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Videogamer Kills Burglar With His Samurai Sword

marinara says...

(CNN) -- A Johns Hopkins University student killed an apparent burglar with a samurai sword after discovering the man in his garage, police said Tuesday.

Baltimore, Maryland, police received a phone call shortly before 1:30 a.m. Tuesday about a suspicious person, and an off-duty officer arrived at the scene with campus security, city police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said.

When authorities arrived, they heard calls for help and for police, he said. They discovered a suspected burglar with a severed left hand and severe lacerations to his upper body, Guglielmi said.

The suspect died at the scene, he said.

The man had entered a home where several Johns Hopkins students lived, Guglielmi said. Four students, one armed with a samurai sword, had confronted the suspect in the garage.

The man "lunged" at the students, and the student with the sword defended himself, severing the man's left hand and cutting his upper body, Guglielmi said.

Police did not release the name of the suspect, who Guglielmi said had a long criminal history, or that of the student.

Police questioned the three witnesses, Guglielmi said, and released them. It was not immediately clear whether all four students lived at the house, he said.

Authorities are determining whether the student will face criminal charges, Guglielmi said.

Burglars had taken two laptops and a Sony PlayStation from the students' home Monday, Guglielmi said.

The burglary suspect had been released from prison Saturday, Guglielmi said.
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Super Fast Mesocyclone

IronDwarf says...

It looks like it changes direction suddenly. It was moving very fast to the left (East, assuming it is Maryland) and then stopped, which means it's either moving towards you or away from you. Either way, best to find some shelter, just in case.

Building a Cello

schmawy says...

Since you're so curious, Schmawy, it's called "free plate tuning", and it was developed by the recently departed Carleen Hutchins...

Carleen Maley Hutchins (May 24, 1911 – August 7, 2009) was an American former high school science teacher, violinmaker and researcher, best-known for her creation, in the 1950s/60s, of a family of eight proportionally-sized violins now known as the violin octet (e.g., the vertical viola) and for a considerable body of research into the acoustics of violins. She was born in Springfield, Massachusetts.

Hutchins’s greatest innovation, still used by many violinmakers, was a technique known as free-plate tuning. When not attached to a violin, the top and back are called free plates. Her technique gives makers a precise way to refine these plates before a violin is assembled.

From 2002 to 2003, Hutchins’s octet was the subject of an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Titled “The New Violin Family: Augmenting the String Section.” Hutchins was the founder of the New Violin Family Association[1], creator-in-chief of the Violin Octet, author of more than 100 technical publications, editor of two volumes of collected papers in violin acoustics, four grants from the Martha Baird Rockefeller Fund for Music, recipient of two Guggenheim Fellowships, an Honorary Fellowship from the Acoustical Society of America, and four honorary doctorates. In 1963, Hutchins co-founded the Catgut Acoustical Society, which develops scientific insights into the construction of new and conventional instruments of the violin family.

The Hutchins Consort, named after Hutchins, is a California ensemble featuring all eight instruments.[2]

In 1974, Hutchins and Daniel W. Haines, using materials supplied by the Hercules Materials Company, Inc. (Allegheny Ballistics Laboratory) of Cumberland, Maryland, developed a graphite-epoxy composite top that was determined to be a successful alternative to the traditional use of spruce for the violin belly.[3]

Interesting anecdote about her is that she once stole a piece of perfect maple from a university phonebooth, replacing it with a replica. Cool lady.

Anyway, nice Sift there schawmy, keep up the good work.


TRON Reboot Ep. 1 - "Throw the disc!"

kronosposeidon says...


No, EndAll's brother got banned for using "spook", because the user who dropped the N bomb is different than the one who used "spook." See:

13444 wrote this, and got instabanned by dag

14424 wrote this, and got instabanned by KOMMIE

Just because some of you might not know "spook" is a racist term doesn't mean that it's not a slur or that it's not as bad as better known slurs. Also, I've lived in Nebraska, Florida, New York, Maryland, Colorado and Wyoming, and in every one of those places people knew that "spook" was a slur. I'm guessing it's the same all over the U.S., and in Canada too. But I suppose that's besides the point, because even if it's a slur only familiar to a few members, then it shouldn't be allowed.

For example, most of us now know (thanks to George Allen) that "macaca" is a racist term, even though it's quite uncommon in most places. So should we allow members to call black people "macacas" because of its relatively low usage?

And to those who want to cry "CENSORSHIP!", because someone always wants to throw freedom of speech into these things, please reorder your priorities. Like it's been said a million times before, this is NOT a country. It's a web site. It's like a big house where there's always a party going on, and you're invited as long as you abide by a few rules. I know if someone referred to black people as "spooks" in my house I'd show them the door.

I don't want this place to turn into a shit hole where people can hurl racial or ethnic slurs with impunity. That'll attract the wrong kind of people, and then watch the advertisers fly out the door when they see their wares being advertised next to shit like "spook." And then say goodbye to VideoSift.

Based on the precedent established by the Westy affair I'm going to hobble QM. I fail to see how QM's usage of "spook" could have been meant in any other way except as a racial slur. I leave it to the admins to decide how long he should be hobbled.

