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Norwegian army driving armoured vehicle using Oculus Rift

Have the Homeless Become Invisible?

How To Fail Driving Test In 15 Seconds Or Less

Colonel Sanders Explains Our Dire Overpopulation Problem

RedSky says...


I don't buy his overstretched ticking time bomb analogy or the idea of a point of no return. Countless people have predicted peak oil, global resource wars and the like for decades with none of significance eventuating.

Historically this argument would have been even more credible looking around the baby boomer growth of post WWII, because relative population growth was much higher and families were much larger even in developed countries.

Nevertheless, (taking food as an example) agricultural yields multiplied while (taking the US as an example) agricultural employment fell from ~35% in 1900 to <3% today.

Again, pre-GFC, both general food and oil prices were reaching near historic highs. We've since seen moves towards expanding oil/gas supply through fraking and more aggressive and widespread use of GM to enhance yields as well as purely enhancing supply in response to high prices. Both have stayed more or less flat since 08.

The point is, it will be a gradual change, one that society will respond to automatically through price rises, and incentives to create more efficient use of the resources that are available.

Also as far as how to achieve a reduced population as you alluded to, people don't respond to vague global threats that don't immediately impact them currently. Like global warming. Anything other than financial incentives or legal coercion won't have an impact.

Are you incompetent? ..well, have I got a product for you!

artician says...

Jesus, I feel so much stupider after watching that. It's a great compilation and makes a lot of sense when looking around todays world though. Which came first? The lazy marketing, or the lazy-asses?

Oakland CA Is So Scary Even Cops Want Nothing To Do With It

longde says...

Funny. I live in the bay area, and walk my son to soccer in the park all the time with no worries. We can take easy, peaceful strolls outside in the summer and winter. Looking around, it's no Norman Rockwell, but all I see are american families. We are surrounded by the best schools and universities in the country.

As far as Oakland goes, it's a great city to visit and to live. It's not just me that feels this way, demand for housing there has only increased in the past decade. It's expensive to buy there because people want to live there. Alot more than St. Paul, by the way. Last time I checked, St. Paul also had its crime ridden parts; or can you walk anywhere at night in your town?

So these dystopian pictures being painted on this thread exist in this thread only. In real life, Oakland is a thriving city with alot going for it, and the people with means who actually drive the economy agree, and are voting with their feet and wallets, and corporate headquarters.

I visit Oakland often. The last trip, I took my son on a tour of the USS Hornet, where he got to see the first footsteps of the Apollo astronauts after they returned to Earth. Before that, we visited the world class planetarium and took in great views of the valley. I love going to the great restaurants and live music venues downtown.

BigAlski said:

Shite like this is the reason I moved out of California, living in good old Saint Paul, Minnesota now. Oxnard California is like a mini-Oakland. Here I have a 3000sf home built in 1901, 1 mile from downtown and no worries. My daughter is 10mos, one due in July, and we so enjoy walks in the neighborhood in the summer. My stepson walks to baseball 1 mile away, we meet him there pushing baby and walking dog, walk home as an American Family. It makes it all worth while. My wife is a CPA but I am a blue collar truck driver.

I think there are ALL KINDS of problems that lead to places like this in Cali... Fresno is almost as bad. Parts of the low desert are very bad, etc. If you want to write 2 page posts defending your view of WHY, maybe that's one of the reasons why as well, and you should define it, man up, and put it in there at number 12 or whatever. Sure "democratic stronghold" is part of the problem. American counter-culture has also been rewarding consumerism above all else for decades. Asians, Latinos, and Blacks cash in today and sell out tomorrow. The west coast is also way too expensive, real estate is too high, and money is the only incentive.

Obviously there is a problem. The left wants to look at answers that sound might or will help but accountability cant be ignored. The right wants to go to war and justify a police state when we are all Americans defining our on future together.

