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Ho, Ro, the rattlin' Bog - Irish Wedding at 5am

Mother 'livid' over son's treatment by TSA at DFW Airport

newtboy says...

Now reported, his laptop set off the explosives sensor. If you don't want people that trip that sensor checked again for <2 minutes, you're naive. (also reported the remaining 43 minutes was spent dealing with the mother, with the two officers coming over and holding them because she was irate and making a scene at the checkpoint, harassing the tsa worker. They also rescanned their bags during the pat down).
All this over a 2 minute patdown after they ignored instructions AND set off alarms. WTF people...please don't support this.

Side note, it's totally inappropriate that he was flying barefoot too, they should have been refused entry to the airport for that alone, it's a liability issue.

Mother 'livid' over son's treatment by TSA at DFW Airport

newtboy says...

You are not a special unique snowflake. Had you listened to instructions and removed the computer from the bag, you wouldn't have been flagged for further inspection, probably. If normal pat downs cause your child trauma....don't make them fly because it's likely they'll have one, and don't complain about it when they do. I would bet that 30/45 minutes was spent dealing with the irate mother, because we just saw the patdown take around 2 minutes.
I did this this morning, I was "selected" for extra screening (like every time I fly, maybe because I'm bald), it took 2 minutes because I didn't make a fuss about it and interfere with them performing their duties.
Flying is a privilege, not a right, and there are rules and procedures you must follow. They didn't.

Governor of Washington Slams Trumps over Muslim Ban

newtboy says...

After 2 years of a difficult application process completed in a refugee camp, we have a duty to those who successfully completed our process. The same goes for non refugees who completed the process. That was the deal we made with them, and they've completed their part. No, becoming hostile won't help public opinion, but why would they care? Public opinion of them is already terrible when they've done nothing wrong, and that same opinion mirrored in Trump has cost them dearly. Now, imagine you're a pissed off displaced teenager who's just escaped war and gone through the lengthy application process with their surviving family in terrible conditions the whole time, you are accepted, and then some guy just says "nope, you escaped the wrong war torn country, Fuck off"....would you be pissed at them? Maybe pissed enough to do something stupid? Now imagine there are numerous organizations looking for people just like you who convince you to act on your adolescent anger. Do you not see how blocking those people creates terrorists where acting honorably and keeping our promisses would create allies?

They ARE angry at them, irate, but they are war refugees, not mercenaries. Most able to fight them already did, and we're killed by them, Assad, or Russia.

When doing everything right by our standards at great expense gets you a nice "Fuck off and die" , why would a sane person continue?

I think they get the brunt because 1) they don't stop refugee migrations and terrorists just walk in with refugees, a problem we don't share, and 2) because of their foreign policies, an issue we do share. Their populations, and even governments are becoming more xenophobic.
Also, I haven't heard of any terrorist acts in Greece, a country that's arguably helped the refugees the most.

transmorpher said:

If I don't want to help you because I fear that you might be hostile, then you actually becoming hostile is not a convincing way to get my help or trust. And further it's justified my initial fear that you are indeed hostile, so now I'm definitely not inclined to help.

Rather than get angry at people who refuse to help them (out of fear), a more reasonable reaction would be for refugees to direct their anger at the small minority of terrorists and extremists - i.e. Be hostile at the actual people that are responsible for the xenophobia existing in the first place. To agree with them and join them is only going to undermine any efforts to stop xenophobia.

The other thing is, the countries that have helped the refugees most, seem to be the ones that are getting the brunt of hostilities from extremist groups. So it goes to show that this hostility not originating from xenophobia, and it seeing this happen gives other countries little reason to want to help.

Cavuto: How does it feel to be dismissed, CNN?

newtboy says...

You still don't get it.
It was an actual INTELLIGENCE report including some unfounded (not proven to be lies) accusations about blackmail against the president elect (*electorally), including the one about video footage of him having hookers pee on his bed alleged to be held by Russia as blackmail material. They reported that it was in the report listed as unfounded, not that it was true. That is NOT a fake story, it is real, it happened, they reported it. They factually checked, it is true. That the right has an inability to hear a news story without exaggerating it in their own mind instantly to create something to be outraged about, well, that's 100% on you.