Bruce Springsteen has a cool Chuck Berry story

Baltimore Hospital Uses Bogus Alternative Treatments

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Reiki, quack, alternative medicine, mumbo jumbo, Baltimore, hospital' to 'Reiki, quack, alternative medicine, mumbo jumbo, Baltimore, univeristy of maryland' - edited by kronosposeidon

liberty (Politics Talk Post)

quantumushroom says...

"We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others, the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men's labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name - liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names - liberty and tyranny."

-- The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume VII, "Address at Sanitary Fair, Baltimore, Maryland" (April 18, 1864), p. 301-302.

Read A Book - PSA

catsaway9 says...

From "The Washington Post," 11/22/07:

As a former English major -- he dropped out of the University of Maryland to pursue his music career -- [Bomani] Armah has conducted creative writing and audio/video workshops for kids. He has worked as a youth counselor. He has seen firsthand one of the most pernicious effects of the rap game, the warping of black reality into a one-dimensional caricature. Too many in his generation of artists, he says, aspire to be "as grimy and gangster" as they can be, a depiction of black life that filters down to the kids, who become the next inaccurate storytellers.

"As an educator and an artist, it was hurting me both ways," says Armah, who is hardly the first "conscious" artist to come along advocating a hip-hop makeover. But most artists who feel as he does, Armah adds, "write essays or long esoteric songs" that are indigestible. Armah was determined to do something more jolting. Provocative, but funny.

" 'Read a Book' was a joke from the beginning," he says. "It was more about parodying the state of hip-hop." And now it has become the thing that defines him. He thought about that for a moment. "Damn, do this many people not get me?"

Prank War 7: The Half Million Dollar Shot

Sarah Palin Fictional Quotes Generator v1.0 (Election Talk Post)

choggie says...

JoeBiden generator doesn't work, like Joe.....Obama is having a wax and his balls shaved, and could not be reached for proper grammar-

This just in, Republican whip Timmy Tonsils passes cum back and forth with Dem.Senator Ben Cardin, Marylands own, greased hog from Delaware......
Motherfucking inane shit the TV has folks think, and do, and say, and deem important or newsworthy, eh????........

Japanese Gas Station - Full Service!

kronosposeidon says...

^I guess you haven’t been to the rest of America lately, because while Oregon might only have full-service fuel stations, I can tell you from first-hand experience that the following states do not, as I have driven in every one of them:

New York
Washington, DC
North Carolina
South Carolina
New Mexico
South Dakota

In all those states, I only recall visiting ONE full-service station. It was on I-90 in New York state, in the summer of 1989. It was a station that was full-service only, and you had to pay the extra quarter per gallon for it too. Even then, they didn't clean your windows, empty your ashtray, or halt traffic so that you could safely re-enter the road. They just pumped the gas, and then they expected a tip too.

So while full-service may be the norm in the Oregon, it isn’t anywhere else I’ve been, nor is it the norm for most non-Oregonians.

Jesse Ventura: Why was Osama never charged for 9/11

rougy says...

"President George W. Bush on Sunday rejected an offer from Afghanistan's ruling Taliban to discuss turning over Islamic militant Osama bin Laden if the United States stops air strikes against Afghanistan.

''There is no need to discuss innocence or guilt. We know he's guilty,'' Bush told reporters as he returned to the White House from his Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland."


Osama was never the objective; he was just the excuse.


Wynder says...

Do you have any evidence supporting this? I mean ANY envidence?
Look at other countries with tougher gun-control laws. Look at Japan for crying out loud. About the toughest gun control laws around, and - Surprise! - one of the lowest murder rates in the world. (There are, of course, other sociological reasons besides gun control for that.)
Do you know why the London Metropolitan Police (the "Bobbys") only wear Truncheons (Night-Sticks, Clubs, whatever you call them) and no guns? Because the expect most criminals to be unarmed.

The U.S. government “found insufficient evidence to determine the effectiveness of any of the firearms laws or combinations of laws reviewed on violent outcomes” and also concluded in one study that none of the attackers interviewed was "hindered by any law--federal, state or local--that has ever been established to prevent gun ownership. They just laughed at gun laws."

Violent crime appears to be encouraged by gun control. Most gun control laws in the United States have been written since 1968, yet the murder rate rose during the 70s, 80s and early 90s.

In 1976, Washington, D.C. enacted one of the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation. The city's murder rate rose 134 percent through 1996 while the national murder rate dropped 2 percent.

Among the 15 states with the highest homicide rates, 10 have restrictive or very restrictive gun laws.

Maryland claims to have the toughest gun control laws in the nation and ranks #1 in robberies and #4 in both violent crime and murder. The robbery rate is 70% more than the national average. These numbers are likely low because one of their more violent cities, Baltimore, failed to report their crime levels.

In Japan, the murder rate is almost 1 per 100,000. In the U.S., there are about 3.2 murders per 100,000 people each year by weapons other than firearms. This means that even if firearms in the U.S. could be eliminated, we would still have three times the murder rate of the Japanese. Japan’s murder rate may be low, but its suicide rate is over 20 per 100,000 people. Japanese are being murdered and committing suicide at a rate of about 21 per 100,000. In the U.S., our combined murder and suicide rate is about 21 also.

