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New Libertarian Country. Wanna go? Discuss.... (Politics Talk Post)

spoco2 says...

As mentioned, this has been tried time and again, and it never really works on any sort of scale because people don't want to be stuck on tiny little man made things out in the ocean forever.

There's the one mentioned above, the 'Freedom Ship' concept which has been in 'plans' for years and years with bugger all sign of ever becoming reality.

Really, I far prefer the concept of a large ship community than a stationary platform. At least you can see the world. Aside from the 'Freedom Ship' there was an actual ship that worked like this (on a much smaller scale), but I can't find the page any more.

Ireland's version of Eminem's "Stan"- (With lyrics)

Barseps says...


(Chorus opening)

There I was havin’ a good hard shit for myself
After the parsnips,peas,cauliflower the lump o leek and de brussels sprout
All inside in me,dyin’ ta get out it was and shur what could i do i had to go
And i’m readin de oul sunday paper,as you do you never know what you might see like and I turn the page and theres this big fuckoff ad for Eminem live in the point depot, and who comes in de door only my little brother Matthew(matcho)
Runs in the the door sees the ad runs downstairs to mammy “Eh mammy mammy Eminems comin to de point depot,mammy mammy Eminem live at the point depot can i go mammy can i please please mammy can i go?” Bastard!
Mammy tells me to go an get tickets I go and get tickets, I’m standin’ outside HMV for 17 an a half fuckin’ hours,with nothin but a flask of turnip soup I had last sundaay and a fuckin’ sleepin bag...Frozen to my balls I was and muppets all round me screamin’ an roarin’ an shoutin’ ‘cleanin out dere closet,cleanin out dere closet’ langers on a half a bottle of fuckin’ smirnoff ice, but shur what can you do wit em?, dere muppets de whole lot of em’
Nonetheless dey move,I move, we all move, I finally get up to de counter
“Eh 2 tickets for Eminem” “Thats 50 euro per ticket and 4.50 bookin’ fee”
“Whats the bookin' fee for?? I booked nothin standin here for 17 1/2 fuckin hours, no credit card, no nothin. Fuckin MCD robbin bastards,robbin’ bastards de whole lot of em but I’ll tell you 1 thing, ye met yer match lads Ha Ha!


Bus Eireann,deres another shower o right muppets altogether 20 euro a piece for myself an matthew....8 1/2 hours and I standin the whole fuckin way from Limerick to Dublin! When does it ever take 8 1/2 hours to go from Limerick to Dub..I’d fuckin’ swim to New York quicker! And It a broken down heap o shit an all it was and blated punctures and bumps,every bump was like a fuckin crater of a moon it was,
Nonetheless we finally get there had to queue outside de point depot for another 2 1/2 hours, half way through the queue some muppet feels my balls “Have you got a camera?” he says....Have I got a camera,I can’t stand the sight of the peroxide fuckers head an he’s askin me have I a camera?! I can’t take a shit,make a hang sangwich an de fuckers lookin’ back at me. I’m only up here for matcho you know!!
Jesus I get in I hadda queue for a burger ('cos Matthew wanted a burger) I hadda queue for a pint,I hadda queue for a piss! Everything,you can’t even make a phone call and some muppets on the line “Eh your call is important to us,please stay on the li….Fuck you ya bastard! Fuckin Eircom robbin bastards! Robbin bastards de whole lot of em,robbin de country blind, fuckin’ government don’t have a clue whats goin’ on in this country!
Nonetheless we’re pushin an we’re squeezin an shovin tryin to make it up to de front for Matcho (Hes only small hes only up to my arse,hes only six, like)...and of course I’m fartin de whole way up coz I couldn’t go to the toilet coz I couldn’t get inta de queue!! And his mouth was open an all and he’s dere “Ah Stan are we near the front yit Stan, Eh stan Are we near the front I can’t breathe stan eh... “We’re nearly dere now hold onto yourself boy!
We finally get there Hes all excited hes on my shoulders,I’m all excited coz hes all excited We came all dis way for you,just for you…..and you send out some black fella…..a big fat black fella an the back of his trousers down his arse. And him roarin into the microphone ‘Whos ur nigger,whos ur nigger ur niggers in da house, Jenny's on the block..” Well I’ll tell u one thing Jenny Suck my fuckin’ cock!!! We didn’t come all this way to see u or no one like u! Jez who are you? Nobody gives a shit about or no one else! We came here to see 1 man 1 man only, do me a favor will u?


