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Icicles Form on Ceiling Fan Amid Freezing Temperatures Texas

cloudballoon says...

Nah.... only things Republicans will take a good look at are progressive scapegoats, i.e. renewable, non-polluting energy!

To be fair, it IS a hard ask for the average Texans to be prepared for these type of event. but for the energy companies? That's a wholly different logic. At the very least, it's absolutely stupid (and arrogant) is isolate themselves from the neighboring power grid that Texans can't even buy power (or in very limited amount?) from neighboring states for emergencies.

Actually, the real problem in Texas is their always race to the bottom-line dollars, regulation be damn -- yeehaw! -- mentality. No other countries, or even most States in the USA, would be so dumb.

00Scud00 said:

Take a good look, this is what happens when you don't winterize your power generating infrastructure.

The Electric Vehicle Charging Problem

jimnms says...

I would love an EV, but I don't plan to buy a new car as long as my current one works. I used to drive a lot, but I don't drive as much these days, typically just around town and the occasional ~100 miles to a neighboring city that has things my little town doesn't have. An EV with 150 mile range and charging at home would suite me just fine for day to day use, and if I needed to go somewhere farther, I could rent, borrow or ride with a friend or family member if they're going too.

The two problems for me are, I don't have a garage, so I would have to install some ugly charging station in my yard next to the driveway. Then there is the cost, both the cost of the car and the cost of installing a charging station. I can't justify spending $30-35K on a new EV, when for less than half that I can buy a new gas car, and probably not even spend the difference in cost between the two in fuel over the life of the vehicle.

Squirrel jumps on UPS delivery man

StukaFox says...

I gotta squirrel story.
So when I lived in Mountain View, for Christ only knows what reason, the idiots in charge of power put this big-ass transformer thing on the corner of my property. The thing hummed with menace and I knew that shit wasn't right. But I didn't worry none because there was a big green metal cover over it that provided the same protection against horrendous death that a box of Kleenex would have provided the World Trade Center on 9/11.
One day, I'm standing on my balcony and drinking a beer. I mighta been stoned, too, only there's no 'mighta' that day. I'm watching the whorehouse across the street (really) and generally buzzing when I see a squirrel on the lawn. I hate squirrels. A motherfucking squirrel ate my bar fridge and fucked me outta the $50 I was selling it for on Craigslist (really).
Anyway, I got this longneck of Bud in hand and I'm working out whether I can brain the goddamn rodent with it when the neighbor's cat come rippin' ass from under the balcony and goes after Skippy.
Well here's some amusement!
The squirrel is running for it's pointless life and the cat is banking like a F-16 chasing an Iraqi MIG and I've already got $10 down on the kitty with a $3 over/under. I already know how this was gonna end and I was rootin' for it every step of the way.
Only it didn't.
The goddamn squirrel found the ONE way to get under that green metal cover I mentioned previously. The cat stops in amazement and I'm all pissed because I've been gypped outta Wild Kingdom's money shot.
A second later there's a flash like Ivy Mike going off from under the cover and an a concussive BOOM!! The fucking cover blasts off like a Space-X project gone horribly wrong -- or, in this case, delightfully right.
The cat jumps like 5 feet in the air and an arc of turds flies outta its butt, the cover returns to earth as a traffic hazard in the middle of Latham St., and the squirrel is basically vaporized. And now I'm the happiest motherfucker in Mountain View because dude, that shit was AWESOME!
I call out, "Babe! You won't believe what just happened!" 'cause you gotta totally share shit like that.
Then I realized everything is TOTALLY silent, like Little House on the Fucking Prairie silent.
"The power's out," my wife responds.
And it STAYED out for like two goddamn days while the putzes from the power company had to rewire pretty much everything that blew up.
Honey Badger didn't give a shit because Honey Badger'd copped an oz right before this shit happened. And as Fat Freddy taught us, "Dope will get you through times of no power better than power will get you through times of no dope." Or some shit like that. I dunno, I'm totally fucking baked right now.

C-note (Member Profile)

simonm (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

United States Presidential Election Results - 1900/2020

United States Presidential Election Results - 1900/2020

Traffic Stop

newtboy says...

Sure, here you are. It was Mr Smith of Texas.

