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Train VS Flood

Gojira - The Heaviest Matter Of The Universe

Cute Girl Plays Flute Hero

2009 Amnesty Bill: Another Steaming Piece of Sh*t

quantumushroom says...

What's really scary and sad isn't that Boehner got the music right but was confused about the name of the song. What's really scary and sad is taxocrats may or may not know the Constitution LIMITS government power, and they don't care. They are the locomotive of a train bound for tyranny.

QM - What's "truly frightening" is you're letting Boehner, the man who doesn't even know the fucking difference between the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, do your thinking for you.

This would be funny if he wasn't the highest ranking member of the minority party. Instead, it's just scary and sad.

Stray Locomotive *ALMOST* Kills a Gizallion Helpless Orphans

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Croatia, stray, locomotive, deadly, fatal, wtf, not cool, scary' to 'Croatia, stray, locomotive, deadly, fatal, wtf, not cool, scary, nuclear bomb, cargo' - edited by therealblankman

Stray Locomotive *ALMOST* Kills a Gizallion Helpless Orphans

nomino says...

>> ^nanrod:
Sorry nomino, I have to go with the BS call. Unless your referring to a different article it clearly says "nearly hit a rescue worker".

You are right. My bad. I changed the title. hehe.

Stray Locomotive *ALMOST* Kills a Gizallion Helpless Orphans

Stray Locomotive *ALMOST* Kills a Gizallion Helpless Orphans

Stray Locomotive *ALMOST* Kills a Gizallion Helpless Orphans

Man gets hit by Train and Semi SIMULTANEOUSLY, lives!

rychan says...

I had the same thoughts as jasonyc, and watching it again I still do. I think he was standing dangerously close to the tracks -- his toes were pretty much on the rail. He only looked to the right and stepped back when the truck came into his peripheral vision. I'm confused as to why he was standing there so deliberately. I'm guessing the train was completely silent because it appears (again I'm confused) that this was the rear of a train going in reverse -- no locomotive to make noise.

Anyway, if the truck caused him to notice the train and step back, then the truck probably did save his life. If he kept standing where he was and the train kept coming he'd have been hit hard and not just knocked over.

:: The Illusion Of Reality ::

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Memorare:
maybe siftbot is operating in some parallel universe where time is sped up.
In these physics videos one thing they never offer an explaination for is why the quantum level events don't scale up and occur on our macro level since everything is made up of sub-atomic particles organized as atoms. As with the Schroedinger's Cat paradox it would be kind of disappointing to finally discover a unified theory of everything, only to learn that it really doesn't matter since it doesn't scale up to mundane reality and therefore only "exists" as a theoretical concept. (personally i think the notion that the cat is both dead AND alive simultaneaously and observation determines which, is a lot of mathematical bs, ie it's not Really true except on paper but then i'm not a cosmologist or metaphysicist so what do i know)
Also, a simpler question that has an answer but i just don't know what it is...
with all the anti-matter positrons bombarding the planet via cosmic rays, don't they ever bang into some electrons and create a tiny but big enough to be measured matter/anti-matter explosion? Sure matter is mostly empty (or not so empty apparently) space and possible collisions are few, but cloud chambers indicate tons of these thigns zipping around so Howcome there's not bazillions of these tiny explosions going off all around us constantly?

Yes, the quantum world really destroyed the normal stance of science. It is when math stole the show and ruined the normal claims that science was used to making about the world. In the now, we are talking about things that exist outside of our ability to experience them. The only things that can experience them are our machines we create to measure them; and they do so in a diminished and programed method (they interpolate data). So we are left to interpret an interpretation of an event. When you start getting that convoluted then you have to make the realization that you are no longer talking about what "is", but what your machine is interpolating (The forms of the universe aren't necessarily discrete or concrete, but it will be changed by the machine so that a result can be given). We have gotten to the point where we are no longer talking about the way things "are" about the universe anymore, just about how our machines experience the different elements of phenomena in the universe (your eyes are just as much a part of this machine analogy as well, but that is a tale for another day).

I think one of the largest criticisms of the relativist camp that really sticks is there is not sufficient reason to accept the quantum model over any other model that explains things. The grounds for saying the things that exist in quantum mathematics don't lie in understanding of those elements but the claim that since the math works, then it must be true. This is putting the cart before the horse and it begs the question "why". Why not any other way that also works? We could refine Newton to incorporate some of the quantum findings and use that as the explanation of everything. There is not sufficient reason to suppose that forces are the real things in the universe, or space time warps, quantum probability matrices.

Most "old" ways of thinking just get abandon for not being popular among the new generation of scientist trying to make a name for themselves. Quine talked about this extensively. Things move in and out of popularity in this realm like any other and scientists are just like MTV peoples and everyone else of jumping on the new trend. Truly, there is not sufficient reason to believe that Aristotelian motion isn't the real method of locomotion in the universe.

Simply put, new science don't care about whys anymore. New science is about making models of massive amounts of data. It won't ever be able to give a reason if something violates that model, it just has to re-engineer the model to incorporate the new data set. It lacks any truth to it because it is always in need of more data to continue to refine its model. It will never know when the model is complete or 100% accurate. It is actually the end road of the epistemology of empirical materialism. A constantly evolving model of data is the best "truth" you can hope from science. It will never have a why, that simply isn't a role of science. It is because "it is" and that is all they will ever be able to say; now more than ever.

edit (several times for grammar, man I sux at expressing myself)

MycroftHomlz (Member Profile)

Train Plowing through the Snow

Marinetti's Manifesto del Futurismo - Carmelo Bene

Eklek says...

(This text (in french) appeared in the french newspaper Le Figaro in 1909)

1-Noi vogliamo cantare l'amor del pericolo, l'abitudine all'energia e alla temerità.

2-Il coraggio, l'audacia, la ribellione, saranno elementi essenziali della nostra poesia.

3-La letteratura esaltò fino ad oggi l'immobilità penosa, l'estasi ed il sonno. Noi vogliamo esaltare il movimento aggressivo, l'insonnia febbrile, il passo di corsa, il salto mortale, lo schiaffo ed il pugno.

4-Noi affermiamo che la magnificenza del mondo si è arricchita di una bellezza nuova: la bellezza della velocità

5-Noi vogliamo inneggiare all'uomo che tiene il volante, la cui asta attraversa la Terra, lanciata a corsa, essa pure, sul circuito della sua orbita.

6-Bisogna che il poeta si prodighi con ardore, sfarzo e magnificenza, per aumentare l'entusiastico fervore degli elementi primordiali.

7-Non vi è più bellezza se non nella lotta. Nessuna opera che non abbia un carattere aggressivo può essere un capolavoro.

8-Noi siamo sul patrimonio estremo dei secoli! poiché abbiamo già creata l'eterna velocità onnipresente.

9-Noi vogliamo glorificare la guerra-sola igiene del mondo-il militarismo, il patriottismo, il gesto distruttore

10-Noi vogliamo distruggere i musei, le biblioteche, le accademie d'ogni specie e combattere contro il moralismo, il femminismo e contro ogni viltà opportunistica o utilitaria

11-Noi canteremo le locomotive dall'ampio petto, il volo scivolante degli aeroplani. È dall'Italia che lanciamo questo manifesto di violenza travolgente e incendiaria col quale fondiamo oggi il Futurismo

Creepy Underwater Snake Robot

9453 says...

I like how news stories about robotic developments always present possible applications (usually involving soldiers or rescue workers). Sometimes robots are designed as experiments, as this one appears to have been - to understand snake locomotion.

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