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Protecting and Serving in Minnesota

lucky760 says...

I am fucking irate watching this. For fuck's sake...

"You're going to jail."
"Why am I going to jail? What did I do?"
"You didn't talk to me, so you're going to jail."


Now you can go to jail for sitting somewhere by yourself minding your own business. That's unbelievable and just disgusting.

Yes, it might have gone a different way if he'd "complied more" with the nazis, but he didn't have to and they shouldn't have required more of him when he was not accused of doing anything.

Lunatic fake feminist disturbs the relative peace

newtboy says...

To play devil's advocate....when she jumped in front of the 'protester' to interrupt his retarded soliloquy, she (lightly) bumped into him, and he moved her away. Then she gets irate, calls 'assault', jumps back in his face, and grabs the camera. At that point, I think they can defend themselves by shoving her away, and if she flops to the ground like a bad soccer player fishing for a foul and hurts herself, that's her problem not theirs. I would guess that's how the cops saw it, with her as the antagonist and instigator, a position that was reinforced when she fights the police too.
She over acted, they over reacted, she over acted again AND over reacted, they over reacted again, she over acted again, she went to jail.
Lots of sound and fury indicating nothing.

dannym3141 said:

Also, the discussion that i was hoping for that never happened: are you allowed to push someone if they're "in your personal space" or something? I can't understand why they're not arrested too.

Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

newtboy says...

Ok. let me answer those points...and apologize for the wall of text in advance.
As I said, this was the first time I have ever tried (or even wanted to try) the ignore button, and I found it quite wanting. It's already not working at all, after one day.
It is not at all about a dissenting voice I'm trying to silence or deafen myself to, it's about his personal grating style and the apparent complete lack of self knowledge or examination coupled with vitriol at every chance. It's about trying to avoid people that search for any possible thing to attack, even when they must make mistaken assumptions to find something to be irate about, and appear to do so consistently with glee and zealotry. I welcome dissenting voices, listening to other points of view is the only way one can really evolve socially and intelligently, but when those points of view are always presented with vitriol and insult the message is often quickly lost.
I must ask, how do you come to the translations you have applied to his statements? For instance...
QUOTE:"As to some ' deliberate affectation designed to make me appear intellectual' You might want to check your own understanding of intellectual versus one's perception of self, I tend not to place much credence in the concept, overrated and ultimately soulless when used to assert one's own importance or place the herd over some one else.
Intelligence in the grand schemata, does not necessarily connote wisdom."

your TRANSLATION: i dont know everything and neither do you.
Where I read this as :'I know you are, but what am I?...I don't care about intelligence, intelligence isn't wisdom.' (implying-'and I'm wiser than thou').

If he could have recalled who he was responding to and the numerous personal discussions we have had, where he always ended up backing down and apologizing for his (feigned?) outrage at a mistaken assumption he had made, I probably wouldn't have lost all patience. Having to remind him every time we converse, and having him ignore it in public forums but admit it in private, was infuriatingly frustrating and I gave up. Perhaps that's my failing, but it is one that has raised it's head only once, with him, and I'm not the only one it's happened with (HE mentioned that the 'ignore' button was created in large part because of him, so he knows full well how he is perceived, no matter what his motive).
His clearly stated intention is rabble rousing and jabbing the sleeping sheeple, and I'm tired of the insulting prodding, especially since I'm a newtboy not a sheeple. I have read where he posted that, and I have seen that from him, but for some reason it seems you are telling me that if I say so I'm somehow making his point... that I'm (like ALL others) 'a sleeping idiot that believes only lies and shit, all my ideas are shit, and now that I disagreed with him I'm also a piece of shit'? Sorry, I don't understand that. Perhaps you were referring to a new point he made that I have not read.
My responses in this thread were NOT to Chingy himself (is this who people mean when talking about Choggie?)...but to others commenting about him. I agree, it is becoming a spectacle rather than substance...I feel like that was also the case with most of the threads he took over with walls of ranting anger. I do feel some responsibility for furthering that by engaging him, which is why I tried to ignore him, and things just went downhill from there fast! Now I can't ignore him if I want to read others' comments nearly anywhere on the sift because it seems he's there, everywhere, picking fights and then complaining he's bullied and being posted about instead of the video topic...and here I am doing it too.
The sift was such a nice place for discussion 6 months ago, with all points of view being well respected if not agreed with and few if any trolls beyond QM, and he was fairly respectful. What the hell happened?