If it was about Clinton, you would be angry that every news organization didn't lead with the story, and calling them useless propaganda machines for not making it the only story. I recall a few times exactly that happened during the election, even though the stories were covered on national news at the time, it just wasn't enough for you, even though the accusations/stories were total bullshit.

No, it's like me as president (or another publicly elected figure) hiring top notch professionals to make a report including accusations that may be upcoming, them finding some idiot that said Newtboy gave him a blowjob and he was going to blackmail be with video of it that was never produced (you might try to spell the name of the person you accuse properly, it looks better), and that accusation making it into the report listed as unfounded, and the report becoming public (the right has no leg to stand on complaining about how the information becomes public, btw...Clinton and DNC emails). That would be a true story...not that anyone including me would care. I certainly wouldn't give it credence by getting upset over something I saw as patently ridiculous that only idiots that already irrationally hate me would believe.....Trump, on the other hand, got irate, which is the reaction of the guilty when caught, not the actions of adults when accused of something silly that never happened.

bobknight33 said:

yes the fake story is real but it is fake. It should never been presented to the public. The media has an obligation to factually check first.

Its like saying Newboy gave me a blow job. I did say it and it the statement is real. however factually it never happened.

Fake story is still a fake story.

8 more years of anti Republican stories and the media will be happy to get a Democrat back in power.
Till then this sad crap will continue on every news and every other anti Republican ( late night show) outlet.

Nice try newt.

A two-year-old resolves a moral dilemma

Mordhaus says...

I actually got in trouble over this in a class during my school years. Like this video, the teacher neglected to mention anything about the people being unable to move. So I said, "I would just yell to all of them that a trolley was coming and to get off the tracks."

Well, of course the teacher was not prepared for this answer so she tried to modify the situation. I got somewhat irate, as I recall, and said she was cheating. She sent me to the office, where I got a swat for disturbing the class.


Don't try to think outside of the box in school.

eric3579 said:

The trolley problem. What would you do?

Woman Refuses to Leave Uber Car

newtboy says...

Yes, but that service was over. She was continuing to sit in his car, but was not going to pay more money for his time she was using. Even if he wasn't at her destination, once he said 'get out', it's over, she's trespassing, service or no. She has every right to complain, but not to remain.

Really? Someone needs mind control to get you irate? I guess we aren't being serious anymore.

If a customer is rude and abusing the service, and refuses a calm request to leave, things are going to escalate. She should be glad they didn't escalate physically, because while that would certainly be wrong of him, it would not be totally unexpected. Her demeanor was designed to provoke....I know it well, it was my mother's MO in any argument. Get you flustered, then poke you in a calm, soothing voice.

I agree, in a perfect world, people never piss other people off to that extent where they completely lose their shit like he did. This is FAR from a perfect world, and some people see it as their reason for existence, and a form of entertainment, to drive people over the edge. Others do it, then turn on their camera to film the results and claim they're the victim. I think that's more than likely the case here.

I've also dealt with people acting worse than he was (we have no idea how bad she was before she started filming his reaction and she started being oddly calm) and not lost it....and I've dealt with people acting as aggravatingly as possible, but calmly, and completely blown a fuse, like when my neighbor calmly climbed over my fence and cut my trees down.

Yes, calling the cops is the right idea, but not necessarily useful. In many places, they would never respond to that call and would tell him so....then what?

I would bet $5 that the video starting 5 minutes earlier WOULD excuse his behavior. I might lose that bet, but it only makes sense to me. He wouldn't be an Uber driver long if he acted that way normally....and he's probably not one now.

ChaosEngine said:

She's in his property because she's paying for a service. If she doesn't feel that he has fulfilled the service, she has every right to complain.