"First, CIANA makes it a Federal crime to transport a minor
across state lines to obtain an abortion in another state... "

"Second, CIANA applies when a minor from one state crosses
state lines to have an abortion in another state that does not
have a state law requiring parental involvement in a minor's
abortion decision, or when a minor from one state crosses state
lines to have an abortion in another state that does have a
state law requiring parental involvement in a minor's abortion
decision, but the physician fails to comply with such law. In
such a case, CIANA makes it a Federal crime for the abortion
provider to fail to give one of the minor's parents, or a legal
guardian if necessary, 24 hours' notice (or notice by mail if
necessary) of the minor's abortion decision before the abortion
is performed"

"CIANA contains two sections, each of which creates a new Federal crime subject to up to a $100,000 fine, or 1 year in jail, or both"

Google is a great resource...took me 2 seconds to find. Pretty much exactly what the commercial is about.

Extrapolated from there, when abortions can be outlawed statewide, that ban would be extended to anyone transporting a pregnant woman to another state for an tries to force neighboring states to follow your states laws for notifications and wait times, and criminalizes transportation of the pregnant women, it's completely dishonest to imply the same wouldn't go for outright bans.

greatgooglymoogly said:

Please show me the politician who has clearly said they want to criminalize travel with the intent to have an abortion, which is what this ad shows.

It isn't clear if it's to another country or state, which if Roe V Wade was overturned, would have no impact on travel to either.

The Declaration and Defunding

bobknight33 says...

If people would comply, don't shot at , don't run, don't fight. then maybe just maybe those who do would not be shot at.

99% black on black murder 1% cop on black murder. Fix the 99% and the 1% will fade away.

Cops are not the problem, bad people are.

In 2018, most (77.3 percent) of the 14,123 murder victims for whom supplemental data were received were male.

Of the murder victims for whom race was known, 53.3 percent were Black or African American, 43.8 percent were White, and 2.8 percent were of other races. Race was unknown for 233 victims

More than 49 percent (49.2) of all murders for were single victim/single offender situations.

When the race of the offender was known,
54.9 percent were Black or African American,
42.4 percent were White, and
2.7 percent were of other races. The race was unknown for 4,821 offenders

72% used guns

In 2018, 27.8 percent of homicide victims were killed by someone they knew other than family members (acquaintance, neighbor, friend, boyfriend, etc.),

12.8 percent were slain by family members, and
9.9 percent were killed by strangers.

The relationship between murder victims and offenders was unknown in 49.5 percent of murder and non negligent

Russian Dog Doesn't Give AF

Doorbell Captures House Struck by Lightning

ant says...

"There was a thunderstorm with lots of lighting. Our doorbell camera caught our neighbor's house getting directly struck by lightning. It started a small fire which was put out quickly. No-one was harmed. When the lightning strike happened it made our garage door open and also the garage door of a neighbor to the west of the struck house. Fire crews and police responded extremely quickly." from its description.

eric3579 said:

Well since there power stayed on i figured it didn't mess with the electrical, but who knows.

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

It's not at all bad faith, since it's what he came for and what he did. He crossed state lines armed looking for trouble he might stop using his gun. He went armed to play cop with zero training and illegally carrying a weapon he was too young to have. He might have Intended to only shoot at arsonists, but what he did was randomly shoot into crowds and down the streets, killing two non arsonists, allegedly while blind due to being pepper sprayed.

I can't decipher your good guilty easy innocent hard targets. What?

He has no right to deputize himself, no matter what property crimes he assumed were forthcoming.

Yeah, try to equate property crime to violent murder, it only shows you aren't arguing in good faith yourself.

He was blocks from the parking lot he came, uninvited, to "protect". Was his beat the whole city now?

Big difference between crossing state lines to guard someone else's business and guarding your own home, more bad faith arguments. You can use force to protect your home and family from threats of serious harm, you can't shoot your neighbor for trespassing and cutting some tree branches you didn't want cut.

Do you know who owned the property he murdered the first guy on? Maybe he stands with the crowd and militia boy was trespassing, brandishing a rifle, and eventually murdering someone there before running and gunning his way back home without reporting the shootings, ensuring that property will be torched within a week.
Great job protecting them. For all he knew he was shooting the owner, he wasn't protecting property when he shot.
That is the innocent property owner here, not the owner of the owner of the original parking lot he was guarding, not the kid or his parents, and this gung ho kid's actions ensured their properties destruction and exacerbated the unrest, triggering more property damage. Good job, fucknuts...enjoy big boy prison.

scheherazade said:

I'm not OK with armed kids shooting up any neighborhood.

If you're presenting Rittenhouse as such a kid, that's a bad faith argument. There is no evidence that 'shooting up the neighborhood' was in any way his motivation when he positioned himself in that neighborhood.