Out you finally saunter with your vest wrapped round you good an tight,an oul hangy baggy pants on you and nonetheless an oul pair o nike runners on you
an you screamin into the microphone! how u were fucked in the arse when you were 5, Thats not my fuckin problem you know! We’ve all got issues we’ve all got problems,I’ve a wife that hates me,Ive a child that I love but shur what can we do about em? We don’t go rantin an ravin to the public about how fuckin brilliant we are, how our lives are all fucked up an I want to put my wife in a bodybag an drive her over the edge of a cliff. Well I’ll put you in my bodybag ya bastard! I’ll drive you over the edge of a bridge or a cliff or a mountain or somethin! Don’t go rantin an ravin with ur la de da de da bout your hoosit an wtsit in the world!! I have issues here in the world and I’ll tell u 1 ting!If I’m goin down I’m takin’ you with me coz ur nothin but an ape! And I’ll tell u somethin else,I’ll rip ur liver out thru yer arse! BASTARD!!!!


"Dear stan, you sad, sad little man....why do you think I should give a shit about you or your little brother Matthew, it's fuckin' apes like you that are making me a fortune, I'm worth a FORTUNE....I release an album, you buy the album, I release a single & you buy every single song off it, I mean why do you buy it twice...why why?? You queue for hours you buy tickets, I can't even get a passport leave my own country & the likes of you are still out there buying all my shit that I pump what if I'm moanin' and groanin'?....I'm worth a fortune, I couldn't care less about you, anyone, no-one...I LOVE it...I'm worth so much money, it's SICK...I'm sick to my teeth with money...I'm loaded, I am loaded....I'm fuckin' LOOOOOOOAAAAAADDDEDDDDD!!!!"


Steve Coogan tears into The News Of The World

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^dannym3141:

but also live with himself when he clearly knows what a horrible seedy little man he is.

I doubt he realises or cares how much of a piece of shit he is. He sounds very similar to the reasonings of an xbox hacker I had read about a while back. Unrepentant and utterly ignorant of the fact he's a slimey, piece of shit scumbag that should crawl into a hole to stay so we never have to deal with him ever again.

Also, notice how he always mentions "You being in all the movies... making 5 million pound a movie... you got all these houses..." sounds he's just bitter that he's not in movies or something

Steve Coogan tears into The News Of The World

dannym3141 says...

I find it utterly astounding how comfortable McMullen is with being a slimy, weasly toad of a man. He almost seems proud of the fact that he's sat outside Steve's house for ANY reason. I can't understand how on earth that man can not only sit there and argue, shifting tack each time he gets an utter slapdown, but also live with himself when he clearly knows what a horrible seedy little man he is.

It seems unfair not to mention this - as far as i am aware, Coogan doesn't court the press in any way at all, i rarely ever hear any news about him. His work as a performer has a credibility about it that doesn't NEED the press.

5 year old threatens to Cunt Punch shitty teenager. (Kids Talk Post)

Gallowflak says...

I dunno about any of this. Most important thing seems to be that you've managed to raise a child that, at a young age, knows that he needs to establish boundaries with other people... And that others may not inflict themselves on him in a way he doesn't want them to. Sounds like an impressive little man.

PROOF!!! Obama Birth Certificate Fraud

Yogi says...

>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^spoco2:
Same as 911 nut jobs, same as so many others. Thanks for the simple desc

Yup we're all the same. just like all blacks are the same, and all Asians are the same, and all Mexicans are the same, all Republicans are the same, all Democrats are the same, all Christians are the same, all Muslims are the same....

Don't be such a bitch...just get in your box little man so I can put you on the shelf.

I Want to Lose My Virginity, But I'm Scared...

