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Morty Picks Up Stacy

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

newtboy says...

Speaking up does not do nothing.

Sometimes reasonable people make mistakes, and when shown the error of their ways, they change.

This is not the case here. Here, a race baiting video is posted by someone with a clear history of racist posts, thoughts, language, and who gives other racists his full support. That must be denounced strongly or others who are like minded or just ignorant might feel emboldened to repeat the Bob did, repeating the racist comments from YouTube, thinking the sarcasm button shields him from repercussions.

What does nothing is remaining silent or worse, defending the thinly veiled racism. Both of those actions, like ignoring measles or kudzu, allows it to spread and gain traction elsewhere until it's intractable. Nip it in the bud every single time is the only method that helps.

Btw, imo it's a better plan to find that homeless person and buy them a meal, or socks. Take them in a store (or restaurant if they're presentable enough to not bother other patrons), let them buy what they want or need, and pay for it. Yes, you have to interact with them longer and not just drop a bill to feel good about yourself, but the results are much better, and your gift won't be stolen by others or used for drugs. Those just looking for drug money will usually refuse the offer in my experience.

BSR said:

File that under the "Thoughts and Prayers" column. It does nothing.

....give him or her $20 bucks and drive away.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Mueller Report

Squish Baby

Sniper007 jokingly says...

I know, right? Might even grow up thinking it's normal to interact in an intimate way with other babies. This could give the child the impression that he exists to bring joy and happiness into other peoples lives, and that people enjoy being around him. This may one day lead him to seek relationships with other humans and be similarly intimate and happy with them and their faces. Alas, the world is free and people are probably doing this all over the place without us even knowing.

What Happens When You Try to File a Complaint Against a Cop

bobknight33 says...

Newt not all cops are bad.

You had a bad experience and as you say "As a Mohawk sporting punk, I was often singled out as a younger teen for no good reason, "

Maybe you just looked like bad egg. Ever thought of cleaning up you act back then?

My brother had a cop put his gun to his head - he deserved it and I've been arrested a few times -- youthful kid stuff. I hold no ill will to cops. They just want to get home safe. If all interactions between cop and respectful citizens things would soften up after some time.

WRT to this video -- All were dicks and need to to have a complaint against them.

Nearly Nude Ninja Warrior

Lukio says...

Milo Moire is a Swiss body performance artist who often uses nudity and body interaction for her artistic stunts (often public). She participated in a celeb / charity special of Ninja Warrior in Switzerland.

StukaFox said:

am I missing some context here?

Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

JiggaJonson says...

I understand. I'll grant that it seems a little "helicopter-parent" like to worry about this sort of thing. However, I do not agree that the transgressions are as harmful OR harmless as you suggest.

The Toy Story Examples again.
The one from Sid is itself an allusion to Star Wars where Darth Vader is torturing a soldier for information about the rebel base locations. If I'm not mistaken, that person is force-choked to death after his mind betrays him and gives Vader the info he needs.

Buzz approaches Woody after Sid steps out and commends him after the fact. "A lesser man would have talked under such torture."

Here is the encouragement. It doesn't matter if Sid is a good or a bad guy. Although, arguably, Sid isn't really a villain - just a kid who likes to play rough with his toys. But that's a different argument. I believe the encouragement is in the promotion of the idea that, put bluntly, torture is effective.

It's this idea, whatever the character motivation is at the time, nomatter who the character is, that encourages the use of torture as an acceptable means of extracting some kind of cooperation from the person being tortured- which is simply NOT true.

Why the pattern? why can't he be just ripping apart his toys like he did with the doll earlier?

I'm not fishing for 'micro agressions' - I'm against promoting the idea that torture works.

"Time and time again, people with actual experience with interrogating terror suspects and actual experience and knowledge about the effectiveness of torture techniques have come out to explain that they are ineffective and that their use threatens national security more than it helps."

