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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still waiting.

So, according to dementia Don Joe Biden beat Barack Hussein Obabba in an election.
Even his VP says don’t vote for Delusional Don, just like anybody that’s worked for him in the past.
He might want to stop advertising so heavily on pro Hitler and pro-Nazi videos online like his campaign was caught doing. That doesn’t attract non cultists or non racists.

More MAGA child rape debauchery, A former Republican precinct chairman from the state of Texas named Beau Dresner has been sentenced to FOUR CENTURIES in prison after he was convicted of, among other things, four counts of sexually assaulting/raping young children and 61 counts of producing child pornography. He had a one way ticket to Armenia when he was caught. Republicans love to say that they are the party protecting our children from "groomers," but all the reports of child abuse and assault seem to be coming from within their own party, usually from their leadership.

Odd, there’s never been a true story of a drag queen sexually assaulting a child or a trans person attacking a child in a bathroom, not one, but almost daily there’s a new high profile MAGGOT actually caught having forced sex with children. Not surprising when your cult leader was best friends with the most prolific child sex abuser in our history for decades, even long after he was caught and admitted to child prostitution. You are in the party of child abuse, theft, and lies.

newtboy (Member Profile)

BSR says...

I can hardly wait! He has worked so hard to get where he's going. Once he gets there he can run against the Devil!

newtboy said:

Trump world is crumbling and I’m so there for it.

Colorado CBI DNA Analyst Manipulated DNA Results

newtboy says...

NEVER trust police or any of the people they work with.

Especially important to remember if you ever sit on a jury.
Prosecution experts are rarely really experts and are paid to fabricate evidence regularly, like this woman who fabricated and hid evidence in major cases for 3 decades without anyone noticing, leading to hundreds or thousands of innocent people sentenced for serious felonies (they don’t test DNA for minor crimes).

How many hundreds of people have spent their lives or died in prison because this one tech decided the police always have the right person and faked or destroyed evidence to back them up?
How many more techs like this one exist across the country?

Quick Way to Fix a Stuffy Nose

The Duality Of MAGA

newtboy says...

Nope, these were the only ones that could string sentences together. The MENSA of MAGA. There were 3 of them. I point to your last bungled attempt at English above/below and inability to count to 3 as a prime example of average MAGA grammar and lucidity.

I wonder if they know ALL the Trumps got kicked out of New York for running a 100% criminal racket….or that it was not his first fraudulent business, just the largest.
I wonder if they know he paid millions for racist illegal “redlining” in the 80s but never stopped.
I wonder if they know the entire family is banned from not only running any businesses but also banned from charity work because they ran fake charities for veterans they stole from and never did any charity work with donations, just bought things for themselves.

bobknight33 said:

Wow you they picked the 4 or so dumbest MEGA
You got shit for brains on your side also.

How to make a Paperclip Cube

bremnet says...

Tomato, tomato

(thanks... still working out my OCD issues)

BSR said:

I thought the same thing but I'm to lazy to research how others have different words for same things. If I correct the "error" it wouldn't jive as a search word for the original video.

Basically I was cornered.

I'm sure Judge newt boy can settle this.

I have to stop watching the Trump trial.

MAGA Witness Admits He Is A Russian Intelligence Agent

newtboy says...

Still waiting little boy.

So, that paperwork….how’s that going?

Oh…that attempt to remove the prosecutors because they had a consensual relationship at one time. How’s that going?
How about trying to make something about an experienced prosecutor getting paid more than his assistants….how’s that playing out? You know he’s not the first prosecutor she tried to hire, or the highest fee she offered, but others weren’t willing to be subjected to death threats from MAGA against them and their families without any security.

Once again, yes, you have one of the worst case of Trump derangement syndrome that anyone here has ever encountered, full blown and active, 100% blinded to reality by your irrational hatred of progress and equality under the law.….treatment isn’t working one bit your derangement is getting worse.
If Trump wasn’t actively trying to steal our democracy again after failing on his first attempt, I wouldn’t ever give him a thought. We cannot survive another 2020, the country would dissolve just like Trump’s benefactors (like Putin and Xi) are hoping it will.

bobknight33 said:

How about your reply on the paperwork filed with the Supreme Court about Jack Smith not being a legitimate Special Prosecutor?

