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NHL Evgeny Svechnikov - Future Trivia Answer

Fairbs says...

I'm pretty much over the rivalry now too, but I sure do remember how much I hated those dirty Avs back then.
8 of the 9 years from 95 to 2003, the Cup winner was Detroit, Colorado, or Jersey. It also seemed like whoever won the Wings / Avs series in the playoffs was going to go on to win the Cup. Man that was a crazy rivalry.
Good luck to your Team on the rebuild too. I have a buddy who is an Avs fan and some of their moves in recent years have seemed puzzling to me like getting rid of Statsny and Reilly.

MilkmanDan said:

It almost pained me to sift it, because I'm an Avs fan and the old rivalry is still there for me a little bit.

But this transcended my bias on that pretty easily. Young kid, hero in his first NHL callup, Russian connection like so many of your team's greats (Fedorov and the all-Russian line were killer back in the peak days of Wings/Avs rivalry), happening in one of the final days at the Joe, plus this weird statistical quirk added in -- enough to make me jump up and be a Wings fan when I saw it!

Here's hoping that both of our teams pull off rebuilds ASAP and stop being cellar-dwellers. Young kids like this are probably key to that!

Hockey Presenter Draws Penis on Live TV

MilkmanDan says...

Aha! This is pretty recent, and I've seen the actual play that is being, uh, highlighted.

The Colorado Avalanche (COL, white jerseys) are dead last in the NHL this season, and it isn't even close. They are beyond terrible. I'm a fan, but this season is so grim that I can't bring myself to watch games; just catch up once in a while on a week or two's worth of bad news. I saw this play came up just a few days ago.

In the play in question here (can't see much of it in the video, I'll embed below) a Colorado player gets a breakaway. Scoring a goal wouldn't do anything dramatic like get them back in the game, or save the season or anything. But it might save some pride and make it actually appear like they are professional hockey players. Hell, I think Avs fans would have been happy if he just hopelessly shot the puck right into the logo on the goalie's chest. Going through the motions would be an improvement for this team.

Instead, he inexplicably decides to stop, turn around, and attempt to pass to his teammate a few strides back. But the pass is intercepted by a defenseman from the other team, because OF COURSE it is. So they went from a guaranteed scoring chance (a breakaway shot) to nothing. Pretty much sums up their season, in one play.

Here it is:

Considering all that, I think the whole debacle was completely deserving of having a big dick drawn all over it.

This Administration Is Running Like A Fine Tuned Machine

bobknight33 says...

The media have been dishonest or best disingenuous to this guy. It not that they age anti Trump They are ANTI Republican.

Them media bias Trump negatively while placing positive bias spin on Democrat ideas..

I would say you as the one blinded on this issue.

Americans do stand for Trump. Enough to elect him.
Look like I have always said I am a Cruz fanboy.
Trump is not a Republican. If he ran with a D on his jersey he still would have won. HE is pro business and pro military I am OK with that. He is not anti gay. He just came out as being anti abortion ( remains to be seen).

If he he ran with a D on his shirt the media would love him and demonize Cruz. It just the way it is. Media are Liberals. Why fight these truths?

Now does Trump have the right to call then out on falsehoods?
Yep he does.

HE should point out how biased they are and not just fake news..

Januari said:

Wow... See above comment...

Of course you just dismiss that as dishonest media, and proceed to swallow everything this imbecile says. For the love, listen to yourself. What are you insecure by proxy? This loser is holding campaign rallies to feel better about himself, and you and the people there seem to be sharing in it. Maybe if they wish for it hard enough they can suppress their cowardice and ignorance long enough to form a dissonance bubble where they can just hide from reality and never have to leave. They can have Limbaugh and Hannity pumped in from the speakers and they never have to think for themselves ever again.


Pie reacts to the inauguration

John Oliver - Republican Reactions to the Lewd Remarks

bobknight33 says...

Bill Clinton was OK groping and raping women and Trump is somehow not allowed to get away with it but Bill can?

So what your are really indicating is that the Left can rape but a Democrat with a Republican jersey can't?

What if Trump wore the Democrat jersey? That should make you feel better about this.

At least Trump did not lie about it or blame it on a video.

Khufu said:

The problem here is not that he said some dirty, piggish shit about women... it's that he said he touches them and kisses them without their consent. HUGE difference... he admitted to sexual assault and said they let him do it because he's famous. The only Bill that he should be comparing himself to is Bill Cosby.

Incredible 41 Shot Rally

How the Gun Industry Sells Self-Defense | The New Yorker

Mordhaus says...

Just a couple of points.

While concealed carry is legal in all states, that does not accurately cover the difficulty in getting permits. In many states, the requirements are so dramatic that it is effectively impossible to become certified. For instance, in California you may only be licensed to concealed carry if you can show a reason to need to carry AND get permission from your local sheriff or city police. In addition, one of the cornerstones of CCW is reciprocity, the allowing of other states CCW permits to be recognized in your state. California is one of the 'may carry' states that doesn't allow any other state or country's CCW holders to carry in California. You must be a resident. Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island are similar. In fact, in Hawaii and a couple of the others, offices that grant permission have been specifically told by superiors to not issue for any reason.

