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Cat Stuck in Screen Door

What is the Second Civil War

shinyblurry says...

Please don't count my lack of condemnation in this instance as an endorsement. I am sure there is plenty to call Jim Bakker on. I know he did some very despicable (and illegal) things in the 80s and 90s. He supposedly repented of them but I haven't investigated to see whether that is true or not. I definitely wouldn't trust his theology after watching this video.

The disturbing nature of the video is a phenomenon we in the church call "Charismania". It comes from the charismatic church, which has largely become apostate from biblical Christianity by embracing experience over truth. Many of them do nothing else but follow around people like Rick Joyner to hear tell of some new vision or to have a supernatural experience in one of his meetings. I know you don't believe in the supernatural, but they are having a supernatural experience when you see them flop all over the place and jerk spasmodically. It's a real experience but it isn't from God.

I would never recommend anyone listen to anything like this. Instead, people need to systematically learn the bible for themselves so they can evaluate these sorts of claims and recognize them for what they are.

newtboy said:

You're going to have to explain how you think Christian teachers should be evaluated by scripture, yet you don't condemn Jim Baker. He has been a charlatan his entire career, swindling mostly the elderly to make his fortune and live the high life.

AOC Sets Groundwork To Subpoena Trump's Taxes And Council

AOC Sets Groundwork To Subpoena Trump's Taxes And Council

newtboy says...

Actually, there has been a lot.
There have been over 25 convictions over inappropriate, illegal, or at best unreported ties to foreign powers in his you even understand what Flynn or Manafort did? If there was a crime of collusion, they would be convicted of it, instead they were convicted of the actual charges of criminal fraud and lying to the FBI about colluding with Russia and a little thing called subversion.

Likely what will take Trump down in the end is not the crimes he had others commit for him, but lying about them and committing crimes to hide his culpability, because he will never admit his part but will be forced to testify under oath. He's already committed witness intimidation a dozen times over in public. Remember, Nixon wasn't in trouble over the break in by others, he was in trouble over the cover-up he directed...sounds familiar. What's different is Trump faces untold state charges as well, so Pence can't pardon him like Ford did Nixon.

Today, 80 individuals and organizations received official requests for documents to corroborate the serious accusations of continuing malfeasance on multiple fronts, in 2 weeks those requests become subpoenas, but they already make destroying any documents requested a serious crime. If the democrats are having a circle jerk, I'll give you one guess who's kneeling in the middle of that circle mouth agape.

bobknight33 said:

There has been no evidence provided or leaked with millions of $ of looking into this matter.

Cohen words do not carry much weight.
Cohen was a Democrat wet dream this week, and boy did did they ever circle jerk.

AOC Sets Groundwork To Subpoena Trump's Taxes And Council

bobknight33 says...

There has been no evidence provided or leaked with millions of $ of looking into this matter.

Cohen words do not carry much weight.
Cohen was a Democrat wet dream this week, and boy did did they ever circle jerk.

newtboy said:

We know that how, exactly?
Because Cohen said he wasn't a party to any, and you believe everything he says?

You and your brand of conservative don't care about wasted money. You would have supported spending any amount to investigate Obama over anything, many tried to waste millions on Trump's idiotic and racist birther fraud....and you did support all the multi millions wasted investigating Clinton. You were all for wasting $200 million or more on a Republican publicity stunt at election time, and all for wasting billions on dumb and unnecessary trade wars, or billions more in ill advised government shutdowns over wasteful multi billion dollar vanity projects Trump could have just said were complete already to placate his base, you would believe it.

They found plenty of snakes under the rocks they already turned over. Now they have one of the snakes telling them which rocks to look under. Of course they're going to look, of course they'll continue to uncover snakes. It's false hope to think suddenly there's no more Trump administration crime to uncover, it's far more likely we're just scratching the surface. Thank goodness Trump can't pardon his co-conspirators state charges, or avoid them himself.
Going to be an interesting year.

Kids Cover Puppy in Glue For Fun - And An Amazing Transforma

Payback says...

Knee jerk reaction, I want to stop those kids from becoming adults.

Thoughtful reaction, I want to stomp the shit out of whomever fucked those kids up enough to think that was funny.

Let's Talk About How Trump Can Drain the Swamp

president trump announces a new and better national anthem

enoch says...

could we maybe stop with the self-masturbation?
not saying I am against two guys jerking themselves off.
but I prefer that to be more of a private event.

with balloons and maybe a bubble bath.

Is Butter Really Back? What the Science Says

transmorpher says...

My bad, I thought you said 129, but 29 is incredibly low and usually only happens if someone has cancer or some liver disease - you really ought to check if it's been dropping over time.

(unless you're on a medication that's making it that low, this not a good sign I'm sorry to say)

Seriously I'm not being a jerk or anything, please see a doctor if your LDL is that low.