Or Fani Willis procurator banging the hired help and her conflict of interest- let along paying her lover twice as much as the other 2 she hired.

Do I have Trump derangement syndrome or do you have so much Anti Trump running through you that you are blinded by reality?

The Paradox of an Infinite Universe

newtboy says...

There’s no paradox, there no such thing as “infinity” in reality.
Infinity is an unreal mathematical concept like “i” (imaginary numbers that are the square root of a negative number).
Useful in calculations but really it’s just a placeholder for our lack of understanding about how the universe works (or a simplistic lie to evade giving a difficult, long, and incomplete explanation) , it’s not something found in nature.

Why not a mobius toroid? …or maybe a multidimensional toroid that’s (somehow) a donut in every direction? …or maybe both at once? Have some imagination, physicists. Don’t limit yourself to only the dimensions you perceive or how you see them
Time/space could be something like this and we only perceive the point where all 3 axis converge….

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Shocker! The infant STILL DOESN’T HAVE THE BALLS TO ADMIT BEING WRONG. Especially sad since you insist on being wrong almost exclusively.
Keep trying to change the subject, I’ll keep bringing it back to your insecurity and infantilism, such a scared baby that admitting a mistake seems like it would end you, wouldn’t it. Don’t worry, you’ll learn to grow up once you get to preschool.

BTW- Trump promises “very powerful crime” in DC if elected. 😂
Also, Karen Greene wasted the courts time by appealing her fines for refusing to wear a mask in congress all the way to the Supreme Court, (shocked they heard it) and today lost her final appeal. She’ll have to pay the $100000 (and probably 3 times that in legal fees) and has wasted the time of 3 courts that had better cases to try. Typical MAGA Karen, all about her non existent rights overriding everyone else’s rights AND safety, and absolutely zero thought to the cost to others.

Still crickets about the ONLY witness (who never produced ANY evidence) in the Biden impeachment sham admitting he is a Russian intelligence agent and the story came directly from Russian counter intelligence.
Worse, this is the SECOND main MAGA witness from the impeachment scam that turned out to be an intelligence agent of our enemies, remember the first one who was a Chinese agent and illicit oil and arms dealer for our enemies that was also indicted for lying about this case….but you said you still had credible witness Smirnoff and all his indisputable proof. 🤦‍♂️

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) who was in the room has admitted the Republicans/MAGA were told their witnesses were not credible in any way BEFORE THEY HEARD FROM THEM OR SAW ANY INTERVIEWS. They knew this was all propaganda directly from our enemies from the very start and ran with it anyway. This makes all MAGA a foreign agent that knowingly lied to America in order to weaken us.

This has made all MAGA nothing more than a subsidiary of Pravda, the Kremlin’s propaganda paper. Absolutely everything the MAGA house has done this session is based on hostile foreign agents lying to them and them buying the lies. Working with our enemies to spread lies that are designed to weaken America…sure SOUNDS like treason to me. Treasonous traitors belong in Gitmo until their turn with the firing squad.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Gonna make a guess…

…now that it’s public knowledge that the lying fake “whistleblower” that is the main (and only first hand) witness for Republicans, “the most corroborating evidence we have” -Jim Jordan, investigating the Bidens, their “highly credible source” is in fact by his own admission an active Russian agent who has been spreading the Russian intelligence agency’s propaganda specifically designed to hurt and divide America, (and remember all the other witnesses based their testimony on what he claimed, not one had knowledge of the facts beyond what this Russian agent reported without evidence) you are still not prepared to admit the entire series of baseless accusations is a political farce being put on by complicit Republicans to interfere in the election.

Yes, he has admitted he is a Russian intelligence agent. Yes, he admitted he met with other Russian intelligence agents about this topic. Yes, he admitted those agents provided the lies he told about the Bidens which the MAGA representatives repeated constantly, all of which he now admits were Russian intelligence agency lies.