As for her "making him irate" what, does she have some sort of mind control powers?

The guy's a fucking asshole. He's not giving her a lift in his private property, he's working and she's a customer. I don't give a fuck how rude or condescending she is, you don't act like that towards a customer.

Fuck, you don't act like towards another human being unless they are threatening you or seriously ruining your life in some way.

I've dealt with people way worse than that and never lost my shit like he did.

He had the right idea straight away, which was to call the cops. Screaming like a demented moron helps no-one.

All that said, the customer does seem like an entitled arsehole. She was at the hospital, all she had to do was find out where the emergency room was and walk there.

Still doesn't excuse his behaviour.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes, but that service was over. She was continuing to sit in his car, but was not going to pay more money for his time she was using. Even if he wasn't at her destination, once he said 'get out', it's over, she's trespassing, service or no. She has every right to complain, but not to remain.

Really? Someone needs mind control to get you irate? I guess we aren't being serious anymore.

If a customer is rude and abusing the service, and refuses a calm request to leave, things are going to escalate. She should be glad they didn't escalate physically, because while that would certainly be wrong of him, it would not be totally unexpected. Her demeanor was designed to provoke....I know it well, it was my mother's MO in any argument. Get you flustered, then poke you in a calm, soothing voice.

I agree, in a perfect world, people never piss other people off to that extent where they completely lose their shit like he did. This is FAR from a perfect world, and some people see it as their reason for existence, and a form of entertainment, to drive people over the edge. Others do it, then turn on their camera to film the results and claim they're the victim. I think that's more than likely the case here.

I've also dealt with people acting worse than he was (we have no idea how bad she was before she started filming his reaction and she started being oddly calm) and not lost it....and I've dealt with people acting as aggravatingly as possible, but calmly, and completely blown a fuse, like when my neighbor calmly climbed over my fence and cut my trees down.

Yes, calling the cops is the right idea, but not necessarily useful. In many places, they would never respond to that call and would tell him so....then what?

I would bet $5 that the video starting 5 minutes earlier WOULD excuse his behavior. I might lose that bet, but it only makes sense to me. He wouldn't be an Uber driver long if he acted that way normally....and he's probably not one now.

ChaosEngine said:

She's in his property because she's paying for a service. If she doesn't feel that he has fulfilled the service, she has every right to complain.

As for her "making him irate" what, does she have some sort of mind control powers?

The guy's a fucking asshole. He's not giving her a lift in his private property, he's working and she's a customer. I don't give a fuck how rude or condescending she is, you don't act like that towards a customer.

Fuck, you don't act like towards another human being unless they are threatening you or seriously ruining your life in some way.

I've dealt with people way worse than that and never lost my shit like he did.

He had the right idea straight away, which was to call the cops. Screaming like a demented moron helps no-one.

All that said, the customer does seem like an entitled arsehole. She was at the hospital, all she had to do was find out where the emergency room was and walk there.

Still doesn't excuse his behaviour.

Woman Refuses to Leave Uber Car

ChaosEngine says...

She's in his property because she's paying for a service. If she doesn't feel that he has fulfilled the service, she has every right to complain.

As for her "making him irate" what, does she have some sort of mind control powers?

The guy's a fucking asshole. He's not giving her a lift in his private property, he's working and she's a customer. I don't give a fuck how rude or condescending she is, you don't act like that towards a customer.

Fuck, you don't act like towards another human being unless they are threatening you or seriously ruining your life in some way.

I've dealt with people way worse than that and never lost my shit like he did.

He had the right idea straight away, which was to call the cops. Screaming like a demented moron helps no-one.

All that said, the customer does seem like an entitled arsehole. She was at the hospital, all she had to do was find out where the emergency room was and walk there.

Still doesn't excuse his behaviour.

newtboy said:

When someone asks, then tells you to leave their property, leave. Don't keep talking, don't keep asking questions, don't chastise, don't act like a fucking idiot, don't be a rude bitch, don't be a brain dead slug and sit there, just shut the fuck up and get out. If you have a problem with that, get your own damn property and stay there.