enoch said:

fair enough my man.
personally i find the ignore button an un-necessary serves no purpose other than to keep my own personal echo chamber free from dissenting voices.

no fun in that at all.

and as you still see his comments when someone quotes why bother? QUOTE:"As to some ' deliberate affectation designed to make me appear intellectual'
You might want to check your own understanding of intellectual versus one's perception of self, I tend not to place much credence in the concept, overrated and ultimately soulless when used to assert one's own importance or place the herd over some one else.
Intelligence in the grand schemata, does not necessarily connote wisdom."

TRANSLATION: i dont know everything and neither do you.
so i guess it all comes down to perception and intent.
he has been quite clear on his intentions.

let us examine the responses on this thread shall we?
a number here actually discussed openly chings intentions as if he was not part of this thread.

by discerning his intent and then engaging in a group discussion on that assumption has made chings guys are behaving exactly as ching accuses you all of being guilty of.

i do not have a problem with @chingalera
but nor do i have a problem with you or @VoodooV or @ChaosEngine.(or anybody else for that matter)

but this has become spectacle rather than substance.
now maybe ching bears some responsibility but that burden is not his alone.
you all bear some responsibility as well....
as do i now..


Wonder Showzen is made by THE DEVIL!!!

newtboy says...

Pastor Daniel Castle must not be able to read, or listen to the warning that this is NOT for children and is rated M for Mature. Not surprising, he sounds fairly illiterate and ignant (a sate of permanent willful ignorance).
He also must have never heard of sarcasm, how sad for him and those that follow him. I love to watch people get irate over a joke they don't get.
And why is he upset that they eat God's body? Is he just as upset at Catholics that eat and drink Jebus every Sunday? If not, why not?
Thank you Pastor Castle, for giving another shining example of the excellent quality of leadership many Christians enjoy today.

The Real News: Chris Hedges on The Pathology of the Rich

alcom says...

I don't think you're grumpy, radx. Granted, my posts tend to have that same ominous tone, in general so I guess I'm a grump too. If you really think about the scale of inequality today, the absolute plundering the ultra-rich enjoyed during the recent recession and the efforts to keep money in politics to perpetuate this cycle with brilliant tools like Citizens United, it's hard not to be bleak.

Unfortunately, what we like to call democracy simply does not have the teeth to affect meaningful change. I am encouraged by the relative economic performance from the list of countries that have scrapped first past the post (reference: ) except for maybe Portugal, but even with more effective elections there is still an extra seat for the rich in every government.

Even more unfortunate will be the painful revolution the world will endure to either change from capitalism to some other form of economics (maybe resourced-based, a-la Peter Joseph.) If we don't simply slide obediently into greater and greater concentrations of wealth for the ultra-rich, we get closer and closer to revolution. But all it will take will be one upheaval to spur the revolution into action, be it:
- another, even more severe recession (maybe the EU will implode, taking the world economy down with it)
- severe global warming positive feedback loop from the arctic methane stores
- nuclear war

And who the hell knows what else might set people off. Maybe a solar flare will fry all the satellites in orbit and the lack of new tweets will create a world-wide frenzy of irate twats. And who knows when it will happen. Maybe 5 years, maybe 50 years. Since money pulls the strings, I think we're doomed to guess as to the source of VoodooV's "tipping point."

radx said:

Also, keep an eye on the island of bliss(ful ignorance) within Europe: Germany. We're heading straight for a grand coalition that would control ~80% of parliament, rendering all instruments at the opposition's disposal inert. Did I mention they also have the neccessary 2/3 majority to institute changes to our constitution? Fucking awesome!

