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The Office - Knock Knock Joke

The Office - Knock Knock Joke


Rachel Maddow: New CIA Torture Documents Released

Farhad2000 says...

>> ^jamessurvivalguide:
If he just "made up stories," and this makes him a liar, then couldn't he in fact be lying about having lied?

I saw you steal a cookie. You admit to stealing the cookie.
I torture you and you admit to stealing the cookie.
I believe you stole a car too but I didn't see it.
So I torture you again.
You claim not to have stolen a car.
I don't believe you.
I torture you again.
You admit to stealing the car.
I believe you stole a computer.
I torture you.
You claim not to have stolen a computer.
I don't believe you. Because you are the evil terrorist mastermind.
I torture you again.
You admit to stealing a computer.
I come to your cell to check on your health.
You admit to stealing my drink.
I torture you. Who knows what else you have done?
I come under investigation.
"Did the use of torture lead to actionable intelligence?"
"Yes, we have admission to ***BLOCKED FOR REASONS OF NATIONAL SECURITY*** and this is why we believe this is a viable strategy"

Welcome to the wonderful world of torture as practiced by the Stasi, the KGB, the Khmer Rouge and Bush's America. Notice how none of the KSM documents outlining the operations stopped through the use of torture didn't surface out in any shape of form. Why. Because there is nothing there. Bush would be the first person to wave a victory flag through the use of torture. Only that didn't happen. But it's all National Security secrets now, but slowly like this it will seep out. And the facade of it all will collapse.

Conservatives Outraged Over Release Of Torture Photos

Farhad2000 says...

The amount of spin in 2:53 of video is astounding.

"Hurting America First" - Didn't it hurt America to start using torture in the first place? One of the key states to fight against the policies of Nazi Germany, the Stasi, the KGB and Khmer Rouge. One of the main founders and signatories of the Geneva convention?

"Showing military men and women in bad light" - Torture policy was top down not bottom up, we are to hold those who put these policies forward not those made to carry them out as orders. John Yoo, David Addington, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney. It was not a few bad apples.

"Voyeurism" - Was it voyeurism to cite 9/11 in almost every campaign speech during the elections? Was it voyeurism to acknowledge the victims of the holocaust? More diversionary spin. Such steps would assure these events will never occur again. One must see the mistakes of before to learn from them lest we repeat this again.

"Acts that have ended" - The acts were supposed to have ended with the Abu Ghraib scandal, but they didn't. It was a policy that was implemented and carried out before and after the scandal broke and would have kept going had the information not been leaked out.

"Hurting our National defense/Reason for suicide bombers" - The reasons for suicide bombing and attacks on America are plentiful for those who choose to do so. The way the statement is framed doesn't acknowledge that actually carrying out torture has been a great boon to creating more terrorists, or that its continual oppression and denial only furthers the case that America has a hypocritical stance. "It's bad when others do it, but its okay for us to do it."

"Replayed in the Arab world" - This is a lie. I live in the Arab world, we have enough of our own issues, the accusations of torture coming out were not surprising as the Arabs already know that Americans do not really care about the plight of the Arab people given the long history of political meddling in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Palestine, Iraq and Iran.

"Hurt the military" - Again an example of attacking the grunts instead of attacking those who created and put this forward these policies.

"Reveal intelligence gather techniques" - There has not been a single document published by the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, the US military nor any other intelligence gathering component of the US government that has showed unequivocally that torture had prevented attacks and or has made America safer in anyway. What it has do is cost America the moral standing, the support of the international world and created strained relations across the world providing fuel for terrorist organizations to attack the US more then ever.

Waterboarding IS Torture -- Amnesty International

Farhad2000 says...

It's shocking that in this day and age there are people who believe that the tactics employed by the Khmer Rouge, the KGB and the Nazis somehow are not torture.


poolcleaner (Member Profile)

Shepppard (Member Profile)

The Office - The KGB Waits for NO ONE!

poolcleaner (Member Profile)

The Putin System : State Managed Democracy in Russia

Farhad2000 says...

Russia for the last 8 years has benefited from America's war on terrorism, with high fluctuating oil prices and the stranglehold of gas supplies to Europe from central Asian states. Most of the economic growth was also from the maturation of many reforms passed under Yeltsin. Putin's strong stance against Chechnya and dismantling of oligarchy wins favour with the Russian public. Anything is possible for the people of Russia as long as they do not think of becoming involved politically against the Putin's KGB cadre.

However with the economy now entering recession people's lives will be affected, Putin froze the prices before elections earlier in the year, dissent would rise as the illusion of economic growth now fades and change is pushed for. The Kremlin will come down hard on anybody who will start to resist. This is the reality of State Managed Democracy in Russia.

The Rise of Pro-Putin Youth
Putin Warns Countries Not To Interfere With Russian Affairs
Why Democracy: Russia's Village of Fools
ex-KGB spy speaking against Putin shortly before his death
Real News: Eric Margolis comments on Putin and Russia's Duma
Russians back Putin, Russian Elections deemed a 'farce'
Suppression of Opposition Groups in Russia
Putin's Message to the West
Death of a Nation: Russia in 2006 by Marcel Theroux
Kasparov on Maher--Being Very Clever
Panorama - The poisoning of Litvinenko
Russians mark Anna Politkovskaya's Murder

DEC 14 2008 MOSCOW— The Russian police detained dozens of antigovernment protesters attempting to hold an unsanctioned rally in Moscow on Sunday.