As a side note I might have had 10-15 encounters with these types over the years in and around Oxnard and if their skin was white and I was armed, maybe they would have died...or me. Who knows, there are always more than one way to deal with a problem. In the end the minorities pay the price and it isn't fair. They get worse jobs, their property isnt worth ShXXt, their children receive a poor education. Cookie-cutter whites, in the end, benefit on the left. The drive their Volvo SUVs on highways to schools or doctors or what have you paid for by the masses.

Unnecessary Muffness - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Stephen Fry: Out There: Episode 2 - BBC Documentary

Hipnotic says...

Looking around the Internet (AFTER making that comment) I find that you are correct:
, amongst other sources.
I therefore completely redact my initial statement.
Slight note on my behalf: A link to such a source in addition to calling me "uninformed" instead of using the term "inane" goes a long way in terms of communication and persuasion :-)

longde said:

An inane comment, since some groups of white men have also not had equal rights until recently; since people in the groups you mentioned are homosexuals; and since people in the groups you mentioned that are not homosexuals do indeed speak out for gay rights.

Sports Go Sports by Garfunkel and Oates

CrushBug says...

I love sport finals. I go over to people's houses for the Grey/Stanley Cup, Superbowl, whatever. I roll in there with my snack food, alcohol, and chips. The mood is electric and as the game is about to begin, I look around the room and ask:

"OK, who is playing?"

Wow, do I get some funny looks. When they ask why I don't know the teams or what is going on I reply very sincerely that I am here to drink alcohol, eat snack foods, and yell at the TV, and this is pretty much the only environment that allows me to do that.

They have fun their way, I have fun mine.

George Carlin "I Gave Up On My Species"

kevingrr says...


There is little doubt that Child Labor, Labor Explotation, and Forced Labor continue to be of a major concern with Africa and Asia/India being particularly problematic. That said, concerted efforts are being made to reduce these numbers and they are improving, but slower than anyone would like. Unfortunately the problem is largely cyclical - even educated youth have trouble finding productive work, so they are forced into unskilled labor, and there is little economic growth.

Again, there is no magic wand that any one organization or person can waive to resolve these issues. The ILO has been trying for almost 100 years...

I would not characterize every person who is lucky or privileged enough that they do not live in those conditions to be terrible people.

Nor would I characterize people's value as simply being good consumers. The people I know in my life all make contributions to the welfare of those around them and are rewarded for those contributions.

e.g. My best friend, a p.h.d. doing research regarding immunology I can't begin to understand. My fiance, finishing her ER residency at the county hospital. My brother, working as a kayaking guide.

Circling the Drain
Is America really circling the drain? I doubt it. Has it done terrible things? We all know it has.

When I look around I see a lot of problems here. We do have a huge wealth gap. We do have ghettos and crime. We have all sorts of selfcentered ego driven loons.

Yet we also have an enormous pool of talented and intelligent people working on all kinds of things. Some of which are mundane and some of which are really amazing - and many of which are sifted about on this website all the time.

I saw Carlin live twice before he died. I own several of his books. I think he is a brilliant comedian and insightful thinker. My point is and was - he saw it as his job to remind us "HEY - look over here. See this shit? This is FUCKED." And he was right.

It's sure quiet on VS. (Sift Talk Post)

Jacob tries the Oculus Rift (roller coaster)

jubuttib says...

They are already. You can go to their homepage and pre-order one right now. The next batch of orders is currently expected to ship out in September, hence the "pre-order" bit. So if you actually want one you can get them within a few months by ordering now, or faster if you get one from eBay (will cost extra though). =)

Though if you're sensible you'd wait for the consumer model, which will have a better screen (higher pixel density to lower the "screendoor" effect, lower switch times for less motion blur, better contrast) as well as other nice features (positional tracking on top of directional tracking, so you can actually look around corners, not just pivot your head). You'll be waiting for those for a year or two though. =)

lucky760 said:

That was awesome. I can't wait until these are commercially available.

Seal Birth at Elliott Bay Marina- Seattle, WA 7/29/13

PlayhousePals says...

Seems it survived unscathed ... I just found this:

Brian Kaloper, harbormaster at Seattle’s Elliott Bay Marina, was walking to his office on Monday morning when something caught his eye.