Apple Creating Technology To Help Cops Hide Police Brutality

shatterdrose says...

Yeah, if technology was designed to disable video capture so the police could domestically take liberties without any verification of their actions, I can see this being a major blow to civil liberties and social accountability.

If however, this is just a "movie theatres want this" type thing, then there's no real hype. Plus, the attempt to disable one feature in one brand in a phone, such as the iPhone, would do nothing at all to protect the corrupt officers. It just means no one will buy an iPhone.

But, this is also hype over a patent. No actual device has been made with this. And just because it is possible, doesn't mean someone is doing it. I mean, it IS possible for us to build a space ship to harvest asteroids or space elevators . . . but alas, we are sadly Earth bound for the time being.

If anything, this discussion is what leads to this technology not being implemented, but the irate and irrational discussion does nothing but hype fear that has no rational basis. Except, you know, the NSA really is wiretapping this. . . .

newtboy said:

As I understood it, that technology stops cell phone use (as a phone or text device), not the other functions of your phone. That would make this something new (at least to me) in that it's something embedded in the device that allows others to disable all features based on a GPS 'area', so there's no device involved that blocks the signal (meaning it might fly in Canada because it doesn't interfere with airwaves or (perhaps) cell interruption (I can't tell if this will disable the 'phone' part of the phone or not).
What they were working on for movie theaters and the like actually blocked the signal, not the phone itself, with a separate device installed in the area they want to be a dead zone. It would not have interfered with taking video.
Agreed though, TYT is well known for getting irate over year old stories.
This sounds like a perfect reason to not buy Apple.

Apple Creating Technology To Help Cops Hide Police Brutality

newtboy says...

As I understood it, that technology stops cell phone use (as a phone or text device), not the other functions of your phone. That would make this something new (at least to me) in that it's something embedded in the device that allows others to disable all features based on a GPS 'area', so there's no device involved that blocks the signal (meaning it might fly in Canada because it doesn't interfere with airwaves or (perhaps) cell interruption (I can't tell if this will disable the 'phone' part of the phone or not).
What they were working on for movie theaters and the like actually blocked the signal, not the phone itself, with a separate device installed in the area they want to be a dead zone. It would not have interfered with taking video.
Agreed though, TYT is well known for getting irate over year old stories.
This sounds like a perfect reason to not buy Apple.

shatterdrose said:

Sorry, another one:

Publish a year ago and is the source of the Guardian article.

As I suspected, this is old news. Plus, the technology wasn't designed as a way for Big Brother to shut down the little man. The concept of movie theaters turning off phone service has been asked for for a long time by theaters to prevent texting and cell phone use during movies. Same thing with schools. Weddings, well, let's just say The Guardian made me laugh when they implied it was all about "national security." It's actually getting more popular for brides to tell people to not use their phone while they're walking down the aisle and such.

Padded Isolation Booth for Special Needs kids?

bareboards2 says...

When I first saw this vid, with more information than just pictures of the booth, my first thought was "Templin Grandin." She's the autistic woman who designed all the slaughterhouses for humane killing of cows. She noticed how they calmed down when they were put into narrow spaces and held close.

She started doing it to herself -- confining and constraining herself in a self made "holding pen." It worked great.

This booth reminded me of that. @Hunter's link above confirmed it. As the kids get older, they actually request the booth and go voluntarily.

Things like this make me wary about signing petitions from irate folks -- I want to hear the whole story, usually, before I'll sign something.

Moegahdeeshoo said:

I don't know about the specific kids that they have, but I know that some kids with severe autism can become agitated very quickly and lash out violently. If that's the case with these kids, I don't see the harm in letting them cool off in the room for a while.