Police officers and armored riot control personnel prevented the planned protest in central Moscow from materializing, in the latest sign that public expression of dissent against the authorities would not be tolerated under President Dmitri A. Medvedev any more than it had been under his predecessor, Vladimir V. Putin.

As many as 100 people were detained, including Eduard Limonov, the head of the banned National Bolshevik Party, said a spokeswoman for Other Russia, a coalition of opposition groups led by Mr. Limonov and the former chess champion Garry Kasparov, among others. The police said that about 10 people were detained during a similar protest in St. Petersburg, Interfax reported.
The Moscow demonstration was meant as a protest of the Kremlin’s handling of the financial crisis and its plans to change the Constitution to extend presidential and parliamentary term limits. Government critics say such a move could be used to extend the authority of Mr. Putin, who is now prime minister, and possibly lead to his early return to the presidency.

Mr. Putin, while he has said Mr. Medvedev will remain president until his term ends in 2012, has not ruled out running for a third term after that.

Learn Judo with me, Vladimir Putin

Matt Damon Actually Sounding Smart On Palin

kagenin says...

I'm sorry, but Matt Damon is TOTALLY right about the reality of the situation that the McCain camp has created. This is a story straight out of a Disney movie - the Hockey mom staring down an ex-KGB Russian leader. They could totally fucking adapt that into the next fucking "Mighty Ducks 12: American Hockey Mom vs Russian Spy-turned-Prime Minister," complete with a shoot-out to decide whether or not WORLD FUCKING WAR III happens.

We don't know enough about her, aside from the fact that she's a raving fucking lunatic fundamentalist Christian with a Down's baby and a pregnant teenage daughter. She may also be a nepotistic, vindictive (Trooper-gate?) woman who believes that god's will has dictated her entire political career. It is also not unlikely that McCain would kick the bucket given that he's had FOUR FUCKING MELANOMA SCARES and we all know that the stress he had at the Hanoi Hilton certainly didn't ADD years to his life. Do we REALLY want this woman in control of the Nuclear Missile codes? Am I the ONLY ONE besides Damon who sees the total fucking ABSURDITY of the situation?

Putin Accuses US of Staging Georgia Conflict

kronosposeidon says...

You know, I'll be the first to admit that there are SO many thing happening behind the scenes that we don't know about. However, this bullshit stinks of *lies so badly that I don't even know where to start.

A new Cold War has already started, so all the intrigues have begun anew. If the US was involved in any way with the Georgian conflict I won't be completely surprised, but let's not give Putin the benefit of the doubt either. The guy is former KGB, so he's a natural born liar. Just like a certain former Director of Central Intelligence.

EDD (Member Profile)

Farhad2000 says...

I posed the same question to my dad's friend who is a proud Russian patriot, he said that the nation is prosperous but is again sliding in to the same political system that was prevalent in the USSR.

This is something reflected now in the way Russia is dealing with Iran and Georgia. I still believe the economy is over reliant on oil and gas pipeline control from Central Asian nations going into European markets. Alternative pipeline development in Georgia is a reason I believe Russia is meddling in it's affairs, as an alternative gas line from Central Asia to Europe would hinder Russia's ability to control the market to it's benefit as it has been trying to do with Ukraine.

Economy development is nice and all but it doesn't correlate directly with political and democratic freedom, at the same time that Russia's economy is developing we have an entrenchment of power via the Nashi / United Russia Party. Putin's role in bringing Russia back has been hyped up, when in reality they are benefits of difficult economic decisions made by people under Yeltsin, which Putin reaped politically. Economic development has also been centralized in Moscow, its not like Serbia or any other Russian backwater is better off now on the same level.

People in Russia didn't want Putin to leave actually, he didn't change the constitution to validate a third term, but am sure he will after Medvedev is done, to me that is basically the return of the politburo in the high echelons of power in the Kremlin.

My view is pessimistic, as Putin represents that most dangerous element of human psyche, someone raised in the mystique and power of the old Soviet Union, trained by the KGB to watch it all collapse in 1991, now working to build up its power once again but not through democratization but through a return to centralized power.

This is of course the same kind of Managed Democracy we see in China, and every former Soviet State. The important factor uniting them being the illusion of simple 'consumer' freedom.

In reply to this comment by EDD:
In reply to this comment by Farhad2000:
I disagree with you Legacy, Putin is centralizing power under himself thus its a authoritarian regime. History proves that too much power concentrated in one singular person always leads to a collapse not a sprout of growth and progress. This is why Nazi Germany failed, why the USSR failed and why every despotic regime fails.

Furthermore it is not economic stability when a country is wholly dependent on its oil export revenue to sustain a military expansion that is slowly leading into a new cold war.

I'd really like to super-promote your comment right now.

Although to be fair, legacy had some valid claims - at least the idea that a civic society in Russia would eventually arise through strong consumer society is backed up by Dmitri Trenin's Getting Russia Right, which I am currently in the process of finishing translating.

Hope I'm not bothering too much by following up on old comments. If you're not bothered too much, what's your take on Russia nowadays - up or down? How likely we really lapse into a new cold war with all the recent bs going on?

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