failure to correctly solve one problem has led to a cascade of "solutions" that create even more problems that beget even more solutions? That's socialism, my friends. It just builds and builds until eventual collapse.

I would say that another socialist mistake you are making is that law enforcement itself is a proper regulatory measure. Not when they're selective, they're not. There is plenty of legislation out there that legalizes something for one industry, but not the other. Banks can loan out money they don't have at interest. Any other industry, and you're thrown in jail for fraudulent lending practices.

LOLskers at your Microsoft argument, too. Who prevents Microsoft from churning out crap? Consumers, mayhaps? People were free to not adopt Windows ME or Vista, and that's exactly what happened, their sales were disappointing for both. Anyone investing in Microsoft don't like failures leading to lost earnings. But Microsoft is smart and continues to sell XP, which is a perfectly good OS even today. But if they currently get any tax credits or subsidies, they shouldn't. No company should have access to forcibly appropriated money, period.

I think the real scary thing about all this, besides the fact that you don't understand it, is that you seem to be implying that a government office operating on forcibly appropriated money is capable of greater efficiency than the private sector. Maybe it comes close for laying pavement and picking up garbage. But in the grander scheme, no. It wasn't the case with Chernobyl and it ain't today, buddy. You take a hell of lot of innovations and products for granted if you believe that.

Daily Show - Debt to America!

rychan says...

1 food calorie is really a kilo-calorie of chemistry persuasion, each of which is 4.184 joules.

An explosion equivalent to 1 megaton (a small hydrogen bomb) is equivalent to 4.184×10^15 Joules (source )

So, 4.184×10^15 / (170 * 1000 * 4.184) = 5.8824 x 10^9 Ranchero Chicken Soft Tacos. (i.e. 6 billion, i.e. one delicious taco for everyone on Earth.)

A Tzar Bomba, at 50 megatons, would be 50 tacos for everyone on Earth. And an epidemic of scurvy.

Wikipedia notes that carbohydrates have higher energy density than TNT, so if you actually measured nuclear explosions in mega-tons of tacos, it would be a smaller number than mega-tons of TNT.

Baghdad 5 Years Later. Seriously WTF Have We Done to Iraq?

Call Of Duty 4- Nuke Scene

Dignant_Pink says...

having never played the game, i was actually really relieved that the character died when i heard about this. when i heard there was an explosion, my first thought was that if you can see a nuclear explosion, its probably already too late.

nah, for some reason i prefer fantasy FPS's, like halo or gears of war.

Robots With a Mind of Their Own

dannym3141 says...

There is absolutely no risk whatsoever to the people living in the aftermath of a nuclear explosion. None, trust me - i have tried it!

So confident am i of this hypothesis, i shall bet my second penis on it, and my first son, Antlerboy!

hoju (Member Profile)

Fjnbk says...

I see. At least we don't see those videos anymore. Good research, by the way.

In reply to this comment by hoju:
There was no hate involved - nothing personal at least. I was trying to point out that we were seeing a lot of those types of videos and I was a little sick of them, and yes, I was a bit of an ass about it. That comment still makes me laugh though.

In reply to this comment by Fjnbk:
Why all the hate?

In reply to this comment by hoju:
WOW! Right before I came across this post, I was thinking to myself, "you know what I've NEVER seen before? Someone taking footage of atomic explosions and then putting MUSIC to it... I bet that would be a wicked awesome idea!" and then here it was. The most unique and revolutionary concept EVER. Congrats to you for coming up with it!

and my favorite:

Fjnbk (Member Profile)

hoju says...

There was no hate involved - nothing personal at least. I was trying to point out that we were seeing a lot of those types of videos and I was a little sick of them, and yes, I was a bit of an ass about it. That comment still makes me laugh though.

In reply to this comment by Fjnbk:
Why all the hate?

In reply to this comment by hoju:
WOW! Right before I came across this post, I was thinking to myself, "you know what I've NEVER seen before? Someone taking footage of atomic explosions and then putting MUSIC to it... I bet that would be a wicked awesome idea!" and then here it was. The most unique and revolutionary concept EVER. Congrats to you for coming up with it!

and my favorite:

Nuclear Weapons Transparency (Who Has Them?)

videosiftbannedme says...

I was just looking up figures about 4 days ago as I was curious how many nuclear explosions have taken place since the invention. I knew there was quite a few but was never under the impression it was 2,044+ . There has been enough nuclear fallout to cover the earth with a thin layer of radioactive material, much like the band which geologists uncovered showing the explosion that killed the dinosaurs. Nowhere near as thick but it is there.

Mother of All Bombs - Russian Tsar Bomba

Tsar Bomb - Biggest Nuke Ever

The 1812 Overture... With Atomic Bombs

hoju says...

Didn't mean to cause offense! I will now appease the masses by submitting several MORE of these nuclear explosions plus music clips (but they will be utterly different in their essence).

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