Louis Theroux did a great documentary on parents of autistic children that shows some extreme examples of this.

Folsom Street Fair - San Francisco 2012

chingalera says...

>> ^arekin:

I ave to wonder what constitutes indecency in San Fran.

Not a whole lot-The worst indecency suffered at my hand there came from an irate drunk who was washed awake with a 5-gallon bucket o' water-He had passed out on the building's entry in his own stink, and his alarm clock was loud and wet!

Silent Anti-Masturbation Message Dubbed Over With R Kelly

spoco2 says...

>> ^PHJF:

>> ^spoco2:
Fuck them for trying to make people guilty about masturbation.

Every sperm is sacred.

Every Sperm is great.
If a Sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.

Every Sperm is wanted.
Every Sperm is good.
Every Sperm is needed, in your neighbourhood.

Cenk Loses his Shit on former Republican Senator Bob McEwen

kceaton1 says...

That was a horrendous interview all around, it...went...nowhere... Cenk is getting overtly irate at a Fat Cat Republican Congressmen who says that he read the 2011 Social Security release. Then Cenk has a large problem of "centering" himself, allowing himself to give the man who is talking enough rope to hang himself on it. He almost had him after the first part, but he got SO angry and overzealous in his pushing of the conversation that the conversation drowned in the ramblings of two pride filled men who couldn't stand to allow conversation to be heard or really go anywhere--with some sort of pint or reason.

Cenk needed to get this idiots ideas, all of them, onto the plate before pressing. When I say pressing I don't mean yelling. Cenk needed to allow this Congressmen to bring in his own "proof of fact" (with various sources for them to look at and then take him out strategically if he used them and the source is incorrect, biased, or useless--tell the public why this is so), so that when he said that the surplus was a short fall they could napalm him later for it. Of course a lot of these idiots read a few lines of facts before they go into an interview and try to use them--the fact that Cenk pressed him and he said nothing except to mumble his correctness and sit and smile, just smile when you may have erred--but you can NEVER be wrong. That lets us know that that may have been the case here. You can EASILY look on and quickly find out that Cenk was right, but there was a short fall too. That number was of course still large, but was clearly defined by MANY that it indeed was most likely the result of a terrible economy and recession.

BTW, when Republicans say we NEED to cut Social Security, if you're really listening they're actually saying we wish to liquidate Social Security (slowly though, so you don't rebel all at once). I would assume anyway. After all, if we wished to really solve the problem we could SLOW DOWN life for ourselves. Work only 6 hours a day and only 4 days in a week. We get One month off in the summer, the nation splitting that break into groups the size of thirds or fourths of all of us. The Federal system could limit certain types of inflation and interest (and maybe one-day we could almost entirely kill off interest, but probably not rich men need their golden swimming pools). We could start to shape the way we pay people (as I assume most of you want your grocery store as much as your doctors and so forth). To move so much money from a business to help to pay people between a certain age range. Teenagers may have to take the bullet of the lowest wages, but it may secure their futures in the process. Then we could talk about re-managing the entirety of the Federal Budget and maybe one day we could get away from spending for a war machine that HAS NO WARS. BUT, this is crazy talk.

Instead... Are FICA and SS minimums will go up, thus we make even less, and our taxes will as well--unless you're rich. Your life will stay about the same and your affect upon the middle and lower classes will show your indifference to their demise or situation--unfortunately this seems to be something you learn by going through, what you know nothing of--it is the power and the price to having true empathy. Houses will tend to cost as much as a top scale middle-American could pay for one in half their lifetime. Gas will cost more, as hybrids get more efficient--until you never by it again they will try to make sure you ALWAYS pay the same amount. You work 8 hours a day but overtime is nearly mandatory everyday, somedays can get up to 10 hours, if you're a blue collar it might even go around 12. Then they want you to retire at 72. Medicare and Medicaid barely get you along, you HAVE TO buy a "jacket" plan now (such as AARP), this says nothing of dental or other medical concerns.