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It's the same destructive energy as the Taliban - seems to exist in every culture - dudes want to get married so the US deserves to fall like Babylon. They don't see it as psycho because the little man in their head (God) tells them it's the way things should be. >> ^alien_concept:

>> ^shinyblurry:
Videosift, the progressive secular humanists of the new internet? You can check the tempurature of the beliefs here by who the sift repeatedly gives a voice. Apparently homosexual atheists are in force these days.
Since the sift is so anti-christian, I don't mind speaking up about these things. Homosexuality is a sin, period. You're not born that way. We're all born with a fallen nature, with a predisposition for sinning. People have different trials. Homosexuals aren't a special class of people deserving special rights. That is a joke. They are people who are faced with this sin in particular, for whatever reason.
What Dan Savage does isn't sex. It's consensual sodomy. Thats part of what evil does is redefine the meanings of things. The love that two gay men have for eachother is not beautiful, it is repulsive. God does not approve of their union, and they should never be married. What they love is sin, and sin is not beautiful. It is an abomination before the Lord.

A group of sinners have actually convinced this corrupt culture that they deserve special rights for sinning. lol. It just shows you how far gone this country/world is. Yes, all of this so people can park their junk in whatever they want..anything but what God wants, notice, that is the key point. People who embrace sin as they do could never please God. You can't serve two masters. Gay rights? Sinners have no rights, they are a slave to sin. America is becoming more like babylon every day, especially in what it deserves as punishment for its actions.

Yay, a christian with little other than hate in his/her heart, my absolute favourite contradiction!
Shhhh shh shh

Georgia Law Enforcement Refuse to Report Forfeiture Funds

blankfist says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

It's adorable how corporatists always make their arguments against regulation about the little guy. Why am I not surprised that the Institute for 'Justice' is funded by uber right wing corporatists, big oil's David Koch and trustfunder magnate Richard Mellon Scaife:
David Koch net worth: US $21.5 billion
Richard Mellon Scaife net worth: $1.2 billion dollars

Again, the big business Institute for Justice is fucking shit up for the little man. IJ have a lot to gain reporting on this issue! Koch will make billions! Nay, trillions! Bwahaha!

Qualm's trying to get himself banned? (Actionpack Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

lol @qualm.

I've never deaded anything of yours before to my knowledge, so don't get your pretty little panties in a knot. I'm surprised that you, of all people, can't let that whole thing go - the rest of us have moved on.

There are no disturbing details in anything, and just because you keep suggesting them, doesn't mean anything. It only shows what a petty, little man you really are.

Your incessant "bumping" of that thread also just shows what a troll you are. You should be banned post haste, because you don't deserve the leeway you are afforded.

Fuck you, go to hell and die. You little piece of shit.

Toronto Police punch reporter in the face twice at G20

Feline Revenge - Cat Gets Even After Being Forced To Play

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'cat, attack, babysitter, fearless, critter, ball, play' to 'cat, attack, babysitter, fearless, angry, critter, ball, play, james taylor, little man' - edited by calvados

The Story of Maceo - Janes Addiction

burdturgler says...


My cat's name is Maceo
He's a little man in a cat's body
Well, he yawns just like I do
He's convinced I won't eat him

I think he thinks that I'm his dad
'Cause I saved him from the pound
Well, we went down, down to the pound
An' that's were we saw Maceo

La la la
La la la
La la la

Cat catcher said to me
"Go ahead and pick one out"
Maceo said "Let me out!"
He sleeps right where I do
And we wrestle in the morning

La la la
La la la
La la la

He comes to you if you don't bother him
He just likes to do his own thing
Well, my cat's name is Maceo
He's a little man in a cat's body

Here we go!

La la la
La la la
La la la

Home Taping is Killing Music

rosser99 says...

I'm actually going to disagree here. Stealing music and the lost proceeds does hurt people, but not the ones you typically think about. Fuck the Madonnas and Britneys - they really aren't hurting if you bit torrent yourself an entire MP3 library (or home tape the radio) However, there are hundreds of other artists and technicians who have a direct stake in the sales. How about the composers? Somebody writes all the trash that the pop stars sing, and you can bet the amount of artistic input from most the actual performers is next to nothing. Instead, the composer is counting on his 7 cents (literally) from each CD sale with his song included on it (remember, most songs don't get radio play time so radio royalties, which are paltry anyway, can't be counted on). Same goes for the nameless sound engineers, recording techs, and session musicians who count on a healthy industry.

Also, I don't think the implied comparison between home taping and modern digital formats is a fair comparisons for a number of reasons.