Secondly, other than suicides, CCW holders are far less likely to commit any sort of crime versus a non-CCW holder. With suicides, having a gun of any type handy is going to make them easier. It should be a win win for hardcore anti-gun people anyway, since they have one less 'gun nut' to worry in their sleep about.

In any case, I am a proud CCW permit holder. I carry every day and have never had need to use it. But if need arose, I would have it available. I don't like all of the whack job laws that I have to put up with in Texas, but at least that one I agree with fully.

Bear in the garbage in Colorado

Traveling Wilburys - Tweeter and the Monkey Man

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'bob dylan, harrison, orbison, lynne, petty, volume 1, springsteen, new jersey' to 'bob dylan, harrison, orbison, lynne, petty, new jersey, Travelling Wilburys' - edited by RFlagg

Sanders feels the burn of Clinton's arrogance

ChaosEngine says...

Where are you getting 913?

From what I can see, it's 694.
North Dakota · 18
California · 475
Montana · 21
New Jersey · 126
New Mexico · 34
South Dakota · 20

Am I missing something?

newtboy said:

1769 - 1499 =Sanders 270 behind Clinton
Up for grabs on the 7th = 913 (+ all super delegates, technically)
Hence...not hers.
It's not hard math....but I guess it's harder math than anyone in the Clinton camp can do. One more thing to worry about with her since it seems NO ONE in her administration can do the most basic addition/subtraction.

Bernie Sanders “The View” - Full Interview

00Scud00 says...

The reason many in the NRA are so against smart guns is because some places (New Jersey is one I think) have it written into law that when smart guns become technically and commercially viable then all arms dealers must switch to selling only smart guns within something like 3 years. Essentially making the sale of all other guns illegal I guess.
And the gun manufacturers pretty much already have immunity from being sued for how someone uses their products. There is no reasonable way that the makers of a firearm could possibly insure that someone they sell a gun to will not use it in either a criminal or just recklessly.
Personally I think smart guns are a great idea but I think lawmakers didn't consider how their own laws might wind up hindering the adoption of smart guns.
Here's the story I heard on NPR about it a week or two back.

spawnflagger said:

I think the main reason gun manufacturers don't make the biometric locks (as Obama and many other politicians call for) is fear of litigation when that lock fails.

To see safer guns (from children finding and using them) I would support a bill with some form of legal immunity from these types of lawsuits.

geo321 (Member Profile)

louis theroux-extreme love-autism

Ben Carson And Donald Trump Won't Go On Stage

newtboy says...

Wow...really? What a stretch to shift the blame.
"We would like to welcome to the stage the candidates for the republican nomination for president...New Jersey Governor Chris Christy, (he walks out), Dr Ben Carson..." (he walks 1/2 way out, halts for no reason, waits, another candidate is eventually called and Carson is passed, is waved out by stage hands but ignores them, is joined by another brainless candidate, is passed again, is passed again, is re-called and finally goes out, Trump is re-called out, but still can't understand what to do, then Trump is again re-called and also finally emerges).
The moderators are facing the crowd, they don't see that some candidates were too dumb to come to the stage WHEN CALLED TO THE STAGE. That's in no way the moderators' fault. At this point, they should know how to enter a stage when their name is called, this is nothing many debates have we had? And these fucktards can't figure out to GO ON STAGE WHEN CALLED?!? I mean, what did they think was happening? How many times did they expect them to call their names before they were supposed to go out? How did they not grasp it when they got passed by all the others? That's pretty damning, when they're applying for a job where they need to know how to operate properly in a difficult job, but these two can't grasp how to enter a stage when called after 12 debates and 4 forums.

The fuckup from the moderators was completely forgetting Kasich. They should all be fired.

EMPIRE said:

in all honesty I think they're all just complete fucktards, but in this case neither Ben Carson nor Donald Trump were in the wrong.

This was a huge fuck up, by the presenters, and the presenters alone.

Christie was barely into the stage and still being applauded, and the idiot decided to call Ben Carson, which obviously didn't hear his name.

Those idiot presenters, kept on saying names, without even glancing back to see if the candidates were coming in.

When Ben Carson was told by the crew to advance, as he was about to get to the stage, they announced another person. So obviously he stayed back.

Then Trump, not wanting to be wrongly presented refused to go as well.

I can't believe I'm saying this... but..... Carson and Trump did nothing wrong. BLBLBLBUAAARRRHGHHH..... oh sorry. I just vomited all over the keyboard.

Why Britain Sucks At Product Placement

MilkmanDan says...

Sincere kudos to them for keeping advertising well regulated on TV.

...That being said, how can they get that so RIGHT, while at the same time Premier League jerseys are 90% billboard space for things entirely unrelated to football, MAYBE with a tiny team logo somewhere. Compare that to, say, NHL jerseys (or any of the US big 4, really). I think Canadians would rise up in revolt and/or burn Gary Bettman in effigy if he told an original 6 team to put some f*&%ing corporate logo on their sweater...

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