Unless you're using mmol/L instead of mg/dL, but then it would be very very high.

Hopefully you just made a typo!

Mordhaus said:

They were arguing over which foods were healthy and unhealthy around the time I was born. I suspect such arguments will continue after I am dead.

I eat butter. I eat eggs. I eat bacon. I don't even exercise that much.

I'm 45, almost 46.

My HDL as tested a month ago was 46. My LDL was 29. My Triglycerides were 121.

Turtle rides fish rodeo style

Spinning Swing Challenge

newtboy says...

I'm not 100%, but it looks to me like both handles are connected by a rope along the arms with some kind of stopper, so when one side releases, the other side gets enough slack to jerk the winner loose.

moonsammy said:

Tried to watch it closely, but couldn't figure out how they had it rigged to release the 2nd person once the 1st drops off. Impressive!

Woman Tries To Block access to Apartment

newtboy says...

Granted. As I wrote above, I think it's likely they both were telling the truth....her leash propped the door open, so he assumed it opened with his fob, she assumed he didn't use one. Neither noticed what the other was doing and both assumed the worst....difference being his assumption was she's a jerk requiring no action, her assumption was he's an intruder in her secure building, requiring action.

Because this is a safety issue and there had been numerous requests by management to under no circumstances allow a stranger into the building without using their fob, and he knew that, and all he would have to do is waive his hand with the fob still in it at the scanner instead of force his way past her physically and be rude and suspicious (showing a random fob doesn't prove a bit it's for that building without using it successfully).....for those reasons combined, I put the lion's share of blame on him.

The entirety of the insanely overboard consequences fell on her before anyone had even partial explanation of her side.

As I also said, I think she should have called police the instant he pushed past her and just followed him, but she wasn't trying to escalate things like I think he was.

I can't be certain of her motives, but I've stopped people from just pushing into my secure building when I lived in one, blacks, whites, Mexicans, men, women, even kids. I made them all use their key or buzz the apartment they were visiting. Had anyone acted like he did, pushing in like a burglar, I would not have been nearly as calm and composed as she was, even if they were a white child....they steal too.

I'm glad you think the reaction as overboard, at least we can agree this didn't warrant death threats on either side.

ChaosEngine said:

It's kind of impossible to take any kind of sensible position without knowing the context of both sides.

Just because she's married to a black guy doesn't mean she doesn't have a bias against other black guys. There are plenty of studies that show even other black people have an unconscious bias against black dudes. It's not just personal, it's cultural and systemic.

So yeah, maybe he wasn't "reasonable" and maybe he didn't feel like being reasonable. Maybe he'd had a shit day and didn't feel like being interrogated on the way into his own apartment.

He said he had a key fob and even showed it to her. You can clearly see it in the video.

And I can think she was in the wrong without condoning death threats against her.

'Cornerstore Caroline' calls 911 on 9 year old for 'groping'

newtboy says...

No Bob, just no.
Almost every leftist believed Ford should have an opportunity to tell her story and present corroborating evidence, only the former occurred, she was not allowed the latter.
That is the voice of reason.
Claiming it was a political setup before having an iota of information, that is what every right winger did, where is this voice of reason there?

Wow, considering the men who's word you do accept at face value, you are hardly an appropriate person to be making such blatantly sexist suggestions.

I have to wonder what would have happened if the boy had done the right thing and apologized for bumping her instead of pretending he hadn't and his parents assuming she must be a racist asshat because she's white and calling him out. I would hazard a guess that it would have been over before it started had he not been a jerk first.

bobknight33 said:


Kanovaugh-- Every leftest believed Ford- on her word alone. Where was the voice of reason then? Maybe if Kanovaugh was black. Oh wait never mind Democrats pulled that stunt on Clarence Thomas. Political Witch hunts are blind.

Don't take a woman's word at face value.

Crazy women like this need to be caged up -- they are dangerous to males.

I do feel sorry for this young boy. He did nothing except be a kid.
I also for sad for our society that encourages crazy women like this.

PA State Police Shooting Dashcam Video

BSR says...

First off you must acknowledge that there are great cops and bad cops. Racist cops fall into the bad cop category.

Arming anyone for the purpose of defending themselves against cops is nothing more than an emotional knee jerk reaction and highly unrealistic as a solution.

The starting point for this problem is better police training and stricter background checks and oversight.

Giving black men guns to defend themselves is a racist move in itself and a no win situation. The outcome will still be lives destroyed.

But I agree with your sentiment of black men being used as target practice for bad cops. We must still stand with the good cops.

bobknight33 said:

Where is the justice? I'm sick and tired Cops always shooting black men for no reason..

This is the reason young black men need to be armed -- to defend against the raciest cops.

Disgraceful, Cops attacking and shooting a black man all because he could not stand on 1 leg like they wanted. Hope these cops loose their jobs.

Donald Trump on David Letterman 17 October, 2013

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