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Emails Reveal Trump Planned Coup with Loyalist Jeffrey Clark

Trump Jr High As A Kite Rambling Nonsense

X-Wing in a Bowling Alley.

Trump Rambles During Fake GOP Voter Fraud Hearing

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Even Trump knows it's over and started the pardon phase of his lame duck session after supporting the transition beginning. You don't do that, give secret info to a guy you claim is an enemy of the U.S., unless you see no choice.

The amount of mistakes, like slight miscounts and lost ballots, was 1/2 that of the last presidential election according to election officials.
All this fraud talk is just that, talk. The administration has presented no evidence, much less conclusive proof of any mass fraud. Are there even cases still being tried? Not many if any.

We had a fair and clean election, the cleanest this century with no meaningful foreign interference, verified by Trump appointed professionals who's job it is to know.

These idiots you keep listening to are liars, and you know it. The people claiming to have witnessed fraud are liars, not one would testify. The Trump team ensured that would be the case by offering a $1 million bribe to anyone who could testify about proof of cheating, no takers but many tried.

Better send your $8K to the legal defense fund before it gets shut down, Donny's counting on you.

Edit: if it's not over, why aren't you taking that bet? Didn't he offer 100-1 odds? And you won't risk $10, but you'll risk lives and the union over your baseless certitude that democrats cheated and trump will catch them.

bobknight33 said:

Not even close to being over.

Trump may still lose but it was not a clean election. Corruption has occurred.

As an American I would think that you would want a clean / fair election. Maybe not.

Chairman of Joint Chiefs sends subtle message to Trump

newtboy says...

Every appointment by Trump since the election should be removed and every firing during his lame duck term reconsidered on Jan 20.

Don't let the shallow state (trump loyalists who are all unqualified and unfit) survive. That's why Joe needs transition funding and clearance, so he can both hire qualified people and have them ready January 20, and so he can have good cause to fire every Trump appointee and installation, all his acting department heads that couldn't survive a confirmation hearing. Trump is trying to fill the government with his loyalists who's sole mission is to block Biden's administration just like he spent 4 years accusing the Democrats of doing with no evidence.

Notre Dame Faculty Pens Open Letter To Delay Hearings

newtboy says...

I think it was more because Moscow Mitch made it clear was serious that he wasn't holding any confirmation hearings for Obama by not even hearing Merrick Garland, actually a republican pick, that he wasn't going to consider anyone Obama put forth.

The politics of "because I can", not serving the country or even his party, just his own animus.

This precedent is going to backfire big-time if, as appears likely, dems take the Whitehouse and Senate. Adding ten seats to the supreme court and filling them with far left activist judges might happen just because they can, and that's the standard now.

For all intents and purposes his powers are revoked when the Senate is only interested in obstructionism, like today's that won't consider bills and revels in their nickname "the chamber of death, where bills go to die".

The "lame duck" ploy was just pure "because we can"ism. No legal precedent, actually a dereliction of duty by congress ignoring what the constitution says they shall do. I sure as Fuck hope dems grow a spine and ignore all right wing arguments as they have ignored democrats, and play the politics of "because we can" through October 2024, then write an amendment to stop capping the supreme court at 19 forever and other instances where because I can-ism can override patriotism. If they don't exercise their power to the fullest, ignoring any attempt to reach across the aisle or compromising to get some bypartisanism in the next two years at a minimum (assuming they win), they'll deserve to be discarded.

Mordhaus said:

He chose not to. I can only assume because there was a conservative majority in the Senate.

He had the option. If there had been a Democrat majority, the person could have been confirmed even after Trump won the election.

Just because a sitting President is in Lame Duck status, it does not mean his powers are revoked. Some choose not to do anything after the election and that is their option.

Notre Dame Faculty Pens Open Letter To Delay Hearings

Mordhaus says...

He chose not to. I can only assume because there was a conservative majority in the Senate.

He had the option. If there had been a Democrat majority, the person could have been confirmed even after Trump won the election.

Just because a sitting President is in Lame Duck status, it does not mean his powers are revoked. Some choose not to do anything after the election and that is their option.

BSR said:

Why didn't Obama pick a person?

Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Republican

newtboy says...

Same goes for any other Republican that said the same and now wants a blitzkrieg to install a non judge (before her recent appointment by Trump and a woman who intends to legislate based on the bible) at an accelerated speed not seen in history not the constitution, right? Of course that's right.
So you support immediately impeaching everyone who's followed suit. Cool.

It's going to be a 6-3 supreme court with 3 being sycophants not professionals.

Yes, it's his decision, which patriots make based on national best interest but the right flip flops their thinking based on what's politically expedient, what's best for them, and precedent or their solemn word means nothing if it doesn't help them today, they're willing dishonest, disingenuous hypocrites but you love that.

The court today is heavily conservative now, 5-3, and will stay 5-4 conservative without him filling the slot during an election. Can't you count to 8?

At least when they get the power, democrats are poised to add as many seats as necessary to balance it.

Tell me when it's been a 6-3 liberal court.
Tell me when a lame duck president has confirmed a court pick during an election.
Tell me when the last time you sucked off a 13 year old boy was.
Tell me!

bobknight33 said:

Lets be frank.
Lyndsey Graham is a POS. He a political tool and goes with political wind.

The nicest thing I can say about him is that I hope he joins his friend ( also a POS) John McCain .

WRT of supreme court nomination. My first thought was no, not till after election. Then Democrats ranted and screamed that would pack the court and a few other things.

POTUS job is to nominate, as did Obama. Dems did not control the senate. Mitch McConnell was / is the Senate Majority Leader. It is his decision to or not to advise and consent.