I argue that presenting torture as something that DOES work encourages policy decisions that allow for torture as a means to an end. When in reality it's simply just some kind of revenge driven harm propaganda.

bcglorf said:

I kind of swing the other way on this. We live in a cruel, violent, unjust world. Talking about that is not automatically an endorsement of it. Making jokes about it is part of talking about it and an important coping mechanism. Yes, talking and joking about it CAN be done in a way that encourages it, but it's NOT automatic.

As per your Toy Story examples, the ultimate take away for the young audience exposed to it is that the violence/torture was a clear cut bad thing. ...
... We need to relax a little bit about looking for micro-aggressions and 'bad' culture in every little thing that people say or joke about,

Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

bcglorf says...

I kind of swing the other way on this. We live in a cruel, violent, unjust world. Talking about that is not automatically an endorsement of it. Making jokes about it is part of talking about it and an important coping mechanism. Yes, talking and joking about it CAN be done in a way that encourages it, but it's NOT automatic.

As per your Toy Story examples, the ultimate take away for the young audience exposed to it is that the violence/torture was a clear cut bad thing. When someone in your office pulls a prank on someone and the other party responds by jokingly threatening to kill them for it they aren't normalizing murder. Nobody comes away from that interaction with the idea that murder is somehow more acceptable or less bad.

We need to relax a little bit about looking for micro-aggressions and 'bad' culture in every little thing that people say or joke about,

JiggaJonson said:


As someone who watches a LOT of kid's movies with my daughter, I notice an alarming regularity of torture in children's media.

You like Pixar movies, right? Pick a Pixar film, ALL of them have a torture scene. It's bizarre.

It's late, so I'll be succinct about these, but let's define torture as follows:
Torture - noun - the act of deliberately inflicting severe physical or psychological suffering on someone by another as a punishment or in order to fulfill some desire of the torturer or force some action from the victim


This is a short list I can think of off the top of my head

Toy Story
Sid tortures Woody "Where are your rebel friends NOW?" as he burns his forehead

Toy Story 2
Stinky Pete tortures Woody "You can go to Japan together or in pieces. Now GET IN THE BOX!"

Toy Story 3
Buzz gets put in the "time-out chair" with a burlap bag put over his head and is forced to turn on his friends

Monster's Inc.
Mike is put in the "scream extractor" and is interrogated "Where's the kid?" as the extractor inches towards his face.

Wreck it Ralph
Ralph asks "What's going on in this candy coated Heart of Darkness?" Sour Bill tries to run away but Ralph picks him up and threatens to lick him. "I'll take it to my grave" "Fair enough" and Ralph pops Sour Bill in his mouth "Had enough?" "OKAY OKAY I'LL TALK!"

Cars 2
The green-gasoline in his tank, the spy car is put in front of the radiation shooting camera and is interrogated about who the other spy is and who has the information about the green gas he recovered that could unravel their plan to get revenge for being discriminated against for being "lemons." His engine explodes (he's killed?) in spite of giving up the information.

The Incredibles
Mr. Incredible is restrained via some black goop and asked about his family's whereabouts on the island.

Finding Nemo
Near the end of the film when Dory finds Nemo but Marlin has wandered off thinking Nemo was dead, they need to know which way Marlin went and come across the little crabs sitting on the pipe "heyyyyyyyyheyyyyyyyyyyheyyyyyyyy" "Yeah I saw where he went, but I'm not telling you, and there's no way you're gonna make me." Dory lifts him up and threatens to feed him to the seagulls sitting on a small rock until he starts screaming "OKAY ILL TALK ILL TALK HE WENT TO THE FISHING GROUNDS!!!"

I could go on, but I hope to make this simple point:
These films do NOT have to include a torture scene. It's simply odd to me that it appears so often, instilling the idea early on that torture works for getting information or cooperation out of people.

Finally, I point to one of many pieces of research on the matter

USDA: Eggs are NOT Healthy or Safe to eat

transmorpher says...

You have some serious psychological issues and I hope you can find the time to work on them. I feel bad for you that you create conflicts and arguments as your primary form of human interaction.

newtboy said:

No, because you didn't specify "terrestrial", or "single cause", or "currently", or "intentional", or "not including habitats degraded to the point of collapse but not overtly destroyed".

