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When baby bunnies attack

When baby bunnies attack

Is the Trump presidency a religious cult?

newtboy says...

Evangelical Christians are consistently one of the most hypocritical, least consistent religious groups around. They seek to spread the love of Jesus with anger, hatred, vitriol, and violence.
They've put the embodiment of the 7 deadly sins and immorality up on a pedestal and worship him because he promised them wealth and power.
They will become a violent terrorist group when he's we will have to deal with like Daesh.

Fear isn't the mind killer....religion is.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Interestingly, the DNA research site gedmatch, a site where people publicly post genealogy and DNA data, was just used to identify the golden state killer.
One would think that if all DNA data was already in the hands of law enforcement, they wouldn't have taken so long to identify him.

That said, it's naive to believe your data is safe in anyone else's hands. The reason chip cards aren't protecting us is every company keeps your data in their not so secure databases, negating all the new security features newer credit cards have.

bobknight33 said:

CIA is in control. They fund Google, FB and many others. Collecting your data. Do you thing 23andme doesn't funnel back to CIA? What about Apple finger recognition or now face recognition?

We are just slaves to their system and you feed it only to be used against you later if needed.

The White House's Violence in Video Games

Jinx says...

To be fair, correlation of gun ownership to gun violence isn't exactly clear cut either. No country has quite as many guns per capita as America, but there are countries with relatively high gun ownership that don't have the same problem with gun violence. Clearly it's a complex issue...

but maybe media is to blame somewhat. The news media. I wonder if the reporting was minimised - i.e. no images of the killer, no details about the killer, just reporting of the incident, the victims etc and then, as callous as this perhaps sounds, on to the next story. The families of the victims aren't helped by the frenzy or speculation and I really think it only encourages the next would-be murderer. It gives an opportunity to have a discussion about gun control (except it comes across as opportunistic...) but America's gun violence problem is larger than mass shootings. To me, it's as much about the stickups that go wrong, the fact every police officer can make a poor decision and end up killing somebody, its about lil timmy accidentally shooting his best friend, its about suicides... not just about tragedies that dominate the news. Oh, and games have fuck all to do with any of it

RFlagg said:

That is the part that befuddles me with their whole argument. Every other country in the world has these games, movies, and TV... have they seen some of the stuff coming out of Japan and parts of Europe. They all have equally violent games and movies, and they don't have the same problem. And as was pointed out by CrushBug, they are all Rated M games.

They all have "mentally ill" people too... and don't have the same problem. Another argument that makes no sense, given that one of their first actions was to make it easier for "mentally ill" people to get guns. Though as I understand it that hasn't gone into effect yet, it's still the principle of saying "it's mental illness" while making it easier for those you are blaming. Not to mention every version of their attempts to get rid of Obamacare included massive cuts to mental health programs.

The fact that all these people are the same people who scream "right to life" in regards to abortion, and that's why they vote Republican (a party that loves war and the death penalty), is a bit odd since they seem to love their right to own a gun far more than the tons of lives snuffed out by said guns each year. I'd be more or less happy enough, for now, to just end the Dickey amendment and see how the data works out. But no, they still refuse to do that... probably because the NRA has an idea of where that data will go.

How Star Wars The Last Jedi Should Have Ended

Jinx says...

They weren't that bad.

Apart from that bit where they lightspeed the ship into the other ship. Like, if your universe has ftl travel, you gotta invent some reason why you can't do that or it turns every ship into a weapon of mass destruction. Why do they build all these planet killers when they could just light speed shit into whatever they want. And yeah yeah I know this is a place where people can do magic, and space seems to be really small, and there is sound in space, and nothing seems to obey newton's laws etc etc... but come on, at least try to be consistent.

Other than that I enjoyed it.

notarobot (Member Profile)

notarobot (Member Profile)

Motorboat does impression of Killer Whale in the wild

noims says...

You see, this friendly display is why they should be called Orcas rather than Killer Whales.

(Note: see other videos to find out why they should be called Killer Whales rather than Orcas)

MonsterVision might come back?

Caught in Providence: Carton Of The Rollies

eric3579 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Depressing, I just can't.
I'm expecting eventual retaliation against killer cops and their families. It's surprising that they aren't being targeted by friends and families of the victims. It's not like they're all in hiding. I guess the average citizen must not be the violent threat they pretend they think we are.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

CNN: Guns In Japan

jwray says...

Even the non-firearm homicide rate in the US is 5 times that of Japan. Japanese gun control can't take credit for all that. Personality is more than 50% heritable, and by extension, so is violent behavior. (Case in point: the vegas killer's father was on the FBI most wanted list). Personalitywise, Japanese tend to be relatively meek and inhibited. Even if every one of them owned a gun, their murder rate would probably still be a fraction of the US murder rate.

Liberal Redneck - On Guns

jwray says...

1. Mass shootings are <1% of the murder rate, and murder is <1% of the death rate. Getting wound up about mass shootings is as dumb as getting wound up about terrorism. They're both very small in relation to how much people freak out.
2. We already have lots of gun control. Especially in places like California, where the killer bought most of his guns legally and passed a background check.

3. Bump stocks were the real problem. Even the NRA is open to restricting bump stocks. Let's do that.

4. Let's not go overboard with the Australian solution. Australia's murder rate almost halved from 1990 to 2015, and people erroneously give the buyback credit for that, but in that same 25 year time span the US murder rate went down even more (from 9.4 to 4.5 per 100,000) The murder rate went down everywhere in that time frame due to banning leaded gasoline that causes brain damage. Also due to some smaller factors (more abortion, better software for predictive policing).

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