AS to now the court will be conservative if Trumps pick goes through, that implies that it was had a liberal slant.

Sounds like liberals don't want that to happen

This is America it swings to the left for a while then to the right.

Do You Regret All Your Lying?

How it Starts

Mystic95Z says...

You certainly drank the RWNJ Kool-Aid didn't you. What a lame excuse for a human being you are. I'm certainly glad your kind are an endangered species these days....

bobknight33 said:

I realize you are a leftist liberal nut and that you not only drank the Kool Aid but you are guzzling it down.

You are the TOOL of the Left.

Are you pro ANTIFA?
Pro Socialist?
Pro Communism?
Anti American?
Anti Cop?

You at least 3 out of 5 but most likely 5/5.

Jack - Michigan - Republican Voters Against Trump

newtboy says...

I'm not a big Biden fan, it was his turn last election when he gave up his candidacy because he was sad, leaving us with Clinton v Trump, but what you're saying is asinine on a Bobknight33 level.

People who voted for Obama, then voted for Trump because the DNC screwed Sanders out of HIS turn because THEY decided it was Hillary's turn don't have the same issues this time, and know clearly who Trump is now, not just bombastic but massively criminal (most convictions of any administration ever, maybe more than all who came before), petty, ignorant, inept, incompetent (120000+ dead from his incompetence), unpatriotic (let Putin put a hit on our soldiers and does nothing), racist, con man and constant liar. No Bernie bro is voting for him again. No such backstabbing has occurred this time, no DNC party politics, Biden won the primary fairly.
What's your beef?

No matter what, Republicans will blame democrats for Republican failures and take credit for Democratic progress. They always do. They will pile on any Democrat any chance they get, always do. That's not a reason to stick with Republican failure. Jebus Christ. So incredibly lame an argument.

Is that the best you've got, reelect Trump and end America or else some infantile morons will blame Biden for the horrendous Trump administration's failures? The desperation is palpable. Americans for the most part have more brains than that....Trump voters excluded.

It's far more likely that the Republicans are fading into oblivion and losing any majority anywhere. The people won't just forget Trump, the worst president in our history, nor will they forget how every Republican fell in lock step with him (except Romney).

StukaFox said:

Yet the Dems run the most insipid candidate since Dukakis and not because he's the best candidate, but because it's his turn.

The worst part is the DNC is looking at a truly momentous election where they could lay the foundation for a generational political shift in the US the same way Reagan did in 1980, but they utterly fail to understand why some of the same people who voted for Trump in '16 voted for Obama two elections earlier and have decided to play party politics instead.

The worst thing that could happen to the Dems right now is to win this election. The GOP is going to blame them for the wreckage left by Trump, pile on Biden every chance they get, and exploit the DNC's blindness to push the Dems into political oblivion.

Trump's Covid 19 Plan, Get Cancer Then Poison Yourself

newtboy says...

Only a fool believes he didn't really believe it would work and that he just had a genius idea nobody thought of, just like his other idea, massive doses of uv. Nobody knew that wouldn't work, nobody. *facepalm
He's now claiming it was sarcasm since someone apparently told him how stupid he is, but that's obvious bullshit, he meant every word. No wink, no smirk, no "just kidding", he was dead serious.
Edit: now he's claiming it was a genius practical joke on the press not revealed for 18+ hours, putting his worshipers lives at risk to trigger the fake media....uh....yeah, that's much better.
Technically he didn't actually say people should inject it, he said doctors, actual real medical doctors this time, should test direct injection....but when he says that his moronic cultists just do it because he knows more than doctors....they didn't get their hydroxychloroquine through a doctor for the most part, they went black market because reputable doctors wouldn't prescribe it. They took it because Trump said it was perfect, a miracle cure with no downside. Turns out it may double the likelihood of death along with multiple life altering side effects.
Wait and see, people will do it. Probably drinking bleach or rubbing alcohol, but some morons will inject it. Trumpsters are not rational. Just look at homeless cocaine dad here, or you thinking he's convincing in any way. Remember, some Trumpster idiots took fish tank chloroquine because he said "chloroquine good". You think more morons won't inject rubbing alcohol because Trump said "injecting disinfectants good"?!

The president absolutely suggested it might be a way to fight the virus. That's exactly what he did. This whole video was a lame frantic attempt to deny it, then he played the audio that proves he did.

bobknight33 said:

Only fools think Trump suggest injecting disinfectants like bleach and rubbing alcohol might be a good treatment to kill Covid,

Shit load of Fools on the sift.

Banana Republic - trump threatens to adjourn U.S. Congress

newtboy says...

Such utter bullshit and *lies
There are currently 89 nominees awaiting confirmation or refusals, not 129, and another 15 announced but not formally nominated by Trump so not eligible. He's had 510 confirmed (with many quickly leaving or being removed for cause). He bragged about not filling positions before, leaving most departments leaderless or at best with temporary heads with minimal powers to run their departments. There are over 1200 positions he should have filled in January 2017 but couldn't or wouldn't. So much for having the best people, he has the least complete administration ever in our history....couldn't find enough yes men I suppose.

Contrary to Trump's lies, he does not have the power to adjourn congress either unless the house or the Senate adjourn first and the other refuses to adjourn, or if they can't agree on a date. Adjourning the Senate now is something Moscow Mitch said he's not considering, they've got work to do. There is an agreed upon adjournment date, Jan 3 2021, which means Trump has zero power to force adjournment.

This impeached lame duck president should be barred from any new nominations, he's squandered those he started with and with Moscow Mitch's help already stole one Supreme Court seat that wasn't his and filled an extraordinarily high number of federal judge positions. If designated acting heads were fine until now, they're fine until January.

The Egg

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