All public information points to him being there to discourage destructive elements (such as armed looters) from taking action in that neighborhood.

The ostensibly guilty parties being a hard target doesn't transform innocent easy targets into valid targets.

Most damage is done to private businesses and of vehicles (with the odd unfortunate being beaten to a pulp on the street).
Minneapolis had homes and churches damaged. I can't speak to homes in other locations because I haven't read up on them.

Property wise:
Property takes money to acquire.
Money takes time to acquire.
Time requires life.

(Not all insurance covers 'angry mob')

If it takes you 3 months to work to purchase something, and someone destroys it, they are taking 3 months of working life away from you. Unless they can refund you that life time, that's life time lost forever.

Reality is : Property is only 'just property' when it's not your own property.
If you can't defend property with force, then people are simply free to show up and take everything you have, and you just have to accept it.

Generally, I empathize with innocent people. So I lean towards the property owners in these cases.


Is Success Luck or Hard Work? | Veritasium

newtboy says...

Subscribe to what you want, my birth lottery included trees and butterflies, I was raised in a forest in a glass house in a forest. (We had an atrium inside with a forest of trees growing through the roof, and the house was in the middle of a forest)

If I were born black, that person would be me, but I would be different. Besides, I was born a poor black child, sir. ;-)

If my starting line is 50 meters ahead of yours in a 100 yard dash through nothing but luck, that's pretty lucky for me.

I feel pretty successful having made little effort to get there, that's luck.

I don't feel shame because I'm not a normal American that thinks anything they want is something they deserve and need. Best lesson my dad ever taught me was know the difference between want and need and you'll be far happier in life. It's true.

I don't have too much, I have enough, but I still share with those who i feel don't. I've housed multiple friends for free, and even let one live in my yard for 7 years, which in retrospect was at least 5 years too many. My wife and I live comfortably on <$30000 a year. Most Americans can't live on that for one person. Newts do just fine, we take a vacation every year, pay our bills, and eat well.
Maybe that's why I'm so different. I was allowed to roam the wild woods and bayou alone at just over 3, to the point where the neighbors told my parents they were going to call the cops. This was in the middle of Houston, literally a wilderness of (or at least in) modern civilization. ;-)

I did go to school for 24 years (preschool -the ten year plan at Jr college) but never tried hard or practiced, to the point where my trig teacher insisted I was cheating because I didn't pay attention or do homework so she separated me for a big test, the class average dropped a full grade but not me, my neighbors were cheating off me. She left me alone after that. That might be preparations, but it wasn't hard work. It was boring busy work.

I did that, read encyclopedias and dictionaries. That was punishment at my school through 7th grade....but my grandmother read her set through twice for fun. My mother was called "the encyclopedia" in school, with good reason.

I definitely let opportunities pass often. Sometimes because I don't need them and others might, sometimes I'm just lazy and happy so see no need to expend effort, usually because I see opportunities as traps, the bait being some modest short term gain, the cage being large long term obligations. I'm always prepared for opportunities that are for me without preparation. I'm not Trumpian, I understand I have limitations, and don't tend to obligate myself beyond them.

Who said I waited. I've been lucky enough that I didn't have to wait for, nor do I expect luck. Through luck, forethought, and decent planning things have worked out well with minimal effort or sacrifice. I don't rely on luck to dig me out of holes, I tend to watch my step and not fall in them often. You might call that preparation, I call it paying attention. It's working so far.

vil said:

I dont subscribe to weird oriental religions which presume being born is a lottery that possibly includes trees and butterflies.

Every person is born to a set of parents into a particular time and place and socio-economic position. That is what defines who you are. You cant say "if I was born black" because that would not be you.

That is not luck, that is your starting line. You race from there, that is where YOU start rolling the dice and having good or bad luck.

You may consider yourself lucky to be who you are and where you are, indeed you may feel some first world shame for being so fortunate, but that is surely superfluous, if you have too much you can offer to help other people.

Humans (unlike newts) need preparation, after you are born you need to practice for many years before you can be let out into the wilderness of modern civilization with any hope of surviving, let alone passing tests.

You remind me of my son, he spent his childhood reading encyclopedias and now he is surprised that he knows everything and other people dont. It came easy to him.

I did not have to work hard most of the time, am doing fine, got most of what I have because I was lucky, but I sure had a lot of opportunities run away from me because I wasnt prepared for them. Also got burned by a lot of things I should have been prepared for.

Waiting for luck is good only if you run out of options to do something.

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