1 - When home blank tapes came on the market, I believe that the recording industry did negotiate a royalty deal whereby they received a small portion of every blank tape sale - this helped cover the record sales losses. However, nobody is receiving a royalty payment for every "blank MP3" that is distributed.

2 - Taping the Top 40 off the radio is inherently messy - shorter tracks, announcers cutting in, commercials, etc.... There is still a very clear incentive to go buy your favorite artists for the higher audio quality free of distractions. However, MP3 reproduction is pretty darn perfect with very little quality loss - - save me the reply about MP3 quality vs loss-less formats.....the average listener can't hear and doesn't care.

3 - Also, only 1 or 2 tracks from an album may receive radio play time - if you are taping from the radio, it is nearly impossible to get an album recorded. However, in under 5 minutes I can have any album I want, in its entirety, on MP3, and an entire artists' library is not out of the question.

Now, I am not saying the recording industry isn't shit stupid for their resistance to digital media for so long, and I'm not saying they aren't complete ass holes for suing college kids for more money than they will ever earn because they put their MP3 collection up on Napster. Also, I know the whole argument that having access to free music will encourage someone to go out and actually buy the albums they like. However, the numbers don't lie - CDs sales are tumbling, and the lost revenue is not made up for through legal digital sales. Plain and simple, it is stealing, and there are a lot more (middle class and nameless) people counting on a paycheck from RCA than simply the front man recording "artists." Yes, if the industry finally gets its act together, they could offer legitimately compelling digital sales, but until then, the little man shouldn't pay the price for record executive dip-shittery.

Tom Hanks is Smarter than Morning Joe

rougy says...

>> ^Payback:
>> ^rougy:
Comparing the loss of an iPod to being unemployed in this economy suggests a disassociation with reality that would be grounds for involuntary commitment.
And, yeah, three cheers for Tom Hanks!

Actually, he was comparing being unemployed in this economy with being shot at in "The War". In that respect, being unemployed, in the Grand Scheme of Things, really is like losing a toy. Few people worry about their mortgage with bullets flying past their ears.

Actually, I hope you're one of the people standing around with his hand out, wondering why nobody cares.

Actually, I don't think you've ever been subjected to air-to-ground fire. Ever.

Actually, I don't think you've ever been subjected to artillary.

Beat your chest, and scream little man. How tough you are. Little mouse.

Rep. Grayson on the Christian Right's "Pact with the Devil"

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Then watch Obama's SOTU speech followed by his appearance at the GOP retreat (including the Q&A). That's 3 hours of your time and it makes the whole situation very clear, from a management perspective at least.

The only thing that Obama's SOTU & GOP retreat speeches make clear is that Obama is a petulent, selfish, insecure loser. His policies are being rejected by the American people. Every initiative he puts forth is being reoundly rejected by the public. Obama's version of health care - rejected. Obama's version of Cap & Trade - rejected. Obama's government takeover of industries & money - rejected. Obama's stupid Kenseyian economic vision - rejected. He is being rejected and frustrated at every turn and he clearly doesn't like it. He just wants everyone to shut up, quit fighting his agenda, and goose-step to his whimsy.

"Management perspective". There was no management perspective from Obama. The nub of his two speeches (SOTU & GOP) can be summed up in one phrase... "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! You aren't doing what I waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant!"

I heard a clip on Brietbart or some other blog that I peruse. I cycle through Kos, HuffPo, Brietbart & a couple others to see what the kooks are aflutter about. Anyway, the clip was from Rush Limbaugh - and I had to admit that he nailed Obama perfectly. Essentially he said that Obama was sensitive, insecure, and defensive because for the first time in his life no one is there to give him an "A" when he really got a "D"... No one is there to give him a job when he really isn't qualified... His mistakes and stupidity are hanging out for the world to see, and he doesn't like it when he's actually held responsible for being an idiot. He's a little man-child who has had everything handed to him on a platter all his life and for the first time no one is there to paper over his mistakes. He has no mechanism to deal with actual culpability - so he just lashes out and blames everyone else because that's what he's done all his life.

I heard that and it clicked. It his Obama square between the eyes. I've met people like that before, and it describes them (and Obama) perfectly. He's a small man in a pair of boots way too big for him, and he knows it. He's the naked emporer; he knows he's naked, and he's scared to death of people who point it out so he tries to shout them down.

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