Woman Refuses to Leave Uber Car

newtboy says...

When someone asks, then tells you to leave their property, leave. Don't keep talking, don't keep asking questions, don't chastise, don't act like a fucking idiot, don't be a rude bitch, don't be a brain dead slug and sit there, just shut the fuck up and get out. If you have a problem with that, get your own damn property and stay there.
Tresspassers can be physically removed...she was trespassing after he asked her to leave his car. She was doing 100% of this intentionally after being an uber bitch, in an attempt to provoke him on camera to shame him later and/or set up a ridiculous lawsuit.
She's sitting in front of a HUGE sign that has an arrow pointing to her destination, topped with a giant HOSPITAL. She knows where to go. Get the fuck out.
I really feel for this guy. I can only imagine how she acted before turning on her camera to get him that irate. I seriously doubt this is his normal demeanor.

Obama isn't looking to disarm you...

newtboy says...

I really think gun control laws are about making sure an armed mob doesn't form TRY to overthrow authority.
They are also an attempt, granted a poor attempt, to put roadblocks in the way of whack jobs and irate murderous people in (often vain) hopes that they'll either be calmed by the wait or denied. While those roadblocks can be circumvented, they do likely stop many crimes of passion that would otherwise turn to attempted murders just by making the gunmen wait. Of course, that does nothing to stop dispassionate murderers or those that stay mad longer than the 10 day wait.

Also, both of those are huge US problems....uncontrolled emotions AND insanity. ;-)

Payback said:

Gun control laws have always been about making sure a militia doesn't form to overthrow the duly elected secretariat. It has nothing to do with public safety.

If someone wants to go around killing a bunch of people with a gun, they will do that. Period. It happens up here in Canada and we have higher barriers to gun ownership than even what US gun control advocates are asking for. I can go out and buy a fully automatic AK-47 within minutes and I'm in sleepy old Victoria. I've met the people who have access, and they don't care if you're a whack job.

What we don't have is routine legal gun deaths from people who merely get pissed off. THAT is the US problem. Emotions, not insanity.

Sex Ed teacher gets around no condom demo law

Mordhaus says...

Because every sweat is sacred
Every sweat is great
If a sweat is wasted
God gets quite irate

Let the heathen spill theirs
On the dusty ground
God shall make them pay for
Each sweat that can't be found

Uber Car Prank

lucky760 says...

Sorry, nock, but downvote from me. I detest pranks where people fuck with people's sense of security and invade their personal space, finding humor in causing them to fear for their safety.

If that happened to anyone I cared about, I'd be irate. And if it happened to me I'd get violent (in the interest of self-preservation, not out of anger at the prank).

2nd Grade Homework Teaches Indoctrination

Don't Tell Em (Obamacare version)

newtboy says...

(or to say it another way, I don't think this will gain traction outside the far-right)

I'm curious @blankfist, are you irate at the Republicans for not telling you what was really in the bill they had the opportunity to read (but you did not)? You expect this from the democrats, so they only lived up to expectations, no? The republicans could have made this point long before the vote on ACA, but instead opted to claim Grandma was going to be sent to the death panels and other nonsense.
And, I must think those who are surprised in any way either missed or misunderstood the supreme court decision last time the ACA was defended, when they said the ACA was legal BECAUSE it is a tax. Anyone who was in the dark should have understood at that point, they made it clear. That's why I don't think this is likely to gain traction, it's not news, it's just rehashing 5 year old politics in the hope that most people don't recall what happened back then and will be angry about it again. That's how I see it.

I do agree, the climate that makes misrepresentation of what's actually in a bill is terrible for everyone. It would be much better if we could bar lawyers from holding any high public office/representative position, as many founding fathers wanted. Then bills might be written in clear language (by all sides). Good luck getting that though.

EDIT: Wanted to downvote the intent of the video, but wanted to upvote the funny I'll just not vote.

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