It was a seal on the marina’s G dock. Given that the dock is heavily traveled, Kaloper thought it was odd to see the animal there.

“When I got into my office, we turned on our security cameras to see what was going on,” he said.

Soon, Kaloper was treated to an astonishing sight. As the camera recorded, the seal gave birth to a pup, alternately laboring and taking a few breaks to rest. Immediately after the pup was born, the mother turned around and nudged its face and body, as if to make sure it was alright, then looked around the dock.

Marina staff quickly locked the door to the gate to protect the mother and baby, put up caution tape and kept the dock closed for a few hours, until the mother and newborn were back in the water. Kaloper said though marina staff are used to seeing wildlife around the facilty, the birth was astonishing to witness.

“Our staff sees plenty of seals and pups swimming about, but to catch nature in its most pure form on camera during a regular Monday was unbelievable,” he said.

Yogi said:

How are mommy and pup? Is there a followup because it doesn't seem to be moving.

ant (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

I forgot to mention...that's a very cute website you have - I had fun looking around...but I couldn't find that list of foods on there. What heading is it under?

ant said:

No silly. Ant Farm, remember?

I love pasta like lasagna, spaghetti, etc. Here's a list from my personal web site ( ):

"Food (non-spicy [even minor one bugs or else happens], not too salty (burns), soft without chewing; simple too):

apple (thin slices)
banana (cut to thin slices)
beefs (tiny and soft like Korean barbeque (BBQ)'s bulgogi)
bread (buns) [soft parts -- if crusts are hard, I don't eat them]
burrito skin (soft and moist skin, but inside is not eaten due to hardness)
carrot (soft)
cereal (soften by regular whole/2% milk, not crunchy)
cheddar cheese
chicken (Maceo's aunts )
chicken salad (soft -- almost like tuna salad)
Chinese meatballs, lion heads, dim sums, dumplings, and wontons (not fried)
cookies (can be moisten)
corn (kernels already removed from plant/ear)
corn dog
soft cracker (can be moisten)
egg, from chickens (scrambled, sunny side up/fried, and boiled [makes abdomen go poopy])
enchilada (soft, non-spicy, lots of sauce, and like lasagna)
fish (bones are problems since due to lack of chewing; salmon is good)
fish and chip (don't usually eat the crust unless it's soft)
French toast (usually avoid it because of syrup that hurts the sensitive teeth)
fruits (soft) except strawberries, cherries, and watermelon (allergic)
grilled cheese (soft breads)
hot dog (has to be soft enough to be cuttable)
Jell-o/jello -- There's always room for it.
macaroni and cheese
mash potato with its sauce
meat balls like in spaghettis, Subway
meat loaf
noodles (soft; e.g., udon)
oatmeal (non-raw)/porridge
pancake (usually avoid it because of syrup that hurts the sensitive teeth)
pasta (many types like Bruschetta Chicken from T.G.I. Friday's)
peach with its juice
pineapple (cut into thin slice to make them soft)
pizza (soft crust)
pumpkin pie
pupusa (soft and moist)
quesadilla (soft and inside is moist like Islands Restaurants' version with cheese cream(?) inside and soft cover).
rice with moisture (water/soup) and other food on it (don't like plain rice by itself).
sandwich (no lettuce and tomatoes)
scallop (soft)
seaweed (in soup)
spinach (to be strong like Popeye and be able to do melees)
sushi (salmon teriyaki, shrimp tempura [not too many or else get sick with a headache, upset tummy, etc.] with miso soup, sashimis, rice, etc.)
tortilla (soft and moist without the inside due to hardness)
tuna salad (almost like chicken salad)
waffle (usually avoid it because of syrup that hurts the sensitive teeth)
etc. Any soft, usually moist (warm water usually do), and non-spicy (even a little have impacts) food that your overlord can eat. Avoids very sweet and cold drinks and food due to sensitive, broken, and hard to clean teeth (use two different tooth pastes and oral rinses).
Ant's defected mouth doesn't open wide and cannot chew very well. "

Now, I am hungry. Please feed me!

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