Yes, he admitted this to the FBI last week.

Yes, there is evidence the Republicans knew all this before starting the impeachment investigation but hoped it wouldn’t come out. There is no longer any question that they are also Russian agents, it has yet to be proven if it’s intentional or by gullible incompetence, but that should be investigated and prosecuted, don’t you think? The American people need to know if Russia is paying American politicians to work in favor of Russia and against American interests…RIGHT?

Even your new favorite news outlet CNN admits it! 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oops. “I can fake being smart” Habba forgot to appeal the loss of his presidential immunity in civil cases by Feb 15. When asked about “Blasingame” she didn’t know what it was (it’s the case that stripped her client, Trump, of immunity in December!).
If he doesn’t have civil immunity, he definitely doesn’t have criminal immunity.
There is no appealing missing the deadline. He just lost any case for his immunity, onward to trials!

This means the civil suits about Jan 6 by representatives and police can proceed too.
Thanks Habba. Worst attorney in America! Congratulations on being #1!

Oh no! One of the main pieces of evidence used by the special prosecutor to prove Hunter was on drugs when he bought a gun, claimed to be a photo of cocaine Hunter sent to his doctor but was in fact a photo of sawdust put in lines by a carpenter who used work to overcome addiction, with text suggesting Hunter might as well. One more time the special prosecutor is caught misrepresenting evidence to impugn Hunter. There are many. He’s going to own them when he sues for misconduct. Another MAGA witch hunt falls apart with no witches, just little girls accusing their rivals. 😂

A cat, trying to drink water from a kettle

BSR says...

I could see the vent holes and perhaps the not quite sealed lid was working against the cats efforts. This is why cats need to start chewing gum.

newtboy said:

When he blows air in (see it bubble) it would pressurize the kettle body (if the lid was sealed) and push the water in the spout above the level in the body.

NDT Explains Why 2023 Climate Models Failed

newtboy says...

More explanation of why the proposed “solutions” are not really solutions or even feasible at all, they’re pernicious pablum.

Yes, it’s much worse than they’re telling you, well beyond the point of no return, and we aren’t even trying to be better yet.
Every study of actual data shows the climate is reacting faster than predicted to higher greenhouse gasses and feedback loops are in full effect in many areas of the planet, feedback loops not included in most climate models.
There is only one solution that works with all models…eliminate 95% of the human population. Since that’s a non starter, accept that civilization as we know it, and most animals are doomed. It’s the roaches’ time soon.

Little Big & Little Sis Nora - Hardstyle Fish

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump WAS absolutely found to be a rapist in a court of law, forcible penetration against the victim’s will is rape and it was proven he did that, he managed to run out the statute of limitations for a criminal conviction but he forcibly penetrated a woman against her wishes, it was proven in court.
He tried to sue Carrol for calling him a rapist, but the statements being true is a defense against slander and libel cases so it was thrown out. Try again sucker.

She’s definitely not the only one, his wife said he violently raped her and so did 26 other credible women.
If Joe had done what Trump has been proven in court to have done, the same thing he was recorded bragging about doing, you wouldn’t ever stop calling Joe a rapist and you would be right because that’s what Trump is…you know it’s true.
Donald J Trump raped at least one woman and almost certainly 27 women and girls at a minimum, those are just the credible accusers and don’t include those too afraid to come forward or those he paid for their silence afterwards.

Constant credible death threats and the destruction of her professional career and reputation are worth $88.3 million, again this has been proven in a court of law. Trump said days before the judgement that he intended to continue defaming her forever after the judgement no matter how high it was, so the penalty was designed to change that position because $5 million had no effect at all. It seems to have finally worked. 😂
Also, since the punitive damages are designed to impact the perp, it was tiny if you believe Trump about his net worth. 10% of his total net worth would have been a low amount, and she got under 2% of what he claims to be worth, under 1% of some claims, a nothingburger, stop whining. 😂

Anything else? 😂

bobknight33 said:

Trump was never convicted as a rapist.

No insult is worth 83 Million. 2 or 3 max

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