Since gun banning has escalated in the UK, the rate of crime – especially violent crime – has risen. Ironically, firearm use in crimes has doubled in the decade since handguns were banned. Street robberies soared 28% in 2001. Violent crime was up 11%, murders up 4%, and rapes are up 14%. This trend continues in 2004 with a 10% increase in street crime, 8% increase in muggings, and a 22% increase in robberies.

All of the above facts are taken from and each one of them is cited by an independent academic, scientific or government study.

BNF: Sorry FOX we won't let you trash Michelle Obama

blahpook says...

Cute. From the ABC news site:

"I have to be greeted properly -- fist-bump, please," Obama said in her opening line, pressing fists with each of her co-hosts in response to a Fox News Channel report depicting her fist "dap" with her husband on the night he won the nomination as a "terrorist fist jab."

She explained she learned the greeting from young staffers on the Obama campaign.

"It's the new high-five," she said.


Michelle Obama is viewed more favorably by likely voters than Cindy McCain, 48 percent to 39 percent, according to a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll. But while Obama leads in favorability, many voters say they haven't formed an opinion yet of McCain, and slightly more voters also view Obama unfavorably — 29 percent vs. McCain's 25 percent.

Scrutiny of the potential first ladies was evident among audience members waiting to get into the live show.

"I think she's wonderful," Veronica Deas, 45, said of Michelle Obama.

Deas drove from Maryland to see 'The View' with her sister and four girlfriends.

"She's intelligent, she knows the issues, she stands by her man but she's not going to try to take his job," she said in an apparent jab at Sen. Clinton.

Tribe Called Quest - Award Tour

eric3579 says...

We on Award Tour with Muhammad my man
Goin' each and every place with the mic' in their hand
New York, NJ, NC, VA
We on Award Tour with Muhammad my man
Goin' each and every place with the mic' in their hand
Oaktown, LA, San Fran, St. John

People give your ears so I be sublime
It's enjoyable to know you in the concubinz
Niggaz' take off your coats, Ladies act like gems
Sit down Indian style as we recite these hymns
See, lyrically I'm Mario Andretti on the mo-mo
Ludicrously speedy or infectious with the slow-mo
Heard me in the eighties J. Beez on the promo
In my never endin' quest to get the paper on the caper
But now, let me take it to the Queens side
I'm takin' it to Brooklyn side
All the residential Quester's who invade the air
Hold up a second son cuz' we almost there
You can be a black man and lose all your soul
You can be white 'n' blue but don't crap the roll
See my shit is universal if you got knowledge or dolo
Of delf for self, see there's no one else
Who can drop it on the angle, acute at that
So, do dat' do dat' doo dat' dat' dat' (COME ON)
Do dat' do dat' doo dat' dat' dat' (OK)
Do dat' do dat' doo dat' dat' dat'
I'm buggin' out but let me get back `cuz they wettin' niggaz'
So run and tell the others `cuz we are the brothas'
I learned how to build mic's in my workshop class
So give me this award and let's not make it the last

We on Award Tour with Muhammad my man
Goin' each and every place with the mic' in their hand
Chinatown, Spokane, London, Tokyo
We on Award Tour with Muhammad my man
Goin' each and every place with the mic' in their hand
Houston, Delaware, DC, Dallas

Back in `89 I simply slid into place
Buddy, Buddy, Buddy all up in your face
Alot of kids was bustin' rhymes but they had no taste
Some said Quest was Wack, but now is that the case
I have a quest to have a mic' in my hand
Without that, it's like Kryptonite and Superman
So Shaheed come in with the sugar cuts
Phife Dawg's my name but on stage call me Dynomutt
When was the last time you heard the Phifer sloppy
Lyrics anonymous, you'll never hear me copy
Top notch baby, never comin' less
Sky's the limit, you got's to believe up in Quest
Sit back relax, get up off the path
If not that, here's the dancefloor, come move that ass
Non believer's you can check the stats
I roll with Shaheed and the brotha Abstract
Niggaz' know the time when Quest is in the jam
I never let a statue tell me how nice I am
Comin' with more hits than the Braves and the Yankees
Livin' mad phat like an oversized mam-pi
The wackest crews try to dis, it makes me laugh
When my track record's longer than a DC-20 aircraft
So next time that you think you want somethin' here
Make somethin' differ, take that garbage to St. Elsewhere

We on Award Tour with Muhammad my man
Goin' each and every place with the mic' in their hand
SC, Maryland, New Orleans, Motown
We on Award Tour with Muhammad my man
Goin' each and every place with the mic' in their hand
Chinatown, Spokane, London, Tokyo
We on Award Tour with Muhammad my man
Goin' each and every place with the mic' in their hand
Houston, Delaware, DC, Dallas
We on Award Tour with Muhammad my man
Goin' each and every place with the mic' in their hand
New York, NJ, NC, VA

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