I added a number of qualifiers to make it possible to agree with your statement.
Did you even read what you wrote?
Did you read the paragraph that came before what you cut and pasted? *facepalm

Btw, I wrote that, I only cut and pasted the wiki, which I did read. I get enough proteins that my brain functions enough to think for myself, but thanks for the compliment of thinking I copied from a professional writer.


MAGA Catholic Kids Mock Native Veteran's Ceremony

bcglorf says...

Did you check out the summary of the video evidence posted by eric3579? Or in the nearly 2 hr one I linked skip to 1:11 and check out the interaction between the drummer and the kids.

The kids stay in their group, and the drummer and his followers wade right into them, with lots of room to go around. Phillips is on audio recording declaring that he did NOT feel that he was blocked from any closing ceremony, but that he wanted to go in and separate the kids from the black Israelites to 'descalate' the situation. Eric3579's video again has Phillips audio statement about what he was doing, listen to that and then watch the longer video for a minute or two at 1:11 when Phillips wades in. He's clearly lying, he went in aggressively pushing into the middle of the crowd of kids, hardly what any sane person wanting to deescalate the situation would do.

newtboy said:

Sorry...some details that were hastily reported have turned out to be more nuanced than originally thought, for instance it's now being reported that there were adult chaperones there, but the kids absolutely surrounded, taunted, and acted threatening to the native American elder, mocking his ceremony with racist chants and tomahawk chops to derisive laughter, they were not trying to join him as some have tried to claim.
They also blocked the progress of the planned, permitted closing ceremony, intentionally or not.

More video has surfaced of what appears to be some of these kids shouting at and harassing other people (the video I saw was 6+ MAGA boys screaming at a pair of girls) on this trip, away from this incident.
These aren't angels caught up and unfairly painted, these are kids who have reportedly posted videos of at least 4 of themselves dressed in black face and the whole school's bleachers chanting "caramel" at lone black basketball players at their school functions apparently with the full support of their teachers and school....that video just removed from the school website, but after going public.
They've already been invited to the Whitehouse.

MAGA kids Full video(1h40m of context)

JiggaJonson says...

Far as I can tell, the action starts around timestamp 1:12:25

Watch the sidewalk where the native American man is standing; he does approach the crowd, but there's two squares between him and the crowd.

At 1:12:55, the MAGA hats have closed the gap between the two groups. The native American man is still standing in the same square of concrete, but now he's got a crowd of young men around him jeering and jumping.

I suppose this does belong in the Lies channel, but let's be clear about who seems to be distorting what's happening here:

^in this instance, the Fox news organization uses the headline "New video raises question about confrontation between students, Native Americans"

The operative word here is "confrontation" defines the verb

Yes the man approached the crowd, but there was room to avoid the interaction. He did head in their direction, but I'd liken it to what I used to witness in college when one drunk guy was yelling at another across a busy road (we used to drink outdoors and wait for the food trucks/vendors to arrive).

If one man was yelling at another, it was easy to shrug off and enjoy the entertainment. If both were yelling, it was close to the same, entertaining, maybe more attention grabbing because you could hear the back and forth and wonder what they were talking about. However.

It didn't become what one would describe as a confrontation until one side came to actually meet the other and close the gap between them.

They both had permits for protesting in the area, as far as I'm concerned, the native american man has just as much a right to protest them as he does anything else. Leaving the space between the two groups is not the beginning of what a confrontation is. When the crowd closes the gap without him advancing, THAT is when you could call it a confrontation.

Was he antagonizing? Of course! that's what protesters do. Did he confront them? No, they closed the gap and proceeded to surround him.

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch | Official Trailer | Netflix

RFlagg says...

Side note, at least in the US, this isn't listed under Black Mirror's episode list, but it's own thing. Likely because it supposedly an interactive movie, sort of a choose your own adventure.

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