Or we stay a lot like it is now. I hope not, because I always hope for a brighter future.

I'll be blunt the Republicans are taking us FAR from that idea and Cenk doesn't help here. His audience must eventually try to grab every ear it can IF it, if we, are to be successful. Otherwise, a revolution may be coming--not now, but someday off in the future--maybe in my lifetime. I'm 35 and paid into SS.

/oops longer than I meant, hopefully not too much dystopia or utopia -- things in reach, for worse or better...

Road rage - I'm calling the police

longde says...

That's funny. That's what I was I was asking you to do: expand your perspective. Another ironic post. You're making my point for me, by becoming so irate over something so small and petty. And getting angry over hypotheticals like an emergency vehicle.

>> ^Confucius:

But see...dum dum...we're not talking about you. Stop thinking about only yourself. Expand your mind to other people and adopt THEIR perspective. Stop being selfish and narrow minded.

Ann Coulter gets Owned by Bill Maher

offsetSammy jokingly says...

The Ann Coulter method of arguing: if someone asks you a question you don't have the answer for, just repeat their question in a louder and more irate tone, as if the person asking it is being ridiculous for doing so.

Bill: "Name one."
Ann: "NAME ONE???" (as if there was such a huge amount of occurrences that picking just one is inconceivable!)

This works pretty well. I might start doing it.

Girlfriend: "Why are you watching dumb videos on the internet instead of hanging out with me?"
Me: "WHY am I watching DUMB VIDEOS instead of HANGING OUT WITH YOU???" (both discredits the idea of the videos being dumb, and also implies that I already hang out with her quite often)

Ann is a genius!

(p.s. Hypothetical example only. I love my girlfriend very much and would not watch dumb videos on the internet in lieu of hanging out with her. Except for the Videosift top 15, which must take precedence over all things.)

Big deal, they're just walking and... Oooooh.

bareboards2 says...

Blankie, maybe we should have another poll. @Shepppard doesn't trust the last one because there weren't many votes.

I know the polls don't carry water with those in charge of the site, but at least we would know for sure how the general populace feels about this hot topic. I would help direct folks to site to vote, if you want to post a new poll.

What I find most amusing about this whole kerfuffle is how irate folks get over a perceived dupe and the fear they have about what MIGHT happen, even though it has NEVER HAPPENED. This site is loaded with all sorts of crap videos that barely get sifted. Here you post a vid that gets close to 100 votes (and that is after spending 20 hours in discuss mode) and that is more upsetting than puerile, obscure, bad quality, strange, specialized, or just plain odd videos that are everywhere.

One thing I like about Lucky's rules -- at least we wouldn't struggle over this topic anymore. Personally, I think the site would be the poorer for these draconian rules -- 14.5 minute video can't spawn a 60 second excerpt under these rules, which is a dang shame. But hey. At least we wouldn't revisit the same territory endlessly.

>> ^SlipperyPete:

I'm very late to this party, but IMO this is a dupe of the longer video, and shouldn't be on this site.
If we were voting, I'd say it deserves a discard.

John Green: On Religion

messenger says...

I like that he spends the bulk of his message explaining the never-remarked-upon things that religious and non-religious people have in common. Nobody on the Internet seems to think these help build your side's case or cause the other person to finally see it your way. I think this is the only thing that will ever help anyone see things your way. Kudos.

I also agree that arguments over the actual existence of God are trivial on their own. However, lots of people in power make decisions based on what they think God wants even when it seems contrary to what would be best for everyone. This is where non-believers get irate and try to talk religious people out of their views. To their surprise, initially, it doesn't work, so they label them "the enemy", get labelled as such themselves, and thus ends any hope of a happy reconciliation.

Maybe there can never be a complete reconciliation without everyone leaving religion, or everyone converting to the exact same variety of religion, but if both sides focus on good things that we have in common, at least we can create something better than polarized extremism.

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